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- #include <pdal/Dimension.hpp>
- #include <pdal/PointTable.hpp>
- #include <pdal/PointView.hpp>
- #include <pdal/StageFactory.hpp>
- #include <pdal/io/LasReader.hpp>
- #include <pdal/io/LasHeader.hpp>
- #include <pdal/Options.hpp>
- #include <pdal/filters/ReprojectionFilter.hpp>
- extern "C"
- {
- #include <grass/gis.h>
- #include <grass/vector.h>
- #include <grass/gprojects.h>
- #include <grass/glocale.h>
- }
- extern "C"
- {
- #include "lidar.h"
- #include "projection.h"
- #include "filters.h"
- }
- typedef unsigned long long gpoint_count;
- #else
- typedef unsigned long gpoint_count;
- #endif
- /* this is plain C but in sync with */
- static void check_layers_not_equal(int primary, int secondary,
- const char *primary_name,
- const char *secondary_name)
- {
- if (primary && primary == secondary)
- G_fatal_error(_("Values of %s and %s are the same."
- " All categories would be stored only"
- " in layer number <%d>"), primary_name,
- secondary_name, primary);
- }
- static void check_layers_in_list_not_equal(struct Option **options,
- int *values, size_t size)
- {
- size_t layer_index_1, layer_index_2;
- for (layer_index_1 = 0; layer_index_1 < size; layer_index_1++) {
- for (layer_index_2 = 0; layer_index_2 < size; layer_index_2++) {
- if (layer_index_1 != layer_index_2) {
- check_layers_not_equal(values[layer_index_1],
- values[layer_index_2],
- options[layer_index_1]->key,
- options[layer_index_2]->key);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // modified by Pei JIA, 2018-02-22
- void pdal_point_to_grass(struct Map_info *output_vector,
- struct line_pnts *points, struct line_cats *cats,
- pdal::PointViewPtr point_view, pdal::PointId idx,
- struct GLidarLayers *layers, int cat)//,
- //pdal::Dimension::Id::Enum dim_to_use_as_z)
- {
- Vect_reset_line(points);
- Vect_reset_cats(cats);
- //using namespace pdal::Dimension::Id;
- double x = point_view->getFieldAs<double>(pdal::Dimension::Id::X, idx);
- double y = point_view->getFieldAs<double>(pdal::Dimension::Id::Y, idx);
- double z = point_view->getFieldAs<double>(pdal::Dimension::Id::Z, idx);
- //double z = point_view->getFieldAs<double>(dim_to_use_as_z, idx);
- /* TODO: optimize for case with no layers, by adding
- * and if to skip all the other ifs */
- if (layers->id_layer) {
- Vect_cat_set(cats, layers->id_layer, cat);
- }
- if (layers->return_layer) {
- int return_n = point_view->getFieldAs<int>(pdal::Dimension::Id::ReturnNumber, idx);
- int n_returns = point_view->getFieldAs<int>(pdal::Dimension::Id::NumberOfReturns, idx);
- int return_c = return_to_cat(return_n, n_returns);
- Vect_cat_set(cats, layers->return_layer, return_c);
- }
- if (layers->class_layer) {
- Vect_cat_set(cats, layers->class_layer,
- point_view->getFieldAs<int>(pdal::Dimension::Id::Classification, idx));
- }
- if (layers->rgb_layer) {
- int red = point_view->getFieldAs<int>(pdal::Dimension::Id::Red, idx);
- int green = point_view->getFieldAs<int>(pdal::Dimension::Id::Green, idx);
- int blue = point_view->getFieldAs<int>(pdal::Dimension::Id::Blue, idx);
- int rgb = red;
- rgb = (rgb << 8) + green;
- rgb = (rgb << 8) + blue;
- rgb++; /* cat 0 is not valid, add one */
- Vect_cat_set(cats, layers->rgb_layer, rgb);
- }
- Vect_append_point(points, x, y, z);
- Vect_write_line(output_vector, GV_POINT, points, cats);
- }
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- G_gisinit(argv[0]);
- GModule *module = G_define_module();
- G_add_keyword(_("vector"));
- G_add_keyword(_("import"));
- G_add_keyword(_("LIDAR"));
- module->description =
- _("Converts LAS LiDAR point clouds to a GRASS vector map with PDAL.");
- Option *in_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_INPUT);
- in_opt->label = _("LAS input file");
- in_opt->description =
- _("LiDAR input files in LAS format (*.las or *.laz)");
- Option *out_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);
- Option *id_layer_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);
- id_layer_opt->key = "id_layer";
- id_layer_opt->label = _("Layer number to store generated point ID as category");
- id_layer_opt->description = _("Set to 1 by default, use -c to not store it");
- id_layer_opt->answer = NULL;
- id_layer_opt->guisection = _("Categories");
- Option *return_layer_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);
- return_layer_opt->key = "return_layer";
- return_layer_opt->label =
- _("Layer number to store return information as category");
- return_layer_opt->description = _("Leave empty to not store it");
- return_layer_opt->answer = NULL;
- return_layer_opt->guisection = _("Categories");
- Option *class_layer_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);
- class_layer_opt->key = "class_layer";
- class_layer_opt->label =
- _("Layer number to store class number as category");
- class_layer_opt->description = _("Leave empty to not store it");
- class_layer_opt->answer = NULL;
- class_layer_opt->guisection = _("Categories");
- Option *rgb_layer_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);
- rgb_layer_opt->key = "rgb_layer";
- rgb_layer_opt->label =
- _("Layer number where RBG colors are stored as category");
- rgb_layer_opt->description = _("Leave empty to not store it");
- rgb_layer_opt->answer = NULL;
- rgb_layer_opt->guisection = _("Categories");
- Option *spatial_opt = G_define_option();
- spatial_opt->key = "spatial";
- spatial_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
- spatial_opt->multiple = NO;
- spatial_opt->required = NO;
- // TODO: does this require multiple or not?
- spatial_opt->key_desc = "xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax";
- spatial_opt->label = _("Import subregion only");
- spatial_opt->description =
- _("Format: xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax - usually W,S,E,N");
- spatial_opt->guisection = _("Selection");
- Option *zrange_opt = G_define_option();
- zrange_opt->key = "zrange";
- zrange_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
- zrange_opt->required = NO;
- zrange_opt->key_desc = "min,max";
- zrange_opt->description = _("Filter range for z data (min,max)");
- zrange_opt->guisection = _("Selection");
- Option *filter_opt = G_define_option();
- filter_opt->key = "return_filter";
- filter_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
- filter_opt->required = NO;
- filter_opt->label = _("Only import points of selected return type");
- filter_opt->description = _("If not specified, all points are imported");
- filter_opt->options = "first,last,mid";
- filter_opt->guisection = _("Selection");
- Option *class_opt = G_define_option();
- class_opt->key = "class_filter";
- class_opt->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
- class_opt->multiple = YES;
- class_opt->required = NO;
- class_opt->label = _("Only import points of selected class(es)");
- class_opt->description = _("Input is comma separated integers. "
- "If not specified, all points are imported.");
- class_opt->guisection = _("Selection");
- Flag *reproject_flag = G_define_flag();
- reproject_flag->key = 'w';
- reproject_flag->label =
- _("Reproject to location's coordinate system if needed");
- reproject_flag->description =
- _("Reprojects input dataset to the coordinate system of"
- " the GRASS location (by default only datasets with the"
- " matching cordinate system can be imported");
- reproject_flag->guisection = _("Projection");
- Flag *over_flag = G_define_flag();
- over_flag->key = 'o';
- over_flag->label =
- _("Override projection check (use current location's projection)");
- over_flag->description =
- _("Assume that the dataset has same projection as the current location");
- over_flag->guisection = _("Projection");
- // TODO: from the API it seems that also prj file path and proj string will work
- Option *input_srs_opt = G_define_option();
- input_srs_opt->key = "input_srs";
- input_srs_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
- input_srs_opt->required = NO;
- input_srs_opt->label =
- _("Input dataset projection (WKT or EPSG, e.g. EPSG:4326)");
- input_srs_opt->description =
- _("Override input dataset coordinate system using EPSG code"
- " or WKT definition");
- input_srs_opt->guisection = _("Projection");
- Option *max_ground_window_opt = G_define_option();
- max_ground_window_opt->key = "max_ground_window_size";
- max_ground_window_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
- max_ground_window_opt->required = NO;
- max_ground_window_opt->answer = "33";
- max_ground_window_opt->description =
- _("Maximum window size for ground filter");
- max_ground_window_opt->guisection = _("Ground filter");
- Option *ground_slope_opt = G_define_option();
- ground_slope_opt->key = "ground_slope";
- ground_slope_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
- ground_slope_opt->required = NO;
- ground_slope_opt->answer = "1.0";
- ground_slope_opt->description = _("Slope for ground filter");
- ground_slope_opt->guisection = _("Ground filter");
- Option *max_ground_distance_opt = G_define_option();
- max_ground_distance_opt->key = "max_ground_distance";
- max_ground_distance_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
- max_ground_distance_opt->required = NO;
- max_ground_distance_opt->answer = "2.5";
- max_ground_distance_opt->description =
- _("Maximum distance for ground filter");
- max_ground_distance_opt->guisection = _("Ground filter");
- Option *init_ground_distance_opt = G_define_option();
- init_ground_distance_opt->key = "initial_ground_distance";
- init_ground_distance_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
- init_ground_distance_opt->required = NO;
- init_ground_distance_opt->answer = "0.15";
- init_ground_distance_opt->description =
- _("Initial distance for ground filter");
- init_ground_distance_opt->guisection = _("Ground filter");
- Option *ground_cell_size_opt = G_define_option();
- ground_cell_size_opt->key = "ground_cell_size";
- ground_cell_size_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
- ground_cell_size_opt->required = NO;
- ground_cell_size_opt->answer = "1";
- ground_cell_size_opt->description =
- _("Initial distance for ground filter");
- ground_cell_size_opt->guisection = _("Ground filter");
- Flag *nocats_flag = G_define_flag();
- nocats_flag->key = 'c';
- nocats_flag->label =
- _("Do not automatically add unique ID as category to each point");
- nocats_flag->description =
- _("Create only requested layers and categories");
- /* has this in Speed but we don't have it here */
- nocats_flag->guisection = _("Categories");
- Flag *region_flag = G_define_flag();
- region_flag->key = 'r';
- region_flag->guisection = _("Selection");
- region_flag->description = _("Limit import to the current region");
- Flag *extract_ground_flag = G_define_flag();
- extract_ground_flag->key = 'j';
- extract_ground_flag->label =
- _("Classify and extract ground points");
- extract_ground_flag->description =
- _("This assignes class 2 to the groud points");
- extract_ground_flag->guisection = _("Ground filter");
- // TODO: by inverting class filter and choosing 2 we can select non-groud points
- // this can be done as a separate flag (generally useful?)
- // or this flag can be changed (only ground is classified anyway)
- // and it would Classify ground and extract non-ground
- // probably better if only one step is required to get ground and non-ground
- Flag *classify_ground_flag = G_define_flag();
- classify_ground_flag->key = 'k';
- classify_ground_flag->description = _("Classify ground points");
- classify_ground_flag->guisection = _("Ground filter");
- Flag *height_filter_flag = G_define_flag();
- height_filter_flag->key = 'h';
- height_filter_flag->label =
- _("Compute height for points as a difference from ground");
- height_filter_flag->description =
- _("This requires points to have class 2");
- height_filter_flag->guisection = _("Transform");
- Flag *approx_ground_flag = G_define_flag();
- approx_ground_flag->key = 'm';
- approx_ground_flag->description =
- _("Use approximate algorithm in ground filter");
- approx_ground_flag->guisection = _("Ground filter");
- G_option_exclusive(spatial_opt, region_flag, NULL);
- G_option_exclusive(reproject_flag, over_flag, NULL);
- G_option_exclusive(extract_ground_flag, classify_ground_flag, NULL);
- G_option_exclusive(nocats_flag, id_layer_opt, NULL);
- G_option_requires(return_layer_opt, id_layer_opt, nocats_flag, NULL);
- G_option_requires(class_layer_opt, id_layer_opt, nocats_flag, NULL);
- G_option_requires(rgb_layer_opt, id_layer_opt, nocats_flag, NULL);
- if (G_parser(argc, argv))
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- if (access(in_opt->answer, F_OK) != 0) {
- G_fatal_error(_("Input file <%s> does not exist"), in_opt->answer);
- }
- // we use full qualification because the dim ns contains too general names
- //pdal::Dimension::Id::Enum dim_to_use_as_z = pdal::Dimension::Id::Z;
- struct GLidarLayers layers;
- GLidarLayers_set_no_layers(&layers);
- layers.id_layer = 1;
- if (id_layer_opt->answer && id_layer_opt->answer[0] != '\0')
- layers.id_layer = std::stoi(id_layer_opt->answer);
- if (return_layer_opt->answer && return_layer_opt->answer[0] != '\0')
- layers.return_layer = std::stoi(return_layer_opt->answer);
- if (class_layer_opt->answer && class_layer_opt->answer[0] != '\0')
- layers.class_layer = std::stoi(class_layer_opt->answer);
- if (rgb_layer_opt->answer && rgb_layer_opt->answer[0] != '\0')
- layers.rgb_layer = std::stoi(rgb_layer_opt->answer);
- if (nocats_flag->answer) {
- layers.id_layer = 0;
- }
- /* this is plain C but in sync with */
- Option *layer_options[4] = {id_layer_opt, return_layer_opt,
- class_layer_opt, rgb_layer_opt};
- int layer_values[4] = {layers.id_layer, layers.return_layer,
- layers.class_layer, layers.rgb_layer};
- check_layers_in_list_not_equal(layer_options, layer_values, 4);
- if (layers.id_layer)
- G_verbose_message(_("Storing generated point IDs as categories"
- " in the layer <%d>, consequently no more"
- " than %d points can be imported"),
- layers.id_layer, GV_CAT_MAX);
- double xmin = 0;
- double ymin = 0;
- double xmax = 0;
- double ymax = 0;
- bool use_spatial_filter = false;
- if (spatial_opt->answer)
- use_spatial_filter = spatial_filter_from_option(spatial_opt,
- &xmin, &ymin,
- &xmax, &ymax);
- else if (region_flag->answer)
- use_spatial_filter = spatial_filter_from_current_region(&xmin,
- &ymin,
- &xmax,
- &ymax);
- double zrange_min, zrange_max;
- bool use_zrange = zrange_filter_from_option(zrange_opt, &zrange_min,
- &zrange_max);
- struct ReturnFilter return_filter_struct;
- bool use_return_filter =
- return_filter_create_from_string(&return_filter_struct,
- filter_opt->answer);
- struct ClassFilter class_filter;
- bool use_class_filter =
- class_filter_create_from_strings(&class_filter, class_opt->answers);
- pdal::StageFactory factory;
- std::string pdal_read_driver = factory.inferReaderDriver(in_opt->answer);
- if (pdal_read_driver.empty())
- G_fatal_error("Cannot determine input file type of <%s>",
- in_opt->answer);
- pdal::Option las_opt("filename", in_opt->answer);
- pdal::Options las_opts;
- las_opts.add(las_opt);
- // TODO: free reader
- // using plain pointer because we need to keep the last stage pointer
- pdal::Stage * reader = factory.createStage(pdal_read_driver);
- if (!reader)
- G_fatal_error("PDAL reader creation failed, a wrong format of <%s>",
- in_opt->answer);
- reader->setOptions(las_opts);
- pdal::Stage * last_stage = reader;
- pdal::ReprojectionFilter reprojection_filter;
- // we reproject when requested regardless the input projection
- if (reproject_flag->answer) {
- G_message(_("Reprojecting the input to the location projection"));
- char *proj_wkt = location_projection_as_wkt(false);
- pdal::Options o4;
- // TODO: try catch for user input error
- if (input_srs_opt->answer)
- o4.add<std::string>("in_srs", input_srs_opt->answer);
- o4.add<std::string>("out_srs", proj_wkt);
- reprojection_filter.setOptions(o4);
- reprojection_filter.setInput(*reader);
- last_stage = &reprojection_filter;
- }
- if (extract_ground_flag->answer || classify_ground_flag->answer) {
- if (extract_ground_flag->answer)
- G_message(_("Extracting ground points"));
- if (classify_ground_flag->answer)
- G_message(_("Classifying ground points"));
- pdal::Options groundOptions;
- groundOptions.add<double>("max_window_size",
- atof(max_ground_window_opt->answer));
- groundOptions.add<double>("slope",
- atof(ground_slope_opt->answer));
- groundOptions.add<double>("max_distance",
- atof(max_ground_distance_opt->answer));
- groundOptions.add<double>("initial_distance",
- atof(init_ground_distance_opt->answer));
- groundOptions.add<double>("cell_size",
- atof(ground_cell_size_opt->answer));
- groundOptions.add<bool>("classify",
- classify_ground_flag->answer);
- groundOptions.add<bool>("extract",
- extract_ground_flag->answer);
- groundOptions.add<bool>("approximate",
- approx_ground_flag->answer);
- groundOptions.add<bool>("debug", false);
- groundOptions.add<uint32_t>("verbose", 0);
- // TODO: free this or change pointer type to shared
- pdal::Stage * ground_stage(factory.createStage("filters.ground"));
- if (!ground_stage)
- G_fatal_error(_("Ground filter is not available"
- " (PDAL probably compiled without PCL)"));
- ground_stage->setOptions(groundOptions);
- ground_stage->setInput(*last_stage);
- last_stage = ground_stage;
- }
- if (height_filter_flag->answer) {
- // TODO: we should test with if (point_view->hasDim(Id::Classification))
- // but we don't have the info yet
- // TODO: free this or change pointer type to shared
- pdal::Stage * height_stage(factory.createStage("filters.height"));
- if (!height_stage)
- G_fatal_error(_("Height above ground filter is not available"
- " (PDAL probably compiled without PCL)"));
- height_stage->setInput(*last_stage);
- last_stage = height_stage;
- }
- pdal::PointTable point_table;
- last_stage->prepare(point_table);
- // getting projection is possible only after prepare
- if (over_flag->answer) {
- G_important_message(_("Overriding projection check and assuming"
- " that the projection of input matches"
- " the location projection"));
- }
- else if (!reproject_flag->answer) {
- pdal::SpatialReference spatial_reference = reader->getSpatialReference();
- if (spatial_reference.empty())
- G_fatal_error(_("The input dataset has undefined projection"));
- std::string dataset_wkt =
- spatial_reference.
- //getWKT(pdal::SpatialReference::eHorizontalOnly);
- getWKT();
- bool proj_match = is_wkt_projection_same_as_loc(dataset_wkt.c_str());
- if (!proj_match)
- wkt_projection_mismatch_report(dataset_wkt.c_str());
- }
- G_important_message(_("Running PDAL algorithms..."));
- pdal::PointViewSet point_view_set = last_stage->execute(point_table);
- pdal::PointViewPtr point_view = *point_view_set.begin();
- // TODO: test also z
- // TODO: the falses for filters should be perhaps fatal error
- // (bad input) or warning if filter was requested by the user
- // update layers we are writing based on what is in the data
- // update usage of our filters as well
- if (point_view->hasDim(pdal::Dimension::Id::ReturnNumber) &&
- point_view->hasDim(pdal::Dimension::Id::NumberOfReturns)) {
- use_return_filter = true;
- }
- else {
- if (layers.return_layer) {
- layers.return_layer = 0;
- G_warning(_("Cannot store return information because the"
- " input does not have a return dimensions"));
- }
- use_return_filter = false;
- }
- if (point_view->hasDim(pdal::Dimension::Id::Classification)) {
- use_class_filter = true;
- }
- else {
- if (layers.class_layer) {
- layers.class_layer = 0;
- G_warning(_("Cannot store class because the input"
- " does not have a classification dimension"));
- }
- use_class_filter = false;
- }
- if (!(point_view->hasDim(pdal::Dimension::Id::Red) &&
- point_view->hasDim(pdal::Dimension::Id::Green) &&
- point_view->hasDim(pdal::Dimension::Id::Blue))) {
- if (layers.rgb_layer) {
- layers.rgb_layer = 0;
- G_warning(_("Cannot store RGB colors because the input"
- " does not have a RGB dimensions"));
- }
- }
- G_important_message(_("Scanning points..."));
- struct Map_info output_vector;
- // the overwrite warning comes quite late in the execution
- // but that's good enough
- if (Vect_open_new(&output_vector, out_opt->answer, 1) < 0)
- G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), out_opt->answer);
- Vect_hist_command(&output_vector);
- // height is stored as a new attribute
- if (height_filter_flag->answer) {
- //dim_to_use_as_z = point_view->layout()->findDim("Height");
- //if (dim_to_use_as_z == pdal::Dimension::Id::Unknown)
- if(point_view->layout()->findDim("Height") == pdal::Dimension::Id::Unknown)
- G_fatal_error(_("Cannot identify the height dimension"
- " (probably something changed in PDAL)"));
- }
- // this is just for sure, we test the individual dimensions before
- // TODO: should we test Z explicitly as well?
- //if (!point_view->hasDim(dim_to_use_as_z))
- if (!point_view->hasDim(pdal::Dimension::Id::Z))
- G_fatal_error(_("Dataset doesn't have requested dimension '%s'"
- " with ID %d (possibly a programming error)"),
- //pdal::Dimension::name(dim_to_use_as_z).c_str(),
- //dim_to_use_as_z);
- pdal::Dimension::name(pdal::Dimension::Id::Z).c_str(),
- pdal::Dimension::Id::Z);
- struct line_pnts *points = Vect_new_line_struct();
- struct line_cats *cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
- gpoint_count n_outside = 0;
- gpoint_count zrange_filtered = 0;
- gpoint_count n_filtered = 0;
- gpoint_count n_class_filtered = 0;
- int cat = 1;
- bool cat_max_reached = false;
- for (pdal::PointId idx = 0; idx < point_view->size(); ++idx) {
- // TODO: avoid duplication of reading the attributes here and when writing if needed
- double x = point_view->getFieldAs<double>(pdal::Dimension::Id::X, idx);
- double y = point_view->getFieldAs<double>(pdal::Dimension::Id::Y, idx);
- double z = point_view->getFieldAs<double>(pdal::Dimension::Id::Z, idx);
- //double z = point_view->getFieldAs<double>(dim_to_use_as_z, idx);
- if (use_spatial_filter) {
- if (x < xmin || x > xmax || y < ymin || y > ymax) {
- n_outside++;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (use_zrange) {
- if (z < zrange_min || z > zrange_max) {
- zrange_filtered++;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (use_return_filter) {
- int return_n =
- point_view->getFieldAs<int>(pdal::Dimension::Id::ReturnNumber, idx);
- int n_returns =
- point_view->getFieldAs<int>(pdal::Dimension::Id::NumberOfReturns, idx);
- if (return_filter_is_out
- (&return_filter_struct, return_n, n_returns)) {
- n_filtered++;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (use_class_filter) {
- int point_class =
- point_view->getFieldAs<int>(pdal::Dimension::Id::Classification, idx);
- if (class_filter_is_out(&class_filter, point_class)) {
- n_class_filtered++;
- continue;
- }
- }
- pdal_point_to_grass(&output_vector, points, cats, point_view,
- //idx, &layers, cat, dim_to_use_as_z);
- idx, &layers, cat);
- if (layers.id_layer) {
- // TODO: perhaps it would be better to use the max cat afterwards
- if (cat == GV_CAT_MAX) {
- cat_max_reached = true;
- break;
- }
- cat++;
- }
- }
- // not building topology by default
- Vect_close(&output_vector);
- }
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