
CannyBOT Plus! Source Code

Jul 8th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. const prefix = "ca!";
  2. const botname = "CannyBOT Plus! playing: ca!help";
  3. const version = "1.3 Rev 2";
  4. var help = "__CannyBOT Plus! Commands__\n ca!help, ca!joke, ca!fact, ca!image {IMAGE_URL}, ca!video {VIDEO_URL}, ca!crosscolor {CROSSCOLOR_URL}, ca!default, ca!incredibleroll, ca!weather {WEATHER_LOCATION}, ca!version, ca!roominfo";
  5. var botinfo = "CannyBOT Plus! " + version + ". Find CannyBOT at:";
  7. const incrediblerollPics = [
  8. "",
  9. "",
  10. "",
  11. "",
  12. "",
  13. "",
  14. "",
  15. "",
  16. "",
  17. "",
  18. "",
  19. "",
  20. "",
  21. "",
  22. "",
  23. "",
  24. "",
  25. "",
  26. "",
  27. "",
  28. "",
  29. "",
  30. "",
  31. "",
  32. "",
  33. "",
  34. "",
  35. "",
  36. "",
  37. "",
  38. "",
  39. "",
  40. "",
  41. "",
  42. "",
  43. ];
  45. function getRandomPic(picsArray) {
  46. const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * picsArray.length);
  47. return picsArray[randomIndex];
  48. }
  50. function sendMsg(msg) {
  51. setTimeout(() => {
  52. socket.emit("talk", { text: msg });
  53. }, 1100);
  54. }
  56. setTimeout(() => {
  57. socket.emit("command", { list: ["name", "CannyBOT Plus! playing: ca!help"] });
  58. }, 1000);
  59. setTimeout(() => {
  60. socket.emit("command", { list: ["color", ""] });
  61. }, 2100);
  62. setTimeout(() => {
  63. sendMsg("CannyBOT Plus! is online. Type " + prefix + "help to see commands.");
  64. setInterval(() => {
  65. sendMsg("CannyBOT Plus! is online. Type " + prefix + "help to see commands.");
  66. }, 60000);
  67. }, 3200);
  69. socket.on("talk", function (message) {
  70. if (message.text === prefix + "help") {
  71. sendMsg(help);
  72. } else if (message.text === prefix + "joke") {
  73. setTimeout(() => {
  74. socket.emit("command", { list: ["joke"] });
  75. }, 1100);
  76. } else if (message.text === prefix + "fact") {
  77. setTimeout(() => {
  78. socket.emit("command", { list: ["fact"] });
  79. }, 1100);
  80. } else if (message.text.startsWith(prefix + "image")) {
  81. const imageUrl = message.text.substring(prefix.length + 6);
  82. setTimeout(() => {
  83. socket.emit("command", { list: ["image", imageUrl] });
  84. }, 1100);
  85. } else if (message.text === prefix + "incredibleroll") {
  86. const randomPic = getRandomPic(incrediblerollPics);
  87. setTimeout(() => {
  88. socket.emit("command", { list: ["image", randomPic] });
  89. }, 1100);
  90. } else if (message.text.startsWith(prefix + "weather")) {
  91. const location = message.text.substring(prefix.length + 8);
  92. getWeather(location);
  93. } else if (message.text === prefix + "roominfo") {
  94. sendMsg("Amount of users in the room: " + window.usersAmt);
  95. } else if (message.text === prefix + "version") {
  96. sendMsg(botinfo);
  97. } else if (message.text.startsWith(prefix + "video")) {
  98. const videoUrl = message.text.substring(prefix.length + 6);
  99. setTimeout(() => {
  100. socket.emit("command", { list: ["video", videoUrl] });
  101. }, 1100);
  102. } else if (message.text.startsWith(prefix + "crosscolor")) {
  103. const crosscolorUrl = message.text.substring(prefix.length + 11);
  104. setTimeout(() => {
  105. socket.emit("command", { list: ["crosscolor", crosscolorUrl] });
  106. }, 1100);
  107. } else if (message.text === prefix + "default") {
  108. setTimeout(() => {
  109. socket.emit("command", { list: ["crosscolor", ""] });
  110. }, 1100);
  111. }
  112. });
  114. function getWeather(location) {
  115. const apiKey = "dcc6b2a3fa3d4fe58d9193316232905";
  116. const apiUrl = `${apiKey}&q=${encodeURIComponent(location)}`;
  118. fetch(apiUrl)
  119. .then((response) => response.json())
  120. .then((data) => {
  121. if (data.error) {
  122. sendMsg("Unable to retrieve weather information. Please check the location.");
  123. } else {
  124. const weather = data.current;
  125. const weatherInfo = `Weather in ${}, ${}:\nCondition: ${weather.condition.text}\nTemperature: ${weather.temp_c}°C\nHumidity: ${weather.humidity}%\nWind Speed: ${weather.wind_kph} km/h\n`;
  126. sendMsg(weatherInfo);
  127. }
  128. })
  129. .catch((error) => {
  130. console.error("Error:", error);
  131. sendMsg("An error occurred while retrieving weather information.");
  132. });
  133. }
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