

Feb 21st, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Then spoke Ægir: ‘I think it is an obscure way to talk to call
  2. poetry by these names, but how did the Æsir get hold of Suttung’s
  3. mead?’
  5. Bragi replied: ‘There is this story about it, that Odin set out
  6. from home and came to where nine slaves were mowing hay. He
  7. asked if they would like him to hone their scythes. They said yes.
  8. Then he took a whetstone from his belt and honed, and they
  9. thought the scythes were cutting very much better and asked if
  10. they could buy the whetstone. The price he set on it was that he
  11. who wished to buy must give what was reasonable for it, and they
  12. all said they wanted to and bade him sell it to them, but he threw
  13. the whetstone up in the air, and when all tried to catch it they dealt
  14. with each other in such a way that they all cut each other’s throats
  15. with the scythes. Odin sought lodging for the night with a giant
  16. called Baugi, Suttung’s brother. Baugi reckoned his economic
  17. affairs were going badly, and said his nine slaves had killed each
  18. other, and declared he did not know where he was going to get
  19. workmen from. Odin told him his name was Bolverk; he offered
  20. to take over the work of nine men for Baugi, and stipulated as his
  21. payment one drink of Suttung’s mead.
  24. - Prose Edda, Skaldskaparmal
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