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- --[[
- HttpSpy v1.1.3
- ]]
- assert(request or http_request, "Unsupported exploit (should support request or http_request)");
- local options = ({...})[1] or { AutoDecode = true, Highlighting = true, SaveLogs = true, CLICommands = true, ShowResponse = true, BlockedURLs = {}, API = true };
- local version = "v1.1.3-modified";
- local logname = string.format("%d-%s-log.txt", game.PlaceId,"%d_%m_%y"));
- if options.SaveLogs then
- writefile(logname, string.format("Http Logs from %s\n\n","%d/%m/%y")))
- end;
- local Serializer = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))();
- local clonef = clonefunction;
- local pconsole = clonef(rconsoleprint);
- local format = clonef(string.format);
- local gsub = clonef(string.gsub);
- local match = clonef(string.match);
- local append = clonef(appendfile);
- local Type = clonef(type);
- local crunning = clonef(coroutine.running);
- local cwrap = clonef(coroutine.wrap);
- local cresume = clonef(coroutine.resume);
- local cyield = clonef(coroutine.yield);
- local Pcall = clonef(pcall);
- local Pairs = clonef(pairs);
- local Error = clonef(error);
- local getnamecallmethod = clonef(getnamecallmethod);
- local blocked = options.BlockedURLs;
- local enabled = true;
- local reqfunc = (syn or http).request;
- local libtype = syn and "syn" or "http";
- local hooked = {};
- local proxied = {};
- local methods = {
- HttpGet = not syn,
- HttpGetAsync = not syn,
- GetObjects = true,
- HttpPost = not syn,
- HttpPostAsync = not syn
- }
- Serializer.UpdateConfig({ highlighting = options.Highlighting });
- local RecentCommit = game.HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet(""))[1].commit.message;
- local OnRequest ="BindableEvent");
- local function printf(...)
- if options.SaveLogs then
- append(logname, gsub(format(...), "%\27%[%d+m", ""));
- end;
- return print(format(...)); -- Modified this
- end;
- local function ConstantScan(constant)
- for i,v in Pairs(getgc(true)) do
- if type(v) == "function" and islclosure(v) and getfenv(v).script == getfenv(saveinstance).script and table.find(debug.getconstants(v), constant) then
- return v;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- local function DeepClone(tbl, cloned)
- cloned = cloned or {};
- for i,v in Pairs(tbl) do
- if Type(v) == "table" then
- cloned[i] = DeepClone(v);
- continue;
- end;
- cloned[i] = v;
- end;
- return cloned;
- end;
- local __namecall, __request;
- __namecall = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", newcclosure(function(self, ...)
- local method = getnamecallmethod();
- if methods[method] then
- printf("game:%s(%s)\n\n", method, Serializer.FormatArguments(...));
- end;
- return __namecall(self, ...);
- end));
- local reqfunc = request or http_request;
- __request = hookfunction(reqfunc, newcclosure(function(req)
- if Type(req) ~= "table" then return __request(req); end;
- local RequestData = DeepClone(req);
- if not enabled then
- return __request(req);
- end;
- if Type(RequestData.Url) ~= "string" then return __request(req) end;
- if not options.ShowResponse then
- printf("%s.request(%s)\n\n", libtype, Serializer.Serialize(RequestData));
- return __request(req);
- end;
- local t = crunning();
- cwrap(function()
- if RequestData.Url and blocked[RequestData.Url] then
- printf("%s.request(%s) -- blocked url\n\n", libtype, Serializer.Serialize(RequestData));
- return cresume(t, {});
- end;
- if RequestData.Url then
- local Host = string.match(RequestData.Url, "https?://(%w+.%w+)/");
- if Host and proxied[Host] then
- RequestData.Url = gsub(RequestData.Url, Host, proxied[Host], 1);
- end;
- end;
- OnRequest:Fire(RequestData);
- local ok, ResponseData = Pcall(__request, RequestData); -- I know of a detection with this
- if not ok then
- Error(ResponseData, 0);
- end;
- local BackupData = {};
- for i,v in Pairs(ResponseData) do
- BackupData[i] = v;
- end;
- if BackupData.Headers["Content-Type"] and match(BackupData.Headers["Content-Type"], "application/json") and options.AutoDecode then
- local body = BackupData.Body;
- local ok, res = Pcall(game.HttpService.JSONDecode, game.HttpService, body);
- if ok then
- BackupData.Body = res;
- end;
- end;
- printf("%s.request(%s)\n\nResponse Data: %s\n\n", libtype, Serializer.Serialize(RequestData), Serializer.Serialize(BackupData));
- cresume(t, hooked[RequestData.Url] and hooked[RequestData.Url](ResponseData) or ResponseData);
- end)();
- return cyield();
- end));
- if request then
- replaceclosure(request, reqfunc);
- end;
- if syn and syn.websocket then
- local WsConnect, WsBackup = debug.getupvalue(syn.websocket.connect, 1);
- WsBackup = hookfunction(WsConnect, function(...)
- printf("syn.websocket.connect(%s)\n\n", Serializer.FormatArguments(...));
- return WsBackup(...);
- end);
- end;
- -- I already know this will make some people mad :troll:
- if syn and syn.websocket then
- local HttpGet;
- HttpGet = hookfunction(getupvalue(ConstantScan("ZeZLm2hpvGJrD6OP8A3aEszPNEw8OxGb"), 2), function(self, ...)
- printf("game.HttpGet(game, %s)\n\n", Serializer.FormatArguments(...));
- return HttpGet(self, ...);
- end);
- local HttpPost;
- HttpPost = hookfunction(getupvalue(ConstantScan("gpGXBVpEoOOktZWoYECgAY31o0BlhOue"), 2), function(self, ...)
- printf("game.HttpPost(game, %s)\n\n", Serializer.FormatArguments(...));
- return HttpPost(self, ...);
- end);
- end
- for method, enabled in Pairs(methods) do
- if enabled then
- local b;
- b = hookfunction(game[method], newcclosure(function(self, ...)
- printf("game.%s(game, %s)\n\n", method, Serializer.FormatArguments(...));
- return b(self, ...);
- end));
- end;
- end;
- if not, "f") then
- pconsole("You are running an outdated version, please use the loadstring at\n");
- end;
- pconsole(format("HttpSpy %s (Creator:\nChange Logs:\n\t%s\nLogs are automatically being saved to: \27[32m%s\27[0m\n\n", version, RecentCommit, options.SaveLogs and logname or "(You aren't saving logs, enable SaveLogs if you want to save logs)"));
- if not options.API then return end;
- local API = {};
- API.OnRequest = OnRequest.Event;
- function API:HookSynRequest(url, hook)
- hooked[url] = hook;
- end;
- function API:ProxyHost(host, proxy)
- proxied[host] = proxy;
- end;
- function API:RemoveProxy(host)
- if not proxied[host] then
- error("host isn't proxied", 0);
- end;
- proxied[host] = nil;
- end;
- function API:UnHookSynRequest(url)
- if not hooked[url] then
- error("url isn't hooked", 0);
- end;
- hooked[url] = nil;
- end
- function API:BlockUrl(url)
- blocked[url] = true;
- end;
- function API:WhitelistUrl(url)
- blocked[url] = false;
- end;
- return API;
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