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- #!perl
- use Mail::IMAPClient;
- use File::Path;
- use Data::Dumper;
- use Tie::File;
- my $run_once = (($ARGV[2] eq 'run_once')? 1: 0);
- my $revert_import = (($ARGV[2] eq 'revert_import')? 1: 0);
- my $check_migration = (($ARGV[2] eq 'check_import')? 1: 0);
- my %path_mails_to_export = ();
- my %user = (
- mail => $ARGV[0],
- passwd => $ARGV[1],
- );
- print "\n". '-'x25,"##POP_TO_IMAP_1.5##",'-'x25, "\n";
- die 'Mail User and password requires to migrate!' if !($user{mail} && $user{passwd});
- $user{mailServer} = (($user{mail}) =~ m/\@(.+)$/? 'mail.'.$1: undef);
- die 'Can not indentify mail server' if not defined $user{mailServer};
- print 'Initializing IMAP Server and do connect...';
- my %connect_config = (
- Server => $user{mailServer},
- User => $user{mail},
- Password => $user{passwd},
- );
- my $imap = new Mail::IMAPClient->new(%connect_config);
- print 'Cant connect to IMAP server!'
- and exit if $imap && not $imap->IsConnected;
- print ' Done!'."\n"x2;
- if ($revert_import) {
- revert_import();
- exit;
- }
- if ($check_migration) {
- check_migration();
- exit;
- }
- my $target_directory = 'inc/database';
- $email_path = mail_to_folder($user{mail});
- #prepare files to port
- $target_directory .= '/'. $email_path;
- #exiting
- print 'Can not find the specified email folder->'.$target_directory.' Aborted!!', "\n"x2 and exit if !-d $target_directory;
- opendir (my $mails_fh, $target_directory) || die 'Can not open '.$target_directory. 'for some reason Aborting!';
- my $exclude_folders = join '|', qw{attachments _infos};
- # print $exclude_folders and exit;
- my @folders_to_export = grep { !/^\./ && !/$exclude_folders/ } readdir($mails_fh)
- and print 'Exclude folders: ', $exclude_folders."\n"x2;
- print 'Parsing old mails folders...';
- #FIXME::Só ta lendo o primeiro folder
- foreach (@folders_to_export){
- my @files = ();
- opendir (my $fh_mails, my $directories_to_parse = "$target_directory/$_") || die 'Can not open '."$target_directory/$_". 'for some reason Aborting!';
- if (-d $target_directory) {
- @files = map { $directories_to_parse."/$_" } grep { !/^\./ } readdir $fh_mails;
- }
- @{$path_mails_to_export{$_}} = @files;
- }
- print ' Done!'."\n"x2;
- #Going loco by doing this dude!
- my $count = 0 ;
- my %folders_to_file_fail = ();
- my $copy_done;
- #########################
- ####### Acontece aqui ###
- #########################
- migrate(%path_mails_to_export);
- #########################
- #########################
- print '-'x55,"\n";
- if (defined $copy_done) {
- my $folders_fails = keys %folders_to_file_fail;
- print "Can not migrate Thoses Files below:";
- foreach (@{$folders_fails}) {
- print "Folder: $_\n";
- print $folders_to_file_fail{$_}, "\n";
- }
- print "Trying to Migrate again!\n";
- #migrate(%folders_to_file_fail);
- }
- print $count .' Files imported on account-> '. $user{mail}, "\n";
- print '#'x50, "\n";
- # functions!
- sub mail_to_folder {
- my ($email) = @_;
- return if not $email;
- my $email_path = $email;
- $email_path =~ s{\@}{\_};
- return $email_path.'_173.201.191.20' if !$@;
- }
- sub fetch_mail_info($) {
- my ($file_name) = @_;
- my $file;
- my $mail_date = '';
- -f $file_name || return;
- tie my @file, 'Tie::File', $file_name || die 'Cant read the '. $file_name.' for some reason Aborting!';
- $file = join "\n", @file or return undef, undef;
- foreach(@file) {
- $mail_date = ( $_ =~ m{^Date\:\s*(.+)$}m )? $1: undef;
- if (defined $mail_date) {
- if ($mail_date =~ m{(\d\d?)\s*(\w\w\w)\s*(\d\d\d\d)\s*(\d\d\:\d\d\:\d\d)\s*([\-|\+]\d\d\d\d)}){
- $mail_date = "$1-$2-$3 $4 $5";
- $mail_date = '0'.$mail_date if $mail_date =~ m{^\d\-};
- return $file, $mail_date;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sub migrate($) {
- my (%path_mails_to_export) = @_;
- my @folders_to_export = keys %path_mails_to_export;
- foreach my $folder (@folders_to_export) {
- my $folder_fail = ();
- $copy_done = undef;
- my $imap_mail_path = 'INBOX.Importados.'.ucfirst($folder);
- my $folder_exists = $imap->create($imap_mail_path) if !$imap->exists($imap_mail_path);
- print "Folder $folder created!\n" if $folder_exists;
- print "Folder $folder already exists! Can not Create!\n" if !$folder_exists;
- die 'Can not create INBOX/Importados' if !$imap->exists($imap_mail_path);
- my @files_to_append = grep { -f } @{$path_mails_to_export{$folder}};
- foreach (@files_to_append){
- reconnect();
- my ($mail_file, $mail_date) = fetch_mail_info($_);
- if ( not defined $mail_file or not defined $mail_date) {
- print "Can not Copy:\n\t$_ \n\tERROR::because the mail file or mail date (or both) is undefined --- Move to Next Mail File\n\n";
- push @{$folder_fail}, $_ if not defined $copy_done;
- next;
- }
- print "Copying file:\n\t$_\n\tInto folder:\n\t $imap_mail_path";
- $copy_done = $imap->append_string($imap_mail_path, $mail_file, undef, $mail_date) and print ' Done!',"\n"x2;
- push @{$folder_fail}, $_ if not defined $copy_done;
- sleep(0.3);
- exit if $run_once;
- }
- push @{$folders_to_file_fail{$folder}}, @{$folder_fail} if not defined $copy_done;
- print scalar @files_to_append, ' files Copied into: '. $folder, "\n\n";
- $count += scalar @files_to_append;
- }
- }
- sub revert_import() {
- print 'Undo import to user: ', $user{mail}, "\n";
- reconnect();
- my @folders = $imap->folders('INBOX.Importados'); # hardcoded!
- print 'There is no subdirectories in INBOX.Importados'."\n" and return if scalar @folders == 0;
- foreach my $folder (@folders) {
- reconnect();
- print 'Deleting emails from Folder', $folder, "\n" ;
- $imap->select($folder);
- my $uids_messages = $imap->messages($folder);
- foreach (@{$uids_messages}) {
- my $deleted = $imap->delete_message($_);
- print 'Message UID: ', $_, ' Deleted From Folder: ', $folder, "\n" if defined $deleted;
- }
- print "\n"x2, 'Deleting Folder ', $folder, "\n"x2;
- my $deleted = $imap->delete($folder);
- print "Folder: $_ deleted" if !$deleted;
- print "Folder: $_ Not Deleted" if defined $deleted;
- print "\n";
- }
- print 'Importation reverted!';
- }
- sub check_migration() {
- my $already_migrate = $imap->folders('INBOX.Importados');
- print $user{mail}, ' MIGRATED!' if scalar @{$already_migrate} > 0;
- print $user{mail}, ' NOT MIGRATED!' if scalar @{$already_migrate} <= 0;
- }
- sub reconnect {
- $imap = new Mail::IMAPClient->new(%connect_config)
- if !$imap->IsConnected;
- goto CONNECT if !$imap->IsConnected;
- return 1;
- }
- __DATA__
- ::USAGE::
- EMAIL SENHA [run_once, revert_import, check_import]
- -> percorre um hash passando chave->valor como argumento para este arquivo
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