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- ### Create a map showing trend unemployment velocity - Mathew Binkley
- ### You need a FRED API key in order to pull data from FRED.
- ### You may request an API key at:
- ###
- api_key_fred <- "INSERT_YOUR_FRED_API_KEY_HERE"
- ### We need the following packages for this example.
- packages <- c("tidyverse", "lubridate", "fredr", "ggplot2", "maps", "sf",
- "ggthemes", "tsibble", "dplyr", "broom", "ggfortify", "forecast")
- ### Install packages if needed, then load them quietly
- new_packages <- packages[!(packages %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
- if (length(new_packages)) install.packages(new_packages, quiet = TRUE)
- invisible(lapply(packages, "library",
- quietly = TRUE,
- character.only = TRUE,
- warn.conflicts = FALSE))
- ### Now set the FRED API key
- fredr_set_key(api_key_fred)
- ### We need several years worth of data in order to filter out
- ### the seasonal component. Ten years is a nice round number...
- date_start <- as.Date("2010-01-01")
- date_end <- as.Date(now())
- ### Create an empty tibble to hold our data
- trend_velocity <- tibble(state = character(),
- velocity = numeric())
- for (state in {
- # Pull data from FRED
- data <- fredr(series_id = paste(state, "URN", sep = ""),
- observation_start = date_start,
- observation_end = date_end,
- frequency = "m")
- date <- data %>% as_tsibble(index = "date") %>% pull("date")
- values <- data %>% as_tsibble(index = "date") %>% pull("value")
- # Decompose the data and pluck out the trend component
- trend <- values %>%
- ts(frequency = 12, start = c(year(min(date)), month(min(date)))) %>%
- mstl() %>%
- trendcycle()
- # Take a 6-month average of unemployment velocity.
- velocity <- trend %>% diff() %>% tail(n = 6) %>% mean()
- # Append the result to our tibble
- trend_velocity <- trend_velocity %>%
- add_row(state = state, velocity = velocity)
- }
- ### use the "" and "" databases to convert two-letter state
- ### codes to lowercase names (tennessee, california, etc). Add the resulting
- ### lowercase name to the tibble
- match <- match(trend_velocity$state,
- trend_velocity$state_name <-[match] %>% tolower()
- ### Load a map of states in the USA. The maps have a list of lowercase
- ### state names, which will use to match against "pres" down below
- us_map <- maps::map("state", plot = FALSE, fill = TRUE)
- ### Change the latitude/longitude data to a simple feature object
- us_map <- sf::st_as_sf(us_map)
- ### Change the name of the "ID" column to "state_name"
- names(us_map) <- c("geometry", "state_name")
- ### Remove the District of Colombia from our map
- us_map <- us_map %>% filter(state_name != "district of columbia")
- ### Add our velocity data to the map data
- us_map <- us_map %>% left_join(trend_velocity, by = "state_name")
- ggplot(us_map, aes(fill = velocity <= 0), col = "black") +
- geom_sf(aes(alpha = abs(velocity))) +
- coord_sf(crs = "+proj=aea +lat_1=25 +lat_2=50 +lon_0=-100", ndiscr = 0) +
- scale_fill_manual(values = c("TRUE" = "darkgreen", "FALSE" = "red")) +
- scale_alpha(range = c(0.1, 1)) +
- theme_void() +
- theme(legend.position = "none")
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