

Dec 27th, 2022
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  1. --- Drawing Player Radar
  2. --- Made by topit
  4. _G.RadarSettings = {
  5. -- Radar settings
  6. RADAR_LINES = true; -- Displays distance rings
  7. RADAR_SCALE = 1; -- Controls how "zoomed in" the radar display is
  8. RADAR_RADIUS = 125; -- The size of the radar itself
  9. RADAR_LINE_DISTANCE = 50; -- The distance between each line
  10. RADAR_ROTATION = true; -- Toggles radar rotation. Looks kinda trippy when disabled
  11. SMOOTH_ROT = true; -- Rotates the radar smoothly
  12. SMOOTH_ROT_AMNT = 20; -- Lower number is smoother, higher number is snappier
  13. CARDINAL_DISPLAY = true; -- Displays each cardinal direction (NSWE) around the radar
  15. -- Marker settings
  16. USE_QUADS = true; -- Displays radar markers as arrows instead of dots
  17. OFFSCREEN_TRANSPARENCY = 0.3; -- Transparency of offscreen markers
  18. DISPLAY_TEAM_COLORS = true; -- Sets the radar markers' color to their player's team color
  19. DISPLAY_OFFSCREEN = true; -- Leaves offscreen markers visible
  20. DISPLAY_TEAMMATES = true; -- Shows your teammates' markers
  21. MARKER_SCALEMIN = 0.75; -- Minimium scale radar markers can be. Marker falloff bypasses this limit!
  22. MARKER_SCALEMAX = 1.75; -- Maximum scale radar markers can be. Marker falloff bypasses this limit!
  23. MARKER_FALLOFF = false; -- Affects the markers' scale depending on how far away the player is
  24. MARKER_FALLOFF_AMNT = 500; -- How close someone has to be for falloff to start affecting them
  26. -- Theme
  27. RADAR_THEME = {
  28. Outline = Color3.fromRGB(35, 35, 45); -- Radar outline
  29. Background = Color3.fromRGB(25, 25, 35); -- Radar background
  30. DragHandle = Color3.fromRGB(50, 50, 255); -- Drag handle
  32. Cardinal_Lines = Color3.fromRGB(110, 110, 120); -- Color of the horizontal and vertical lines
  33. Distance_Lines = Color3.fromRGB(65, 65, 75); -- Color of the distance rings
  35. Generic_Marker = Color3.fromRGB(255, 25, 115); -- Color of a player marker without a team
  36. Local_Marker = Color3.fromRGB(115, 25, 255); -- Color of your marker, regardless of team
  37. };
  38. }
  40. loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
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