
Primes Benchmarks Langs

Dec 12th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. 100,000,000 Primes:
  2. ===================
  4. * All compilers are 64-bit if not mentioned and all on same machine
  5. (compiler - seconds - RAM - exe size)
  7. GCC 8.1 - 1.19 - 99MB - 17KB
  8. FreeBASIC (x64) - 1.19 - 99MB - 73KB
  9. Pelles C - 1.19 - 98MB - 50KB
  10. PowerBASIC (x86) - 1.20 - 98MB - 16KB
  11. C# (x64 (.NET 4.0)) - 1.27 - 101MB - 12KB
  12. Go 1.17.5 - 1.29 - 104MB - 2MB
  13. FreeBASIC (x86) - 1.5 - 98MB - 66KB
  14. C# (x86 (.NET 4.0)) - 1.57 - 100MB - 16KB
  15. PB 5.73 (x64) - 1.59 - 98MB - 15KB
  16. HolyC in VirtualBox - 1.88 - ? - ?
  17. VB6 - 2.21 - 197MB - 24KB
  18. LuaJIT - 4 - 1.05GB
  19. PyPy 3.8 - 7.5 - 1.57GB
  20. Lua - 17 - 2.1GB
  21. Python 3.8 - 57 - 787MB (peaks at 1.4GB)
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