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- local component = require("component")
- local computer = require("computer")
- local term = require("term")
- local unicode = require("unicode")
- local event = require("event")
- local fs = require("filesystem")
- local internet = require("internet")
- local seri = require("serialization")
- local gpu = component.gpu
- -----------------Проверка компа на соответствие сис. требованиям--------------------------
- --Создаем массив говна
- local govno = {}
- print(" ")
- print("Analyzing computer for matching system requirements...")
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local lang
- local applications
- local padColor = 0x262626
- local installerScale = 1
- local timing = 0.2
- -----------------------------СТАДИЯ ПОДГОТОВКИ-------------------------------------------
- local function getFromGitHub(url, path)
- local sContent = ""
- local result, response = pcall(internet.request, url)
- if not result then
- return nil
- end
- if fs.exists(path) then fs.remove(path) end
- fs.makeDirectory(fs.path(path))
- local file =, "w")
- for chunk in response do
- file:write(chunk)
- sContent = sContent .. chunk
- end
- file:close()
- return sContent
- end
- local function getFromGitHubSafely(url, path)
- local success, sRepos = pcall(getFromGitHub, url, path)
- if not success then
- io.stderr:write("Can't download \"" .. url .. "\"!\n")
- return -1
- end
- return sRepos
- end
- local function getFromPastebin(paste, filename)
- local cyka = ""
- local f, reason =, "w")
- if not f then
- io.stderr:write("Failed opening file for writing: " .. reason)
- return
- end
- --io.write("Downloading from ")
- local url = "" .. paste
- local result, response = pcall(internet.request, url)
- if result then
- --io.write("success.\n")
- for chunk in response do
- --if not options.k then
- --string.gsub(chunk, "\r\n", "\n")
- --end
- f:write(chunk)
- cyka = cyka .. chunk
- end
- f:close()
- --io.write("Saved data to " .. filename .. "\n")
- else
- f:close()
- fs.remove(filename)
- io.stderr:write("HTTP request failed: " .. response .. "\n")
- end
- return cyka
- end
- local GitHubUserUrl = ""
- --------------------------------- Стадия стартовой загрузки всего необходимого ---------------------------------
- local preLoadApi = {
- { paste = "Hapalarast/MineOS/main/Lib/ECSAPI.lua", path = "lib/ECSAPI.lua" },
- { paste = "Hapalarast/MineOS/main/Lib/colorlib.lua", path = "lib/colorlib.lua" },
- { paste = "Hapalarast/MineOS/main/Lib/image.lua", path = "lib/image.lua" },
- { paste = "Hapalarast/MineOS/main/Lib/config.lua", path = "lib/config.lua" },
- { paste = "Hapalarast/MineOS/Icons/Languages.pic?raw=true", path = "MineOS/System/OS/Icons/Languages.pic" },
- { paste = "Hapalarast/MineOS/Icons/OK.pic?raw=true", path = "MineOS/System/OS/Icons/OK.pic" },
- { paste = "Hapalarast/MineOS/Icons/Downloading.pic?raw=true", path = "MineOS/System/OS/Icons/Downloading.pic" },
- { paste = "Hapalarast/MineOS/Icons/OS_Logo.pic?raw=true", path = "MineOS/System/OS/Icons/OS_Logo.pic" },
- }
- print("Downloading file list")
- applications = seri.unserialize(getFromGitHubSafely(GitHubUserUrl .. "Hapalarast/MineOS/main/Applications.txt", "MineOS/System/OS/Applications.txt"))
- print(" ")
- for i = 1, #preLoadApi do
- print("Downloading must-have files (" ..[i].path) .. ")")
- getFromGitHubSafely(GitHubUserUrl .. preLoadApi[i].paste, preLoadApi[i].path)
- end
- print(" ")
- package.loaded.ecs = nil
- package.loaded.ECSAPI = nil
- _G.ecs = require("ECSAPI")
- _G.image = require("image")
- _G.config = require("config")
- local imageOS = image.load("MineOS/System/OS/Icons/OS_Logo.pic")
- local imageLanguages = image.load("MineOS/System/OS/Icons/Languages.pic")
- local imageDownloading = image.load("MineOS/System/OS/Icons/Downloading.pic")
- local imageOK = image.load("MineOS/System/OS/Icons/OK.pic")
- ecs.setScale(installerScale)
- local xSize, ySize = gpu.getResolution()
- local windowWidth = 80
- local windowHeight = 2 + 16 + 2 + 3 + 2
- local xWindow, yWindow = math.floor(xSize / 2 - windowWidth / 2), math.ceil(ySize / 2 - windowHeight / 2)
- local xWindowEnd, yWindowEnd = xWindow + windowWidth - 1, yWindow + windowHeight - 1
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function clear()
- ecs.blankWindow(xWindow, yWindow, windowWidth, windowHeight)
- end
- local obj = {}
- local function newObj(class, name, ...)
- obj[class] = obj[class] or {}
- obj[class][name] = {...}
- end
- local function drawButton(name, isPressed)
- local buttonColor = 0x888888
- if isPressed then buttonColor = end
- local d = { ecs.drawAdaptiveButton("auto", yWindowEnd - 3, 2, 1, name, buttonColor, 0xffffff) }
- newObj("buttons", name, d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4])
- end
- local function waitForClickOnButton(buttonName)
- while true do
- local e = { event.pull() }
- if e[1] == "touch" then
- if ecs.clickedAtArea(e[3], e[4], obj["buttons"][buttonName][1], obj["buttons"][buttonName][2], obj["buttons"][buttonName][3], obj["buttons"][buttonName][4]) then
- drawButton(buttonName, true)
- os.sleep(timing)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- ------------------------------ВЫБОР ЯЗЫКА------------------------------------
- ecs.prepareToExit()
- local downloadWallpapers, showHelpTips = false, false
- do
- clear()
- image.draw(math.ceil(xSize / 2 - 30), yWindow + 2, imageLanguages)
- --кнопа
- drawButton("Select language",false)
- waitForClickOnButton("Select language")
- local data = ecs.universalWindow("auto", "auto", 36, 0x262626, true, {"EmptyLine"}, {"CenterText",, "Select language"}, {"EmptyLine"}, {"Select", 0xFFFFFF,, "Russian", "English"}, {"EmptyLine"}, {"CenterText",, "Change some OS properties"}, {"EmptyLine"}, {"Switch", 0xF2B233, 0xffffff, 0xFFFFFF, "Download wallpapers", true}, {"EmptyLine"}, {"Switch", 0xF2B233, 0xffffff, 0xFFFFFF, "Show help tips in OS", true}, {"EmptyLine"}, {"Button", {, 0x262626, "OK"}})
- downloadWallpapers, showHelpTips = data[2], data[3]
- _G.OSSettings = { showHelpOnApplicationStart = showHelpTips, language = data[1] }
- ecs.saveOSSettings()
- --Качаем язык
-"auto", "auto", " ", " Installing language packages...")
- local pathToLang = "MineOS/System/OS/Installer/Language.lang"
- getFromGitHubSafely(GitHubUserUrl .. "IgorTimofeev/OpenComputers/master/Installer/" .. _G.OSSettings.language .. ".lang", pathToLang)
- getFromGitHubSafely(GitHubUserUrl .. "IgorTimofeev/OpenComputers/master/MineOS/License/" .. _G.OSSettings.language .. ".txt", "MineOS/System/OS/License.txt")
- --Ставим язык
- lang = config.readAll(pathToLang)
- end
- ------------------------------СТАВИТЬ ЛИ ОСЬ------------------------------------
- do
- clear()
- image.draw(math.ceil(xSize / 2 - 15), yWindow + 2, imageOS)
- --Текстик по центру
- gpu.setBackground(ecs.windowColors.background)
- gpu.setForeground(ecs.colors.gray)
- ecs.centerText("x", yWindowEnd - 5 , lang.beginOsInstall)
- --кнопа
- drawButton("->",false)
- waitForClickOnButton("->")
- end
- ------------------------------ЛИЦ СОГЛАЩЕНЬКА------------------------------------------
- do
- clear()
- --Откуда рисовать условия согл
- local from = 1
- local xText, yText, TextWidth, TextHeight = xWindow + 4, yWindow + 2, windowWidth - 8, windowHeight - 7
- --Читаем файл с лиц соглл
- local lines = {}
- local file ="MineOS/System/OS/License.txt", "r")
- for line in file:lines() do
- table.insert(lines, line)
- end
- file:close()
- --Штуку рисуем
- ecs.textField(xText, yText, TextWidth, TextHeight, lines, from, 0xffffff, 0x262626, 0x888888,
- --Инфо рисуем
- --ecs.centerText("x", yWindowEnd - 5 ,"Принимаете ли вы условия лицензионного соглашения?")
- --кнопа
- drawButton(lang.acceptLicense, false)
- while true do
- local e = { event.pull() }
- if e[1] == "touch" then
- if ecs.clickedAtArea(e[3], e[4], obj["buttons"][lang.acceptLicense][1], obj["buttons"][lang.acceptLicense][2], obj["buttons"][lang.acceptLicense][3], obj["buttons"][lang.acceptLicense][4]) then
- drawButton(lang.acceptLicense, true)
- os.sleep(timing)
- break
- end
- elseif e[1] == "scroll" then
- if e[5] == -1 then
- if from < #lines then from = from + 1; ecs.textField(xText, yText, TextWidth, TextHeight, lines, from, 0xffffff, 0x262626, 0x888888, end
- else
- if from > 1 then from = from - 1; ecs.textField(xText, yText, TextWidth, TextHeight, lines, from, 0xffffff, 0x262626, 0x888888, end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -------------------------- Подготавливаем файловую систему ----------------------------------
- --Создаем стартовые пути и прочие мелочи чисто для эстетики
- local desktopPath = "MineOS/Desktop/"
- local dockPath = "MineOS/System/OS/Dock/"
- local applicationsPath = "MineOS/Applications/"
- local picturesPath = "MineOS/Pictures/"
- fs.remove(desktopPath)
- fs.remove(dockPath)
- fs.makeDirectory(desktopPath .. "My files")
- fs.makeDirectory(picturesPath)
- fs.makeDirectory(dockPath)
- --------------------------СТАДИЯ ЗАГРУЗКИ-----------------------------------
- do
- local barWidth = math.floor(windowWidth * 2 / 3)
- local xBar = math.floor(xSize/2-barWidth/2)
- local yBar = yWindowEnd - 3
- local function drawInfo(x, y, info)
- ecs.square(x, y, barWidth, 1, ecs.windowColors.background)
- ecs.colorText(x, y, ecs.colors.gray, info)
- end
- ecs.blankWindow(xWindow,yWindow,windowWidth,windowHeight)
- image.draw(math.floor(xSize/2 - 33), yWindow + 2, imageDownloading)
- ecs.colorTextWithBack(xBar, yBar - 1, ecs.colors.gray, ecs.windowColors.background, lang.osInstallation)
- ecs.progressBar(xBar, yBar, barWidth, 1, 0xcccccc,, 0)
- os.sleep(timing)
- for app = 1, #applications do
- drawInfo(xBar, yBar + 1, lang.downloading .. " " .. applications[app]["name"])
- local percent = app / #applications * 100
- ecs.progressBar(xBar, yBar, barWidth, 1, 0xcccccc,, percent)
- ecs.getOSApplication(applications[app], downloadWallpapers)
- end
- os.sleep(timing)
- end
- --Создаем базовые обои рабочего стола
- ecs.createShortCut(desktopPath .. "Pictures.lnk", picturesPath)
- if downloadWallpapers then ecs.createShortCut("MineOS/System/OS/Wallpaper.lnk", picturesPath .. "Girl.pic") end
- --Автозагрузка
- local file ="autorun.lua", "w")
- file:write("local success, reason = pcall(loadfile(\"OS.lua\")); if not success then print(\"Ошибка: \" .. tostring(reason)) end")
- file:close()
- --------------------------СТАДИЯ ПЕРЕЗАГРУЗКИ КОМПА-----------------------------------
- ecs.blankWindow(xWindow,yWindow,windowWidth,windowHeight)
- image.draw(math.floor(xSize/2 - 16), math.floor(ySize/2 - 11), imageOK)
- --Текстик по центру
- gpu.setBackground(ecs.windowColors.background)
- gpu.setForeground(ecs.colors.gray)
- ecs.centerText("x",yWindowEnd - 5, lang.needToRestart)
- --Кнопа
- drawButton(lang.restart, false)
- waitForClickOnButton(lang.restart)
- ecs.prepareToExit()
- computer.shutdown(true)
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