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- local spawnedVehicles = {}
- function OpenVehicleSpawnerMenu(type, station, part, partNum)
- local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
- ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'vehicle', {
- title = _U('garage_title'),
- align = 'top-left',
- elements = {
- {label = _U('garage_storeditem'), action = 'garage'},
- {label = _U('garage_storeitem'), action = 'store_garage'},
- {label = _U('garage_buyitem'), action = 'buy_vehicle'}
- }}, function(data, menu)
- if data.current.action == 'buy_vehicle' then
- local shopElements = {}
- local shopCoords = Config.PoliceStations[station][part][partNum].InsideShop
- local authorizedVehicles = Config.AuthorizedVehicles[type][ESX.PlayerData.job.grade_name]
- if #authorizedVehicles > 0 then
- for k,vehicle in ipairs(authorizedVehicles) do
- if IsModelInCdimage(vehicle.model) then
- local vehicleLabel = GetLabelText(GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(vehicle.model))
- table.insert(shopElements, {
- label = ('%s - <span style="color:green;">%s</span>'):format(vehicleLabel, _U('shop_item', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(vehicle.price))),
- name = vehicleLabel,
- model = vehicle.model,
- price = vehicle.price,
- props = vehicle.props,
- type = type
- })
- end
- end
- if #shopElements > 0 then
- OpenShopMenu(shopElements, playerCoords, shopCoords)
- else
- --ESX.ShowNotification(_U('garage_notauthorized'))
- exports['okokNotify']:Alert("Polizei Garage", "Du bist nicht berechtigt ein Fahrzeug zu kaufen", 5000, 'info')
- end
- else
- --ESX.ShowNotification(_U('garage_notauthorized'))
- exports['okokNotify']:Alert("Polizei Garage", "Du bist nicht berechtigt ein Fahrzeug zu kaufen", 5000, 'error')
- end
- elseif data.current.action == 'garage' then
- local garage = {}
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_vehicleshop:retrieveJobVehicles', function(jobVehicles)
- if #jobVehicles > 0 then
- local allVehicleProps = {}
- for k,v in ipairs(jobVehicles) do
- local props = json.decode(v.vehicle)
- if IsModelInCdimage(props.model) then
- local vehicleName = GetLabelText(GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(props.model))
- local label = ('%s - <span style="color:darkgoldenrod;">%s</span>: '):format(vehicleName, props.plate)
- if v.stored then
- label = label .. ('<span style="color:green;">%s</span>'):format(_U('garage_stored'))
- else
- label = label .. ('<span style="color:darkred;">%s</span>'):format(_U('garage_notstored'))
- end
- table.insert(garage, {
- label = label,
- stored = v.stored,
- model = props.model,
- plate = props.plate
- })
- allVehicleProps[props.plate] = props
- end
- end
- if #garage > 0 then
- ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'vehicle_garage', {
- title = _U('garage_title'),
- align = 'top-left',
- elements = garage
- }, function(data2, menu2)
- if data2.current.stored then
- local foundSpawn, spawnPoint = GetAvailableVehicleSpawnPoint(station, part, partNum)
- if foundSpawn then
- menu2.close()
- ESX.Game.SpawnVehicle(data2.current.model, spawnPoint.coords, spawnPoint.heading, function(vehicle)
- local vehicleProps = allVehicleProps[data2.current.plate]
- ESX.Game.SetVehicleProperties(vehicle, vehicleProps)
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_vehicleshop:setJobVehicleState', data2.current.plate, false)
- --ESX.ShowNotification(_U('garage_released'))
- exports['okokNotify']:Alert("Polizei Garage", "Fahrzeug ausgeparkt", 5000, 'success')
- end)
- end
- else
- --ESX.ShowNotification(_U('garage_notavailable'))
- exports['okokNotify']:Alert("Polizei Garage", "Dein Fahrzeug steht nicht in der Garage", 5000, 'info')
- end
- end, function(data2, menu2)
- menu2.close()
- end)
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U('garage_empty'))
- exports['okokNotify']:Alert("Polizei Garage", "test", 5000, 'error')
- end
- else
- --ESX.ShowNotification(_U('garage_empty'))
- exports['okokNotify']:Alert("Polizei Garage", "Deine Garage ist leer", 5000, 'error')
- end
- end, type)
- elseif data.current.action == 'store_garage' then
- StoreNearbyVehicle(playerCoords)
- end
- end, function(data, menu)
- menu.close()
- end)
- end
- function StoreNearbyVehicle(playerCoords)
- local vehicles, vehiclePlates = ESX.Game.GetVehiclesInArea(playerCoords, 30.0), {}
- if #vehicles > 0 then
- for k,v in ipairs(vehicles) do
- -- Make sure the vehicle we're saving is empty, or else it wont be deleted
- if GetVehicleNumberOfPassengers(v) == 0 and IsVehicleSeatFree(v, -1) then
- table.insert(vehiclePlates, {
- vehicle = v,
- plate = ESX.Math.Trim(GetVehicleNumberPlateText(v))
- })
- end
- end
- else
- --ESX.ShowNotification(_U('garage_store_nearby'))
- exports['okokNotify']:Alert("Polizei Garage", "Kein Fahrzeug in der Nähe", 5000, 'info')
- return
- end
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_policejob:storeNearbyVehicle', function(storeSuccess, foundNum)
- if storeSuccess then
- local vehicleId = vehiclePlates[foundNum]
- local attempts = 0
- ESX.Game.DeleteVehicle(vehicleId.vehicle)
- IsBusy = true
- Citizen.CreateThread(function()
- BeginTextCommandBusyspinnerOn('STRING')
- AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(_U('garage_storing'))
- EndTextCommandBusyspinnerOn(4)
- while IsBusy do
- Citizen.Wait(100)
- end
- BusyspinnerOff()
- end)
- -- Workaround for vehicle not deleting when other players are near it.
- while DoesEntityExist(vehicleId.vehicle) do
- Citizen.Wait(500)
- attempts = attempts + 1
- -- Give up
- if attempts > 30 then
- break
- end
- vehicles = ESX.Game.GetVehiclesInArea(playerCoords, 30.0)
- if #vehicles > 0 then
- for k,v in ipairs(vehicles) do
- if ESX.Math.Trim(GetVehicleNumberPlateText(v)) == vehicleId.plate then
- ESX.Game.DeleteVehicle(v)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- IsBusy = false
- --ESX.ShowNotification(_U('garage_has_stored'))
- exports['okokNotify']:Alert("Polizei Garage", "Fahrzeug eingeparkt", 5000, 'success')
- else
- --ESX.ShowNotification(_U('garage_has_notstored'))
- exports['okokNotify']:Alert("Polizei Garage", "Kein Fahrzeug gefunden die dir gehören", 5000, 'info')
- end
- end, vehiclePlates)
- end
- function GetAvailableVehicleSpawnPoint(station, part, partNum)
- local spawnPoints = Config.PoliceStations[station][part][partNum].SpawnPoints
- local found, foundSpawnPoint = false, nil
- for i=1, #spawnPoints, 1 do
- if ESX.Game.IsSpawnPointClear(spawnPoints[i].coords, spawnPoints[i].radius) then
- found, foundSpawnPoint = true, spawnPoints[i]
- break
- end
- end
- if found then
- return true, foundSpawnPoint
- else
- --ESX.ShowNotification(_U('vehicle_blocked'))
- exports['okokNotify']:Alert("Polizei Garage", "Alle freien Ausparkplätze sind belegt", 5000, 'error')
- return false
- end
- end
- function OpenShopMenu(elements, restoreCoords, shopCoords)
- local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
- isInShopMenu = true
- ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'vehicle_shop', {
- title = _U('vehicleshop_title'),
- align = 'top-left',
- elements = elements
- }, function(data, menu)
- ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'vehicle_shop_confirm', {
- title = _U('vehicleshop_confirm',, data.current.price),
- align = 'top-left',
- elements = {
- {label = _U('confirm_no'), value = 'no'},
- {label = _U('confirm_yes'), value = 'yes'}
- }}, function(data2, menu2)
- if data2.current.value == 'yes' then
- local newPlate = exports['esx_vehicleshop']:GeneratePlate()
- local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed, false)
- local props = ESX.Game.GetVehicleProperties(vehicle)
- props.plate = newPlate
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_policejob:buyJobVehicle', function (bought)
- if bought then
- --ESX.ShowNotification(_U('vehicleshop_bought',, ESX.Math.GroupDigits(data.current.price)))
- exports['okokNotify']:Alert("Polizei Garage", " für " ..ESX.Math.GroupDigits(data.current.price).. " gekauft", 5000, 'success')
- isInShopMenu = false
- ESX.UI.Menu.CloseAll()
- DeleteSpawnedVehicles()
- FreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, false)
- SetEntityVisible(playerPed, true)
- ESX.Game.Teleport(playerPed, restoreCoords)
- else
- --ESX.ShowNotification(_U('vehicleshop_money'))
- exports['okokNotify']:Alert("Polizei Garage", "Du kannst dir das Fahrzeug nicht leisten", 5000, 'info')
- menu2.close()
- end
- end, props, data.current.type)
- else
- menu2.close()
- end
- end, function(data2, menu2)
- menu2.close()
- end)
- end, function(data, menu)
- isInShopMenu = false
- ESX.UI.Menu.CloseAll()
- DeleteSpawnedVehicles()
- FreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, false)
- SetEntityVisible(playerPed, true)
- ESX.Game.Teleport(playerPed, restoreCoords)
- end, function(data, menu)
- DeleteSpawnedVehicles()
- WaitForVehicleToLoad(data.current.model)
- ESX.Game.SpawnLocalVehicle(data.current.model, shopCoords, 0.0, function(vehicle)
- table.insert(spawnedVehicles, vehicle)
- TaskWarpPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, vehicle, -1)
- FreezeEntityPosition(vehicle, true)
- SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(data.current.model)
- if data.current.props then
- ESX.Game.SetVehicleProperties(vehicle, data.current.props)
- end
- end)
- end)
- WaitForVehicleToLoad(elements[1].model)
- ESX.Game.SpawnLocalVehicle(elements[1].model, shopCoords, 0.0, function(vehicle)
- table.insert(spawnedVehicles, vehicle)
- TaskWarpPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, vehicle, -1)
- FreezeEntityPosition(vehicle, true)
- SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(elements[1].model)
- if elements[1].props then
- ESX.Game.SetVehicleProperties(vehicle, elements[1].props)
- end
- end)
- end
- Citizen.CreateThread(function()
- while true do
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- if isInShopMenu then
- DisableControlAction(0, 75, true) -- Disable exit vehicle
- DisableControlAction(27, 75, true) -- Disable exit vehicle
- else
- Citizen.Wait(500)
- end
- end
- end)
- function DeleteSpawnedVehicles()
- while #spawnedVehicles > 0 do
- local vehicle = spawnedVehicles[1]
- ESX.Game.DeleteVehicle(vehicle)
- table.remove(spawnedVehicles, 1)
- end
- end
- function WaitForVehicleToLoad(modelHash)
- modelHash = (type(modelHash) == 'number' and modelHash or GetHashKey(modelHash))
- if not HasModelLoaded(modelHash) then
- RequestModel(modelHash)
- BeginTextCommandBusyspinnerOn('STRING')
- AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(_U('vehicleshop_awaiting_model'))
- EndTextCommandBusyspinnerOn(4)
- while not HasModelLoaded(modelHash) do
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- DisableAllControlActions(0)
- end
- BusyspinnerOff()
- end
- end
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