
Grand Theft Auto 5 Cheat Codes

Apr 6th, 2015
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  1. -----------------------------------------------------
  2. Drunk Mode - Y, Right, Right, Left, Right, X, B, Left
  3. -----------------------------------------------------
  4. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Explosive Ammo Rounds Also known as “Bang Bang” - Right, X, A, Left, RB, RT, Left, Right, Right, LB, LB, LB
  6. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Fast Run - Y, Left, Right, Right, LT, LB, X
  8. -------------------------------------------
  9. Fast Swim - Left, Left, LB, Right, Right, RT, Left, LT, Right
  10. -------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Flaming Bullets - LB, RB, X, RB, Left, RT, RB, Left, X, Right, LB, LB
  12. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. Invincibility Works for 5 minutes before you need to re-enter the code- Right, A, Right, Left, Right, RB, Right, Left, A, Y
  14. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. Lower Wanted Level - RB, RB, B, RT, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left
  16. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. Max Health & Armor - B, LB, Y, RT, A, X, B, Right, X, LB, LB, LB
  18. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  19. Raise Wanted Level - RB, RB, B, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right
  20. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. Recharge Ability Recharges the special ability of your character - A, A, X, RB, LB, A, Right, Left, A
  22. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. Skyfall - LB, LT, RB, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right, LB, LT, RB, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right
  24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. Slow Motion Aim Enter 3x for increased effect, fifth time disables cheat - X, LT, RB, Y, Left, X, LT, Right, A
  26. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. Super Jump - Left, Left, Y, Y, Right, Right, Left, Right, X, RB, RT
  28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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