
Perfidia - Can’t too much with Jay’s humanity

Nov 5th, 2024
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  1. No. Perfidia Bal Berith you stupid idiot get your head on straight and focus, now was not the time for petty displays like that. The situation was bad but it wasn't over. She still had some Humanity from Jay. Not much. Not enough to do anything crazy. The cost of using Humanity ramped up when a human saw directly the changes you made to the machinery of the world—they were never supposed to see the gears in action.
  3. And Perfidia, cooling off, realized that even if they took their eyes off her and she manifested a weapon and killed them, she might still be in trouble. She had friends in the police department, sure. But murder was the type of serious offense that couldn't always be swept under the rug, especially not when it was committed brazenly in one's own office. Previously, blinded by Pride, Perfidia hadn't considered that even a successful kill would cost Humanity to clean up.
  5. ***
  7. [7] Form Specifications Rather Than Formal
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