
a woman named cherish dank story

Mar 15th, 2016
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  1. The Meeting of the Hugging Woman who had an Abortion to Cherish
  2. Once upon a time in a land lost in time there existed a beautiful woman by the name Cherish. Cherish longed for a child but she could not bear one. In this land there also existed a dark being who promised the woman to make her able to bear children, but only if she gave her firstborn and be faithful to him praying every day. Cherish thought this fair and accepted. Her man did not like Abyssus and Cherish knew this so she hid her promise to him. Nine months later a child was delivered into the world, This child was silent as if he had seen horrors before birth. Cherish waited for Abyssus to arrive but to no avail he did not arrive. As the years passed the child grew and at the age of five they decided to give the child a name but none came to mind the child didn’t receive a name. And again the years passed and as the years passed several names were given to the silent child but none of them from the parents of this child and the names dissipated as soon as they came to be. At the age of ten light began to bend away from the child as if it did not want to touch him.
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