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- /*
- 2-16-2013
- Spark Fun Electronics
- Nathan Seidle
- This code is heavily based on maxbot's and IlBaboomba's code:
- They didn't have a license on it so I'm hoping it's public domain.
- This example shows how to read and calculate the 64 temperatures for the 64 pixels of the MLX90620 thermopile sensor.
- alpha_ij array is specific to every sensor and needs to be calculated separately. Please see the
- 'MLX90620_alphaCalculator' sketch to get these values. If you choose not to calculate these values
- this sketch will still work but the temperatures shown will be very inaccurate.
- Don't get confused by the bottom view of the device! The GND pin is connected to the housing.
- To get this code to work, attached a MLX90620 to an Arduino Uno using the following pins:
- A5 to 330 ohm to SCL
- A4 to 330 ohm to SDA
- 3.3V to VDD
- GND to VSS
- I used the internal pull-ups on the SDA/SCL lines. Normally you should use ~4.7k pull-ups for I2C.
- */
- #include <i2cmaster.h>
- //i2cmaster comes from here:
- #include "MLX90620_registers.h"
- int refreshRate = 16; //Set this value to your desired refresh frequency
- //Global variables
- //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- int irData[64]; //Contains the raw IR data from the sensor
- float temperatures[64]; //Contains the calculated temperatures of each pixel in the array
- float Tambient; //Tracks the changing ambient temperature of the sensor
- byte eepromData[256]; //Contains the full EEPROM reading from the MLX (Slave 0x50)
- //These are constants calculated from the calibration data stored in EEPROM
- //See varInitialize and section 7.3 for more information
- //int v_th, a_cp, b_cp, tgc, b_i_scale;
- //float k_t1, k_t2, emissivity;
- //int a_ij[64], b_ij[64];
- int v_th = 6760;
- float k_t1 = 22.73;
- float k_t2 = 0.00;
- float emissivity = 1.00;
- int a_cp = -31;
- int b_cp = -51;
- int tgc = 0;
- int b_i_scale = 8;
- int a_ij[64] = {-44, -42, -41, -40, -38, -38, -38, -39, -37, -36, -35, -36, -36, -34, -34, -36,
- -32, -30, -32, -35, -32, -31, -31, -33, -31, -29, -29, -32, -29, -29, -29, -29,
- -28, -29, -27, -28, -28, -26, -26, -26, -27, -25, -26, -25, -25, -26, -24, -23,
- -24, -25, -24, -23, -25, -23, -23, -21, -26, -23, -25, -21, -27, -24, -23, -23};
- int b_ij[64] = {-68, -60, -60, -60, -51, -51, -51, -51, -51, -51, -51, -51, -51, -51, -51, -51,
- -51, -51, -51, -51, -51, -51, -34, -51, -51, -43, -43, -51, -43, -43, -43, -43,
- -51, -34, -34, -43, -43, -34, -34, -34, -43, -34, -34, -34, -51, -34, -34, -34,
- -34, -34, -34, -34, -34, -34, -34, -34, -51, -34, -34, -34, -43, -34, -34, -34};
- //These values are calculated using equation
- //They are constants and can be calculated using the MLX90620_alphaCalculator sketch
- float alpha_ij[64] = {
- 1.66583E-8, 1.85792E-8, 1.78807E-8, 1.57270E-8, 1.87538E-8, 2.05582E-8, 1.98597E-8, 1.81717E-8,
- 2.05582E-8, 2.21880E-8, 2.27119E-8, 1.96269E-8, 2.27701E-8, 2.45745E-8, 2.45745E-8, 2.10239E-8,
- 2.43417E-8, 2.62044E-8, 2.59715E-8, 2.31776E-8, 2.50402E-8, 2.77178E-8, 2.74267E-8, 2.46328E-8,
- 2.57969E-8, 2.83580E-8, 2.76596E-8, 2.50984E-8, 2.60297E-8, 2.88237E-8, 2.86491E-8, 2.57387E-8,
- 2.62044E-8, 2.86491E-8, 2.85909E-8, 2.50402E-8, 2.62626E-8, 2.90565E-8, 2.85909E-8, 2.50402E-8,
- 2.55059E-8, 2.83580E-8, 2.78924E-8, 2.57387E-8, 2.52730E-8, 2.76596E-8, 2.74267E-8, 2.52730E-8,
- 2.41089E-8, 2.62044E-8, 2.66700E-8, 2.45745E-8, 2.27701E-8, 2.57387E-8, 2.55059E-8, 2.31194E-8,
- 2.12567E-8, 2.41089E-8, 2.41089E-8, 2.21880E-8, 1.92194E-8, 2.27119E-8, 2.21880E-8, 2.05582E-8,
- };
- byte loopCount = 0; //Used in main loop
- //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- //Begin Program code
- void setup()
- {// delay(1000);
- Serial.begin(9600);
- Serial.println("MLX90620 Example");
- i2c_init(); //Init the I2C pins
- PORTC = (1 << PORTC4) | (1 << PORTC5); //Enable pull-ups
- delay(5); //Init procedure calls for a 5ms delay after power-on
- read_EEPROM_MLX90620(); //Read the entire EEPROM
- //writeTrimmingValue(81);
- //writeTrimmingValue(eepromData[OSC_TRIM_VALUE]);
- Serial.println(eepromData[OSC_TRIM_VALUE]);
- setConfiguration(refreshRate); //Configure the MLX sensor with the user's choice of refresh rate
- calculate_TA(); //Calculate the current Tambient
- }
- void loop()
- {
- if(loopCount++ == 16) //Tambient changes more slowly than the pixel readings. Update TA only every 16 loops.
- {
- calculate_TA(); //Calculate the new Tambient
- if(checkConfig_MLX90620()) //Every 16 readings check that the POR flag is not set
- {
- Serial.println("POR Detected!");
- setConfiguration(refreshRate); //Re-write the configuration bytes to the MLX
- }
- loopCount = 0; //Reset count
- }
- readIR_MLX90620(); //Get the 64 bytes of raw pixel data into the irData array
- calculate_TO(); //Run all the large calculations to get the temperature data for each pixel
- rawPrintTemperatures(); //Print the entire array so it can more easily be read by Processing app
- }
- //From the 256 bytes of EEPROM data, initialize
- /*void varInitialization(byte calibration_data[])
- {
- v_th = 256 * calibration_data[VTH_H] + calibration_data[VTH_L];
- k_t1 = (256 * calibration_data[KT1_H] + calibration_data[KT1_L]) / 1024.0; //2^10 = 1024
- k_t2 = (256 * calibration_data[KT2_H] + calibration_data[KT2_L]) / 1048576.0; //2^20 = 1,048,576
- emissivity = ((unsigned int)256 * calibration_data[CAL_EMIS_H] + calibration_data[CAL_EMIS_L]) / 32768.0;
- a_cp = calibration_data[CAL_ACP];
- if(a_cp > 127) a_cp -= 256; //These values are stored as 2's compliment. This coverts it if necessary.
- b_cp = calibration_data[CAL_BCP];
- if(b_cp > 127) b_cp -= 256;
- tgc = calibration_data[CAL_TGC];
- if(tgc > 127) tgc -= 256;
- b_i_scale = calibration_data[CAL_BI_SCALE];
- for(int i = 0 ; i < 64 ; i++)
- {
- //Read the individual pixel offsets
- a_ij[i] = calibration_data[i];
- if(a_ij[i] > 127) a_ij[i] -= 256; //These values are stored as 2's compliment. This coverts it if necessary.
- //Read the individual pixel offset slope coefficients
- b_ij[i] = calibration_data[0x40 + i]; //Bi(i,j) begins 64 bytes into EEPROM at 0x40
- if(b_ij[i] > 127) b_ij[i] -= 256;
- }
- Serial.println();
- Serial.print("v_th= ");
- Serial.println(v_th);
- Serial.print("k_t1= ");
- Serial.println(k_t1);
- Serial.print("k_t2= ");
- Serial.println(k_t2);
- Serial.print("emissivity= ");
- Serial.println(emissivity);
- Serial.print("a_cp= ");
- Serial.println(a_cp);
- Serial.print("b_cp= ");
- Serial.println(b_cp);
- Serial.print("tgc= ");
- Serial.println(tgc);
- Serial.print("b_i_scale= ");
- Serial.println(b_i_scale);
- Serial.println("start print B");
- for(int i=0;i<64;i++){
- delay(20);
- Serial.print(b_ij[i]);
- Serial.print(", ");
- }
- }
- */
- //Receives the refresh rate for sensor scanning
- //Sets the two byte configuration registers
- //This function overwrites what is currently in the configuration registers
- //The MLX doesn't seem to mind this (flags are read only)
- void setConfiguration(int irRefreshRateHZ)
- {
- byte Hz_LSB;
- switch(irRefreshRateHZ)
- {
- case 0:
- Hz_LSB = 0b00001111;
- break;
- case 1:
- Hz_LSB = 0b00001110;
- break;
- case 2:
- Hz_LSB = 0b00001101;
- break;
- case 4:
- Hz_LSB = 0b00001100;
- break;
- case 8:
- Hz_LSB = 0b00001011;
- break;
- case 16:
- Hz_LSB = 0b00001010;
- break;
- case 32:
- Hz_LSB = 0b00001001;
- break;
- default:
- Hz_LSB = 0b00001110;
- }
- byte defaultConfig_H = 0b01110100; // x111.01xx, Assumes NA = 0, ADC low reference enabled, Ta Refresh rate of 2Hz
- i2c_start_wait(MLX90620_WRITE);
- i2c_write(0x03); //Command = configuration value
- i2c_write((byte)Hz_LSB - 0x55);
- i2c_write(Hz_LSB);
- i2c_write(defaultConfig_H - 0x55); //Assumes NA = 0, ADC low reference enabled, Ta Refresh rate of 2Hz
- i2c_write(defaultConfig_H);
- i2c_stop();
- }
- //Read the 256 bytes from the MLX EEPROM and setup the various constants (*lots* of math)
- //Note: The EEPROM on the MLX has a different I2C address from the MLX. I've never seen this before.
- void read_EEPROM_MLX90620()
- {Serial.println("reading eeprom");
- int t = 0;
- i2c_start_wait(MLX90620_EEPROM_WRITE);
- i2c_write(0x00); //EEPROM info starts at location 0x00
- i2c_rep_start(MLX90620_EEPROM_READ);
- //Read all 256 bytes from the sensor's EEPROM
- for(int i = 0 ; i <= 255 ; i++){
- eepromData[i] = i2c_readAck();
- delay(10);
- Serial.print(eepromData[i]);
- Serial.print(" ");
- t++;
- if (t == 30){
- Serial.println();
- t = 0;
- }
- }
- i2c_stop(); //We're done talking
- // varInitialization(eepromData); //Calculate a bunch of constants from the EEPROM data
- writeTrimmingValue(eepromData[OSC_TRIM_VALUE]);
- Serial.println("hui");
- Serial.println(eepromData[OSC_TRIM_VALUE], HEX);
- }
- //Given a 8-bit number from EEPROM (Slave address 0x50), write value to MLX sensor (Slave address 0x60)
- void writeTrimmingValue(byte val)
- {
- i2c_start_wait(MLX90620_WRITE); //Write to the sensor
- i2c_write(0x04); //Command = write oscillator trimming value
- i2c_write((byte)val - 0xAA);
- i2c_write(val);
- i2c_write(0x56); //Always 0x56
- i2c_write(0x00); //Always 0x00
- i2c_stop();
- }
- //Gets the latest PTAT (package temperature ambient) reading from the MLX
- //Then calculates a new Tambient
- //Many of these values (k_t1, v_th, etc) come from varInitialization and EEPROM reading
- //This has been tested to match example 7.3.2
- void calculate_TA(void)
- {
- unsigned int ptat = readPTAT_MLX90620();
- Tambient = (-k_t1 + sqrt(square(k_t1) - (4 * k_t2 * (v_th - (float)ptat)))) / (2*k_t2) + 25; //it's much more simple now, isn't it? :)
- }
- //Reads the PTAT data from the MLX
- //Returns an unsigned int containing the PTAT
- unsigned int readPTAT_MLX90620()
- {
- i2c_start_wait(MLX90620_WRITE);
- i2c_write(CMD_READ_REGISTER); //Command = read PTAT
- i2c_write(0x90); //Start address is 0x90
- i2c_write(0x00); //Address step is 0
- i2c_write(0x01); //Number of reads is 1
- i2c_rep_start(MLX90620_READ);
- byte ptatLow = i2c_readAck(); //Grab the lower and higher PTAT bytes
- byte ptatHigh = i2c_readAck();
- i2c_stop();
- return( (unsigned int)(ptatHigh << 8) | ptatLow); //Combine bytes and return
- }
- //Calculate the temperatures seen for each pixel
- //Relies on the raw irData array
- //Returns an 64-int array called temperatures
- void calculate_TO()
- {
- float v_ir_off_comp;
- float v_ir_tgc_comp;
- float v_ir_comp;
- //Calculate the offset compensation for the one compensation pixel
- //This is a constant in the TO calculation, so calculate it here.
- int cpix = readCPIX_MLX90620(); //Go get the raw data of the compensation pixel
- float v_cp_off_comp = (float)cpix - (a_cp + (b_cp/pow(2, b_i_scale)) * (Tambient - 25));
- for (int i = 0 ; i < 64 ; i++)
- {
- v_ir_off_comp = irData[i] - (a_ij[i] + (float)(b_ij[i]/pow(2, b_i_scale)) * (Tambient - 25)); //#1: Calculate Offset Compensation
- v_ir_tgc_comp = v_ir_off_comp - ( ((float)tgc/32) * v_cp_off_comp); //#2: Calculate Thermal Gradien Compensation (TGC)
- v_ir_comp = v_ir_tgc_comp / emissivity; //#3: Calculate Emissivity Compensation
- temperatures[i] = sqrt( sqrt( (v_ir_comp/alpha_ij[i]) + pow(Tambient + 273.15, 4) )) - 273.15;
- }
- }
- //Reads 64 bytes of pixel data from the MLX
- //Loads the data into the irData array
- void readIR_MLX90620()
- {
- i2c_start_wait(MLX90620_WRITE);
- i2c_write(CMD_READ_REGISTER); //Command = read a register
- i2c_write(0x00); //Start address = 0x00
- i2c_write(0x01); //Address step = 1
- i2c_write(0x40); //Number of reads is 64
- i2c_rep_start(MLX90620_READ);
- for(int i = 0 ; i < 64 ; i++)
- {
- byte pixelDataLow = i2c_readAck();
- byte pixelDataHigh = i2c_readAck();
- irData[i] = (int)(pixelDataHigh << 8) | pixelDataLow;
- }
- i2c_stop();
- }
- //Read the compensation pixel 16 bit data
- int readCPIX_MLX90620()
- {
- i2c_start_wait(MLX90620_WRITE);
- i2c_write(CMD_READ_REGISTER); //Command = read register
- i2c_write(0x91);
- i2c_write(0x00);
- i2c_write(0x01);
- i2c_rep_start(MLX90620_READ);
- byte cpixLow = i2c_readAck(); //Grab the two bytes
- byte cpixHigh = i2c_readAck();
- i2c_stop();
- return ( (int)(cpixHigh << 8) | cpixLow);
- }
- //Reads the current configuration register (2 bytes) from the MLX
- //Returns two bytes
- unsigned int readConfig_MLX90620()
- {
- i2c_start_wait(MLX90620_WRITE); //The MLX configuration is in the MLX, not EEPROM
- i2c_write(CMD_READ_REGISTER); //Command = read configuration register
- i2c_write(0x92); //Start address
- i2c_write(0x00); //Address step of zero
- i2c_write(0x01); //Number of reads is 1
- i2c_rep_start(MLX90620_READ);
- byte configLow = i2c_readAck(); //Grab the two bytes
- byte configHigh = i2c_readAck();
- i2c_stop();
- return( (unsigned int)(configHigh << 8) | configLow); //Combine the configuration bytes and return as one unsigned int
- }
- //Poll the MLX for its current status
- //Returns true if the POR/Brown out bit is set
- boolean checkConfig_MLX90620()
- {
- if ( (readConfig_MLX90620() & (unsigned int)1<<POR_TEST) == 0)
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- void rawPrintTemperatures()
- {
- Serial.print("$");
- for(int i = 0 ; i < 64 ; i++)
- {
- Serial.print(temperatures[i]);
- Serial.print(","); //Don't print comma on last temperature
- }
- Serial.println("*");
- }
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