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- ################################################################################
- ### Script to analyze the yield curve for seasonality
- ### by <>
- ################################################################################
- ### Set your FRED API key here. You may request an API key at:
- ###
- api_key_fred <- "WHATEVER_YOUR_FRED_API_KEY_IS"
- ### Load necessary libraries, installing them if necessary
- packages <- c("fredr", "forecast", "lubridate", "tidyverse", "tsibble")
- new_packages <- packages[!(packages %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
- if (length(new_packages)) install.packages(new_packages, quiet = TRUE)
- invisible(lapply(packages, "library", quietly = TRUE, character.only = TRUE))
- ### Now that the "fredr" library is loaded, set the FRED API key
- fredr_set_key(api_key_fred)
- ### Select the yield curve series to graph.
- ### * 10 yr/3 mo [T10Y3M] curve is considered the most accurate
- ### * 10 yr/2 y3 [T10Y2Y] curve was used in the original research
- series <- "T10Y3M"
- ### Pull yield curve data from FRED
- data <- fredr(series_id = series,
- observation_start = as.Date("1982-01-01"),
- frequency = "d") %>%
- select(date, value) %>%
- na.omit()
- ### There are 250 trading days per year, so use that for our frequency
- ### when constructing the time series
- data_ts <- ts(data$value,
- frequency = 250,
- start = c(year(min(data$date)), month(min(data$date))))
- ### Now break our data down into trend, seasonal, and remainder
- data_decomposed <- mstl(data_ts)
- actual <- ts(data$value)
- trend <- trendcycle(data_decomposed)
- seasonal <- seasonal(data_decomposed)
- remainder <- remainder(data_decomposed)
- ################################################################################
- ### Graph 1: Yield Curve using raw data
- ################################################################################
- plot(data, type = "l", xlab = "year", ylab = "%",
- main = paste(series, "Yield Curve (Not Seasonally Adjusted)"))
- abline(h = 0)
- readline(prompt = "Press [ENTER] to continue...")
- ################################################################################
- ### Graph 2: Decomposed yield curve into trend, seasonal, remainder
- ################################################################################
- plot(data_decomposed,
- main = paste(series, "Yield Curve Decomposition"), xlab = "Year")
- readline(prompt = "Press [ENTER] to continue...")
- ################################################################################
- ### Graph 3: The seasonal component of the yield curve data
- ################################################################################
- ### Find the amplitude over the past 4 years
- subset <- tail(seasonal, n = 4 * 250)
- amplitude <- round(max(subset) - min(subset), digits = 4)
- title <- paste(series, " Yield Curve Seasonal Component\n[Amplitude = ",
- amplitude, "%]", sep = "")
- plot(decimal_date(data$date), seasonal, type = "l", lty = 1,
- main = title, xlab = "Year", ylab = "%",
- xlim = c(2018.0, 2019.0),
- ylim = c(min(subset), max(subset)))
- readline(prompt = "Press [ENTER] to continue...")
- ################################################################################
- ### Graph 4: Deseasonalized yield curve in our region of interest (2019-2020)
- ################################################################################
- ### Near yield curve inversions, the yield curve value is always near 0%. So
- ### the Seasonal component can dominate the data and distort our view as to
- ### what's actually going on. So let's remove it and plot trend + remainder
- ### Find the amplitude over the past year
- subset_deseasonalized <- tail(trend + remainder, n = 1 * 250)
- subset_actual <- tail(actual, n = 1 * 250)
- subset_date <- tail(data$date, n = 1 * 250)
- ### Find appropriate y limits for our graph
- min <- min(subset_deseasonalized, subset_actual)
- max <- max(subset_deseasonalized, subset_actual)
- t1 <- "Yield Curve\n[Original in dotted blue, Deseasonalized in black]\n"
- title <- paste(series, t1)
- plot(decimal_date(subset_date), subset_deseasonalized, type = "l",
- main = title, xlab = "Year", ylab = "%",
- ylim = c(min, max))
- abline(h = 0, col = "red") # Draw a line at 0% to highlight inversions
- lines(decimal_date(subset_date), subset_actual,
- type = "l", col = "blue", lty = 3)
- readline(prompt = "Press [ENTER] to continue...")
- ################################################################################
- ### Graph 5: 3 month forecast of yield curve based on its history
- ################################################################################
- forecast <- data_ts %>%
- mstl() %>%
- forecast(h = round(250 * 3 / 12), level = c(68.27, 95.45))
- ### Find appropriate y limits for our graph
- ymin <- forecast$lower %>% data.frame() %>% pull("X95.45.") %>% min()
- ymax <- forecast$upper %>% data.frame() %>% pull("X95.45.") %>% max()
- plot(forecast,
- main = paste(series, "Yield Curve Three Month Forecast"),
- xlab = "Year",
- ylab = "Percent",
- xlim = c(2019, 2020.25),
- ylim = c(ymin, ymax))
- abline(h = 0)
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