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- #!/bin/bash
- ## MAFoElffen, <>, 2021.08.19
- ##
- ## Contributors:
- ## sudodus <>, 2021.08.25
- ## Doug S, 2021.08.22
- ## oldfred, 2021.08.20
- ## Filename: support-info
- ## Description: Report Finds Machine System And Hardware Related Information.
- ## Purpose: For support use at "".
- #########################################################################
- # Copyright (c) 2012, 2021
- #
- # GNU General Public License (GPL-3.0-or-later)
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <>.
- #
- ########################################################################
- #### Variables
- ########################################################################
- # Versioning
- version="Version: 02.00-03, Script Date: 2022.10.29"
- exit_code=0
- #md5_sum=$(md5sum $sname | sed 's/system.*//g' )
- arg1=$1
- arg2=$2
- # Set Report filename and path to
- sname="${0##*/}" # flexible, needs quoting everywhere if spaces
- report="$HOME/${sname}.txt"
- # Get present Locale settings
- localectl_status=$(localectl status )
- locale_state=$(locale )
- # Set locale language settings
- # Set a pretty ANSI screen decoration for displaying the report onscreen
- blueback="\0033[1;37;44m"
- redback="\0033[1;37;41m"
- faintvid="\0033[2m"
- resetvid="\0033[0m"
- # Check boot mode
- boot_mode=$( [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo "UEFI Firmware mode" || echo "Legacy mode (alias CSM alias BIOS mode)" )
- boot_status=$( [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] ); # Use boot mode as boolean test
- less_status="less"
- up_status= "true"
- debian_branch=0
- # Report timestamp
- startt="$(date '+%F %T %Z (%z)')"
- # LST Name for package calc
- LTS_PKG=""
- # variables to keep track of missing programs...
- missing_programs=""
- check_paster=0
- # Variable to track upload status as uploaded
- check_paste=1
- missing_paster_progs=""
- # Variable to add more detail to Report
- detail_level='-v'
- zfs_detail=1
- # Logger settings
- # Change verbosity to show level of warnings. Range: -1 through 5. -1 is show nothing.
- verbosity=-1
- silent_lvl=0
- crt_lvl=1
- err_lvl=2
- wrn_lvl=3
- inf_lvl=4
- dbg_lvl=5
- # Trap Control-C
- stty -echoctl # hide ^C
- trap 'other_commands' SIGINT
- # 'Trap Section' to clean up Temporary Files on unexpected EXIT's
- trap "rm -f $manually_installed" EXIT 2> /dev/null
- trap "rm -f $default_installed" EXIT 2> /dev/null
- trap "rm -f $user_installed" EXIT 2> /dev/null
- trap "rm -f $ssh_data" EXIT 2> /dev/null
- trap "ResetLocale" EXIT 2> /dev/null
- ########################################################################
- #### Functions:
- ########################################################################
- function other_commands()
- {
- tput setaf 1
- printf "You can 'not' exit this script by pressing Control-C..."
- tput sgr0
- printf "Continue with last 'asked' input..."
- }
- function CheckRoot()
- {
- clear -x;
- ## Check if ran as root. Runs at startup. Called by Main()
- if [[ "$EUID" == 0 ]] || [ $UID -eq 0 ]
- then
- echo -e "$redback Do not run this script with sudo or as root$resetvid"
- echo -e "If your Linux ditribution installs with only a Root User as a default, "
- echo -e "please create another User that has the ability to run elevated commands. "
- PassPhrase
- #exit_code=106
- #exit $exit_code
- echo -e "Running Script: ${sname} $version"
- else
- echo -e "This script needs some parts of it to run with elevated permissions."
- nl
- ## Check if 'sudo' is installed...
- if type sudo > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
- then
- echo -e "Please enter your password for that to happen."
- sudo -k # revoke previously cached sudo password
- if sudo true
- then
- echo -e "Running Script: ${sname} $version"
- else
- echo -e "$redback ----------- This script is made to use 'sudo' ----------- $resetvid"
- echo -e "$redback ---- Password was incorrect for sudo elevated rights. --- $resetvid"
- PassPhrase
- echo -e "Continuing to run the script, but: Expect errors. "
- fi
- else
- echo -e "$redback ----------- This script is made to use 'sudo' ----------- $resetvid"
- echo -e "$redback This system does not have 'sudo' installed. $resetvid"
- echo -e "$redback If you install 'sudo' you will get much more information. $resetvid"
- Pause
- echo -e "Running Script: ${sname} $version"
- fi
- fi
- }
- function CheckArgs()
- {
- # Version or Help Panel. Called by Main().
- if [[ "$arg1" == "-v" ]]
- then
- # Versioning: At the commandline: [<ScriptName> -v] returns <VersionInfo>, then exits.
- echo -e "$version";
- ResetLocale
- exit;
- elif [[ "$arg1" == "-h" ]] || [[ "$arg1" == "--help" ]]
- then
- # Help Panel: At the commandline: [<ScriptName> -h or --help] returns this usage panel, then exits.
- echo "Running Script: ${sname} $version"
- echo -e "md5sum: "$(md5sum ${sname} | sed 's/system.*//g' )
- nl
- echo -e "Description: The Ubuntu Forums \"system-info\" script queries the users "
- echo -e "computer and prepares a report, so that Ubuntu Forums Community Members "
- echo -e "can see what they are recommending solutions for."
- nl
- echo -e "Usage: ./${sname} <option> "
- nl
- echo -e "Options: "
- echo -e " -v Returns Version Information and exits."
- echo -e " -h or --help Displays this Help Screen, then exits."
- echo -e " -s # or --show # Changes Verbosity levels of the logger."
- echo -e " # range 0 through 5"
- echo -e " Example: system-info -s 5 turns on debugging messages"
- echo -e " -d or --details Displays more details to Report"
- echo -e " Adds more details to GPU,Storage Controller, Sound devices, "
- echo -e " and ZFS (if installed)."
- nl
- echo -e "Parts of the script need elevated permissions (sudo) to get the correct "
- echo -e "information from your system, while other parts do not. We have "
- echo -e "determined where that needs to be used and when not. While the script is "
- echo -e "running, you will be asked to enter your userID's password."
- nl
- echo -e "It then asks the user 2 questions to describe the problem they are having, "
- echo -e "then creates ${sname}.txt in their Home directory."
- nl
- echo -e "Will check programs used by this script, and give the user the option to "
- echo -e "quit to install anything it finds missing. Will give the user the option "
- echo -e "to upload the report to a pastebin and displays the URL of that to add "
- echo -e "their post on Ubuntu Forums."
- nl
- echo -e "Or they can manually paste the report within code tags in a post or to a "
- echo -e "pastebin. Or added as a text attachment to a post."
- nl
- echo -e "We have tried to keep this safe and simple to use."
- ResetLocale
- exit;
- elif [[ "$arg1" == "-s" ]] || [[ "$arg1" == "--show" ]]
- then
- if [ $arg2 -ge -1 ] && [ $arg2 -le 5 ]
- then
- verbosity=$arg2
- else
- echo -e "Startup Option out of range."
- ResetLocale
- exit_code=1
- exit $exit_code;
- fi
- elif [[ "$arg1" == "-d" ]] || [[ "$arg1" == "--details" ]]
- then
- detail_level='-vv'
- zfs_detail=0
- fi
- }
- function ResetLocale() {
- }
- function CheckTypeError() {
- type -a type > /dev/null 2>&1
- TypeError=$?
- if [[ "$TypeError" == "1" ]]
- then
- echo -e "The 'type' command is not found as an internal builtin command on this "
- echo -e "system. Cannot check for prerequisite Linux utilities used in this script."
- echo -e "This script will run, but may display some errors."
- nl
- fi
- unset -v TypeError
- }
- function CheckDebianBranch()
- {
- # Check if OS is in Debian Branch
- # var debian_branch is global
- if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]
- then
- debian_branch=0
- else
- debian_branch=1
- fi
- debug "CheckDebianBranch(). Value: $debian_branch" 1
- }
- function CheckUbuntuFlavor()
- {
- # Check if OS is an Ubuntu Flavor
- ubuntu_found=$(grep -m 1 -Ei 'untu' /etc/*release)
- #echo -e "${#ubuntu_found[@]}"
- if [[ "$ubuntu_found" == *"untu"* ]]
- then
- ubuntu_flavor=0
- else
- ubuntu_flavor=1
- fi
- debug "CheckUbuntuFlavor(). Value: $ubuntu_found" 1
- # var ubuntu_flavor is global
- unset -v ubuntu_found
- }
- function GetReleaseDescription()
- {
- # Retrieve 'Release Description' from a Linux Operating System
- # As an alternative to: echo -e "The current release description is: ${setansi} $(lsb_release -sd) $ransi"
- # Called from GetOtherDetails()
- if [[ "$check_lsb_release" == "0" ]]
- then
- os_name=$(lsb_release -sd)
- debug "Got release description from 'lsb_release'." 1
- else
- # Parse through the (possibly) many release file candidates to retrieve the answer...
- os_name=$(grep -m 1 'PRETTY_NAME|DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION' /etc/*release | \
- sed 's/\/etc\/.*release://g' | \
- sed -e 's/[Pp][Rr][Ee][Tt][Tt][Yy]_[Nn][Aa][Mm][Ee]=//g' \
- -e 's/[D,d][E,e][S.s][C,c][R,r][I,i][P,p][T,t][I,i][O,o][Nn]=//g' | \
- sed 's/\"//g')
- nl
- debug "Got release description from 'release' file" 1
- fi
- echo -e " --- Operating System Release Description --- "
- if [[ "$os_name" == "" ]]
- then
- echo -e "There was a problem determining the Release Description... "
- echo -e "Here is the raw outout of the release file(s) to determine manually:"
- grep --color=never '=' /etc/*release
- debug "GetReleaseDescription(). Dumped release file info. Condition failed." 1
- else
- echo -e "The current release description is: ${setansi} $os_name $ransi"
- fi
- nl
- unset -v os_name
- }
- function CheckPrerequisites()
- {
- ## Check if all necessary programs are available. Called once by Main().
- # Programs that are in /bin or /usr/bin.
- Programs='
- sudo
- cat
- grep
- awk
- free
- gsettings
- gzip
- tar
- md5sum
- mokutil
- curl
- pastebinit
- ubuntu-drivers
- comm
- dpkg
- nc
- wget
- ls
- lshw
- lspci
- lsb_release
- stat
- stdbuf
- rm
- sed
- ping
- id
- hostname
- hostnamectl
- pstree
- lsblk
- lsusb
- sleep
- sort
- mktemp
- whoami
- who'
- # Programs that are in /usr/sbin or /sbin.
- Programs_SBIN='
- fdisk
- ip'
- # Programs that are in /usr/snap/bin.
- Programs_SnapBin='
- curl'
- check_prog=1; # global scope
- check_mokutil=1; # global scope
- check_lshw=0; # global scope
- check_lsb_release=0; # global scope
- check_hostname=0; # global scope
- CheckDebianBranch
- CheckUbuntuFlavor
- for Program in ${Programs} ${Programs_SBIN}
- do
- if [ $(type ${Program} > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $?) -ne 0 ]
- then
- ## Added to check if a program is not in bin or sbin, but might be present in Snap
- # I might have to replicate this for Flatpak(?)
- # Renamed variable $Program in this stub here to ProgramSof (for "Program: Snap Or Flatpak".
- for ProgramSoF in ${Programs_SnapBin}
- do
- snap_test=$(snap list $ProgramSof 2>&1 )
- snap_exit=$?
- flatpak_test=$(flatpak list $ProgramSof 2>&1 )
- flatpak_exit=$?
- ## This first part is more generic code for future things moved to the Snap Store...
- #if [[ "$snap_test" != *"no matching snaps installed"* ]] || [ $snap_exit -eq 0 ]
- #then
- # check_prog=0;
- # debug "$ProgramSoF found in Snap" 1
- #elif [[ "$flatpak_test 2>&1 )" != "no matching flatpaks installed" ]] || [ $flatpak_exit -eq 0 ]
- #then
- # check_prog=0
- # debug "$ProgramSoF found in FlatPak" 1
- #else
- # debug "$ProgramSoF not found in an Alternative Package Store" 1
- #fi
- ##
- # This part is just for now, where 'curl' might be from Snap
- if [[ "$ProgramSoF" == "curl" ]]
- then
- if [ -e /usr/bin/curl ] || [ -e /snap/bin/curl ]
- then
- check_prog=0
- debug "'curl' was found in either /usr/bin or /snap/bin" 1
- elif [ $snap_exit -eq 0 ]
- then
- check_prog=0
- debug "'curl' found in Snap" 1
- elif [ $flatpak_exit -eq 0 ]
- then
- check_prog=0
- debug "'curl' found in Flatpak" 1
- else
- check_prog=1
- debug "'curl' was not found in either /usr/bin or /snap/bin" 1
- fi
- fi
- done
- ## Cleanup Local Variables
- unset -v snap_test snap_exit flatpak_test flatpak_exit ProgramSoF Programs_SBIN
- if [[ "$check_prog" == "1" ]]
- then
- echo -e " --- Some Programs This Script Uses Were Missing --- "
- fi
- if [[ "$Program" == "mokutil" ]]
- then # If not 'Here' condition
- # If this missing, it is a variant for UEFI systems only. It does work on 18.04 where it was not default yet, and is
- # a useful option to see if there "is" a SecureBoot option in the BIOS, besides just what it is set at. This, during
- # tests, is safe to install on Legacy Only BIOS systems and can be used to tell if the BIOS is such.
- echo -e "$faintvid \"${Program}\" Could not be found. This program is suggested.$resetvid"
- echo -e "$faintvid If this is older hardware that is 'Legacy Only BIOS', then this can be $resetvid"
- echo -e "$faintvid ignored. The report will still run without it. It will just not be able $resetvid"
- echo -e "$faintvid to answer one question. $resetvid"
- check_mokutil=0; # Set Flag to false and recheck in GetSb()
- check_prog=0;
- missing_programs="$missing_programs\n$Program"
- debug "'$Program' is not installed" 1
- elif [[ "$Program" == "pastebinit" ]] || [[ "$Program" == "wget" ]] || [[ "$Program" == "curl" ]] || [[ "$Program" == "nc" ]]
- then
- check_prog=0;
- check_paster=$((check_paster+1));
- missing_paster_progs="$missing_paster_progs$Program, "
- missing_programs="$missing_programs\n$Program"
- # To take care of a permissions check issue on Debian, 2022.06.15
- elif [[ "$Program" == "fdisk" ]]
- then
- #LSB_ID=$(lsb_release -si)
- if [[ "$debian_branch" == "0" ]]
- then
- # Set Debian as an exception
- check_prog=0;
- debug "System is Debian, 'fdisk'" 1
- fi
- if [ -e /sbin/fdisk ]
- then
- check_prog=0
- debug "'fdisk' is in /sbin" 1
- fi
- elif [[ "$Program" == "ip" ]]
- then
- # For Slackware
- if [ -e /sbin/ip ]
- then
- check_prog=0
- debug "'ip' is in /sbin" 1
- fi
- elif [[ "$Program" == "lspci" ]]
- then
- # For Slackware. lspci is in /sbin, instead of /bin
- if [ -e /bin/lspci ]
- then
- #lspci_cmd="/bin/lspci"
- check_prog=0
- debug "'lspci' is in /bin" 1
- elif [ -e /sbin/lspci ]
- then
- #lspci_cmd="/sbin/lspci"
- check_prog=0
- debug "'lspci' is in /sbin" 1
- else
- #lspci_cmd="lspci"
- debug "'lspci' was not found." 1
- fi
- elif [[ "$Program" == "lsb_release" ]]
- then
- # CHANGE - Do not assume all Debian Branch uses 'lsb_release'...
- # If 'lsb_release' does not exist, then set flag for it.
- # Set/call alternate methods to retrieve System Description information
- ## GetReleaseDescription() Modified for this
- #check_prog=0;
- check_lsb_release=1
- debug "Utility 'lsb_release' is not here" 1
- elif [[ "$Program" == "hostname" ]]
- then
- if [ -e /usr/bin/hostnamectl ]
- then
- check_prog=0
- check_hostname=1
- else
- check_hostname=2
- debug "Both 'hostname' and 'hostnamectl' where not found." 1
- fi
- elif [[ "$Program" == "ubuntu-drivers" ]]
- then
- # Check if it is Ubuntu Flavor, else not needed
- if [[ "$ubuntu_flavor" == "1" ]]
- then
- check_prog=0;
- echo -e "'ubuntu-drivers' is not installed, but is not an Ubuntu Flavor, so ignore."
- fi
- elif [[ "$Program" == "dpkg" ]]
- then
- # Check if Debian Branch, else not needed
- if [[ "$debian_branch" == "1" ]]
- then
- check_prog=0;
- echo -e "'dpkg' is not installed, but ignore, as this is not a Debian Branch."
- fi
- elif [[ "$Program" == "lshw" ]]
- then
- check_lshw=1
- check_prog=0;
- echo -e "'lshw' is not installed, but will run with less details."
- else
- echo -e "'$Program' is not installed."
- check_prog=0;
- missing_programs="$missing_programs\n$Program"
- fi
- fi
- done
- if [ "$check_prog" == 0 ]
- then
- echo -e " -------------------------------- "
- nl
- echo -e "The Script 'system-info' uses some very basic Linux utilities. "
- echo -e "Some of these utilities were not found."
- nl
- echo -e "The report will still run without them. It will just not answer related "
- echo -e "questions. Some of that information may be related to the diagnosis of "
- echo -e "your installed system. If missing utilities may have answered your "
- echo -e "specified problem, you may be asked by a 'Ubuntu Forums Member' supporting "
- echo -e "you if a program was missing, and if you could install it to answer that "
- echo -e "related question."
- nl
- CheckPaster
- echo -e "Some of these utilities are not default installed utilities to all Editions, "
- echo -e "versions, and flavors of Ubuntu... So may be considered as optional. "
- nl
- ans=
- while [ "$ans" != "e" ] && [ "$ans" != "E" ] && [ "$ans" != "c" ] && [ "$ans" != "C" ]
- do
- read -erp "<E>xit and install the program(s) or <C>ontinue anyway? <E/C> " ans
- ans="${ans,}"
- debug "User answered $ans" 1
- if [[ $ans =~ ^[Ee]$ ]]
- then
- echo -e "Please install the missing programs listed above before rerunning script."
- debug "User choose to exit after missing programs." 1
- ResetLocale
- exit_code=0
- exit $exit_code
- elif [[ ${ans,} =~ ^[Cc]$ ]]
- then
- echo -e "Some task(s) will not work, but I'll do the best possible, continuing ..."
- debug "User choose to continue while missing some programs." 1
- sleep 1
- fi
- done
- else
- echo -e "All required programs installed..."
- sleep 1
- fi
- }
- function CheckPaster() {
- if [ $check_paster -eq 4 ]
- then
- echo -e "Programs 'pastebinit', 'curl', 'wget', and 'nc' are missing. "
- echo -e "All 4 utilities used to upload this report to a PasteBin are missing."
- echo -e "The report will still run. If not installed, you would just need to "
- echo -e "paste the report into a post, contained within 'CODE' Tags."
- nl
- fi
- if [ $check_paster -le 3 -a $check_paster -ge 1 ]
- then
- echo -e "Program(s) $missing_paster_progs is/are missing, "
- echo -e "but can be ignored as there still are installed utilities present to "
- echo -e "to be able to upload the report to an online PasteBin."
- nl
- fi
- }
- function ProcessMissingPrograms() {
- echo -e "---- Required Programs For Report."
- if [[ "$missing_programs" == "" ]]
- then
- echo -e " All required programs installed for report. "
- nl
- else
- echo -e " --- Some Programs This Script Uses Were Missing --- "
- echo -e "$missing_programs" | awk 'NF && !/^(start|#)/ {print " " $0}'
- nl
- fi
- }
- function RmOldReport()
- {
- # Removes the old report. Called once by Main().
- /bin/rm -f "$report"
- exit_code=$?
- debug "Remove old report. Exit code: $exit_code" 1
- }
- function UserInput()
- {
- # Gather User Information on the problem. Called once by Main()
- # User Input for Problem and Description
- # Format input
- width=$(tput cols)
- str=
- for ((i=1; i<=$width; i++))
- do
- str="${str}_"
- done
- #echo -e "$str"
- nl
- echo -e "Please provide some \"Basic Information\"..."
- read -erp "What is the Main Complaint (summarized)? " main_complaint
- read -erp "Describe the Problem: " problem_description
- clear -x
- unset -v i cols width str
- }
- function GetMachineInfo()
- {
- # Gets Computer Information. Called once by Writer().
- GetCPU
- GetDmi
- GetMem
- GetSwap
- GetNetworkingInfo
- GetHostname
- nl
- }
- function GetCPU()
- {
- # Gets CPU Information. Called once by GetMachineInfo().
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- General Computer Specifications:$ransi"
- nl
- # Do not call $lshw_cmd if 'lshw' is not installed...
- if [[ "$check_lshw" == "0" ]]
- then
- echo -e " --- Computer/CPU Information from 'lshw -C cpu' --- "
- $lshw_cmd -C cpu \
- | sed -r '/^ *([a-z])/ s/([a-zA-Z])/\u&/' \
- | sed -e 's/^ *\*-cpu/\*-Cpu/g' \
- | sed '/Capabilities/ s/ *Capabilities/ Capabilities/' \
- | fold -sw 71 \
- |sed -e 's/^[^ ]/ &/' \
- -e 's/ *\*-Cpu/\*-Cpu/g' \
- -e 's/ Capabilities/ Capabilities/' \
- -e 's/ / /' \
- -e '/Capabilities/ s/^[^ ]/ &/'
- nl
- $lshw_cmd \
- | sed '/*-core/,$ d' \
- | sed -r '/^ *([a-z])/ s/([a-zA-Z])/\u&/' \
- | sed -e 's/ *Configuration/ Configuration/' \
- -e '/Configuration/ s/ [^ ]*=[^ ]*/\n&/g' \
- -e 's/Configuration/ Configuration/' \
- | sed 's/^ [^ ]/ &/'
- nl
- else
- echo -e " --- Computer/CPU Information from '/proc/cpuinfo' --- "
- grep -m 1 -Ei 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/model name.*:.//g'
- nl
- fi
- }
- function FixNonAsciiVar() {
- # Call format to this function is: FixNonAsciiVar <var_name> <var_content>
- VarName=$1 # Local Var
- VarContent=$2 # Global Var
- # Check if field contains non ascii characters
- # Remember to set whatever the original passed varaible equal to $VarContent after the call
- # to catch the fixed return value.
- if [[ "$VarContent" == "*[!:ascii:]*" ]]
- then
- debug "$VarName contains Non-ASCII characters." 1
- debug "Content= $VarContent" 1
- # Remove non-ascii chars from string
- VarContent=$(sed 's/[\d0-\d8,\d11-\d31,\d127-\d255]//g' <<< $VarContent )
- debug "Fixed Content: $VarContent" 1
- fi
- unset $VarName
- }
- function GetDmi()
- {
- # Checks for SMBIOS compliance and values for. Called once by GetMachineInfo().
- # Dynamically checks the dmi_var's and removes them from the array if not present
- # to adjust for SMBIOS Standard Version variations.
- smbios_compliant="/sys/class/dmi/id/" # local var
- dmi_vars='bios_vendor
- bios_version
- bios_release
- board_vendor
- board_name
- board_version
- board_serial
- board_asset_tag' # local var
- echo -e "------------------ SMBIOS Information from '/sys/class/dmi/id/' "
- debug "SMBIOS Information" 1
- if [ -d $smbios_compliant ]
- then
- # Loop through once to verify all the vdi_var files exist first. If not,
- # then modify list by removing the file name from the declared array.
- dmi_idx=0 # local var for counter
- for dmi_var in ${dmi_vars}
- do
- if [ ! -f $smbios_compliant$dmi_var ]
- then
- debug "Deleting $dmi_var from array..." 1
- dmi_vars=( "${dmi_vars[@]/$dmi_var}" )
- fi
- dmi_idx+=1
- done
- # Then spin through the modified array to list them
- for dmi_var in ${dmi_vars}
- do
- dmi_content=$(sudo head -n 1 $smbios_compliant$dmi_var | \
- sed 's/[\d0-\d8,\d11-\d31,\d127-\d255]//g' )
- dmi_title=$(echo $dmi_var | sed -e 's/_/ /g' | sed -e 's/\b\(.\)/\u\1/g' )
- if [ $dmi_var == "board_version" ]
- then
- if [[ "$dmi_content" == "1234567890" ]]
- then
- dmi_content=""
- fi
- elif [[ "$dmi_content" == *"default "* ]]
- then
- dmi_content="Value Not Set"
- fi
- printf "%-20s %s\n" "$dmi_title:" "$dmi_content";
- done
- else
- echo -e "No SMBIOS information found"
- fi
- nl
- printf "%-20s %s\n" "Current boot mode:" "$boot_mode"
- GetSb
- nl
- unset -v dmi_idx dmi_var dmi_vars dmi_content dmi_title
- }
- function GetSb()
- {
- # Gets SafeBoot Info from UEFI BIOS or if not UEFI capable. Called once by GetDMI().
- # Warns user if mokutil was not present.
- echo -e " --- SecureBoot Status from 'mokutil':"
- ## Bug found on some machines concerning the '--sb-state' option switch on 2022.06.01.
- # Shortened to '--sb' (undocumented option switch)
- # 'mokuitl' Bug was resolved within days...
- # 2022.06.02, Added fallack error handling for fallback to alternate option flag...
- # using the documented option flag as the primary method.
- if [ $check_mokutil -eq 0 ]
- then
- echo -e "\tThis would check / have checked if SecureBoot was enabled or not, "
- echo -e "\tand checks if the system BIOS was UEFI or Lagacy only BIOS, "
- echo -e "\tbut package mokutil was not installed. If you would like to check"
- echo -e "\tthis information, please install 'mokutil' and rerun script."
- else
- # Added this error handling because of a bug on a 'mokutil', that was resolved
- # but showed that an error was possible from a faulty update of this utility.
- error_mokutil=$(mokutil --sb-state 2>&1 )
- if [[ "$error_mokutil" == *"mokutil: unrecognized option '--sb-state'"* ]]
- then
- mokutil_cmd=$(mokutil --sb 2>&1 )
- error_mokutil=$mokutil_cmd
- else
- mokutil_cmd=$(mokutil --sb-state 2>&1 )
- fi
- # For Legacy only BIOS, returns error: "EFI variables are not supported on this system"
- if [[ "$error_mokutil" == *"EFI variables"* ]]
- then
- echo -e "$error_mokutil"
- elif [[ "$error_mokutil" == *"Command 'mokutil' not found"* ]] #
- then
- echo -e "\tThis would check / have checked if SecureBoot was enabled or not, "
- echo -e "\t and checks if the system BIOS was UEFI or Lagacy only BIOS, "
- echo -e "\tbut package mokutil was not installed. If you would like to check"
- echo -e "\tthis information, please install 'mokutil' and rerun script."
- else
- sb_state=$mokutil_cmd
- debug "sb_state: $sb_state" 1
- if [[ $sb_state == "Failed to read SecureBoot" ]]
- then
- sb_disabled="SecureBoot: Disabled"
- #printf "%-20s %s\n" ${sb_disabled/ /: }
- echo -e "$sb_disabled"
- else
- # These are the known messages returned from mokutil
- # This system doesn't support Secure Boot
- # Secure Boot is enabled
- # Failed to read SecureBoot
- # Platform is in Setup Mode
- # mokutil: unrecognized option '--sb-state'
- #
- #printf "%-20s %s\n" ${sb_state/ /: }
- echo -e "$sb_state"
- fi
- fi
- nl
- fi
- unset -v error_mokutil mokutil_cmd sb_state sb_disabled
- }
- function GetMem()
- {
- # Gets memory information (pysical and swap). Called once by GetMachineInfo().
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- Memory Information:$ransi"
- mem_stats=$(free -m)
- echo -e "$mem_stats"
- nl
- unset -v mem_stats
- }
- function GetSwap () {
- # Gets more swap information. Called once by GetMachineInfo().
- fstab_info=$(grep 'swap' /etc/fstab )
- swaps_info=$(awk '{print $0}' /proc/swaps )
- sw_proc=$(awk '{print $0}' /proc/sys/vm/swappiness )
- sw_sysctl=$(grep 'vm.swappiness' /etc/sysctl.conf )
- valid_settings="10 - 60"
- if [ "$sw_sysctl" == "" ]
- then
- sw_stsctl="If setting 'vm.swappiness' is not declared in '/etc/systctl', then the system inherits the default setting of '60'."
- fi
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- Swap Information:$ransi"
- echo -e " --- Info from 'fstab'"
- echo -e "$fstab_info"
- nl
- echo -e " --- Info from '/proc/swaps'"
- echo -e "$swaps_info"
- nl
- echo -e " --- System Swapiness Settings"
- echo -e "Valid swappiness settings are from $valid_settings . "
- echo -e "Current setting in '/proc/sys/vm/swappiness': $sw_proc "
- echo -e "Current configuration setting in '/etc/sysctl.conf file: "
- echo -e "$sw_sysctl"
- nl
- unset -v fstab_info swaps_info sw_proc sw_sysctl valid_settings
- }
- function GetUsb()
- {
- # Gets USB information. Called once by Writer().
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- USB Information from 'lsusb -t -v':$ransi"
- usb_info=$(lsusb -t $detail_level)
- echo -e "$usb_info"
- nl
- unset -v usb_info
- }
- function GetNetworkingInfo()
- {
- # Gets Networking related Information. Called once by GetMachineInfo().
- GetIP
- CheckIpUp silent
- if [ "$up_status" == "true" ]
- then
- GetInternetStatus
- else
- echo -e " --- Internet Connection Status from 'ip addr' --- "
- echo -e "Skipped getting Internet Status. Connection: $up_status"
- nl
- fi
- CheckIpUp show
- GetMoreWirelessInformation
- }
- function GetInternetStatus()
- {
- # Verifies ping status and relsolv. Called once by GetNetworkingInfo().
- ping -c 1 &> /dev/null
- pingStatus=$? # Global var
- echo -e " --- Internet Connection Status from 'ping [various addresses]' --- "
- if [ $pingStatus == 0 ]
- then
- echo -e "Connected to Internet with DNS"
- else
- echo -e "Cannot reach internet by DNS"
- ping -c 1 &> /dev/null
- pingStatus=$?
- if [ $pingStatus == 0 ]
- then
- echo -e "Can reach the internet without DNS"
- else
- echo -e "Cannot reach internet by IP..."
- fi
- fi
- nl
- }
- function GetPingStatus()
- {
- # Takes arg as IP or URL. Returns pseudo boolean $return_status. Called twice (by Paster() and GetInternetStatus()).
- ping -c 1 $1 &> /dev/null
- pingStatus=$? # Global Var
- if [ $pingStatus == 0 ]
- then
- return_status="true" # Global Var
- else
- return_status="false" # Global Var
- fi
- debug "GetPingStatus(): Value: $return_status" 1
- }
- function GetIP()
- {
- # Get IP related information. Called once by GetNetworkingInfo().
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- IP Address Information:$ransi"
- echo -e " --- IP Address Information from 'ip addr' --- "
- # Grab IP address information
- if [ "$less_status" == "less" ]
- then
- ip_addr=$(/sbin/ip addr | grep -e '^[[:space:][1-9]:' -e 'inet.') # Local Var
- echo -e "$ip_addr"
- else
- ip_addr=$(/sbin/ip addr | grep -e '^[[:space:][1-9]:' -e 'inet.' \
- | sed '/inet\s/ s/inet\s.*/inet [REMOVED]/g' \
- | sed '/inet6\s.*/ s/inet6\s.*/inet6 [REMOVED]/g') # Local Var
- echo -e "$ip_addr"
- fi
- unset -v ip_addr
- nl
- }
- function CheckIpUp()
- {
- # Check to see if an exposed network device is up before going out to LAN. Called twice by GetNetworkingInfo()
- show_silent=$1 # show or silent. Eval is on: "show" # Global Var
- ip_devices_up=$(/sbin/ip addr | \
- grep -e '^[[:space:][1-9]:.*UP,LOWER_UP' | \
- sed 's/.*virb.*:.*\|.*lo:.*LOOPBACK.*//g' | \
- sed -e /^$/d) # Local Var
- if [ "$show_silent" == "show" ]
- then
- echo -e " --- Network Device Status Summary from 'ip addr' --- "
- if [ "$ip_devices_up" == "" ]
- then
- echo -e "No Network Devices up..."
- nl
- up_status="false"
- else
- echo -e "These Network Devices are up:"
- echo -e "$ip_devices_up"
- nl
- up_status="true"
- fi
- elif [ "$show_silent" == "silent" ]
- then
- if [ "$ip_devices_up" == "" ]
- then
- up_status="false"
- else
- up_status="true"
- fi
- else
- debug "'show_silent' call out of range $show_silent" 1
- fi
- debug "show_silent: $show_silent 'up_status': $up_status" 1
- unset -v ip_devices_up
- }
- function GetHostname()
- {
- # Gets Hostname information. Called once by GetMachineInfo().
- # Values for $check_hostname:
- # 0 = Use 'hostname'
- # 1 = Use 'hostnamectl'
- # 2 = 'hostname' and 'hostnamectl' were not found.
- # Print alternate message.
- if [ $check_hostname -eq 0 ]
- then
- hostname_long=$(hostname --fqdn) # Local Var
- hostname_short=$(hostname | \
- sed 's/\..*//g') # Local Var
- hostname_title="'hostname --fqdn'" # Local Var
- elif [ $check_hostname -eq 1 ]
- then
- hostname_long=$(hostnamectl --static )
- hostname_short=$(hostnamectl --static | \
- sed 's/\..*//g')
- hostname_title="'hostnamectl --static'"
- else
- hostname_long="<Could not be determined>"
- hostname_short="<Could not be determined>"
- hostname_title="'hostname'"
- fi
- echo -e " --- Hostname from $hostname_title --- "
- if [ "$less_status" == "less" ]
- then
- host_name=$hostname_long
- else
- host_name=$hostname_short
- fi
- echo -e "The 'Hostname' of the computer system is: $host_name"
- nl
- unset -v hostname_long hostname_short hostname_title host_name
- }
- function GetDiskInfo()
- {
- # Gets filesystem, disk, fstab and mount information. Called once by Writer().
- GetStorageControllers
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- File system specs from 'df -h':$ransi"
- df -hT -x tmpfs -x devtmpfs | grep -v '/snap/'
- nl
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- Disk/Partition Information From 'fdisk':$ransi"
- sudo fdisk -l 2>&1 | sed '/\/dev\/loop/,+3 d' 2> /dev/null | uniq
- nl
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- Disk/Partition Information From 'lsblk':$ransi"
- # Note: sed replacement added to switch out non-ascii charaters of 'lsblk'.
- # '' does not accept non-ascii characters
- lsblk -o NAME,SIZE,FSTYPE,LABEL,MOUNTPOINT,MODEL | grep -v '/snap/' | sed 's/^[\|,`]-/\|_/g'
- echo -e " ------- 'lsblk' information continued ..."
- lsblk -o NAME,HOTPLUG,PARTUUID,UUID | grep -v 'loop' | sed 's/^[\|,`]-/\|_/g'
- nl
- GetZfsInfo
- GetLuksInfo
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- Mount Details of '/etc/fstab':$ransi"
- grep -E -v '#' /etc/fstab
- nl
- GetMountInfo
- GetMoreDiskInfo
- }
- function GetMoreDiskInfo() {
- echo -e "For more detailed disk Information, please run the 'boot-info' script "
- echo -e "from: (STABLE) "
- nl
- }
- function GetMoreAlsaInformation() {
- echo -e "For more detailed audio information, get and run the script at: "
- nl
- }
- function GetMoreWirelessInformation() {
- echo -e "For more detailed wireless information, get and run the script at "
- nl
- }
- GetMountInfo()
- {
- mount_info=$(mount | grep '^/dev' | sort) # local var
- if [ "$mount_info" == "" ]
- then
- mount_info=$(mount)
- fi
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- Current Mount Details of 'mount':$ransi"
- echo -e "$mount_info"
- nl
- unset -v mount_info
- }
- function GetZfsInfo()
- {
- zfs_part_type=$(sudo fdisk -l 2>&1 | \
- sed '/\/dev\/loop/,+3 d' 2> /dev/null | \
- uniq | grep -m 1 'Solaris root\|Solaris boot' ) # Local Var
- zfs_fs_type=$(df -hT -x tmpfs -x devtmpfs | \
- grep -v '/snap/' | \
- grep -m 1 'rpool') # Local Var
- if [[ "$zfs_part_type" != "" ]]
- then
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- ZFS Information:$ransi"
- echo -e "System has at least one ZFS type partition."
- nl
- if [[ "$zfs_fs_type" != "" ]]
- then
- echo -e "System has ZFS rpools activated."
- nl
- if [ $zfs_detail -eq 0 ]
- then
- # Shown only if --details or -d option is used
- zfs list
- nl
- zpool list
- nl
- else
- echo -e "If you restart the script adding a '-d' startup option, it will show more details."
- nl
- fi
- else
- echo -e "System has no ZFS rpools activated."
- fi
- nl
- fi
- unset -v zfs_part_type zfs_fs_type
- }
- function GetLuksInfo()
- {
- luks_fs_type=$(lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE | \
- grep -m 1 'crypto_LUKS' )
- if [[ "$luks_fs_type" != "" ]]
- then
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- LUKS Information:$ransi"
- echo -e "System has a LUKS encrypted filesystem."
- nl
- fi
- unset -v luks_fs_type
- }
- function GetStorageControllers() {
- # Based on this information:
- # lspci | grep --color=never -i -e 'IDE controller' -e 'SATA controller' -e 'SCSI controller' -e 'Non-Volatile memory controller' -e 'RAID Controller'
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- Storage Controller Information From 'lspci':$ransi"
- cntrllr_busid_list=$(sudo -i lspci | \
- grep --color=never -i -e 'IDE ' \
- -e 'SATA ' \
- -e 'SCSI ' \
- -e 'Non-Volatile memory ' \
- -e 'RAID ' | \
- awk '{print $1}') # Local Var
- # Modified for devices which have no formal storage controllers besides USB or SD
- if [ ! -z "$cntrllr_busid_list" ]
- then
- # Parse through list (array) and show detailed information on each
- for controller in ${cntrllr_busid_list}
- do
- sudo -i lspci -s $controller $detail_level
- nl
- done
- else
- echo -e "No storage controller found. Check in 'lsusb' section."
- echo -e "May be USB or SD storage."
- nl
- fi
- unset -v controller cntrllr_busid_list
- }
- function GetGraphicsEnv()
- {
- # Gets Graphics Layer Information. Called once by Writer().
- # Do not call $lshw_cmd if lshw is not installed...
- if [[ "$check_lshw" == "0" ]] && [[ "$detail_level" == "-v" ]]
- then
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- Video Details from 'lshw':$ransi"
- nl
- #lshw_data=$(sudo lshw -C video )
- lshw_data=$(sudo lshw -C video \
- | sed -e 's/ *resources/resources/' \
- -e '/resources/ s/ [^ ]*:[^ ]*/ \n&/g' \
- -e 's/resources:/ resources:/g' \
- | sed 's/^ [^ ]/ &/' )
- if [ "$lshw_data" == "" ]
- then
- echo -e "No conventional GPU detected. May be using a Frame Buffer."
- else
- echo -e "$lshw_data"
- fi
- nl
- else
- # Use alternate method to display GPU info
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- Video Details from 'lspci':$ransi"
- #lspci | grep -i vga | sed 's/[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\.[0-9] //g'
- gpu_list=$(sudo -i lspci | \
- grep --color=never -i -e 'VGA' | \
- awk '{print $1}')
- # Modified for devices which have no formal GPU's
- if [ ! -z "$gpu_list" ]
- then
- # Parse through list )array) and show detailed information on each
- for gpu in ${gpu_list}
- do
- sudo -i lspci -s $gpu $detail_level
- nl
- done
- else
- echo -e "No formal GPU found. Check in other places for a framebuffer."
- nl
- fi
- unset -v gpu_list
- fi
- echo -e " --- Graphics Environment Continued from 'various graphics ENVs' ----"
- if [ "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" != "" ]
- then
- echo -e "The Current Configured Destop is: $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP "
- else
- echo -e "The Current Configured Desktop is: <Not Populated> "
- fi
- if [ "$DESKTOP_SESSION" != "" ]
- then
- echo -e "The Current Desktop Session is: $DESKTOP_SESSION "
- if [[ "$detail_level" == "-v" ]]
- then
- xmode=$(xrandr -q 2> /dev/null | \
- grep -E --color=never -e 'Screen' -e 'connected ')
- else
- xmode=$(xrandr -q 2> /dev/null )
- fi
- echo -e "The Current X Desktop Information Details from 'xrandr' are: "
- echo -e "$xmode"
- else
- echo -e "The Current Desktop Session is: <Not Populated> "
- fi
- unset -v xmode
- if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" != "" ]
- then
- echo -e "The Current Session Type is: $XDG_SESSION_TYPE "
- else
- session_type=$(ps -e | \
- grep -E -e 'tty' | \
- grep -E -e 'x11|Xorg|wayland' | \
- awk '{print $4}')
- if [ "$session_type" != "" ]
- then
- echo -e "The Current Session Type is: $session_type "
- else
- echo -e "The Current Session Type is: <No Graphics Session Type Loaded> "
- fi
- fi
- unset -v session_type
- if [ -f /etc/X11/default-display-manager ]
- then
- display_manager=$(grep -E -e '/usr/sbin/' /etc/X11/default-display-manager | \
- sed 's/\/usr\/sbin\///g')
- echo "The Current Display Manager is: $display_manager"
- else
- echo "The Current Display Manager is: <Not Configured>"
- fi
- unset -v display_manager
- # This change is to adapt to Server Edition, which for some reason, can have a gsettings setting.
- get_console_desktop=$([ -d /usr/share/xsessions/ ] && \
- echo "Desktop" || \
- echo "Console") # Local Var
- if [ "$get_console_desktop" == "Desktop" ]
- then
- desktop_theme=$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme) # Local Var
- if [ "$desktop_theme" != "" ]
- then
- echo -e "The Current Desktop Theme: $desktop_theme"
- else
- echo -e "The Current Desktop Theme: <None Configured>"
- fi
- else
- echo -e "The Current Desktop Theme: Is not set, this is Console Based."
- fi
- unset -v get_console_desktop desktop_theme
- virt_ttys=$(ps -e | \
- awk '$2 ~ /^tty/ || $2 ~ /^ttyS/ || $2 ~ /^pts/ {print "\t" $2 "\t" $4}') # Local Var
- echo -e "The Current Virtual TTY's being used are:"
- echo -e "\tTTY#\tUsed By"
- echo -e "$virt_ttys"
- unset -v virt_ttys
- nl
- }
- function GetSoundDevices() {
- # Retreive Sound device ID's
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- Sound Device Information From 'lspci':$ransi"
- sound_device_list=$(sudo -i lspci | \
- grep --color=never -i -e 'audio ' | \
- awk '{print $1}') # Local Var
- # Make sure not NULL
- if [ ! -z "$sound_device_list" ]
- then
- # Parse through list (array) and show detailed information on each
- for sound_device in ${sound_device_list}
- do
- sudo -i lspci -s $sound_device $detail_level
- nl
- done
- else
- echo -e "No sound devices found. Also check in 'lsusb' section."
- nl
- fi
- if [[ "$detail_level" == "-vv" ]]
- then
- # Only displays in detailed mode
- echo -e " --- More Sound Device info from 'aplay' ----"
- aplay --list-devices --list-pcms
- nl
- fi
- GetMoreAlsaInformation
- unset -v sound_device sound_device_list
- }
- function GetKeyMap() {
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- KeyMap and Locale Information from from various sources:$ransi"
- # setxkbmap & xset are part of package 'x11-xserver-utils', not installed if no xserver present.
- # In Ubuntu: /etc/default/... cfg are keyboard and locale files
- get_console_desktop=$([ -d /usr/share/xsessions/ ] && \
- echo "Desktop" || \
- echo "Console") # Local Var
- if [ "$get_console_desktop" == "Desktop" ]
- then
- echo -e " --- Keymap Info from 'setxkbmap' ----"
- setxkbmap -query 2> /dev/null
- nl
- if [[ "$detail_level" == "-vv" ]]
- then
- echo -e " --- More Keymap Info from 'xset' ----"
- xset -q 2> /dev/null
- nl
- echo -e " --- More Keymap Info from 'gsettings' ----"
- input_sources=$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.input-sources sources 2> /dev/null )
- echo -e "gsettings input-sources: $input_sources "
- nl
- fi
- else
- echo -e " --- Keymap Info from 'setxkbmap' ----"
- if [ -f /etc/default/keyboard ]
- then
- awk '{print $0}' /etc/default/keyboard
- nl
- else
- echo -e "This is console-only and not Debian Branch."
- nl
- fi
- fi
- echo -e " --- Locale Info from 'localectl' ----"
- echo -e "$localectl_status"
- nl
- if [[ "$detail_level" == "-vv" ]]
- then
- echo -e " --- More Locale Info from 'locale' ----"
- echo -e "$locale_state"
- nl
- fi
- unset -v get_console_desktop input_sources
- }
- function GetRepositories()
- {
- # Gets Repository Information. Called once by Writer().
- # Method only works in Debian Branch. Check for Debian Branch first...
- debug "debian_branch: $debian_branch" 1
- if [[ "$debian_branch" == "0" ]]
- then
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- Repository Information from '/etc/apt/sources.list and etc/apt/sources.list.d/':$ransi"
- nl
- sources=$(grep -v '#' /etc/apt/sources.list | sed -e /^$/d ) # Local Var
- # sourcesd=$(grep -v '#' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | sed -e /^$/d)
- echo -e "Sources List:"
- echo -e "$sources"
- nl
- sourcesd_file_path="/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" # Local Var
- if [ $(find $file_path -type f 2> /dev/null | wc -l) -ne 0 ]
- then
- echo -e "Sources List from SourcesD:"
- sourcesd_files=$(find $sourcesd_file_path -type f 2> /dev/null ) # Local Var
- for list_file in $sourcesd_files
- do
- lines=$(grep -v '#' $list_file | \
- sed -e /^$/d )
- #line_count=$( wc -l <<< "$lines" )
- if [ "$lines" != "" ]
- then
- echo -e "$list_file:"
- echo -e "$lines"
- else
- echo -e "$list_file:"
- echo -e "File had no entries."
- fi
- done
- nl
- fi
- else
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- Repository Information"
- echo -e "The repository method written in this script is only for Debian Branch."
- echo -e "This system is not derived from a Debian Branch"
- nl
- fi
- unset -v sources sourcesd_file_path sourcesd_files list_file lines
- }
- function GetOtherDetails()
- {
- # Gets Other General Details. Gets called once by Writer().
- echo -e "${setansi}---------- Other Details from 'Various':$ransi"
- echo -e "The current kernel version is: ${setansi} $(uname -r) $ransi"
- GetReleaseDescription
- GetOriginalInstallDate
- GetInstallMedia
- GetDistUpgradeDate
- GetHweInfo
- GetUserInstalled
- GetSnapInstalled
- GetFlatpakInstalled
- GetUser
- GetLive
- GetWhere
- GetCmdLine
- }
- function GetOriginalInstallDate()
- {
- # Gets the original installation date. Called once by GetOtherDetails().
- # Makes best logical efforts.
- if [ $(sudo find /var/log/installer/ -type f 2> /dev/null | wc -l) -ne 0 ]
- then
- installer_date=$(sudo find /var/log/installer/ -type f -printf "%T+\n" 2> /dev/null | \
- sort| \
- head -1 2> /dev/null ) # Local Var
- installer_date="Original Installation Date: ${setansi} ${installer_date%.*} $ransi"
- else
- debug "Installer date: $(sudo find / -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf "%T+ %p\n" > /dev/null | sort| head -1 )" 1
- #installer_date=$(sudo find / -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf "%T+ %p\n" 2> /dev/null | sort | head -1)
- installer_date=$( \
- for i in /*; \
- do \
- if ! mountpoint -q "$i"; \
- then \
- stat --format='%y %n' "$i"; \
- else \
- echo -e 'Could not accurately determine original Installation Date.'
- fi; \
- done \
- | sort \
- | head -1 \
- | sed 's/ .*//' )
- #installer_date=$(sudo find / -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf "%T+ %p\n" 2> /dev/null | sort | head -1)
- installer_date="Estimated Installation Date: ${setansi} ${installer_date%.*} $ransi"
- fi
- echo -e "$installer_date"
- unset -v installer_date
- }
- function GetInstallMedia()
- {
- # Gets the original install media data. Called once by GetOtherDetails().
- # Only displays if it was installed traditionally
- if [ -d /var/log/installer/ ]
- then
- # Check to See if the media-info file was created before trying to read it...
- # On some pre-created Ubuntu Image Files now available, the /var/log/installer directory exists
- # but the files within that directory have been removed before release for distribution.
- if [ -f /var/log/installer/media-info ]
- then
- installer_media=$(sudo head -n 1 /var/log/installer/media-info | \
- awk '{print "Original Installation Media: "$0}' ) # Local Var
- echo -e "$installer_media"
- elif [ -f /var/anaconda/journal.log ]
- then
- # RHEL Branch
- installer_media=$(grep -i 'CDLABEL' | head -n 1 | awk '{print $10}' | sed 's/root=live:CDLABEL=//g' )
- echo -e "$installer_media"
- elif [ -f /var/anaconda/journal.log ]
- then
- # SUSE Branch
- installer_media=$(sudo grep 'alias' /var/log/zypper.log | grep 'SUSE' | head -n 1 | awk '{print $10}' )
- echo -e "$installer_media"
- else
- echo -e "The Installer log directory exists, but the Installer log files have been removed."
- echo -e "This system may have been installed from a distribution image file."
- fi
- else
- echo -e "Original Installation Media: Cannot determine which ISO this was installed from (yet). "
- echo -e "The Installer Log Directory does not exist. "
- fi
- unset -v installer_media
- }
- function GetDistUpgradeDate()
- {
- # Gets Do_Release_Update date. Called once by GetOtherDetails().
- # Displays if it ever had a do-release-upgrade process done
- if [ -f /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log ]
- then
- drg_date=$(sudo grep -E -m 1 -e 'Log Time' /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log | \
- awk '{"Do-Release-Upgrade Date: "$3 }' ) # Local Var
- echo -e "$drg_date"
- else
- echo -e "Do-Release-Upgrade Date: This system may have not had a 'Release Upgrade' through 'do-release-upgrade'"
- fi
- nl
- unset -v drg_date
- }
- function GetHweInfo()
- {
- # Get HWE information safely. Only call if it is a flavor of Ubuntu
- # Check if in Debian Branch
- echo -e " --- Hardware Enablement Stack (HWE) Informationt:"
- if [[ "$debian_branch" == "0" ]]
- then
- # Make sure it is a flavor of Ubuntu
- if [[ "$ubuntu_flavor" == "0" ]]
- then
- GetHweRange
- if [ ! -z $LTS_PKG ]
- then
- GetHweKernels
- CheckHwe
- CheckIfCertifiedHardwarePlatform
- fi
- else
- echo -e "System tested is Debian Branch, but is not an Ubuntu or an Ubuntu flavor."
- echo -e "HWE is Ubuntu specific."
- nl
- fi
- else
- echo -e "System tested is either not Ubuntu or is an Ubuntu EOS release version."
- echo -e "HWE is Ubuntu specific."
- nl
- fi
- }
- function GetHweRange() {
- # Valid current choices for Release numbers LTS are: 14.04 through current DEV versions...
- LSB_Rel=$(lsb_release -sr | \
- cut -c 1-5) # Local Var
- case "$LSB_Rel" in
- ("14.04")
- LTS_PKG="14.04"
- ;;
- ("14.10")
- LTS_PKG="14.04"
- ;;
- ("15.04")
- LTS_PKG="14.04"
- ;;
- ("15.10")
- LTS_PKG="14.04"
- ;;
- ("16.04")
- LTS_PKG="16.04"
- ;;
- ("16.10")
- LTS_PKG="16.04"
- ;;
- ("17.04")
- LTS_PKG="16.04"
- ;;
- ("17.10")
- LTS_PKG="16.04"
- ;;
- ("18.04")
- LTS_PKG="18.04"
- ;;
- ("18.10")
- LTS_PKG="18.04"
- ;;
- ("19.04")
- LTS_PKG="18.04"
- ;;
- ("19.10")
- LTS_PKG="18.04"
- ;;
- ("20.04")
- LTS_PKG="20.04"
- ;;
- ("20.10")
- LTS_PKG="20.04"
- ;;
- ("21.04")
- LTS_PKG="20.04"
- ;;
- ("21.10")
- LTS_PKG="20.04"
- ;;
- ("22.04")
- LTS_PKG="22.04"
- ;;
- ("22.10")
- LTS_PKG="22.04"
- ;;
- (*)
- echo -e "Something went wrong. LTS Edition out of HWE support range."
- esac
- # LTS_PKG is Global Var
- debug "HWE LTS_PKG: $LTS_PKG" 1
- unset -v LSB_Rel
- }
- function GetHweKernels()
- {
- echo -e "These are the current kernel ranges for HWE kernels for this release."
- show_kernels=$(apt-cache show linux-generic-hwe-$LTS_PKG 2> /dev/null \
- | awk '/Depends:/ {print "For HWE Package: " $2 ", Kernel Version: " $4}' \
- | sed -e 's/..$//' -e 's/~.*//') 2> /dev/null # Local Var
- echo -e " --- HWE Kernel Reference from 'apt-cache show':"
- echo -e "$show_kernels"
- nl
- unset -v show_kernels
- }
- function CheckHwe()
- {
- return_status=$(dpkg -s linux-generic-hwe-$LTS_PKG 2>&1 \
- | grep 'Status\|dpkg-query' ) # Local Var
- echo -e " --- HWE Package Status from 'dpkg':"
- if [[ "$return_status" == *"Status:"* ]]
- then
- echo -e "Package linux-generic-hwe-$LTS_PKG is installed."
- elif [[ "$return_status" == *"is not installed"* ]]
- then
- echo -e "HWE package linux-generic-hwe-$LTS_PKG was not detected. Please check "
- echo -e "kernel version to verify range"
- fi
- nl
- unset -v return_status
- }
- function CheckIfCertifiedHardwarePlatform()
- {
- platform_check=$(ubuntu-drivers list-oem 2> /dev/null ) # Local Var
- echo -e " --- Certified Hardware Platform Status: (By the Ubuntu Wiki Standards)"
- if [ -z $platform_check ]
- then
- echo -e "Ubuntu Certified Hardware Platform. Safe to install "
- echo -e "the Hardware Enablement Stack (HWE)."
- else
- echo -e "Hardware meta packages were listed. Please refrain from manually changing "
- echo -e "the kernel flavors. The Hardware Enablement Stack (HWE) should not be "
- echo -e "installed on this platform. "
- fi
- nl
- unset -v platform_check
- }
- function GetUserInstalled()
- {
- ## Get a list of User Installed Packages
- # This only works for Debian Branch...
- echo -e " --- User Installed Package List:"
- # check if Debian Branch. Otherwise 'apt-mark' will not be found...
- if [[ "$debian_branch" == "0" ]]
- then
- manually_installed=$(mktemp /tmp/ManuallyInstalled-XXXXX)
- default_installed=$(mktemp /tmp/DefaultInstalled-XXXXX)
- user_installed=$(mktemp /tmp/UserInstalled-XXXXX)
- # Use apt-mark to list all packages marked as manually installed.
- apt-mark showmanual | sort -u > $manually_installed
- # Check to see if defualt installed list exists
- # for prebuilt system images, it does not exist
- if [ -f /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz ]
- then
- # Get the list of default installed packages at initial installation.
- gzip -dc /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz 2> /dev/null | \
- sed -n 's/^Package: //p' | \
- sort -u > $default_installed
- else
- touch $default_installed
- fi
- # Use compare, to exclude those defaults that are unique, AND exclude defaults
- # that are presently marked as manually installed. (Those 'may' have been changed.)
- comm -23 $manually_installed $default_installed > $user_installed
- # Print the list in two columns
- awk 'NF' $user_installed #\ Removed 2022.03.10 to turn to one column
- #| pr -2T # You can remove the pr filter on this to keep output in a single column...
- nl # Add newline in report
- # Remove the temporary files
- rm -f $manually_installed
- rm -f $default_installed
- rm -f $user_installed
- else
- echo -e "The system tested is not in the Debian Branch. "
- echo -e "The method written in this script is for Debian Branch conventions."
- nl
- fi
- unset -v manually_installed default_installed user_installed
- }
- function GetSnapInstalled()
- {
- ## Get a list of Installed Snap Packages
- echo -e " --- Installed Snap Package List:"
- snap_list="" # Local Var
- snap_list=$(snap list 2>&1)
- snap_exit=$? # Local Var
- if [[ "$snap_exit" == "0" ]]
- then
- snap_list=$(snap list | \
- awk '{print $1}' | \
- grep -v 'Name')
- snap_count=0 # Local Var
- if [ "$snap_list" == "" ]
- then
- echo -e "No Snap Packages Installed"
- else
- for snap_package in "${snap_list[@]}"
- do
- echo "$snap_package"
- ((snap_count++))
- done
- debug "Snaplist count: $snap_count" 1
- fi
- else
- echo -e "Snap is not installed"
- fi
- unset -v snap_list snap_exit snap_count snap_package
- nl
- }
- function GetFlatpakInstalled()
- {
- ## Get a list of Installed Flatpak Packages
- echo -e " --- Installed Flatpak Package List:"
- flatpak_list="" # Local Var
- flatpak_list=$(flatpak list 2>&1)
- flatpak_exit=$? # Local Var
- if [[ "$flatpak_exit" == "0" ]]
- then
- flatpak_list=$(flatpak list | \
- awk '{print $1}' | \
- grep -v 'Name') # Local Var
- debug "Flatpak list count:${#flatpak_list[@]}" 1
- if [ "$flatpak_list" == "" ]
- then
- echo -e "No Flatpak Packages Installed"
- else
- for flatpak_package in "${flatpak_list}"
- do
- echo "$flatpak_package"
- done
- fi
- else
- echo -e "Flatpak is not installed"
- fi
- unset -v flatpak_list flatpak_exit flatpak_package
- nl
- }
- function GetLive
- {
- debug "GetLive: (Debug)" 1
- live=false # Local Var
- live_test1=$(mount | \
- grep ' / ' | \
- grep -o -e squashfs \
- -e tmpfs \
- -e aufs ) # Local Var
- live_test2=$(df | \
- grep ' /$'| \
- grep -o -e overlay \
- -e cow \
- -e aufs \
- -e rootfs \
- -e /dev/mapper/live-rw \
- -e union ) # Local Var
- if [ "$live_test1" != "" ]
- then
- live=true
- elif [ "$live_test2" != "" ]
- then
- live=true
- fi
- if $live
- then
- live_installed="a Live Image Environment (LIE)." # Local Var
- else
- live_installed="an installed system"
- fi
- echo -e "The 'system-info' script was booted from $live_installed"
- debug "Live Installed: $live_installed" 1
- unset -v live live_test1 live_test2
- nl
- }
- function GetWhere()
- {
- if [ -e /usr/bin/pstree ]
- then
- if pstree -A -p -l -s &> /dev/null
- then
- LocalOrSsh
- else
- GetLocal
- fi
- else
- GetLocal
- fi
- }
- function LocalOrSsh()
- {
- debug "LocalOrSsh:" 1
- message_tmpstr="locally"
- pidsi="$$"
- debug "pidsi=$pidsi" 1
- treestr=$(pstree -A -p -l -s $pidsi)
- debug "$treestr" 1
- debug "" 1
- debug "-------- ^ whole treestr ^ -------- v trimmed treestr v --------" 1
- treetrm=$(echo $treestr | \
- sed -e "s/.*sshd/sshd/" | \
- sed -e "s/($pidsi).*/($pidsi)/")
- debug "$treetrm" 1
- treestr_test=$(echo "$treestr" | \
- grep 'sshd')
- debug "$treestr_test" 1
- if [[ "$treestr_test" != "" ]]
- then
- message_tmpstr="via ssh"
- fi
- debug "$message_tmpstr" 1
- echo "The 'system-info' script seems to be running $message_tmpstr"
- nl
- unset -v message_tmpstr pidsi treestr treetrm treestr_test
- }
- function GetLocal
- {
- debug "GetLocal: (Debug)" 1
- local_status="locally." # Local Var
- # Get pts session of where the script was run
- pts=$(echo $(ps -C "${0##*/}") | \
- awk '{print $6}') # Local Var
- if [ "$pts" != "" ]
- then
- # Get pts session of the current user if they are
- # using a sshd session
- ssh_test=$(ps -ef | \
- grep "@$pts" | \
- grep "sshd" | \
- awk '{print$9}' | \
- sed 's/.*@//g' \
- 2> /dev/null) # Local Var
- ssh_user=$(ps -ef | \
- grep "$USER@$pts" | \
- grep "sshd" | \
- awk '{print$9}' | \
- sed 's/@,*//g' \
- 2> /dev/null) # Local Var
- # Compare the pts sessions
- if [ "$pts" == "$ssh_test" ]
- then
- local_status="via ssh."
- fi
- fi
- debug "PTS: $pts" 1
- debug "ssh_test: $ssh_test" 1
- debug "ssh_user: $ssh_user" 1
- debug "Current User: $USER" 1
- echo "The 'sysetm-info' script seems to be running $local_status "
- unset -v local_status pts ssh_test ssh_user
- nl
- }
- function GetUser() {
- echo -e "Currently logged in User(s):"
- who -H
- nl
- echo -en "The User running this script was: "
- id -un
- id | \
- tr ' ' '\n'| \
- sed 's/,/, /g'| \
- fold -sw 80 | \
- sed 's/ //g'
- nl
- }
- function GetCmdLine() {
- cmd_line=$(awk '{print $0}' /proc/cmdline)
- echo -e "The Linux Kernel Command Line use to boot was: "
- echo -e "$cmd_line"
- nl
- }
- function AdjustForLessStatus()
- {
- # Sets Env Vars for less viewer or not (written report). Called once by Writer()
- if [ "$less_status" == "less" ]
- then
- setansi="$blueback" # Global Var
- ransi="$resetvid" # Global Var
- lshw_cmd='sudo lshw' # Global Var
- MessageView
- MessageLess
- else
- setansi=""
- ransi=""
- lshw_cmd='sudo lshw -sanitize'
- fi
- }
- function ReportHeader()
- {
- # Start of report (Header). Called once by Writer()
- echo -e "Starting the Ubuntu Forums 'system-info' Report: $startt"
- echo -e '\tPart of the Ama-gi Project'
- echo -e '\t'$version
- nl
- echo -e "---------------------------------------------------------------"
- echo -e "Main Complaint: $main_complaint"
- echo -e "Problem Description: $problem_description"
- unset -v main_complaint problem_description
- }
- function MessageView()
- {
- # Provides message at start of report. Called once by AdjustForLessStatus().
- echo -e "This output should first be ${setansi}viewed by less${ransi}, then sent to a file"
- nl
- }
- function MessageLess()
- {
- # User Instructions for the 'less' utility. Called once by AdjustForLessStatus() and once by Writer() at end of report.
- echo -e "$redback ---------- INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE VIEWER 'LESS' ---------- $resetvid "
- echo -e "You are using the viewer 'less'."
- echo -e "Advance to a next page with the $blueback<SpaceBar>$resetvid key."
- echo -e "Navigate what has been displayed with the"
- echo -e "Left/Right/Up/Down Arrow, PageUp, PageDown, Home, or End keys."
- echo -e "If you are running within a graphical terminal session,"
- nl
- echo -e "you can also navigate with the mouse or touchpad."
- echo -e "Get more built-in help within 'less' with the <H> key."
- echo -e "At any point while in 'less' or if you see this '(END)' prompt"
- echo -e "at the lower left of your screen,"
- echo -e "$blueback quit from 'less' to continue the script with the <q> key. $resetvid"
- nl
- SensitiveDataWarning
- }
- function SensitiveDataWarning()
- {
- echo -e "$redback --- SENSITIVE DATA WARNING --- $resetvid "
- nl
- echo -e "This Report is prepared in two versions- "
- nl
- echo -e "The 'Your Eyes Only' version, only exists temporarily in memory, and is "
- echo -e "viewed onscreen by 'less'. The report that is viewed by 'less' onscreen "
- echo -e "contains 'sensitive data' that should NOT be posted publicly. "
- nl
- echo -e "The Final Report 'file' is saved to disk as a file. The Final Report is "
- echo -e "sanitized, filtered, with the sensitive data removed. It is safe to post "
- echo -e "online publicly. "
- nl
- }
- function ReportFooter()
- {
- # End of report (the footer). Called once by Writer().
- echo -e "${setansi}*** End Of Report ***$ransi"
- if [ "$less_status" == "less" ]
- then
- MessageLess
- fi
- }
- function nl()
- {
- echo -e ""
- }
- function Pause()
- {
- read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to continue"
- nl
- }
- function PassPhrase() {
- read -erp "Press any key to continue: " ans
- ans=$ans
- if [[ "$ans" == "I am Groot" ]]
- then
- echo -e "Running Script: ${sname} $version"
- sleep 0.2
- else
- echo -e "Exiting script"
- ResetLocale
- exit_code=106
- exit $exit_code
- fi
- }
- function ArchiveReport() {
- #Check if uploaded (successfully)...
- # $check-paste is 1 at start (not uploaed), 0 if upload was successful.
- uploaded=$check_paste # Global Var
- report_size=$(wc -c $report | \
- awk '{print $1}') # Local Var
- debug "Report size: $report_size" 1
- if [ $uploaded -eq 1 ]
- then
- # Check size of report file, must be less than 19.5kB
- report_size=$(wc -c $report | \
- awk '{print $1}') # Local Var
- debug "Report size: $report_size" 1
- if [ $report_size -ge 19500 ]
- then
- echo -e "'${sname}.txt' is larger than 19.5kB. ($report_size bytes)"
- nl
- echo -e "If you want to attach to a post on Ubuntu Forums as an attachment, "
- echo -e "you will need to compress the report."
- nl
- # Prompt User
- ans=
- while [ "$ans" != "y" ] && [ "$ans" != "Y" ] && [ "$ans" != "n" ] && [ "$ans" != "N" ]
- do
- read -erp "Would you like to archive the report? <y/N> " ans
- ans="${ans,}"
- debug "User answered $ans" 1
- if [[ $ans =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
- then
- echo -e "Compressing '${sname}.txt' to archive file '$HOME/${sname}.tar.gz'."
- nl
- # Remove old archive file, if present
- if [ -f $HOME/${sname}.tar.gz ]
- then
- rm -f $HOME/${sname}.tar.gz
- fi
- cwd=$(pwd) # Save current directory
- cd $HOME
- # Create Archive without any parent direcetories
- tar -czvf ${sname}.tar.gz ${sname}.txt
- exit_code=$?
- # Check if archive was created successfully (catch exit code)
- if [ $exit_code -eq 0 ]
- then
- echo -e "Archive file can be found at '$HOME/$sname.tar.gz'."
- nl
- Pause
- else
- echo -e "$sname.txt was not compressed. Archive file not created."
- nl
- Pause
- ResetLocale
- exit 1
- fi
- cd $cwd
- elif [[ ${ans,} =~ ^[Nn]$ ]]
- then
- if [ $verbosity -eq 5 ]
- then
- debug "Continuing without creating archive file..." 1
- sleep 1
- fi
- fi
- done
- else
- echo "Report 'size' check complete. ($report_size bytes)"
- nl
- sleep 1
- fi
- fi
- }
- function Writer
- {
- # Report template. Called twice by Main().
- less_status="$1"
- debug "less_status: $less_status" 1
- AdjustForLessStatus
- ReportHeader
- GetMachineInfo
- GetDiskInfo
- GetUsb
- GetGraphicsEnv
- GetSoundDevices
- GetRepositories
- GetKeyMap
- GetOtherDetails
- if [[ "$less_status" != "less" ]]
- then
- ProcessMissingPrograms
- fi
- ReportFooter
- }
- function PasteCurl()
- {
- target=""
- return_url=$(printf "%s" "$(<$report)" | curl -F 'f:1=<-' $target )
- check_paste=$?
- debug "From PasteCurl()" 1
- debug "Response: $return_url Exit Code: $check_paste" 1;
- }
- function PastePastebinit()
- {
- target=""
- return_url=$(pastebinit \
- -a "$USER" \
- -i "$report" \
- -b "$target" \
- -t "$sname.txt")
- check_paste=$?
- debug "From PastePasebinit()" 1
- debug "Response: $return_url Exit Code: $check_paste" 1;
- }
- function PasteWget()
- {
- target=""
- return_url=$(wget --quiet -O- --post-data="$(cat $report)" $target | tr '\0' '\n' )
- check_paste=$?
- debug "From PasteWget()" 1
- debug "Response: $return_url Exit Code: $check_paste" 1;
- }
- function PasteNc()
- {
- echo -e "This uses a program which sometimes conflicts with "
- echo -e "Anti-Virus Programs. You should turn that off if you "
- echo -e "have installed."
- read -erp "Would you like to proceed or skip? (y/N) " ans
- if [[ ${ans,} =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
- then
- target=" 9999"
- return_url=$(cat $report | nc $target | tr '\0' '\n')
- check_paste=$?
- debug "From PasteNc()" 1
- debug "Response: $return_url Exit Code: $check_paste" 1;
- else
- echo -e "You skipped uploading to Pastebin."
- check_paste=1
- fi
- }
- function CheckPasterProgs()
- {
- # The order set here will set preference order.
- # If you change the order here, reset the order in DoPaste() to match.
- if [ -e /usr/bin/pastebinit ]
- then
- paste_prog=1;
- elif [ -e /usr/bin/wget ]
- then
- paste_prog=2;
- elif [ -e /usr/bin/nc ] || [ -e /bin/nc ]
- then
- paste_prog=3;
- elif [ -e /usr/bin/curl ] || [ -e /snap/bin/curl ]
- then
- paste_prog=4;
- else
- paste_prog=0;
- echo -e "Many utilities were not found. Something is wrong.";
- debug "All progs used for paste where not found" 1
- fi
- }
- function DoPaste()
- {
- prog_here=$1
- debug "Passed $prog_here" 1
- case "$prog_here" in
- 1)
- PastePastebinit
- ;;
- 2)
- PasteWget
- ;;
- 3)
- PasteNc
- ;;
- 4)
- PasteCurl
- ;;
- *)
- echo -e "Something went wrong. Error out of range."
- ResetLocale
- exit_code=105
- exit $exit_code
- esac
- }
- function ProgressActive()
- {
- # Provides a spinner to show progress. Called once by Paster.
- declare -a spinner=("\b|" "\b/" "\b-" "\b\\" "\b-")
- echo -ne ' '
- while test -f "$1"
- do
- for spin in "${spinner[@]}"
- do
- stdbuf -oL echo -ne $spin 2> /dev/null
- sleep 0.2
- done
- done
- stdbuf -oL echo -en '\b '
- }
- function Paster()
- {
- # Provides an upload of report with a progress bar. Called once by Main().
- target="a pastebin (URL depends on the method used)." # Var could be unset at end of this function...
- linklog="$HOME/${sname}-link.log"
- echo -e "$blueback Sensitive data is [REMOVED] from the report file $resetvid"
- CheckPasterProgs
- ## Eval $paste_prog
- if [ $paste_prog -ne 0 ]
- then
- read -erp "Do you want to upload the report file to a pastebin? (y/N) " ans
- if [[ ${ans,} =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
- then
- GetPingStatus ""
- if [ "$return_status" == "true" ]
- then
- echo "Uploading '$report' to '$target'"
- echo -e "This may take 1-2 minutes..."
- nl
- tput civis
- keep_spinning=$(mktemp /tmp/keep_spinning-XXXXX)
- ProgressActive "$keep_spinning" & pid_progressactive=$!
- DoPaste $paste_prog
- if [ $check_paste -eq 0 ]
- then
- paste_done=true
- else
- paste_done=false
- fi
- rm "$keep_spinning"
- sleep 0.5
- tput cnorm
- debug "From Paster()" 1
- debug "Paste_done: $paste_done" 1
- if $paste_done
- then
- # Check $return_url for NULLL
- if [ "$return_url" != "" ]
- then
- echo -e "Uploaded Report: ${startt}:" >> "$linklog"
- echo -e "$blueback Upload successful $resetvid"
- nl
- echo -e "The link to the pastebin is saved in: '$linklog'"
- nl
- echo -e "View at: $return_url" | tee -a "$linklog"
- nl
- else
- echo -e "$redback Upload process failed $resetvid"
- echo -e "The upload utility reported that the upload was susccessful, "
- echo -e "but the host did not return a link to view it."
- nl
- echo -e "Upload the file manually: 'copy & paste' to"
- echo -e ""
- nl
- exit_code=101
- fi
- else
- echo -e "$redback Upload failed $resetvid"
- echo -e "Upload the file manually: 'copy & paste' to"
- echo -e ""
- nl
- exit_code=102
- fi
- else
- echo -e "No connection to an outside URL. " | tee -a "$linklog"
- echo -e "Please copy the file $report to a USB and post "
- echo -e "from a computer that does have a working connection."
- echo -e "Upload the file manually: 'copy & paste' to"
- nl
- echo -e ""
- exit_code=103
- fi
- fi
- else
- echo -e "$redback The required package was not installed. $resetvid"
- nl
- echo -e "Either rerun the script after installing curl, or"
- echo -e "Upload the file manually: 'copy & paste' to"
- nl
- echo -e ""
- nl
- exit_code=104
- fi
- unset -v target linklog keep_spinning
- }
- function ReportCleaner()
- {
- # Clean the report from non-ascii characters. Called once by Main.
- report_original=$(mktemp /tmp/report_uncleaned-XXXXX)
- mv "$report" "$report_original"
- tr -cd '\11\12\40-\176' < "$report_original" > "$report"
- sleep 1
- # For debug purposes, comment out this next line
- rm "$report_original"
- #unset -v report_cleaned
- }
- # The following Basic Logger was based on public domain code
- # from
- # Rewritten by MAFoElffen, 2021.09.15
- function notify()
- {
- logger $silent_lvl "NOTE: $1" $2;
- }
- function critical()
- {
- logger $crt_lvl "CRITICAL: $1" $2;
- }
- error()
- {
- logger $err_lvl "ERROR: $1" $2;
- }
- warn()
- {
- logger $wrn_lvl "WARNING: $1" $2;
- }
- inf()
- {
- logger $inf_lvl "INFO: $1" $2;
- }
- debug()
- {
- logger $dbg_lvl "DEBUG: $1" $2;
- }
- logger()
- {
- logfile=$HOME/$sname.log
- case "$3" in
- 1)
- exec 3>&2 # logging stream (file descriptor 3) defaults to STDERR
- ;;
- 2)
- exec 3>> $logfile # send to log file
- ;;
- 3)
- exec 3>&2 | tee $logfile # send to both logfile and screen
- ;;
- *)
- echo -e "Something went wrong. Log option out of range."
- ResetLocale
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- if [ $verbosity -ge $1 ]; then
- # Expand escaped characters, wrap at 70 chars, indent wrapped lines
- echo -e "$startt $2" | \
- fold -w70 -s | \
- sed '2~1s/^/ /' >&3
- fi
- }
- ########################################################################
- #### MAIN
- ########################################################################
- ## PreProcessing
- CheckArgs # Check external arguments: [<ScriptName> arg1]
- CheckRoot # Check if ran as root
- CheckTypeError
- #CheckPath ## <-- This currently breaks CheckPrerequisites()
- CheckPrerequisites
- ## Report
- UserInput
- Writer less | \
- less -R # writing to less
- ## Post processing
- RmOldReport
- #RestorePath ## This needed if we ever get CheckPath() working
- Writer | \
- sed 's/<filter>/[REMOVED]/g' > \
- "$report" # Writing to file
- ## Epitaph
- echo "The result is stored in '$report'"
- # Remove any Non-ASCII characters before Paster()
- ReportCleaner
- ## Optional upload to various PasteBins
- Paster
- ## Optional - Archive Report if size larger than 19.5k
- ArchiveReport
- ResetLocale
- exit $exit_code
- ########################################################################
- ## TODO LIST ##
- ########################################################################
- # Continue to improve script, Report layout and UI
- #
- # Recheck all messages and prompts for spelling errors
- #
- # Add comments as script documentation:
- # - Document logic flow
- #
- # Add DEBUG statements:
- # - To be able to step through logic flow for maintence.
- #
- # Possibly add more for LVM, ZFS, mdadm, and LUKS information(?)
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