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- using UnityEngine;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- public class SoundManager : MonoBehaviour {
- public static SoundManager main = null;
- AudioSource audioSourceBGM;
- public List<AudioClip> bgmClipList = new List<AudioClip>();
- public enum TrgType {
- }
- public class BPM_Time_Struct
- {
- public BPM_Time_Struct(TrgType type, float t,float b,string n)
- {
- trgtype = type;
- changeTime = t;
- bpm = b;
- name=n;
- }
- public TrgType trgtype = TrgType.CLOSE;
- public float changeTime = 0;
- public float bpm = 105;
- public string name = "";
- }
- void Awake()
- {
- if(main != null)
- {
- GameObject.Destroy(this);
- } else
- {
- main = this;
- }
- }
- public List<BPM_Time_Struct> bpmList = new List<BPM_Time_Struct>();
- ParticleSystem ps;
- [SerializeField]
- private int _RenderQueue = 4000;
- void RenderStart ()
- {
- renderer.material.renderQueue = _RenderQueue;
- Transform trans = transform;
- for (int i = 0; i < trans.childCount; i++) {
- trans.GetChild (i).gameObject.renderer.material.renderQueue = _RenderQueue;
- }
- ps = this.gameObject.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
- }
- // Use this for initialization
- void Start () {
- RenderStart();
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.SWITCH_ENEMY, 0,105,"A"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.OPEN, (9.03f/8)*1,105,"A"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.CLOSE, (9.03f/8)*2,105,"A"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.OPEN, (9.03f/8)*3,105,"A"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.OPEN, (9.03f/8)*4,105,"A"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.CLOSE, (9.03f/8)*5,105,"A"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.SWITCH_ENEMY, (9.03f/8)*6,105,"A"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.OPEN, 9.03f + ((17.66f-9.03f)/8)*0,118,"B"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.CLOSE, 9.03f + ((17.66f-9.03f)/8)*1,118,"B"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.OPEN, 9.03f + ((17.66f-9.03f)/8)*2,118,"B"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.OPEN, 9.03f + ((17.66f-9.03f)/8)*3,118,"B"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.CLOSE, 9.03f + ((17.66f-9.03f)/8)*4,118,"B"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.OPEN, 9.03f + ((17.66f-9.03f)/8)*5,118,"B"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.OPEN, 9.03f + ((17.66f-9.03f)/8)*6,118,"B"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.CLOSE, 9.03f + ((17.66f-9.03f)/8)*7,118,"B"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.SWITCH_ENEMY, 17.66f + ((29.22f-17.66f)/8)*0,152,"C"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.OPEN, 17.66f + ((29.22f-17.66f)/8)*1,152,"C"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.CLOSE, 17.66f + ((29.22f-17.66f)/8)*2,152,"C"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.SWITCH_ENEMY, 17.66f + ((29.22f-17.66f)/8)*3,152,"C"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.OPEN, 17.66f + ((29.22f-17.66f)/8)*4,152,"C"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.CLOSE, 17.66f + ((29.22f-17.66f)/8)*5,152,"C"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.SWITCH_ENEMY, 17.66f + ((29.22f-17.66f)/8)*6,152,"C"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.OPEN, 17.66f + ((29.22f-17.66f)/8)*7,152,"C"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.OPEN, 29.22f+2f,152,"EndPre"));
- bpmList.Add(new BPM_Time_Struct( TrgType.CLOSE, 29.22f+4f,152,"End"));
- EventPartChange += PartChangeTest;
- audioSourceBGM = this.gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
- if(Application.loadedLevelName == "game"){
- audioSourceBGM.clip = bgmClipList[Random.Range(0,7)%(bgmClipList.Count-1)];
- audioSourceBGM.Play();
- }
- }
- void PartChangeTest(BPM_Time_Struct arg)
- {
- Debug.Log(arg.trgtype.ToString());
- }
- // int lastBeatNo = 0;
- // int beatNo = 0;
- BPM_Time_Struct GetBPM_Time_Struct(float time)
- {
- if(time == 0)
- {
- return bpmList[0];
- }
- for(int btsIndex = 0;btsIndex < bpmList.Count - 1;btsIndex++)
- {
- if(bpmList[btsIndex].changeTime < time && time < bpmList[btsIndex+1].changeTime)
- {
- return bpmList[btsIndex];
- }
- }
- return bpmList[bpmList.Count-1];
- }
- BPM_Time_Struct lastBPM_Time_Struct;
- public BPM_Time_Struct currentBPM_Time_Struct;
- // Update is called once per frame
- void Update () {
- if(audioSourceBGM.isPlaying)
- {
- currentBPM_Time_Struct = GetBPM_Time_Struct(audioSourceBGM.time);
- if(currentBPM_Time_Struct != lastBPM_Time_Struct)
- {
- EventPartChange(currentBPM_Time_Struct);
- lastBPM_Time_Struct = currentBPM_Time_Struct;
- }
- }
- }
- //---------------イベント-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public delegate void PartChange (BPM_Time_Struct arg); // ビートイベントコールバック登録用デリゲート
- static public PartChange EventPartChange; // ビートイベントコールバック登録用
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public List<AudioClip> continueClipList = new List<AudioClip>();
- public void PlayneCount(int neCount)
- {
- if(neCount%20 == 0){
- //Debug.Log("neCount " + neCount);
- audio.PlayOneShot(continueClipList[(neCount/20)%(continueClipList.Count-1)],0.41f);
- }
- }
- public List<AudioClip> hajikuClipList = new List<AudioClip>();
- int HajikuCount = 0;
- public void PlayHajiku()
- {
- HajikuCount++;
- if(HajikuCount%4 == 0){
- audio.PlayOneShot(hajikuClipList[0],0.7f);
- ps.enableEmission = true;
- ps.maxParticles = 100;
- }
- }
- public void PlayShut()
- {
- ps.maxParticles = 0;
- ps.enableEmission = false;
- {
- audio.PlayOneShot(hajikuClipList[1],0.7f);
- }
- }
- public void PlayClose()
- {
- ps.maxParticles = 0;
- ps.enableEmission = false;
- {
- audio.PlayOneShot(hajikuClipList[2],0.7f);
- }
- }
- int GrowlCount = 0;
- public void PlayGrowl()
- {
- GrowlCount += Random.Range(1,3);
- ps.maxParticles = 0;
- ps.enableEmission = false;
- if(GrowlCount%8 == 0)
- {
- audio.PlayOneShot(hajikuClipList[3],0.7f);
- }
- }
- public List<AudioClip> titleClipList = new List<AudioClip>();
- public void PlayTitle()
- {
- //audio.PlayOneShot(titleClipList[0],0.7f);
- audioSourceBGM.clip = titleClipList[0];
- audioSourceBGM.loop = true;
- audioSourceBGM.Play();
- }
- }
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