
MINCE® - Maturity INcrements IN Controlled Environments

Sep 28th, 2015
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  1. Action Flavor :  MINCE defines seven activities that form the basis upon which an organization will reach a higher MINCE Maturity Level.
  3. (see also: quickening, broadening, deepening, preservation, tailoring, interrelating, exploitation)
  4. Activity :  One of the MINCE Levels. An organization operating at level 1, the Activities-level, is pleasantly surprised if a result is accomplished.
  5. Adaptability :  The capacity of organizations to absorb environment (market) changes, i.e. the same as maturity. This sometimes also is called change capacity.
  6. Advisory Report :  Description of options that the MINCE2 Foundation Board can select from in order to improve the accuracy and/or sustainability of the MINCE model.
  7. Ambition Level :  The Maturity Level that an organization is aiming for in order to increase its competitiveness.
  8. Aspect :  Detail.
  9. Assessment :  This is one of the facets that OPM3 focuses on, where through the use of a tool, organizations can determine the state that their project maturity is in.
  11. (see also: OPM3).
  12. Basic Knowledge :  This is one of the facets that PMMM focuses on.
  14. (see also: PM MM)
  15. Beckoning perspective :  An attractive future situation in the organization that is very appealing to its employees.
  16. Benchmarking :  This is (also) the name of a level used within PMMM, where the organization performs benchmarking on a continuous basis.
  18. (see also: PMMM).
  19. Broadening :  AF2 offer seven MINCE Action Flavors. Broadening is about accomplishing alignment between the actions and/or changes across the whole organization that is affected.
  21. (also see Action Flavor).
  22. Bronze :  The easiest way to measure the maturity of an organization using MINCE.
  24. (see also: Silver, Gold)
  25. CCTA :  Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency: the organization that a.o. set up the standards PRINCE2 and ITIL. It became part of the Office of Government Commerce (OGC) in 2000, which is still heavily involved with both of these standards.
  27. For further information see
  28. Chain :  The word chain in MINCE refers to the full range of entities (organizations, individuals, government bodies etc.) that are in any way involved with regard to the products. Chain implies more than just the producing organizations. The word 'chain* also refers to others, such as the customer organizations and to the society.
  29. Challenge :  This is the name of a level used within EFQM, which incorporates identification and champion organizational changes.
  31. (see also: EFQM)
  32. CMM :  Capability Maturity Model: Maturity model, dedicated to software that is developed in organizations to support their daily work.
  33. CMMi :  successor for the CMM model, focused on organizational development. (see also: CMM).
  34. Committed :  This is the name of a level used within EFQM, where the organization is at the beginning of the development.
  36. (see also: EFQM).
  37. Common Language :  This is the name of a level used within PMMM, where the organization recognizes the importance of project management.
  39. (see also: PMMM).
  40. Common Processes :  This is the name of a level used within PMMM, where the organization recognizes processes need to be defined, (also see: PMMM).
  41. Continuous Improvement :  This is the name of a level used within PMMM, where the organization undertakes action on the basis of benchmarking and the single methodology.
  43. (see also: PMMM)
  44. Controlled environment :  An environment that is kept under control in order to increase the accuracy with which its development can be predicted
  45. Controlled environment (MINCE) :  The controlled environment does not change as a result of a force of nature. Instead, it is influenced (to a degree) as a consequence of management.
  47. The degree to which it is influenced can be accepted or it can be developed. MINCE improves organizational maturity by facilitating individual and group transformation.
  48. Controlled environment (PRINCE2) :  The PRINCE2 controlled environment specifically addresses the project management department and the way projects are undertaken.
  49. Criteria :  Five different views on MINCE maturity aspects that are taken into account from each of the six MINCE Towers.
  50. Criterion :  Singular of criteria
  51. Culture :  This is the name of a level used within EFQM, where the culture of excellence is embedded in employees.
  53. (see also: EFQM)
  54. Customer :  The name of one of the MINCE Towers: An individual or customer organization purchasing products from the MINCE organization.
  55. Customer intimacy :  (Treacy & Wiersma, 1995) One of three marketing perspectives. Customer intimacy implies full customer focus, instead of a product focus (see: product leadership) or a price competition focus (see: operational excellence).
  56. Deepening :  AF3 of the seven MINCE Action Flavors. Deepening describes the benefits of creating as many platforms as possible with which to lay down the findings and lessons learned.
  58. (see also: Action Flavor)
  59. Defined :  This is the name of a level used within CMM, where certain processes are documented across the organization, (also see: CMM)
  60. Driver :  Drive is an alternate name for motivation.
  61. EFQM :  Name for the model developed by the European Foundation for Quality Management.
  62. Employee Group :  One of the groups with regard to MINCE measurements. The Employee Group contains all people working for the organization who are subjected to the MINCE process.
  64. (see also: Peer Group, Employee Group, MINCE Group, Tarqet Group)
  65. Employee transformation :  see: transformation.
  66. Enterprise :  (Strikwerda [L-22D A (social) system of purposive and result- driven co-ordination of activities, undertaken by an organization.
  67. Environment :  The complex of surrounding circumstances, conditions, or influences within which a thing is situated or developed. (
  68. Explicitation :  AF7 of the seven MINCE Action Flavors. Explicitation is the way in which particular MINCE goals are realized in a particular, practical manner.
  70. (see also: Action Flavor)
  71. Facet :  A perspective on the construction of a model.
  72. Flexibility :  Characterized by a ready capability to adapt to new, different, or changing requirements. [L-i]
  73. Function house :  A function house is the combination of an organization chart with a:
  75. - specification of the distribution of responsibilities;
  76. - description of the communication channels;
  77. - specification of the distribution of tasks.
  78. Goal driven (methodology) :  Activities that are based on the realization of predetermined goals.
  79. Gold :  Away to measure the maturity of an organization according to MINCE, based on internal expertise and interviews.
  81. (see also: Silver, Bronze)
  82. Improvement :  This is one of the facets that OPM3 focuses on, where the organization identifies development areas on the basis of an assessment tool.
  84. (see also: OPM3)
  85. Initial :  This is the name of a level used within CMM, where the (organizational) processes are totally absent.
  87. (see also: CMM)
  88. Interaction :  This is the name of a level used within EFQM, where interaction with other chain organizations takes place.
  90. (see also: EFQM)
  91. interrelating :  AF6 of the seven MINCE Action Flavors. Interrelating in the MINCE perspective is about focusing all the activities associated with maturity development in the organization along the same lines.
  93. (see also: Action Flavor)
  94. Intervision :  Putting employees together in order to promote discussion about the difficulties they encounter in their line of work. The employees exchange their experiences and in that way the group develops improved solutions. There's no manager involved, the group contains people who work together (they need not be in the same department, though). There's a coach sitting in with the group, helping the process.
  95. Involvement :  This is the name of a level used within EFQM, where there is a structured approach to identifying organizational strengths
  97. (see also: EFQM)
  98. Key Process Areas :  Key Process Areas (KPAs) define the way CMM considers the relations between levels and the situations found in organizations.
  100. (see also: CMM)
  101. Knowledge :  #1 Knowledge enables the Realization of a certain task through the selection, interpretation and understanding of available data and the creation of (new) task- related information. (Weggeman, 2000, [L-26D])
  102. Knowledge is one of the facets that OPM3 focuses on, where educational building blocks are provided.
  104. (see also: OPM3)
  106. #2 The name of one of the MINCE Towers: The way the MINCE organization keeps track of, and makes use of the positive and negative findings that result from their practical experiences.
  107. KW\s :  see: Key Process Areas
  108. Leadership :  The name of one of the MINCE Criteria, offering a perspective on the degree to which people within the organization are behaving like leaders, it is determined by looking out from one of the MINCE Towers.
  110. (see also: MINCE)
  111. Learning organization :  The organization is enhancing knowledge through the practical application of lessons learned and best practices.
  112. Lessons learned :  Documented overview of the mistakes that should not be repeated and smart actions that are helpful in the future.
  113. Level :  The MINCE appreciation of competitiveness in relation to each of the combinations of Tower and Criterion.
  114. Limitative :  Reducing the flexibility of organizations below the level that, given the acquired knowledge level, would have been possible.
  115. Managed :  This is the name of a level used within CMM, where the defined processes are targeted towards continuous improvement.
  117. (see also: CMM)
  118. Market :  The world of commercial activity where goods and services are bought and sold. [L-5]
  119. Market changes :  Organic changes taking place in a market segment. In fact market changes imply changing environments.
  120. Market trend :  see trend.
  121. Maturity :  The maturity of an organization indicates the ability of the organization to swiftly adjust in relation to changing environment (market) demands. An organization with a high maturity level is able to adapt quickly. An organization with a low maturity level is either unable to adapt or this takes a great effort.
  122. Maturity level :  The development stage of maturity.
  124. (see maturity)
  125. Method :  A defined way that you use for dealing with business topics.
  127. (see also: technique)
  128. Methods & Techniques :  The name of one of the MINCE Towers: Methods and techniques is used by the MINCE organization in order to realize its policy.
  129. Mince :  verb minced, mincing
  130. 1. To cut or shred something (especially meat) into veiy small pieces.
  131. 2. To restrain or soften the impact of (one's words, opinion, remarks, etc.) when addressing someone.
  133. Example: not one to mince his words.
  134. 1. usually derogatory
  135. To walk or speak with affected delicateness mincemeat
  136. Idiom: make mincemeat of someone or something colloq
  137. To destroy or defeat them or it thoroughly.
  138. MINCE® :  Maturity Increments In Controlled Environments. The model that provides the basis upon which project oriented organizations are assisted in measuring their maturity level. It also provides suggestions as to how to improve that maturity level.
  139. MINCE Group :  One of the audienceswith regard to MINCE measurements. The MINCE Group contains the qualified staff handling the actual MINCE maturity measurements and dealing with the day-to-day steering of the MINCE process.
  141. (see also: Peer Group, Employee Group, Target Group)
  142. MINCE organization :  The organization trying to improve its Maturity Level using MINCE.
  144. (see also: organization)
  145. Model :  A simplified projection of reality.
  146. Operational excellence :  (Treacy & Wiersma, 1995) One out of three marketing perspectives. Operational Excellence implies full efficiency focus, instead of a product focus (see: product leadership) or a customer focus (see: customer intimacy).
  147. OPM3® :  An acronym for Organizational Project Management Maturity Model, a method that was developed under the stewardship of the Project Management Institute (PMI). [L-23] (see chapter 5)
  148. Optimizing :  This is the name of a level used within CMM, where continuous improvement is established.
  150. (see also: CMM)
  151. Organic organization :  Organic organizations are not accustomed to achieving results according to plans. Internal changes will not be triggered as a result of anticipating future requirements. Internal changes will overcome these types of organizations, (also see: project oriented organization)
  152. Organization :  (Strikwerda, [L-22D The combination of people or companies, knowledge and funds, which in society is identified with the products and/or services that it produces and the routines and competences required in its context. Its function is: Production of products and services required by society and provision of an income for its participants.
  153. Organization transformation :  see: transformation.
  154. Organizational :  The focus is on the organization.
  156. (see also: organization).
  157. Peer Group :  One of the groups with regard to MINCE measurements. The Peer Group is the group appreciating the outcomes of the organizational change process.
  159. (see also: Target Group, Employee Group, MINCE Group)
  160. People :  The name of one of the MINCE Towers: All people on the payroll of the MINCE organization.
  161. Perspective :  The five different views on MINCE maturity Criteria that might be considered. The five Perspectives are located at each combination of a MINCE Tower and Level.
  162. PMMM :  Project Management Maturity Model, developed by Dr. Harold Kerzner.
  163. Policy :  #1 A guiding principle designed to influence decisions, actions, etc. Typically, a policy designates a required process or procedure within an organization. [L-7]
  165. #2 The name of one of the MINCE Criteria, offering the perspective on the degree to which the organization is behaving like a leader, considered for one of the MINCE Towers.
  167. (see also: MINCE)
  168. Preservation :  AF4 0fthe seven MINCE Action Flavors. Preservation is about creating the ability to record knowledge and to be able to reproduce it so that mistakes do not reoccur and all good experiences are nurtured and re-used as often as possible, (also see §9.5.5, Action Flavor)
  169. Process Control :  This is one of the facets that PMMM focuses on.
  171. (see also: PMMM)
  172. Process Definition :  This is one of the facets that PMMM focuses on.
  174. (see also: PMMM)
  175. Process Improvement :  This is one of the facets that PMMM focuses on.
  177. (see also: PMMM)
  178. Processes :  One of the MINCE Levels. An organization operating at level 2, the Processes-level, is aware of the processes leading to completed products.
  179. Product leadership :  (Treacy & Wiersma, 1995) One out of three marketing perspectives. Product leadership implies full product focus (creating the best product), instead of customer focus (see: customer intimacy) or a price competition focus.
  181. (see also: operational excellence).
  182. Programme :  The sum or combination of the coherent projects and activities that are aimed to the realization of a strategic goal.
  183. Project :  All the activities leading to predefined results, within conditions set, using a temporary project organization. [L-4]
  184. Project leader :  see: project manager [L-4]
  185. Project manager :  The person in charge of the project, responsible for resolving the day-to-day issues. [L-4]
  186. Project maturity :  see: maturity.
  187. Project organization :  A temporary organization, set up in order to realize a project. [L-4]
  188. Project oriented :  An approach through which changes in organizations are implemented, defining the required stages and conditions beforehand as far as possible, and implementing the change according to these definitions.
  189. Project oriented organization :  Project oriented organizations are accustomed to achieving results according to predefined plans. They will typically carry out their internal changes in a controlled manner, determining in advance the time planning, budgetary constraints, quality requirements and scope.
  190. Project plan :  Plan, describing the Realization of a project. [L-4]
  191. Project quality :  The degree to which the project results meet (satisfy) the explicit and implicit customer's demands. [L-4]
  192. Quality (MINCE) :  One of the MINCE Levels. This type of organization is publishing and explaining about the way they see future events in their category of activities.
  193. Quality :  The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that impact upon its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. [L-17]
  194. Quality Process :  The steering principle used to accomplish optimization between the effectiveness and efficiency of products, processes and organizations, in order to cut costs, reduce time required for implementation and live up to expectations.
  195. Quality products :  Products that contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of the process. The process in this respect can, for example, be the project Realization.
  196. Quickening :  AFi of the seven MINCE Action Flavors. Quickening addresses the fact that maturity increases ought not to take too much time, which is also preferably the case with organizational change implementation in general.
  198. (see also: Action Flavor)
  199. Realization (MINCE) :  The name of one of the MINCE Towers: The realization of project driven tasks by the MINCE organization at the request of the customer organization.
  200. Realization :  The process of completing a task, project or programme.
  201. Repeatable :  This is the name of a level used within CMM, where certain processes are implemented and studied.
  203. (see also: CMM)
  204. Report :  Description of the decision the MINCE2 Foundation Board is requested to take in order to solve an internal MINCE2 Foundation issue.
  205. Requirements :  Characteristics that identify the accomplishment levels needed to achieve specific objectives for a given set of conditions. [L-3]
  206. Role :  A role is a set of connected behaviors, rights and obligations. It is mostly defined as an expected behavior in a given individual social status and social position.
  207. Scope :  The whole silhouette of what a project is to produce with regard to products and services. [L-4]
  208. Silver :  Away to measure the maturity of an organization according to MINCE, based on hired expertise and interviews.
  210. (see also: Bronze, Gold)
  211. Singular Methodology :  This is the name of a level used within PMMM, where the organization recognizes the synergistic effect of combining different methodologies into a single one.
  213. (see also: PMMM)
  214. Skill :  A skill is an ability, usually learned and acquired through training, to perform actions which achieve a desired outcome.
  215. SMART :  This five letter acronym SMART is used in conjunction with goal definitions in order to indicate:
  216. - Specific: The goal is individual and can be specified;
  217. - Measurable: Defined conditions indicate when the goal is accomplished;
  218. - Acceptable: The stakeholders and/or the management accept the goal (sometimes, Attractive is used with this letter A);
  219. - Realistic: It can indeed be accomplished;
  220. - Time related: Indicates in what time the goal is to be accomplished.
  221. Smart solutions :  Solutions taking into account the perspective of dealing with the ever-changing environment.
  222. Staff :  The name of one of the MINCE Criteria, offering the perspective on the way in which the organization deals with staff matters, considered for one of the MINCE Towers.
  224. (see also: MINCE)
  225. Supply Chain :  One of the MINCE Levels. If an organization is at MINCE level 4, Supply Chain, it also interacts with suppliers and customers in the chain.
  226. Supporting Services :  The name of one of the MINCE Towers: The way the MINCE organization supports the realization of products and/or the delivery of services on behalf of the customer organization.
  227. Systems :  One of the MINCE Levels. An organization operating al level 3, the Systems-level, has the activities and processes in place and, on top of that, has developed a set of standard means to be used.
  228. Tailoring :  AF5 of the seven MINCE Action Flavors. Tailoring recognizes the fact that the same message requires a different approach for the different audiences being addressed.
  230. (see also: Action Flavor)
  231. Target Group :  One of the groups with regard to MINCE measurements. The Target Group is the group initiating and responsible at board level for the MINCE process.
  233. (see also: Peer Group, Employee Group, MINCE Group)
  234. Technique :  A technique is the prepared way with which you bring the method into practice.
  236. (see also: method)
  237. Tower :  Each of the six MINCE Towers represents crucial organizational aspects that correlate to organizational maturity.
  238. Transformation :  Transformation occurs as soon as the creation, distribution and utilization of knowledge are considered beneficial to and by both the organization and the employee.
  239. Trend :  General tendency or direction in the development of a market or industry.
  240. Unleashing :  Setting free the 'secret weapon' of the organization.
  241. Value chain :  The series of organizations that are connected to each other as customers, suppliers and service providers.
  242. Values :  Personal values evolve from experiences with the external world and can change overtime.
  244. Members share a culture even if each member's personal values do not entirely agree with some normative values sanctioned in the culture.
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