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- # A non-OOP Tic Tac Toe game.
- # By Al Sweigart
- # Setting up constants:
- ALL_SPACES = ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9')
- X, O, BLANK = 'X', 'O', ' '
- def main():
- """Runs a game of Tic Tac Toe."""
- print('Welcome to Tic Tac Toe!')
- gameBoard = getNewBoard()
- turn, nextTurn = X, O
- while True:
- drawBoard(gameBoard)
- move = getPlayerMove(gameBoard, turn)
- setSpace(gameBoard, move, turn)
- if isWinner(gameBoard, turn):
- drawBoard(gameBoard)
- print(turn + ' has won the game!')
- break
- elif isBoardFull(gameBoard):
- drawBoard(gameBoard)
- print('The game is a tie!')
- break
- turn, nextTurn = nextTurn, turn
- def getNewBoard():
- """Create a new, blank tic tac toe board."""
- board = {}
- for space in ALL_SPACES:
- board[space] = BLANK
- return board
- def drawBoard(board):
- """Display a text-representation of the board."""
- print(f'''
- {board['7']}|{board['8']}|{board['9']} 7 8 9
- -+-+-
- {board['4']}|{board['5']}|{board['6']} 4 5 6
- -+-+-
- {board['1']}|{board['2']}|{board['3']} 1 2 3''')
- def isWinner(board, mark):
- """Return True if mark is a winner on board."""
- bo, m = board, mark # Shorter names for "syntactic sugar".
- # Check for 3 marks across the 3 rows, 3 columns, and 2 diagonals.
- return ((bo['7'] == m and bo['8'] == m and bo['9'] == m) or
- (bo['4'] == m and bo['5'] == m and bo['6'] == m) or
- (bo['1'] == m and bo['2'] == m and bo['3'] == m) or
- (bo['7'] == m and bo['4'] == m and bo['1'] == m) or
- (bo['8'] == m and bo['5'] == m and bo['2'] == m) or
- (bo['9'] == m and bo['6'] == m and bo['3'] == m) or
- (bo['7'] == m and bo['5'] == m and bo['3'] == m) or
- (bo['9'] == m and bo['5'] == m and bo['1'] == m))
- def getPlayerMove(board, player):
- """Let the player type in their move."""
- space = None
- while space not in ALL_SPACES or not board[space] == BLANK:
- print(f'What is {player}\'s move? (1-9)')
- space = input().upper()
- return space
- def isBoardFull(board):
- """Return True if every space on the board has been taken."""
- for space in ALL_SPACES:
- if board[space] == BLANK:
- return False
- return True
- def setSpace(board, space, mark):
- """Sets the space on the board to mark."""
- board[space] = mark
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main() # Call main() if this module is run, but not when imported.
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