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- #!/bin/env -S python3
- #
- # Reference:
- #
- # A. F. Kracklauer, ‘EPR-B correlations: non-locality or geometry?’,
- # J. Nonlinear Math. Phys. 11 (Supp.) 104–109 (2004).
- # (Open access, CC BY-NC)
- #
- import sys
- import multiprocessing as mp
- import time as tm
- from math import atan2, cos, floor, pi, radians, sin, sqrt
- from random import randint, seed, uniform
- def modulo(a, p):
- '''This is like the MODULO function of Fortran.'''
- return (a - (floor(a / p) * p));
- class Vector:
- '''A simple implementation of Gibbs vectors, suited to our
- purpose.'''
- def __init__(self, magnitude, angle):
- '''A vector is stored in polar form, with the angle in
- degrees between 0 (inclusive) and 360 (exclusive).'''
- self.magnitude = magnitude
- self.angle = modulo(angle, 360)
- def __repr__(self):
- return ("Vector(" + str(self.magnitude)
- + "," + str(self.angle) + ")")
- @staticmethod
- def from_rect(x, y):
- '''Return a vector for the given rectangular coordinates.'''
- return Vector(sqrt(x**2 + y**2),
- modulo (180 * pi * atan2 (y, x), 360))
- def to_rect(self):
- '''Return the x and y coordinates of the vector.'''
- x = self.magnitude * cos ((pi / 180) * self.angle)
- y = self.magnitude * sin ((pi / 180) * self.angle)
- return (x, y)
- @staticmethod
- def scalar_product(vector, scalar):
- '''Multiply a vector by a scalar, returning a new vector.'''
- return Vector(vector.magnitude * scalar, vector.angle)
- @staticmethod
- def dot_product(u, v):
- '''Return the dot product of two vectors.'''
- return (u.magnitude * v.magnitude
- * cos ((pi / 180) * (u.angle - v.angle)))
- @staticmethod
- def difference(u, v):
- '''Return the difference of two vectors.'''
- (xu, yu) = u.to_rect()
- (xv, yv) = v.to_rect()
- return Vector.from_rect(xu - xv, yu - yv)
- @staticmethod
- def projection(u, v):
- '''Return the projection of vector u onto vector v.'''
- scalar = Vector.dot_product(u, v) / Vector.dot_product(v, v)
- return Vector.scalar_product(v, scalar)
- class Mechanism:
- '''A Mechanism represents a part of the experimental apparatus.'''
- def __call__(self):
- '''Run the mechanism.'''
- while True:
- # A small pause to try not to overtax the computer.
- tm.sleep(0.001)
- def run(self):
- '''Fill this in with what the mechanism does.'''
- raise NotImplementedError()
- class LightSource(Mechanism):
- '''A LightSource occasionally emits oppositely plane-polarized
- light pulses, of fixed amplitude, polarized 90° with respect to
- each other. The pulses are represented by the vectors (1,0°) and
- (1,90°), respectively. One is emitted to the left, the other to
- the right. The probability is 1/2 that the (1,0°) pulse is emitted
- to the left.
- The LightSource records which pulse it emitted in which direction.
- '''
- def __init__(self, L, R, log):
- Mechanism.__init__(self)
- self.L = L # Queue gets (1,0°) or (1,90°)
- self.R = R # Queue gets (1,90°) or (1,0°)
- self.log = log # Queue gets 0 if (1,0°) sent left, else 1.
- def run(self):
- '''Emit a light pulse.'''
- n = randint(0, 1)
- self.L.put(Vector(1, n * 90))
- self.R.put(Vector(1, 90 - (n * 90)))
- self.log.put(n)
- class PolarizingBeamSplitter(Mechanism):
- '''A polarizing beam splitter takes a plane-polarized light pulse
- and splits it into two plane-polarized pulses. The directions of
- polarization of the two output pulses are determined solely by the
- angular setting of the beam splitter—NOT by the angle of the
- original pulse. However, the amplitudes of the output pulses
- depend on the angular difference between the impinging light pulse
- and the beam splitter.
- Each beam splitter is designed to select randomly between one of
- two angle settings. It records which setting it selected (by
- putting that information into one of its output queues).
- '''
- def __init__(self, S, S1, S2, log, angles):
- Mechanism.__init__(self)
- self.S = S # Vector queue to read from.
- self.S1 = S1 # One vector queue out.
- self.S2 = S2 # The other vector queue out.
- self.log = log # Which angle setting was used.
- self.angles = angles
- def run(self):
- '''Split a light pulse into two pulses. One of output pulses
- may be visualized as the vector projection of the input pulse
- onto the direction vector of the beam splitter. The other
- output pulse is the difference between the input pulse and the
- first output pulse: in other words, the orthogonal component.'''
- angle_setting = randint(0, 1)
- self.log.put(angle_setting)
- angle = self.angles[angle_setting]
- assert (0 <= angle and angle < 90)
- v = self.S.get()
- v1 = Vector.projection(v, Vector(1, angle))
- v2 = Vector.difference(v, v1)
- self.S1.put(v1)
- self.S2.put(v2)
- class LightDetector(Mechanism):
- '''Our light detector is assumed to work as follows: if a
- uniformly distributed random number between 0 and 1 is less than
- or equal to the intensity (square of the amplitude) of an
- impinging light pulse, then the detector outputs a 1, meaning the
- pulse was detected. Otherwise it outputs a 0, representing the
- quiescent state of the detector.
- '''
- def __init__(self, In, Out):
- Mechanism.__init__(self)
- self.In = In
- self.Out = Out
- def run(self):
- '''When a light pulse comes in, either detect it or do not.'''
- pulse = self.In.get()
- intensity = pulse.magnitude**2
- self.Out.put(1 if uniform(0, 1) <= intensity else 0)
- class DataSynchronizer(Mechanism):
- '''The data synchronizer combines the raw data from the logs and
- the detector outputs, putting them into dictionaries of
- corresponding data.
- '''
- def __init__(self, logS, logL, logR,
- detectedL1, detectedL2,
- detectedR1, detectedR2,
- dataout):
- Mechanism.__init__(self)
- self.logS = logS
- self.logL = logL
- self.logR = logR
- self.detectedL1 = detectedL1
- self.detectedL2 = detectedL2
- self.detectedR1 = detectedR1
- self.detectedR2 = detectedR2
- self.dataout = dataout
- def run(self):
- '''This method does the synchronizing.'''
- self.dataout.put({"logS" : self.logS.get(),
- "logL" : self.logL.get(),
- "logR" : self.logR.get(),
- "detectedL1" : self.detectedL1.get(),
- "detectedL2" : self.detectedL2.get(),
- "detectedR1" : self.detectedR1.get(),
- "detectedR2" : self.detectedR2.get()})
- def save_raw_data(filename, data):
- def save_data(f):
- f.write(str(len(data)))
- f.write("\n")
- for entry in data:
- f.write(str(entry["logS"]))
- f.write(" ")
- f.write(str(entry["logL"]))
- f.write(" ")
- f.write(str(entry["logR"]))
- f.write(" ")
- f.write(str(entry["detectedL1"]))
- f.write(" ")
- f.write(str(entry["detectedL2"]))
- f.write(" ")
- f.write(str(entry["detectedR1"]))
- f.write(" ")
- f.write(str(entry["detectedR2"]))
- f.write("\n")
- if filename != "-":
- with open(filename, "w") as f:
- save_data(f)
- else:
- save_data(sys.stdout)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv) != 2 and len(sys.argv) != 3:
- print("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " NUM_PULSES [RAW_DATA_FILE]")
- sys.exit(1)
- num_pulses = int(sys.argv[1])
- raw_data_filename = (sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) == 3 else "-")
- seed() # Initialize random numbers with a random seed.
- # Angles commonly used in actual experiments. Whatever angles you
- # use have to be zero degrees or placed in Quadrant 1. This
- # constraint comes with no loss of generality, because a
- # polarizing beam splitter is actually a sort of rotated
- # "X". Therefore its orientation can be specified by any one of
- # the arms of the X. Using the Quadrant 1 arm simplifies data
- # analysis.
- anglesL = (0.0, 45.0)
- anglesR = (22.5, 67.5)
- assert (all(0 <= x and x < 90 for x in anglesL + anglesR))
- # Queues used for communications between the processes. (Note that
- # the direction of communication is always forwards in time. This
- # forwards-in-time behavior is guaranteed by using queues for the
- # communications, instead of Python's two-way pipes.)
- max_size = 100000
- logS = mp.Queue(max_size)
- logL = mp.Queue(max_size)
- logR = mp.Queue(max_size)
- L = mp.Queue(max_size)
- R = mp.Queue(max_size)
- L1 = mp.Queue(max_size)
- L2 = mp.Queue(max_size)
- R1 = mp.Queue(max_size)
- R2 = mp.Queue(max_size)
- detectedL1 = mp.Queue(max_size)
- detectedL2 = mp.Queue(max_size)
- detectedR1 = mp.Queue(max_size)
- detectedR2 = mp.Queue(max_size)
- dataout = mp.Queue(max_size)
- # Objects that will run in the various processes.
- lightsource = LightSource(L, R, logS)
- splitterL = PolarizingBeamSplitter(L, L1, L2, logL, anglesL)
- splitterR = PolarizingBeamSplitter(R, R1, R2, logR, anglesR)
- detectorL1 = LightDetector(L1, detectedL1)
- detectorL2 = LightDetector(L2, detectedL2)
- detectorR1 = LightDetector(R1, detectedR1)
- detectorR2 = LightDetector(R2, detectedR2)
- sync = DataSynchronizer(logS, logL, logR, detectedL1, detectedL2,
- detectedR1, detectedR2, dataout)
- # Processes.
- lightsource_process = mp.Process(target=lightsource)
- splitterL_process = mp.Process(target=splitterL)
- splitterR_process = mp.Process(target=splitterR)
- detectorL1_process = mp.Process(target=detectorL1)
- detectorL2_process = mp.Process(target=detectorL2)
- detectorR1_process = mp.Process(target=detectorR1)
- detectorR2_process = mp.Process(target=detectorR2)
- sync_process = mp.Process(target=sync)
- # Start the processes.
- sync_process.start()
- detectorL1_process.start()
- detectorL2_process.start()
- detectorR1_process.start()
- detectorR2_process.start()
- splitterL_process.start()
- splitterR_process.start()
- lightsource_process.start()
- data = []
- for i in range(num_pulses):
- data.append(dataout.get())
- save_raw_data(raw_data_filename, data)
- # Shut down the apparatus.
- logS.close()
- logL.close()
- logR.close()
- L.close()
- R.close()
- L1.close()
- L2.close()
- R1.close()
- R2.close()
- detectedL1.close()
- detectedL2.close()
- detectedR1.close()
- detectedR2.close()
- dataout.close()
- lightsource_process.terminate()
- splitterL_process.terminate()
- splitterR_process.terminate()
- detectorL1_process.terminate()
- detectorL2_process.terminate()
- detectorR1_process.terminate()
- detectorR2_process.terminate()
- sync_process.terminate()
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