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- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from __future__ import (
- absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
- )
- from nine import (
- IS_PYTHON2, basestring, chr, class_types, filter, integer_types,
- implements_iterator, implements_to_string, implements_repr,
- input, iterkeys, iteritems, itervalues, long, map,
- native_str, nine, nimport, range, range_list, reraise, str, zip
- )
- argparse = nimport('argparse')
- contextlib = nimport('contextlib')
- glob = nimport('glob')
- grp = nimport('grp')
- os = nimport('os')
- pwd = nimport('pwd')
- subprocess = nimport('subprocess')
- sys = nimport('sys')
- time = nimport('time')
- DEFAULT_PREFIX = 'home_'
- DEFAULT_SUFFIX = '.tar.gz'
- def run():
- """Runs this program.
- The program generates a new tar file for a given home directory.
- """
- start_time = time.time()
- options = parse_cmd_line(
- default_prefix=DEFAULT_PREFIX,
- default_suffix=DEFAULT_SUFFIX,
- default_keep=DEFAULT_KEEP)
- remove_old_files(
- pattern='{destdir}{sep}{prefix}*{suffix}'.format(
- destdir=options['destdir'],
- sep=os.sep,
- prefix=options['prefix'],
- suffix=options['suffix']),
- keep=options['keep'] - 1, # subtract 1 because new tar will be created
- remove=options['remove'],
- verbose=options['verbose'])
- dest_tar=generate_tar_name(
- dest_dir=options['destdir'],
- prefix=options['prefix'],
- suffix=options['suffix'])
- tar_src_dir(
- src_dir=options['srcdir'],
- dest_tar=dest_tar,
- verbose=options['verbose'])
- change_file_owner_group(
- filename=dest_tar,
- user=options['user'],
- group=options['user'],
- verbose=options['verbose'])
- if options['verbose']:
- print('Done, in {} seconds!'.format(time.time() - start_time))
- def generate_tar_name(**kwargs):
- """Generates a (hopefully) unique fully qualified tar filename.
- Arguments:
- kwargs: a dictionary with the following keys:-
- dest_dir: where to save the tar file
- prefix: the prefix to use for the tar file
- suffix: the suffix to use for the tar file
- Returns:
- A unique tar name of the format:
- <dest_dir>/<prefix><year><month><day><hour><minute>second><suffix>
- where the year, month, day, etc. values represent the local time
- at the point at which this function is called.
- """
- dest_dir = kwargs.pop('dest_dir')
- prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix')
- suffix = kwargs.pop('suffix')
- if kwargs:
- raise TypeError('Unexpected **kwargs: %r' % kwargs)
- localtime = time.localtime()
- return ('{dest_dir}{sep}{prefix}{year:04d}{month:02d}{day:02d}' +
- '{hour:02d}{minute:02d}{second:02d}{suffix}').format(
- dest_dir=dest_dir,
- prefix=prefix,
- suffix=suffix,
- year=localtime[0],
- month=localtime[1],
- day=localtime[2],
- hour=localtime[3],
- minute=localtime[4],
- second=localtime[5],
- sep=os.sep)
- def parse_cmd_line(**kwargs):
- """Parses the command-line arguments.
- Arguments:
- kwargs: a dictionary with the following keys:-
- default_prefix: the default prefix for generated tar files
- default_suffix: the default suffix for generated tar files
- default_keep: the default number of tar files to keep if removing
- old tar files
- Returns:
- A dictionary with each of the supplied command-line arguments. If
- no value for an item was supplied on the command-line, then the
- default value for that it is returned.
- """
- default_prefix = kwargs.pop('default_prefix')
- default_suffix = kwargs.pop('default_suffix')
- default_keep = kwargs.pop('default_keep')
- if kwargs:
- raise TypeError('Unexpected **kwargs: %r' % kwargs)
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description="Archives (tars) the contents of a user's home directory")
- parser.add_argument(
- 'user',
- help=' '.join([
- 'specify the owner of the archive file;',
- 'the archive files user and group will be set to this value']))
- parser.add_argument(
- 'srcdir',
- help='specify the owners home directory')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'destdir',
- help='specify the directory that the new archive file will be saved to')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--prefix', '-p',
- default=default_prefix,
- help=' '.join([
- 'specify the prefix that the newly created archive file will have',
- "(default: '%(default)s')"]))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--suffix', '-x',
- default=default_suffix,
- help=' '.join([
- 'specify the suffix that the newly created archive file will have',
- "(default: '%(default)s')"]))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--keep', '-k',
- type=int,
- default=default_keep,
- help='specify how many archives to keep (default: %(default)i)')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--remove', '-r',
- action='store_true',
- default=False,
- help='specify this so that obsolete archives will be removed')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--verbose', '-v',
- action='store_true',
- default=False,
- help='specify this to display verbose output')
- # vars() turns Namespace into a regular dictionary
- options = vars(parser.parse_args())
- options['srcdir'] = chomp_sep(options['srcdir'])
- options['destdir'] = chomp_sep(options['destdir'])
- options['keep'] = max(options['keep'], 1) # keep must be at least 1
- return options
- def chomp_sep(dir_name):
- """Removes any trailing directory separator characters from the given
- directory name.
- Arguments:
- dir_name: the name that has to have any trailing slashes removed
- Returns:
- The directory name with no trailing separator characters
- """
- while dir_name.endswith(os.sep):
- dir_name = dir_name[:-1]
- return dir_name
- def remove_old_files(**kwargs):
- """Only keeps the newest files that match the given pattern.
- Arguments:
- kwargs: a dictionary with the following keys:-
- 'pattern' - the glob pattern of existing files
- 'keep' - the number of existing files to keep
- 'remove' - whether or not to remove old files
- 'verbose' - whether or not to output text describing non-fatal
- events
- Returns:
- None
- """
- pattern = kwargs.pop('pattern')
- keep= kwargs.pop('keep')
- remove = kwargs.pop('remove')
- verbose= kwargs.pop('verbose')
- if kwargs:
- raise TypeError('Unexpected **kwargs: %r' % kwargs)
- if not remove:
- return
- matching = glob.glob(pattern)
- if keep >= len(matching):
- if verbose:
- print("No files matching pattern '{}' need to be removed".format(
- pattern))
- return
- files = [tup[1] for tup in sorted([(os.path.getmtime(f), f)
- for f in matching])]
- for f in files[keep:]:
- os.remove(f)
- if verbose:
- print("Removed file '{filename}'".format(filename=f))
- def tar_src_dir(src_dir, dest_tar, verbose):
- """Archives the source directory into a newly created destination tar.
- Arguments:
- src_dir: the source directory to be tarred
- dest_tar: the name of the tar file to create
- verbose: whether or not to output text describing non-fatal events
- Returns:
- None
- """
- src_dir = os.path.abspath(src_dir)
- index = src_dir.rindex(os.sep)
- base_dir = src_dir[0:index]
- home_dir = src_dir[index+1:]
- if verbose:
- verbose_flag = '--verbose '
- else:
- verbose_flag = ''
- tar_cmd = ''.join(['sudo tar ',
- '--create --preserve-permissions --atime-preserve ',
- "--use-compress-program='pigz' ",
- verbose_flag,
- "--file={} ".format(dest_tar),
- home_dir,
- ])
- with chdir(base_dir):
- if verbose:
-, shell=True)
- else:
-'{} {}'.format(tar_cmd, '&>/var/null'), shell=True)
- # Ensure that the file is flushed to disk
-'sync; sleep 10; sync', shell=True)
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def chdir(new_dir):
- """Context manager which allows code to run in a different directory.
- (1) Stores the current working directory;
- (2) switches to the directory: <new_dir>;
- (3) executes any code run in this context; and then
- (4) returns to the original working directory.
- Returns:
- None
- """
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(new_dir)
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- os.chdir(cwd)
- def change_file_owner_group(**kwargs):
- """Changes the owner and group of the named file.
- Arguments:
- kwargs: a dictionary with the following keys:-
- 'filename': the file whose ownership is to be changed
- 'user': the new owner to assign to the file
- 'group': the new group to assign to the file;
- this is the same as 'user' if not given
- 'verbose': whether to output text describing non-fatal events
- Returns:
- None
- """
- filename = kwargs.pop('filename')
- user = kwargs.pop('user')
- group = kwargs.pop('group', user)
- verbose= kwargs.pop('verbose')
- if kwargs:
- raise TypeError('Unexpected **kwargs: %r' % kwargs)
- try:
- os.chown(filename,
- pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_uid,
- grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid)
- if verbose:
- print("Changed ownership of '{filename}' to {user}:{group}".format(
- filename=filename,
- user=user,
- group=group))
- except os.OSError:
- print("Unable to change ownership of "
- + "'{filename}' to {user}:{group}".format(
- filename=filename,
- user=user,
- group=group),
- file=sys.stderr)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- run()
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