
Some stupid ideas

Jun 16th, 2022
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  1. ----the prompt
  2. DUD12 enters the chatroom.
  4. Me: Okay, I need an idea for my animation.
  5. DUD12: Geez, not again... What is it this time, Mike?
  6. Me: So I have this cat-man, that is, a man with a head of cat, that has the ability to grow breasts that look like female boobs.
  7. DUD12: Okay, and?
  8. Me: I need you to picture some weird situation where his boobs just start growing out of nowhere.
  9. DUD12: Wait, didn't you just say he can just grow them whenever he wants?
  10. Me: No, I didn't say that. In fact, his problem is that he can't control when they grow. Just go wild with your imagination.
  11. DUD12: Okay, let me see...
  12. -------result
  13. DUD12: So, his boobs just starts growing out of nowhere. What are you going to show him to grow into?
  14. Me: It's a superhero kind of story. You know, like with breast cancer and stuff.
  15. DUD12: Oh, yeah, like the breasts of a superhero.
  16. Me: Yeah, but, it's a weird superhero. He can grow breasts that look like boobs, but they are also capable of sucking blood.
  17. DUD12: Oh, I like that idea.
  18. DUD12: So, his boobs grow out and suck his opponent's blood.
  19. Me: Yeah, he can use them to suck their blood, so that they can grow bigger.
  20. DUD12: Okay, so he sucks blood and they grow. That's a bit too weird, but I can handle that.
  21. DUD12: So, do you have the character designs yet?
  22. Me: Yeah, but, I need the breast thing.
  23. DUD12: Okay, I'll draw some breasts.
  24. DUD12: Well, I'm going to have to be a bit more creative than that, but, I'll draw some breasts.
  25. DUD12: I'll try to make them look like boobs.
  26. Me: Yeah,
  28. -------another take
  29. DUD12: So, he's out, in the park, and he's walking down the street, and suddenly, his boobs start growing out of nowhere, and start growing faster and faster.
  31. -------another take
  32. DUD12: So, he is... the master of the universe, and he wants to seduce one of the women of the universe, that he wants to meet. But she's already a lesbian, and it's her turn to be with a woman. So, he approaches her, and tries to seduce her, but she denies him, and says that she doesn't want to go out with a woman. So, he starts to cry, and starts to look more and more like a woman, and his breasts start to grow bigger and bigger...
  33. Me: Hey, that sounds great!
  34. Me: But it doesn't seem to be the best kind of idea.
  35. DUD12: Okay, so you can add to it or not, I don't care, as long as you don't make it too girly.
  37. -------another take
  38. DUD12: He runs to the bathroom to take a shower, and his boobs start growing even bigger.
  40. -------another take
  41. DUD12: So, the cat-man has decided to go shopping.
  42. DUD12: He goes to the store and buys a big bag of cornflakes.
  43. DUD12: He comes home and gets ready to eat the cornflakes.
  44. DUD12: He opens the bag, and BOOM!
  45. DUD12: His boobs start growing out of nowhere!
  46. DUD12: He's got cat boobs!
  47. DUD12: The cornflakes are just a nice side effect.
  48. DUD12: And now, he's looking all kitty-kitty, and his boobs are making him look even cuter.
  49. DUD12: So what do you think?
  50. Me: That's not too bad.
  51. DUD12: Yeah, it's good, but I think it's missing something.
  52. DUD12: Like, how would you make the boobs feel more realistic?
  53. DUD12: I was thinking maybe if you could use some kind of gas that makes the boobs grow.
  54. Me: Yeah, that's a good idea.
  55. Me: But, then I think I'd want to do a funny part where the cat-man starts feeling a bit of pain.
  56. DUD12: Yeah, like he gets a terrible migraine and his boobs start swelling up.
  57. DUD12: That would be kind of funny.
  58. Me: Yeah, that'd be pretty cool.
  59. DUD12: Okay, what if you did that, and then, when he gets home from the store,----his boobs start to grow out of the side of his shirt?
  60. DUD12: That way, he can't hide them anymore.
  61. Me: That'd be awesome.
  62. DUD12: Yeah, it would be cool.
  64. -------another take
  65. DUD12: So, you're telling me that he just suddenly has two large female boobs that just come out of nowhere?
  66. Me: Well, he has trouble controlling himself, so he will start touching them first, before he even notices they're there.
  67. DUD12: *Gasp!*
  68. DUD12: So, he's touching his own boobs!
  69. Me: It's like he's just a hypnotized or something.
  70. DUD12: So, it's going to be a cartoon?
  71. Me: Yeah.
  72. DUD12: That's the best idea I've ever heard
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