
Turtle suck dropUP 1

Feb 15th, 2017
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Lua 1.00 KB | None | 0 0
  1. local version =
  2. 1.0
  3. -- Program pro prijem zprav pres modem
  4. -- Pri zmene programu je treba na radku 2 zmenit verzi, aby se program automaticky aktualizoval
  5. -- local code je treba zmenit dle potreby
  7. local code = "SiVyGcCm"
  9. --check version
  10. term.clear()
  11. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  12. print("Program loading...")
  13. print("Current version: "..version)
  14. local updateSite= http.get("http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i="..code)
  15. updateSite.readLine()
  16. local newVersion = updateSite.readLine()
  17. if tonumber(newVersion) > version then
  18.         print("Update required. Updating now...")
  19.         local updateSite = http.get("http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i="..code)
  20.         local siteFile = updateSite.readAll()
  21.         local writeFile = fs.open(shell.getRunningProgram(),"w")
  22.         writeFile.write(siteFile)
  23.         writeFile.close()
  24.         print("The program will now restart your computer.")
  25.         sleep(1)
  26.         os.reboot()
  27. end
  29. local a=1
  30. while true do
  31.   turtle.suck()
  32.   turtle.dropUp()
  33.   a=a+1
  34.   print(a)
  35. end
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