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- The LDB turned into a Werewolf and jumped on Alduin's neck and started pulling off all scales from Alduin's neck and body as he flew over the souls and the mist of Sovngarde, the man-sized scales fell like fire from the skies, mixed with the fireballs Alduin constantly Shouted at the Heroes cowarding from the fire storm also Shouted into existence by Alduin. As the LDB slashed through Alduin's scales, it's body underneath began showing, and dissipating, for you see, Alduin is not made of flesh, like all Dragons, Alduin is made of a concept. All Dragons have special names, and not because their fathers (if there are any) thought them suited for the personality of each Dragon, no, they have names because they, like Anu and Padomay at the beginning of everything, were and simply were. As the LDB saw the essence of the World-Eater, he could not believe it, for how can you kill a concept? But that did not matter for a werewolf as untrained as the LDB, the only thing that matters is the next blow.
- The LDB, no matter how powerful, even at level 81 (lore-wise), would have been almost dead by the end of the fight. Imagine how it would be to fight a Dragon (who can fly and just shoot as many fireballs at you sadly and uselessly watch him fly over you on the ground) who was strong enough to subdue every other Dragon on existence and is the mothervehking World-Eater, literally. Lore-wise, almost all attacks the LDB could deliver on a Dragon would be close to meaningless, I still don't know how can a sword go through those scales, they don't look at all so soft as to let sword blows damage a Dragon to the point of killing it, and Alduin would be even harder to take down, I imagine the battle taking quite a few days to end, with the LDB exhausted and finding some last-minute-before-collapsing breach on Alduin's defence so s/he could finally end the battle and go home to a healer, and I don't think that Sovngarde would still be on the same shape by the end, the battle would probably take place at the hill, and by the end, only half of it would still be there.
- Also, maybe the three heroes helping you would be defeated and their souls "reset" to the Hall of Valour and they would come back running to join the fight once more, time and time again, all the while the other heroes (and an ever-watchful Shor) observe your efforts and silently (or loudly) support and send their prayers to you, cheering when you deliver a blow and grumble when Alduin has the upper hand.
- by BrynjarIsenbana via Reddit's /r/teslore
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