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- --Universal drone remote control(tablet) version: 1.0 by Litvinov
- --
- --
- local com = require('component')
- local event = require('event')
- local keyboard = require('keyboard')
- local term = require('term')
- local gpu = com.gpu
- local nav
- local m
- local receivePort = 1011
- local sendPort = 1010
- local wRes, hRes = gpu.maxResolution()
- local step = 1
- local acceleration
- local sideInt = 0
- local navigationSides = false
- local colors = {
- white = 0xFFFFFF,
- black = 0x000000,
- gray = 0x2D2D2D,
- green = 0x00FF00,
- yellow = 0xFFFF00
- }
- local navSides = {
- ['forward'] = {
- [2] = {['z'] = '-'},
- [3] = {['z'] = ''},
- [4] = {['x'] = '-'},
- [5] = {['x'] = ''}
- },
- ['back'] = {
- [2] = {['z'] = ''},
- [3] = {['z'] = '-'},
- [4] = {['x'] = ''},
- [5] = {['x'] = '-'}
- },
- ['right'] = {
- [2] = {['x'] = ''},
- [3] = {['x'] = '-'},
- [4] = {['z'] = '-'},
- [5] = {['z'] = ''}
- },
- ['left'] = {
- [2] = {['x'] = '-'},
- [3] = {['x'] = ''},
- [4] = {['z'] = ''},
- [5] = {['z'] = '-'}
- }
- }
- local answers = {
- ['ping'] = function(_, _, _, _, distance)
- gpu.fill(1, 12, wRes, 1, ' ')
- gpu.set(1, 12, 'Расстояние к дрону: '..math.floor(distance))
- end,
- ['cAcceleration'] = function(_, _, _, _, _, _, cAcceleration)
- gpu.setForeground(
- gpu.fill(13, 5, 4, 1, ' ')
- gpu.set(13, 5, ''..cAcceleration)
- gpu.setForeground(colors.white)
- acceleration = cAcceleration
- end,
- ['cSelectSlot'] = function(_, _, _, _, _, _, cSelectSlot, selectCount)
- gpu.setForeground(
- gpu.set(23, 7, ''..cSelectSlot)
- gpu.fill(41, 8, 2, 1, ' ')
- gpu.set(41, 8, ''..selectCount)
- gpu.setForeground(colors.white)
- end,
- }
- local function droneMsg(...)
- local msg = {...}
- for answer in pairs(answers) do
- if answer == msg[6] then
- answers[msg[6]](...)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local function send(...)
- m.broadcast(sendPort, ...)
- end
- local function programExit()
- gpu.setResolution(wRes, hRes)
- term.clear()
- m.close(receivePort)
- event.ignore('modem_message', droneMsg)
- os.exit()
- end
- local function infoInit()
- gpu.fill(1, 2, wRes, hRes - 2, ' ')
- gpu.setForeground(colors.gray)
- gpu.fill(1, 3, wRes, 1, '-')
- gpu.fill(1, 10, wRes, 1, '-')
- gpu.setForeground(colors.white)
- gpu.set(1, 4, 'Шаг - ')
- gpu.set(1, 5, 'Ускорение - ')
- gpu.set(1, 6, 'Сторона взаимодействия - ')
- gpu.set(1, 7, 'Активный слот дрона - ')
- gpu.set(1, 8, 'Количество предметов в активном слоте - ')
- gpu.set(1, 9, 'Управления с учётом направления взгляда - ')
- gpu.setForeground(
- gpu.set(7, 4, ''..step)
- send('getAcceleration')
- gpu.set(26, 6, ''..sideInt)
- send('select', 1)
- gpu.set(43, 9, ''..tostring(navigationSides))
- gpu.setForeground(colors.white)
- end
- local function initInterface()
- gpu.setResolution(wRes, hRes)
- gpu.setBackground(
- term.clear()
- gpu.setBackground(colors.gray)
- gpu.fill(1, 1, wRes, 1, ' ')
- gpu.fill(1, hRes, wRes, 1, ' ')
- gpu.setForeground(colors.yellow)
- gpu.set((wRes - 30) / 2, 1, 'Universal drone remote control')
- gpu.setForeground(
- gpu.set(1, hRes, 'Q')
- gpu.set(24, hRes, 'M')
- gpu.setForeground(colors.white)
- gpu.set(3, hRes, '- закрыть программу;')
- gpu.set(26, hRes, '- показать инструкцию;')
- gpu.setBackground(
- infoInit()
- end
- local function initialization()
- if com.isAvailable('modem') then
- m = com.modem
- event.listen('modem_message', droneMsg)
- if com.isAvailable('navigation') then
- nav = com.navigation
- end
- initInterface()
- else
- io.stderr:write('Плата беспроводной сети не обнаружена!')
- os.exit()
- end
- end
- local function manual()
- if gpu.getResolution() == gpu.maxResolution() then
- gpu.fill(1, 2, wRes, hRes - 2, ' ')
- gpu.setForeground(
- gpu.set(1, 3, 'WASD')
- gpu.set(1, 4, 'LShift/LCtrl')
- gpu.set(1, 5, 'R/F')
- gpu.set(1, 6, 'T/G')
- gpu.set(1, 7, 'Y/H')
- gpu.set(1, 8, 'C/X')
- gpu.set(1, 9, 'U/J')
- gpu.set(1, 10, 'I/K')
- gpu.set(1, 11, 'O/L')
- gpu.set(1, 12, '1-8')
- gpu.set(1, 13, 'B')
- gpu.set(1, 14, 'N')
- gpu.set(1, 15, 'P')
- gpu.set(1, 16, 'V')
- gpu.set(1, 17, 'Z')
- gpu.set(1, 18, 'E')
- gpu.setForeground(colors.white)
- gpu.set(6, 3, '- горизонтальное перемещение')
- gpu.set(14, 4, '- вверх/вниз')
- gpu.set(5, 5, '- сломать/установить блок')
- gpu.set(5, 6, '- захватить/выбросить предмет')
- gpu.set(5, 7, '- захватить все возможные предметы/выбросить все возможные предметы')
- gpu.set(5, 8, '- попытаться захватить со всех сторон существо поводком/сбросить')
- gpu.set(5, 9, '- увеличть/уменишить шаг')
- gpu.set(5, 10, '- увеличть/уменишить ускорение')
- gpu.set(5, 11, '- изменить сторону взаимодействия')
- gpu.set(5, 12, '- сделать активным слот')
- gpu.set(3, 13, '- перемещение на координаты')
- gpu.set(3, 14, '- вкл/выкл управление с учётом направления взгляда')
- gpu.set(3, 15, '- показать расстояние к дрону')
- gpu.set(3, 16, '- установить случайный цвет дрона')
- gpu.set(3, 17, '- выкл/вкл дрон')
- gpu.set(3, 18, '- уменьшить/увеличить экран')
- gpu.set(1, 20, 'Нажмите любую клавишу что бы скрыть инструкцию...')
- event.pull('key_down')
- infoInit()
- end
- end
- local function changeResolution()
- if gpu.getResolution() == gpu.maxResolution() then
- gpu.setResolution(2, 2)
- else
- initInterface()
- end
- end
- local function changeStep(plus)
- if plus then
- if step < 1 then
- step = step + 0.1
- elseif step >= 1 and step < 10 then
- step = step + 1
- elseif step >= 10 and step < 100 then
- step = step + 10
- elseif step >= 100 and step < 1000 then
- step = step + 100
- end
- else
- if step > 0.3 and step <= 1 then
- step = step - 0.1
- elseif step > 1 and step <= 10 then
- step = step - 1
- elseif step > 10 and step <= 100 then
- step = step - 10
- elseif step > 100 and step <= 1000 then
- step = step - 100
- end
- end
- gpu.fill(7, 4, 4, 1, ' ')
- gpu.setForeground(
- gpu.set(7, 4, ''..step)
- gpu.setForeground(colors.white)
- end
- local function changeAcceleration(plus)
- if plus then
- if acceleration < 2 then
- acceleration = acceleration + 0.5
- send('setAcceleration', acceleration)
- end
- else
- if acceleration > 0.5 then
- acceleration = acceleration - 0.5
- send('setAcceleration', acceleration)
- end
- end
- end
- local function changeSideInt(plus)
- if plus then
- if sideInt < 5 then
- sideInt = sideInt + 1
- end
- else
- if sideInt > 0 then
- sideInt = sideInt - 1
- end
- end
- gpu.setForeground(
- gpu.set(26, 6, ''..sideInt)
- gpu.setForeground(colors.white)
- end
- local function changeNavigation()
- if navigationSides then
- navigationSides = false
- else
- if nav then
- navigationSides = true
- else
- term.setCursor(1, 12)
- io.stderr:write('Улучшение "Навигация" отсуствует')
- end
- end
- gpu.fill(43, 9, 5, 1, ' ')
- gpu.setForeground(
- gpu.set(43, 9, ''..tostring(navigationSides))
- gpu.setForeground(colors.white)
- end
- local function goTo()
- term.setCursor(1, 12)
- io.write('Введите координаты дрона:\n')
- io.write('Позиция X = ')
- local posX = tonumber( or 0
- io.write('Позиция Z = ')
- local posZ = tonumber( or 0
- io.write('Введите координаты точки назначения:\n')
- io.write('Позиция X = ')
- local goX = tonumber( or 0
- io.write('Позиция Z = ')
- local goZ = tonumber( or 0
- io.write('Введите высоту полёта на которой нет препятсвий для робота:\n')
- io.write('Высота Y = ')
- local goY = tonumber( or 0
- io.write('\nПеремещение на высоту: Y = '..goY..';')
- send('move', 0, goY, 0)
- os.sleep(goY / 10)
- io.write('\nПеремещение на координаты: X = '..goX..'; Z = '..goZ..';')
- send('move', goX - posX, 0, goZ - posZ)
- os.sleep(5)
- gpu.fill(1, 12, wRes, 11, ' ')
- end
- local function droneMove(side)
- local playerDir = nav.getFacing()
- local x = tonumber(navSides[side][playerDir]['x'] and navSides[side][playerDir]['x']..step or 0)
- local z = tonumber(navSides[side][playerDir]['z'] and navSides[side][playerDir]['z']..step or 0)
- send('move', x, 0, z)
- end
- local commands = {
- ['w'] = function() if navigationSides then droneMove('forward') else send('move', step, 0, 0) end end,
- ['s'] = function() if navigationSides then droneMove('back') else send('move', -step, 0, 0) end end,
- ['a'] = function() if navigationSides then droneMove('left') else send('move', 0, 0, -step) end end,
- ['d'] = function() if navigationSides then droneMove('right') else send('move', 0, 0, step) end end,
- ['lshift'] = function() send('move', 0, step, 0) end,
- ['lcontrol'] = function() send('move', 0, -step, 0) end,
- ['r'] = function() send('swing', sideInt) end,
- ['f'] = function() send('place', sideInt) end,
- ['t'] = function() send('suck', sideInt) end,
- ['g'] = function() send('drop', sideInt) end,
- ['y'] = function() send('suckAll', sideInt) end,
- ['h'] = function() send('dropAll', sideInt) end,
- ['c'] = function() send('leash') end,
- ['x'] = function() send('unleash') end,
- ['u'] = function() changeStep(true) end,
- ['j'] = function() changeStep() end,
- ['o'] = function() changeSideInt(true) end,
- ['l'] = function() changeSideInt() end,
- ['i'] = function() changeAcceleration(true) end,
- ['k'] = function() changeAcceleration() end,
- ['1'] = function() send('select', 1) end,
- ['2'] = function() send('select', 2) end,
- ['3'] = function() send('select', 3) end,
- ['4'] = function() send('select', 4) end,
- ['5'] = function() send('select', 5) end,
- ['6'] = function() send('select', 6) end,
- ['7'] = function() send('select', 7) end,
- ['8'] = function() send('select', 8) end,
- ['b'] = function() goTo() end,
- ['n'] = function() changeNavigation() end,
- ['p'] = function() send('getPing') end,
- ['v'] = function() send('changeColor', math.random(0x0, 0xFFFFFF)) end,
- ['z'] = function() send('droneSwitch') end,
- ['e'] = function() changeResolution() end,
- ['m'] = function() manual() end,
- ['q'] = function() programExit() end
- }
- local function start()
- initialization()
- while true do
- local event, _, _, code = event.pull('key_down')
- local key = keyboard.keys[code]
- for command in pairs(commands) do
- if command == key then
- commands[key]()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- start()
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