
It's an idea.

Aug 11th, 2019
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  1. It's an idea.
  3. NBC mayor's suck. No. What I like to do is, get 1 guy who can do everything,
  4. and when he knows I really like him, and I pay him very well.
  5. Dan, God, you only think so. No, then I pay, most people, the market
  6. imperfection rate. God, you what. I'm going say God, God, God, God,
  7. until you or maybe Dan, or whoeverdoesntmatter makes believe
  8. I said it better. Dan, but, who's laughing now!
  10. --- Excuse me, I'm your devil, EVERYONE
  11. --- I'm what makes you say the Devil's substuff, when you address me
  12. --- In -- and Dan stop typing, -- What's that you said Dan. AHH<no that's you
  13. not Me.
  14. God, I should switch buffers and Save that? Why didn't you do, that?
  15. Oh. Oh. Oh.
  16. Now I forget.
  17. ok. GoulieAHNIE!
  19. topic GunControl.
  21. God's Gun list is--- damn. that's not how I said it. When I
  22. thought it was funny. damn it. same logic. tho.
  24. Federal Gun check list is, basically, the natural law, for whose not on God's gun check list.
  25. So, don't try to correct, or amend insanity in the law. The world is not
  26. a grade school lunch table. damn it. Yeah, but we're cool. No. Everybody
  27. will be as cool as everyone else, eventually. Feels are transitory.
  28. Just because your popular doesn't matter, if you're dying, because you
  29. got shot, somehow. *I* might make things worse. A funneral isn't the other
  30. thing. Damn, that's a popular corpse.
  32. Ok. It's not ok. It's the right thing to do. It's America damn it.
  33. When did we become an 8th century Mercantile Empire Bullshit thing?
  34. What you're a country. We thought you were a bunch of cities slapped togther.
  36. How'd you have to go, south of France, to become a Country, Dangit! A right
  37. is not a special freedom. [It's not.] We gave you the the Enlightenment,
  38. Europe, and this is what Europe's God gave us. Enough. The
  39. Pre-Enlightenment gave us --- Here's what I bet. JEFFERSON's Newphew, was
  40. actually, the guy who shagged his adopted chezkorslavic daughter.
  41. And they, rarely, told a really intelligent guy what happened, kinda like
  42. they keep the rope swing away from smart people, when they can. And, then she married a black guy. And they, were like, the first Jeffersonian
  43. couple, and a long time, that hadn't seriously harmed someone
  44. from inaction, but as children, or waited to marriage, for *any* kind of
  45. fornication. YEAH< and she made him wait, until after
  46. midnight, and they did it standing up, in the kitchen. over here, over
  47. there, she's like maybe you go out side for a sec, he's ok, and then's she
  48. said, no.
  49. etc*
  50. Because he's the first progressively rich socially stupid white guy.
  51. The rest of them had no idea! Why would anyone want their country to fall
  52. apart when your in it. That would be an elevator joke, since they had the
  53. word elll---NO THE VERB! elevate. to elevate, the verb in the infinitive!
  55. Gave the world, data-modeling, Natural Law, and America.
  56. YEAH, and it's possible, that enough people journal-ed and stuff, that
  57. Historians, and other scholars, could after only 3 or 4 decades,
  58. piece together, how he should sound like.
  59. Bet, he was lying tho.
  60. Gossip to equivate a question, is not a sincere, Christian, doubter, Athiest,
  61. or Agnostic, really, in any century. Since someone got PI down, as, merely
  62. 22/7 , so let's say 227 BC, What, if you said what? You're dead, you can't say
  63. anything, anymore, that's just one of the things, anyone can observe.
  64. It's not wrong, and it's not dishonest, it's not, it merits a different adverb.
  65. Sincerely.
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