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- Last login: Tue Mar 4 11:57:31 2025 from
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- | Aurora (Moscow) (live)
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- [defaultuser@R570E ~]$ devel-su journalctl -xf
- Password:
- -- Logs begin at Mon 2025-03-03 11:33:50 MSK. --
- мар 04 11:58:39 R570E sensorfwd[2063]: Invalid interval requested for node ' "accelerometeradaptor" ' by session ' 8 ': 100
- мар 04 11:58:40 R570E dbus-daemon[2250]: dbus-daemon[2250]: [session uid=100000 pid=2250] Activating via systemd: service name='ru.auroraos.ScreenGrab1' unit='screengrab-daemon.service' requested by ':1.98' (uid=100000 pid=11529 comm="/usr/bin/xdg-dbus-proxy --fd=4 --args=5")
- мар 04 11:58:40 R570E systemd[2235]: Couldn't stat device /run/systemd/inaccessible/chr: Permission denied
- мар 04 11:58:40 R570E systemd[2235]: Couldn't stat device /run/systemd/inaccessible/blk: Permission denied
- мар 04 11:58:40 R570E systemd[2235]: Starting ScreenGrab service...
- -- Subject: Начинается запуск юнита UNIT
- -- Defined-By: systemd
- -- Support:
- --
- -- Начат процесс запуска юнита UNIT.
- мар 04 11:58:40 R570E mce[699]: modules/display.c: mdy_dbus_handle_blanking_pause_allowed_get_req(): Received blanking pause allowed get request from name=:1.242 owner=:1.242 pid=-1 uid=-1 gid=-1 priv=-1 cmd=NULL
- мар 04 11:58:40 R570E mce[699]: modules/display.c: mdy_dbus_handle_display_status_get_req(): Received display status get request from name=:1.242 owner=:1.242 pid=-1 uid=-1 gid=-1 priv=-1 cmd=NULL
- мар 04 11:58:40 R570E mce[699]: mce-dbus.c: peerinfo_enter_state(): name=:1.242 owner=:1.242 pid=11580 uid=100000 gid=997 priv=1 cmd=/usr/bin/screengrab-daemon
- мар 04 11:58:40 R570E dbus-daemon[2250]: dbus-daemon[2250]: [session uid=100000 pid=2250] Successfully activated service 'ru.auroraos.ScreenGrab1'
- мар 04 11:58:40 R570E systemd[2235]: Started ScreenGrab service.
- -- Subject: Запуск юнита UNIT завершен
- -- Defined-By: systemd
- -- Support:
- --
- -- Процесс запуска юнита UNIT был завершен.
- --
- -- Результат: RESULT.
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E streamcamera[11566]: droid-codec initCodecInfo:303 -- droid:decoder:hw:video/avc maxInstances=16
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E streamcamera[11566]: droid-codec initCodecInfo:325 -- droid:encoder:hw:video/avc maxInstances=16
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E streamcamera[11566]: droid-codec initCodecInfo:303 -- droid:decoder:hw:video/x-vnd.on2.vp8 maxInstances=16
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E streamcamera[11566]: droid-codec initCodecInfo:303 -- droid:decoder:hw:video/x-vnd.on2.vp9 maxInstances=16
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E streamcamera[11566]: droid-codec initCodecInfo:303 -- droid:decoder:hw:video/hevc maxInstances=16
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E streamcamera[11566]: codec init:58 -- Initialized codec plugin at /usr/lib/streamcamera/plugins/
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E streamcamera[11566]: droid-codec init:601 -- Found 10 color formats supported:
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E streamcamera[11566]: droid-codec init:604 -- 7f000200
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E streamcamera[11566]: droid-codec init:604 -- 7f000789
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E streamcamera[11566]: droid-codec init:604 -- 7f420888
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E streamcamera[11566]: droid-codec init:604 -- 13
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E streamcamera[11566]: droid-codec init:604 -- 6
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E streamcamera[11566]: droid-codec init:604 -- b
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E streamcamera[11566]: droid-codec init:604 -- 10
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E streamcamera[11566]: droid-codec init:604 -- 7f000300
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E streamcamera[11566]: droid-codec init:604 -- f
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E streamcamera[11566]: droid-codec init:604 -- 15
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E streamcamera[11566]: droid-codec init:620 -- InitEncode: Codec metadata prepared: video/avc width=360 height=720 fps=30 bitrate=4000000 color_format=19
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E streamcamera[11566]: droid-codec init:633 -- Codec created for video/avc
- мар 04 11:58:41 R570E lipstick[2361]: [W] WindowPixmapItem::updatePaintNode:972 - WindowPixmapItem does not have a source texture, cover will be dropped..
- мар 04 11:58:42 R570E dbus-daemon[2250]: dbus-daemon[2250]: [session uid=100000 pid=2250] Connection :1.101 (uid=100000 pid=11602 comm="dbus-monitor") became a monitor.
- мар 04 11:58:45 R570E systemd[1]: Starting Camera policy daemon...
- -- Subject: Начинается запуск юнита camerapolicy.service
- -- Defined-By: systemd
- -- Support:
- --
- -- Начат процесс запуска юнита camerapolicy.service.
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E systemd[1]: Started Camera policy daemon.
- -- Subject: Запуск юнита camerapolicy.service завершен
- -- Defined-By: systemd
- -- Support:
- --
- -- Процесс запуска юнита camerapolicy.service был завершен.
- --
- -- Результат: RESULT.
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E audit[1]: SERVICE_START pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 msg='unit=camerapolicy comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E camerapolicy[11603]: [system]:11566 app comm 'ru.auroraos.Scr' uid 100000 is allowed to use camera
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E camerapolicy[11603]: process id 11566 has started using the camera
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E lipstick[2361]: Could not load desktop entry from "": Нет такого файла или каталога
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E lipstick[2361]: [D] MDesktopEntryPrivate::MDesktopEntryPrivate:81 - Specified Desktop file does not exist ""
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E lipstick[2361]: g_manifest_entry_contains: assertion 'entry != NULL' failed
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E lipstick[2361]: g_manifest_entry_contains: assertion 'entry != NULL' failed
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E camerapolicy[11603]: process id 11566 has stopped using the camera
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E camerapolicy[11603]: [system]:11566 app comm 'ru.auroraos.Scr' uid 100000 is allowed to use camera
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E camerapolicy[11603]: process id 11566 has started using the camera
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E kernel: (3)[11628:LogicalDevPower][imgsensor][imgsensor_i2c_read] I2C read failed (0x0)! speed(0=400) (0x0)
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E kernel: (3)[11628:LogicalDevPower][imgsensor][imgsensor_i2c_read] I2C read failed (0x0)! speed(0=400) (0x0)
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E kernel: (3)[11628:LogicalDevPower][imgsensor][imgsensor_i2c_read] I2C read failed (0x0)! speed(0=400) (0x0)
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E kernel: (0)[11628:LogicalDevPower][imgsensor][imgsensor_i2c_read] I2C read failed (0x0)! speed(0=400) (0x0)
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E camerapolicy[11603]: process id 11566 has stopped using the camera
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E mce[699]: modules/display.c: mdy_dbus_handle_blanking_pause_start_req(): blanking pause request from name=:1.242 owner=:1.242 pid=11580 uid=100000 gid=997 priv=1 cmd=/usr/bin/screengrab-daemon
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E mce[699]: modules/display.c: mdy_dbus_send_blanking_pause_status(): Sending blanking pause signal: active
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E mce[699]: modules/display.c: mdy_dbus_send_blanking_inhibit_status(): Sending blanking inhibit signal: active
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E dbus-daemon[697]: [system] Rejected send message, 3 matched rules; type="method_return", sender=":1.1" (uid=0 pid=692 comm="/usr/sbin/ohmd --no-daemon --mlock=none") interface="(unset)" member="(unset)" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination=":1.242" (uid=100000 pid=11580 comm="/usr/bin/screengrab-daemon")
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E dbus-daemon[697]: dbus-daemon[697]: [system] Rejected send message, 3 matched rules; type="method_return", sender=":1.1" (uid=0 pid=692 comm="/usr/sbin/ohmd --no-daemon --mlock=none") interface="(unset)" member="(unset)" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination=":1.242" (uid=100000 pid=11580 comm="/usr/bin/screengrab-daemon")
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [D] Cast::Cast:106 - Buffers: 48
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [D] Cast::Cast:107 - Scale: 0.5
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [D] Cast::Cast:108 - Smooth: true
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [D] Cast::Cast:109 - Quality: 90
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [D] Cast::requestFrame:222 - void Cast::requestFrame()
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E lipstick[2361]: Could not load desktop entry from "": Нет такого файла или каталога
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E lipstick[2361]: [D] MDesktopEntryPrivate::MDesktopEntryPrivate:81 - Specified Desktop file does not exist ""
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E lipstick[2361]: g_manifest_entry_contains: assertion 'entry != NULL' failed
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E lipstick[2361]: g_manifest_entry_contains: assertion 'entry != NULL' failed
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E sensorfwd[2063]: Invalid interval requested for node ' "accelerometeradaptor" ' by session ' 9 ': 100
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E audit[11566]: ANOM_ABEND auid=100000 uid=100000 gid=100000 ses=12 pid=11566 comm="ru.auroraos.Scr" exe="/opt/app/ru.auroraos.ScreenGrab/0.1-1/bin/ru.auroraos.ScreenGrab" sig=11
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E sensorfwd[2063]: [SocketHandler]: Socket error: QLocalSocket::PeerClosedError
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E sensorfwd[2063]: [SocketHandler]: Noticed lost session: 8
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E lipstick[2361]: [W] RuntimeManager::ControlPrivate::getAppIdByPid:159 - Can`t open cgroup file for 11566
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [W] BufferPool::fillBuffer:107 - "The name :1.98 was not provided by any .service files"
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [W] BufferPool::fillBuffer:107 - "The name :1.98 was not provided by any .service files"
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [W] BufferPool::fillBuffer:107 - "The name :1.98 was not provided by any .service files"
- мар 04 11:58:46 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [W] BufferPool::fillBuffer:107 - "The name :1.98 was not provided by any .service files"
- мар 04 11:58:47 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [W] BufferPool::fillBuffer:107 - "The name :1.98 was not provided by any .service files"
- мар 04 11:58:47 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [W] BufferPool::fillBuffer:107 - "The name :1.98 was not provided by any .service files"
- мар 04 11:58:47 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [W] BufferPool::fillBuffer:107 - "The name :1.98 was not provided by any .service files"
- мар 04 11:58:48 R570E lipstick[2361]: [W] RuntimeManager::ControlPrivate::getAppIdByPid:159 - Can`t open cgroup file for 11566
- мар 04 11:58:48 R570E lipstick[2361]: Could not load desktop entry from "": Нет такого файла или каталога
- мар 04 11:58:48 R570E lipstick[2361]: [D] MDesktopEntryPrivate::MDesktopEntryPrivate:81 - Specified Desktop file does not exist ""
- мар 04 11:58:48 R570E audit[1]: SERVICE_STOP pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 msg='unit=camerapolicy comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'
- мар 04 11:58:48 R570E lipstick[2361]: g_manifest_entry_contains: assertion 'entry != NULL' failed
- мар 04 11:58:48 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [W] BufferPool::fillBuffer:107 - "The name :1.98 was not provided by any .service files"
- мар 04 11:58:48 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [W] BufferPool::fillBuffer:107 - "The name :1.98 was not provided by any .service files"
- мар 04 11:58:48 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [W] BufferPool::fillBuffer:107 - "The name :1.98 was not provided by any .service files"
- мар 04 11:58:48 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [W] BufferPool::fillBuffer:107 - "The name :1.98 was not provided by any .service files"
- мар 04 11:58:49 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [W] BufferPool::fillBuffer:107 - "The name :1.98 was not provided by any .service files"
- мар 04 11:58:49 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [W] BufferPool::fillBuffer:107 - "The name :1.98 was not provided by any .service files"
- мар 04 11:58:49 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [W] BufferPool::fillBuffer:107 - "The name :1.98 was not provided by any .service files"
- мар 04 11:58:49 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [W] BufferPool::fillBuffer:107 - "The name :1.98 was not provided by any .service files"
- мар 04 11:58:49 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [W] BufferPool::fillBuffer:107 - "The name :1.98 was not provided by any .service files"
- мар 04 11:58:49 R570E screengrab-daemon[11580]: [W] BufferPool::fillBuffer:107 - "The name :1.98 was not provided by any .service files"
- мар 04 11:58:50 R570E connmand[690]: ntp: adjust (slew): -0.004286 sec
- мар 04 11:58:51 R570E dbus-daemon[2250]: dbus-daemon[2250]: [session uid=100000 pid=2250] Monitoring connection :1.101 closed.
- мар 04 11:58:51 R570E llationhandler[3564]: [W] unknown:0 - QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
- ^C
- [defaultuser@R570E ~]$ Connection to closed by remote host.
- Connection to closed.
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