
Pox/Pyretic firewall

Jul 24th, 2013
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  1. '''
  2.    Coursera:
  3.    - Software Defined Networking (SDN) course
  4.    -- Module 6 Programming Assignment
  6.    Professor: Nick Feamster
  7.    Teaching Assistant: Muhammad Shahbaz
  8. '''
  10. ################################################################################
  11. # The Pyretic Project                                                          #
  12. #                                                    #
  13. # author: Joshua Reich (                               #
  14. ################################################################################
  15. # Licensed to the Pyretic Project by one or more contributors. See the         #
  16. # NOTICES file distributed with this work for additional information           #
  17. # regarding copyright and ownership. The Pyretic Project licenses this         #
  18. # file to you under the following license.                                     #
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  36. ################################################################################
  38. from pyretic.lib.corelib import *
  39. from pyretic.lib.std import *
  41. # insert the name of the module and policy you want to import
  42. from pox.lib.addresses import EthAddr
  43. import os
  44. import csv
  45. from pyretic.modules.mac_learner import mac_learner as act_like_switch
  47. policy_file = "%s/pyretic/pyretic/examples/firewall-policies.csv" % os.environ[ 'HOME' ]
  50. def main():
  51.     # Copy the code you used to read firewall-policies.csv last week
  53.     rules = []
  55.     with open(policy_file, 'rb') as f:
  56.         reader = csv.reader(f)
  57.         header = f.readline()
  58.         for row in reader:
  59.             row.pop(0)
  60.             rules.append(row)
  62.     # start with a policy that doesn't match any packets
  63.     not_allowed = none
  64.     # and add traffic that isn't allowed
  65.     for (src,dst) in rules:
  66.         direction1 = match(srcmac=MAC(src), dstmac=MAC(dst))
  67.         direction2 = match(srcmac=MAC(dst), dstmac=MAC(src))
  68.         not_allowed = not_allowed + direction1 + direction2
  70.     # express allowed traffic in terms of not_allowed - hint use '~'
  71.     allowed = ~not_allowed
  73.     # and only send allowed traffic to the mac learning (act_like_switch) logic
  74.     return allowed >> act_like_switch()
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