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- ; Weather v2.2 - by entropy 2023
- ; Help: !weather <set> <location/zipcode> - If you specify <set>, set default location. Otherwise, displays the weather on location.
- ; Get your own API key:
- ; Shoutout to entropy for allowing me to copy this code. Give them the best cup of coffee in the world!
- ; Original Source Code:
- menu menubar,status,channel,query {
- -
- Weather v2.2 $chr(9) $replace($group(#weather).status,o,O)
- .Turn it $iif($group(#weather).status == on,Off,On) {
- $iif($group(#weather).status == on,.disable,.enable) #weather
- echo 3 -ag * Weather is now: $qt($replace($group(#weather).status,o,O))
- }
- .-
- .Channel(s) $chr(9) $eval($+(%,weatherchans,.,$network),2) {
- var %net = $eval($+(%,weatherchans,.,$network),2)
- var %text = $input(Channels list (seperated by comma) or "#" for all?,5,Weather,%net)
- %text = $replace(%text,$chr(32),$chr(44))
- var %a = 1, %b
- while ($gettok(%text,%a,44)) {
- %b = $v1
- if ($left(%b,1) != $chr(35)) { %text = $reptok(%text,%b,$+($chr(35),%b),1,44) }
- inc %a
- }
- if (%text) { set $+(%,weatherchans,.,$network) $v1 | echo 3 -ag * Weather Channels are now: $qt($v1) }
- else { unset $+(%,weatherchans,.,$network) | echo 3 -ag * Weather Channels are now reset }
- }
- .$iif(!$istok($eval($+(%,weatherchans,.,$network),2),$chan,44) && $eval($+(%,weatherchans,.,$network),2) != $chr(35) && $menu == channel,Add Channel To list) {
- var %net = $eval($+(%,weatherchans,.,$network),2)
- var %net = $addtok(%net,$chan,44)
- set $+(%,weatherchans,.,$network) %net
- echo 3 -ag * Weather Channels are now: $qt($eval($+(%,weatherchans,.,$network),2))
- }
- .$iif($istok($eval($+(%,weatherchans,.,$network),2),$chan,44) && $menu == channel,Delete Channel From list) {
- var %net = $eval($+(%,weatherchans,.,$network),2)
- var %net = $remtok(%net,$chan,1,44)
- set $+(%,weatherchans,.,$network) %net
- echo 3 -ag * Weather Channels are now $+ $iif(!%net,$chr(32) reset,: $qt(%net))
- }
- .-
- .$iif($eval($+(%,weatherchans,.,$network),2),Delete all Channels) {
- unset $+(%,weatherchans,.,$network)
- echo 3 -ag * Weather Channels are now reset
- }
- .-
- .API Key $chr(9) $iif(%api_key,$v1,NA) {
- set %api_key $input(Weather API Key?,5)
- echo 3 -ag * Weather API is now: $qt(%api_key)
- }
- .-
- .Get an API key { run }
- -
- }
- #weather off
- on *:input:$($eval($+(%,weatherchans,.,$network),2)):{ if (/* !iswm $1 && $server) { loadit | doweather # $me $1- } }
- on *:text:*:$($eval($+(%,weatherchans,.,$network),2)):{ loadit | doweather # $nick $1- }
- #weather end
- ;==================================================
- on *:load:{ echo 3 -a * Weather is now loaded! | loadit }
- on *:unload:{ echo 3 -a * Weather is now unloaded! | unset %weatherchans.* %api_key | saveit | if ($hget(weather)) { hfree weather } }
- on *:exit:{ saveit }
- ;==================================================
- alias -l loadit { if (!$hget(weather)) { hmake weather 100 | if ($isfile($qt($mircdirweather.dat))) { hload weather $qt($mircdirweather.dat) } } }
- alias -l saveit { if ($hget(weather)) { hsave -o weather $qt($mircdirweather.dat) } }
- ;==================================================
- alias -l doweather {
- if (!$3) { return }
- elseif (!weather == $3 || !w == $3) {
- var %loc = $iif($4-,$v1,$hget(weather,$2))
- weather # $2 %loc
- }
- }
- alias -l weather {
- if (!$2) { return }
- var %text = $3-, %target
- if ($findtok(%text,c,1,32)) { %text = $remtok(%text,c,1,32) }
- if ($findtok(%text,f,1,32)) { %text = $remtok(%text,f,1,32) }
- if ($gettok(%text,-1,44) == c) { %text = $remove(%text,$+($chr(44),c)) }
- if ($gettok(%text,-1,44) == f) { %text = $remove(%text,$+($chr(44),f)) }
- if ($right(%text,1) == $chr(44)) { %text = $mid(%text,1,-1) }
- if (!$3 && !$hget(weather,$2)) {
- msg $1 [Weather] $c No location specified!
- return
- }
- if ($gettok(%text,1,32) == set) {
- if ($gettok(%text,2-,32)) { hadd weather $2 $gettok(%text,2-,32) | %target = $gettok(%text,2-,32) }
- else { msg $1 [Weather] $c No location specified! | return }
- }
- if (!%target && $gettok(%text,1-,32)) { %target = $v1 }
- elseif (!%target) { %target = $hget(weather,$2) }
- set %_weatherchan $1
- set %_weathernick $2
- ; old API weatherAPI $+(,%api_key,&q=,$urify(%target),&days=1&aqi=no&alerts=no)
- weatherAPI $+(,%api_key,&q=,$urify(%target))
- }
- ;==================================================
- alias -l weatherAPI { noop $urlget($1-,gbi,&Weather,processweatherAPI) }
- alias -l processweatherAPI {
- var %id = $1 , %BV = $urlget(%id).target, %code = $gettok($urlget(%id).reply,2,32)
- if (%code == 403) { msg %_weatherchan [Weather] $c Bad API Key! | unset %_weather* | return }
- elseif (%code != 200) { msg %_weatherchan [Weather] $c Error code: %code | unset %_weather* | return }
- var %total = [Weather] $c
- %total = %total $remove($bvsearch(%BV,"name":,$chr(44)).inbetween,") $+ ,
- if ($remove($bvsearch(%BV,"region":,$chr(44)).inbetween,")) { %total = %total $v1 $+ , }
- var %country = $replace($remove($bvsearch(%BV,"country":,$chr(44)).inbetween,"),United States of America,USA)
- if ($numtok(%country,32) == 2 && $gettok(%country,1,32) == $gettok(%country,2,32)) { %country = $gettok(%country,1,32) }
- %total = %total %country
- %total = %total $c Temp: $bvsearch(%BV,"temp_f":,$chr(44)).inbetween $+ °F ( $+ $bvsearch(%BV,"temp_c":,$chr(44)).inbetween $+ °C)
- if ($bvsearch(%BV,"temp_f":,$chr(44)).inbetween != $bvsearch(%BV,"feelslike_f":,$chr(44)).inbetween) {
- %total = %total $c Feels like: $bvsearch(%BV,"feelslike_f":,$chr(44)).inbetween $+ °F ( $+ $bvsearch(%BV,"feelslike_c":,$chr(44)).inbetween $+ °C)
- }
- %total = %total $c Lat: $bvsearch(%BV,"lat":,$chr(44)).inbetween
- %total = %total $c Lon: $bvsearch(%BV,"lon":,$chr(44)).inbetween
- %total = %total $c Wind: $bvsearch(%BV,"wind_mph":,$chr(44)).inbetween
- %total = %total $c Wind Degree: $bvsearch(%BV,"wind_degree":,$chr(44)).inbetween
- %total = %total $c Wind Direction: $remove($bvsearch(%BV,"wind_dir":,$chr(44)).inbetween,")
- %total = %total $c Condition: $remove($bvsearch(%BV,"condition":,$chr(44)).inbetween,{"text":,")
- %total = %total $c Pressure: $bvsearch(%BV,"pressure_mb":,$chr(44)).inbetween $+ mb
- %total = %total $c Humidity: $bvsearch(%BV,"humidity":,$chr(44)).inbetween $+ %
- %total = %total $c Clouds: $bvsearch(%BV,"cloud":,$chr(44)).inbetween $+ %
- %total = %total $c Visibility: $bvsearch(%BV,"vis_km":,$chr(44)).inbetween miles
- msg %_weatherchan $mid(%total,1,400)
- if ($len(%total) >= 401) {
- var %out = $mid(%total,401,401) $+ $iif($len(%total) >= 802,$dot))
- msg %_weatherchan %out
- }
- unset %_weather*
- }
- alias -l bvsearch {
- var %S = $bfind($1,1,$2)
- var %E = $bfind($1,$calc(%S + $len($2)),$3)
- if (%S <= 0 || %E <= 0) { return }
- if ($prop == inbetween) { var %S = %S + $len($2) , %E = %E - 1 }
- else { var %E = %E + $iif($regex($3,/(?:\d+|\s)/g),$numtok($3,32),$len($3)) | dec %e }
- return $left( $bvar($1,$+(%S,-,%E)).text , $maxlenl)
- }
- alias -l replacehtmlentities { return $regsubex($1-,/(\x26[^\x3B]+)\x3B/g,$entitieshtml(\1)) }
- alias -l entitieshtml {
- if ($mid($1,2,1) == $chr(35)) { return $chr($mid($1,3)) }
- elseif ($findtok(&<>ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶¸¹º»¼½¾¿×÷∀∂∃∅∇∈∉∋∏∑−∗√∝∞∠∧∨∩∪∫∴∼≅≈≠≡≤≥⊂⊃⊄⊆⊇⊕⊗⊥⋅ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψωϑϒϖŒœŠšŸƒˆ˜   ‌‍‎‏–—‘’‚“”„†‡•…‰′″‹›‾€™←↑→↓↔↵⌈⌉⌊⌋◊♠♣♥&diams,$1,59)) {
- return $chr($gettok(38;60;62;192;193;194;195;196;197;198;199;200;201;202;203;204;205;206;207;208;209;210;211;212;213;214;216;217;218;219;220;221;222;223;224;225;226;227;228;229;230;231;232;233;234;235;236;237;238;239;240;241;242;243;244;245;246;248;249;250;251;252;253;254;255;160;161;162;163;164;165;166;167;168;169;170;171;172;173;174;175;176;177;178;179;180;181;182;184;185;186;187;188;189;190;191;215;247;8704;8706;8707;8709;8711;8712;8713;8715;8719;8721;8722;8727;8730;8733;8734;8736;8743;8744;8745;8746;8747;8756;8764;8773;8776;8800;8801;8804;8805;8834;8835;8836;8838;8839;8853;8855;8869;8901;913;914;915;916;917;918;919;920;921;922;923;924;925;926;927;928;929;931;932;933;934;935;936;937;945;946;947;948;949;950;951;952;953;954;955;956;957;958;959;960;961;962;963;964;965;966;967;968;969;977;978;982;338;339;352;353;376;402;710;732;8194;8195;8201;8204;8205;8206;8207;8211;8212;8216;8217;8218;8220;8221;8222;8224;8225;8226;8230;8240;8242;8243;8249;8250;8254;8364;8482;8592;8593;8594;8595;8596;8629;8968;8969;8970;8971;9674;9824;9827;9829;9830,$v1,59))
- }
- }
- alias -l urify { set -l %a !@$*()-_=:',./? | return $regsubex($1-,/(\W)/g,$iif($pos(%a,\1,1),\1,$iif(\1 = $chr(32),+,$+(%,$base($asc($1),10,16,2))))) }
- alias -l dot { return $chr(8230) }
- alias -l c { return $chr(9679) }
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