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- #include "Player.h"
- void Player::initVariables()
- {
- this->moveTimerMax = 7.f;
- this->moveTimerUp = moveTimerMax;
- this->moveTimerDown = moveTimerMax;
- this->timerCrashMax = 100.f;
- this->timerCrash = timerCrashMax;
- this->speed = 0;
- this->hpMax = 3;
- this->hp = hpMax;
- this->coins = 0;
- isNitring = false;
- }
- void Player::updateTimer()
- {
- this->moveTimerUp += 0.5f;
- this->moveTimerDown += 0.5f;
- this->timerCrash += 0.5f;
- }
- bool Player::canMoveUp()
- {
- if (this->moveTimerUp > moveTimerMax) {
- this->moveTimerUp = 0.f;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool Player::canMoveDown()
- {
- if (this->moveTimerDown > moveTimerMax) {
- this->moveTimerDown = 0.f;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool Player::canGetDamage()
- {
- if (this->timerCrash > timerCrashMax) {
- this->timerCrash = 0.f;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- void Player::initTextures()
- {
- //Frame
- if (!this->frame_texture.loadFromFile("Textures/player4.png"))
- std::cout << "Failed to load player`s frame texture";
- this->frame.setTexture(this->frame_texture);
- this->frame.setScale(0.7f, 0.7f);
- //Wheels
- if (!this->nitro_text.loadFromFile("Textures/fire_2.png"))
- std::cout << "Failed to load nitro`s frame texture";
- this->nitro_spr.setTexture(this->nitro_text);
- this->nitro_spr.setScale(0.7f, 0.7f);
- if (!this->wheel_texture.loadFromFile("Textures/red_wheel.png"))
- std::cout << "Failed to load player`s wheels texture";
- this->left_wh.setTexture(this->wheel_texture);
- this->right_wh.setTexture(this->wheel_texture);
- this->left_wh.setScale(0.7f, 0.7f);
- this->right_wh.setScale(0.7f, 0.7f);
- this->left_wh.setOrigin(46.f, 46.f);
- this->right_wh.setOrigin(46.f, 46.f);
- }
- void Player::initMusic()
- {
- if (!(this->buffer_earn.loadFromFile("Sounds/coin_3.ogg")))
- std::cout << "Failed to load coin`s sound";
- this->earn_sound.setBuffer(buffer_earn);
- this->earn_sound.setVolume(100);
- //
- if (!(this->buffer_slip.loadFromFile("Sounds/slip.ogg")))
- std::cout << "Failed to load slip`s sound";
- this->slip_sound.setBuffer(buffer_slip);
- this->slip_sound.setVolume(100);
- //
- if (!(this->nitro_bf.loadFromFile("Sounds/nitro.wav")))
- std::cout << "Failed to load nitro sound";
- this->nitro_s.setBuffer(nitro_bf);
- this->nitro_s.setVolume(30);
- //
- if (!(this->nitro_pick_buff.loadFromFile("Sounds/nitro_pick.wav")))
- std::cout << "Failed to load nitro_pick sound";
- this->nitro_pick.setBuffer(nitro_pick_buff);
- this->nitro_pick.setVolume(100);
- }
- void Player::updateWindowBundsCollision(sf::RenderTarget* target)
- {
- //Left
- if (this->frame.getGlobalBounds().left <= 0.f)
- this->frame.setPosition(0.f, this->frame.getGlobalBounds().top);
- //Right
- if (this->frame.getGlobalBounds().left +
- this->frame.getGlobalBounds().width >= target->getSize().x)
- this->frame.setPosition(target->getSize().x - this->frame.getGlobalBounds().width, this->frame.getGlobalBounds().top);
- //Top
- if (this->frame.getGlobalBounds().top <= 0.f)
- this->frame.setPosition(this->frame.getGlobalBounds().left, 0.f);
- //Down
- if (this->frame.getGlobalBounds().top +
- this->frame.getGlobalBounds().height >= target->getSize().y)
- this->frame.setPosition(this->frame.getGlobalBounds().left, target->getSize().y - this->frame.getGlobalBounds().height);
- }
- void Player::updateWheels()
- {
- this->left_wh.setPosition(this->frame.getPosition().x + 102.f, this->frame.getPosition().y + 92.f);
- this->right_wh.setPosition(this->frame.getPosition().x + 352.f, this->frame.getPosition().y + 92.f);
- }
- const int Player::getSpeed() const
- {
- return this->speed;
- }
- const sf::Sprite Player::getShape() const
- {
- return this->frame;
- }
- const int Player::getLine() const
- {
- return this->engine.getLine();
- }
- void Player::changeLine()
- {
- int choice = rand() % 2;
- if (choice == 1)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < choice + 1; i++)
- {
- engine.moveUp();
- engine.moveUp();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < choice + 1; i++)
- {
- engine.moveDown();
- engine.moveDown();
- }
- }
- }
- void Player::crash() {
- this->engine.crash();
- if (canGetDamage())
- this->hp--;
- }
- void Player::getNitro()
- {
- engine.getNitro();
- }
- void Player::mute()
- {
- this->engine.voiceOff();
- }
- void Player::updateInput()
- {
- this->speed = engine.getSpeed();
- if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::A)) {
- this->engine.brake();
- }
- else if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::D)) {
- this->engine.gas();
- }
- else {
- this->engine.Idle();
- }
- if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::W) && canMoveUp())
- {
- this->engine.moveUp();
- }
- if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::S) && canMoveDown())
- {
- //действия, когда нажали
- this->engine.moveDown();
- }
- if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::LShift))
- {
- this->engine.nitro();
- isNitring = true;
- if (engine.canNitro())
- {
- if (nitro_s.getStatus() == SoundSource::Status::Stopped)
- isNitring = true;
- }
- }
- else {
- nitro_s.stop();
- isNitring = false;
- }
- if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Q)) {
- this->engine.gearDown();
- }
- else if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::E)) {
- this->engine.gearUp();
- }
- this->left_wh.rotate(this->speed * 0.6f);
- this->right_wh.rotate(this->speed * 0.6f);
- }
- Player::Player(float x, float y)
- {
- this->initMusic();
- this->frame.setPosition(45, 555);
- this->left_wh.setPosition(x + 102.f, y + 92.f);
- this->right_wh.setPosition(x + 352.f, y + 92.f);
- this->nitro_spr.setPosition(frame.getPosition().x - 200, frame.getPosition().y + 100);
- this->initVariables();
- this->initTextures();
- }
- Player::~Player()
- {
- }
- void Player::getCoin()
- {
- this->coins++;
- }
- const bool Player::getHp()
- {
- return this->hp;
- }
- void Player::updateDash()
- {
- int sp = engine.getSpeed();
- int rp = engine.getRpm();
- int gr = engine.getGear();
- int cn = this->coins;
- int nit = engine.getNitroCount();
- int hp = this->hp;
- dash.update(sp, rp, gr, cn, nit, hp);
- }
- void Player::update(sf::RenderTarget* target)
- {
- this->updateTimer();
- this->updateWindowBundsCollision(target);
- this->updateInput();
- this->;
- this->updateWheels();
- this->updateDash();
- }
- void Player::render(sf::RenderTarget* target)
- {
- this->engine.render(target);
- target->draw(this->frame);
- target->draw(this->left_wh);
- target->draw(this->right_wh);
- if (isNitring)
- target->draw(nitro_spr);
- dash.render(target);
- }
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