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- [11/22/2012 8:17:59 PM] Simon Murdoch: *sigh*
- [11/22/2012 8:18:35 PM] Simon Murdoch: I wish I had REAL friends, like irl
- [11/22/2012 8:19:11 PM] Simon Murdoch: The closest I've got is people who'll talk to me on occasion
- [11/22/2012 8:19:20 PM] Cutiebone: I'm your irl friend! :D*derp*
- [11/22/2012 8:19:53 PM] Simon Murdoch: No intimacy whatsoever. And I don't mean erotic intimacy, just like, you know... Stuff
- [11/22/2012 8:20:30 PM] Simon Murdoch: I don't see you everyday in school.... so ya... Not an irl friend if that makes sense
- [11/22/2012 8:20:48 PM] Simon Murdoch: I don't believe I've even seen your face before
- [11/22/2012 8:22:02 PM] Simon Murdoch: Like I wish I had a friend I could just come and hug, no problem, on an average day
- [11/22/2012 8:24:50 PM] Simon Murdoch: I, in a way wish I was born a girl. I think if I was identical minus that to my present self, I'd be much better off
- [11/22/2012 8:25:25 PM] Simon Murdoch: I'm not saying I want to get a sex change or anything, but you get my POV, yes?
- [11/22/2012 8:26:47 PM] Laura Torako: it's not like girls are automatically born with friends
- [11/22/2012 8:28:02 PM] Simon Murdoch: I know, but as far as my social standing goes and how the girls I know act, I think that if I was born a girl but the rest of my life was identical, I would be much better off now
- [11/22/2012 8:28:37 PM] Laura Torako: the rest of your life WOULDN'T be identical, though
- [11/22/2012 8:29:29 PM] Simon Murdoch: You get my point, like major events such as moving, changing schools in grade 7 would be the same
- [11/22/2012 8:30:04 PM] Simon Murdoch: Not every last detail, but close enough to resemble my life
- [11/22/2012 8:31:08 PM] Simon Murdoch: Whatever, I'm done arguing it anyways
- [11/22/2012 8:34:19 PM] Simon Murdoch: My original point being, I wish I had at least one friend I could just give/get friendly hugs from on a regular basis
- [11/22/2012 8:36:19 PM] Simon Murdoch: :/
- [11/22/2012 8:36:26 PM] Cutiebone: :\
- [11/22/2012 8:37:47 PM] Simon Murdoch: I'm also jealous of how much more flamboyant girls can be in regular situations
- [11/22/2012 8:38:22 PM] Simon Murdoch: Like, if a guy decides to skip around, it's weird. A girl does it, it's cute
- [11/22/2012 8:39:34 PM] Cutiebone: but if a girl flexes her muscles, it's weird. A guy does it, SOMETIMES, it's cute
- [11/22/2012 8:39:46 PM] [sF] Madame Psy Ψ (Mio): Really.
- [11/22/2012 8:39:49 PM] [sF] Madame Psy Ψ (Mio): Really?
- [11/22/2012 8:39:51 PM] Cutiebone: xD
- [11/22/2012 8:40:03 PM] Simon Murdoch: Have you ever seen a guy skipping be cute?
- [11/22/2012 8:40:08 PM] [sF] Madame Psy Ψ (Mio): [Thursday, November 22, 2012 8:38 PM] Simon Murdoch:
- <<< Like, if a guy decides to skip around, it's weird. A girl does it, it's cuteDisagreed, not neccessarily weird
- [11/22/2012 8:40:19 PM] Cutiebone: I say it's weird xD
- [11/22/2012 8:40:46 PM] Simon Murdoch: And without being homosexual, I can say I've seen guys do things I would consider 'cute'
- [11/22/2012 8:40:56 PM] [sF] Madame Psy Ψ (Mio): I generally don't see boys above certain ages skip around excluding myself, so I'm not sure if it's strictly cute or not, but it's definetly not weird.
- [11/22/2012 8:41:07 PM] Simon Murdoch: Nothing against it, but well, I'm straight :I
- [11/22/2012 8:41:50 PM] Simon Murdoch: And skipping is def. not cute if you're a young adult+ guy
- [11/22/2012 8:41:53 PM] Simon Murdoch: XD
- [11/22/2012 8:43:43 PM] Simon Murdoch: I also hate it how people think that complimenting another guy makes you gay
- [11/22/2012 8:44:05 PM] Simon Murdoch: But girls complimenting girls is perfectly fine
- [11/22/2012 8:44:37 PM] Cutiebone: lol good point
- [11/22/2012 8:44:56 PM] Laura Torako: because... there's something wrong with being gay??
- [11/22/2012 8:45:12 PM] Simon Murdoch: If I point out a guy has a nice shirt, I get taunted for it. That's the problem
- [11/22/2012 8:45:44 PM] Simon Murdoch: I already said I have nothing against someone based on sexuality, I'm just firmly straight
- [11/22/2012 8:45:56 PM] Laura Torako: so the problem is that you're a guy and not that society is heterosexist?
- [11/22/2012 8:46:32 PM] Simon Murdoch: Erm.. Bit of both? I'm tired so my arguments are lacklustre
- [11/22/2012 8:47:04 PM] Simon Murdoch: I guess the main problem is how guys treat guys
- [11/22/2012 8:47:38 PM] Laura Torako: yes. it's heterosexist.
- [11/22/2012 8:49:06 PM] Simon Murdoch: And if a guy gives a compliment to a random girl: creepy. Vice versa; awesome
- [11/22/2012 8:49:18 PM] Simon Murdoch: I hate society around these issues
- [11/22/2012 8:50:08 PM] Laura Torako: it's creepy because girls get sexually harassed more often
- [11/22/2012 8:50:45 PM] Simon Murdoch: Still, it's like being nice to strangers has suddenly become against the law >.<
- [11/22/2012 8:51:27 PM] Simon Murdoch: At least if you're a guy... I can't be sure for girls, but from what I've seen, it's very different
- [11/22/2012 8:55:08 PM] Simon Murdoch: It really would be quite the debate if done well: Who has it better as a general populous - Boys or Girls?
- [11/22/2012 8:55:22 PM] Simon Murdoch: Many aspects to it
- [11/22/2012 8:55:33 PM] Laura Torako: that wouldn't be much of a debate. males have male privilege. females do not.
- [11/22/2012 8:55:46 PM] Simon Murdoch: In what sense?
- [11/22/2012 8:56:06 PM] Simon Murdoch: Females have all the same jobs and such nowadays
- [11/22/2012 8:56:39 PM] Laura Torako: women are still discouraged from certain jobs by society's attitudes
- [11/22/2012 8:56:48 PM] Laura Torako: women are also still paid less
- [11/22/2012 8:57:00 PM] Simon Murdoch: Even positions are sometimes given to women simply because they want women working there
- [11/22/2012 8:57:21 PM] Simon Murdoch: Over more qualified men I mean
- [11/22/2012 8:58:03 PM] Laura Torako: wow no
- [11/22/2012 8:58:12 PM] Amras: home
- [11/22/2012 8:58:16 PM] Laura Torako: like i can't even believe you just said that
- [11/22/2012 8:58:46 PM] Amras: agreed
- [11/22/2012 8:59:02 PM] Laura Torako: my mom used to be an engineer before she got tired of the constant bullshit her male co-workers would say and do
- [11/22/2012 8:59:04 PM] Simon Murdoch: There are many situations I have known men who have been highly qualified for a job
- [11/22/2012 8:59:47 PM] Amras: Hmm.. the one situation I can see that happening
- [11/22/2012 8:59:50 PM] Simon Murdoch: And lost the job to a female who was highly under qualified, and the employer even stated that, as a quote from her
- [11/22/2012 8:59:55 PM | Edited 9:00:09 PM] Amras: is if the person hiring is a feminist
- [11/22/2012 9:00:43 PM] Simon Murdoch: I'm saying that in a few areas, feminism has gone a little too far
- [11/22/2012 9:00:52 PM] Simon Murdoch: Not all, but some
- [11/22/2012 9:01:05 PM] Amras: hmm
- [11/22/2012 9:01:10 PM] Laura Torako: my mom can't find a good job because people keep assuming that she'd be ok working as a secretary.
- [11/22/2012 9:01:16 PM] Laura Torako: a FUCKING SECRETARY
- [11/22/2012 9:01:21 PM | Edited 9:01:27 PM] Laura Torako: my mom has a ph.d in geophysics
- [11/22/2012 9:01:42 PM] Amras: Then again, you're in the central USA, Laura
- [11/22/2012 9:02:05 PM | Edited 9:02:12 PM] Amras: it's a bit biased to base your judgement of the world's sexism on Kansas
- [11/22/2012 9:02:18 PM] Laura Torako: nebraska
- [11/22/2012 9:02:20 PM] Simon Murdoch: Like, men have to preform much better to join the military than women
- [11/22/2012 9:02:29 PM] Simon Murdoch: From what I know
- [11/22/2012 9:03:03 PM] Simon Murdoch: And that's the best example I can come up with atm
- [11/22/2012 9:03:09 PM] Amras: ok, then nebraska
- [11/22/2012 9:03:19 PM] Amras: my argument stands
- [11/22/2012 9:03:30 PM] Amras: Neona linked me to the Urban Archipelago article, she should've told you
- [11/22/2012 9:03:46 PM] Simon Murdoch: I think it's 50 pull-ups for men, 20 for women, if I remember correctly
- [11/22/2012 9:04:18 PM] Laura Torako: simon- that's called sexism. that's not because people like women better, it's because they assume women are WEAKER.
- [11/22/2012 9:04:44 PM] Laura Torako: that's not feminism at all.
- [11/22/2012 9:05:03 PM] Amras: mmhmm
- [11/22/2012 9:05:19 PM] Simon Murdoch: Not my take on it, but I guess it's because I consider females equal to men in terms of ability, so it's like a free pass to me
- [11/22/2012 9:05:55 PM] Simon Murdoch: Like, ok, you can both DO 50 pull ups, but you only need to do 20, k?
- [11/22/2012 9:06:44 PM] Amras: that's another thing, Laura. Your complaints seem to apply more to your irl surroundings than the fairly gender neutral enviroment of our community
- [11/22/2012 9:07:14 PM] Laura Torako: simon- your take on the situation really has nothing to do with the thought processes actually happening.
- [11/22/2012 9:07:30 PM] Amras: Amras nods
- [11/22/2012 9:07:30 PM] Simon Murdoch: I guess I'm too innocent ._.
- [11/22/2012 9:07:35 PM] Simon Murdoch: XD
- [11/22/2012 9:07:45 PM] Laura Torako: amras- simon is complaining about how society caters towards women and how the poor widdle men are being oppressed.
- [11/22/2012 9:08:20 PM] Simon Murdoch: Nah, I'm just saying that women have gotten equality and then some, in some cases
- [11/22/2012 9:08:45 PM] Laura Torako: except that the example you just cited was evidence that women don't have equality at all!
- [11/22/2012 9:08:47 PM] Simon Murdoch: But so many still act like they're oppressed, and that really pisses me off
- [11/22/2012 9:08:59 PM] Amras: hmm
- [11/22/2012 9:09:04 PM] Laura Torako: because we are oppressed!
- [11/22/2012 9:09:09 PM] Amras: depends where
- [11/22/2012 9:09:30 PM] Amras: in many situations, most even, womer are oppressed.
- [11/22/2012 9:09:42 PM] Simon Murdoch: If a random girl comes to my door and asks to use a phone, I will treat her exactly as I would I guy
- [11/22/2012 9:09:59 PM] Amras: I think Simon is talking about the feminists which are treated as well as men in their surroundings, yet still whine about being oppressed
- [11/22/2012 9:10:07 PM] Simon Murdoch: Yes^
- [11/22/2012 9:10:22 PM] Amras: since those exist, too
- [11/22/2012 9:10:32 PM] Simon Murdoch: Those people piss me off so badly
- [11/22/2012 9:10:51 PM] Amras: it's a similar case to a few others...
- [11/22/2012 9:11:01 PM] Amras: like, some European cities
- [11/22/2012 9:11:06 PM] Laura Torako: except that you don't really get to judge whether or not they're treated equally because YOU ARE NOT THEM and you are not experiencing what they experience!
- [11/22/2012 9:11:09 PM] Amras: where muslims are complaining about church bells
- [11/22/2012 9:11:15 PM] Amras: when their mosques are just as loud
- [11/22/2012 9:11:30 PM] Simon Murdoch: It's like "So um, I'm a feminist, so treat me like a god, or you are being discriminative and I can sue you for it"
- [11/22/2012 9:11:36 PM] Amras: yes, that
- [11/22/2012 9:11:59 PM] Amras: or in some European places, you can't offend a black guy
- [11/22/2012 9:13:14 PM] Simon Murdoch: I have nothing against any general group of people, but once they try playing the high-and-mighty card, it's pisses me off!
- [11/22/2012 9:13:33 PM] Simon Murdoch: By they, I mean any person
- [11/22/2012 9:17:03 PM] Laura Torako: so any time you want to stop being sexist, that'd be cool
- [11/22/2012 9:18:12 PM] Simon Murdoch: I'm not being sexist :/... I'm just saying I dislike overly 'high and mighty' people from groups
- [11/22/2012 9:18:39 PM] Simon Murdoch: Even races or religions, same deal
- [11/22/2012 9:19:41 PM] Laura Torako: except that you seem to think that men are oppressed...
- [11/22/2012 9:20:12 PM] Simon Murdoch: If some Christian guy (or girl, w/e) comes saying that me not caring much about religion is going to send me to hell, and God is everything, I'll be pissed
- [11/22/2012 9:21:15 PM] Simon Murdoch: I said guys are being oppressed in some situations, girls are too. I'm talking pretty much just on first world atm if you needed clarification...
- [11/22/2012 9:21:28 PM] Amras: Amras sighs
- [11/22/2012 9:21:39 PM] Laura Torako: except that no, guys are not oppressed just for being guys
- [11/22/2012 9:22:22 PM] Amras: they are by feminists
- [11/22/2012 9:22:48 PM] Simon Murdoch: I have been actually, in situations I've wanted to join activities, reserved for 'girls only' - in essence only, but pretty clearly I was excluded when I tried joining
- [11/22/2012 9:23:00 PM] Laura Torako: wow no guys are not oppressed by people who want equal rights
- [11/22/2012 9:23:20 PM] Laura Torako: wanting equality is not oppression
- [11/22/2012 9:23:46 PM] Amras: I don' think "girls only" counts as equality
- [11/22/2012 9:23:52 PM] Simon Murdoch: If a woman comes up to a guy working in an office and yells at him for a woman not being in his place, do you see a problem?
- [11/22/2012 9:24:15 PM] Laura Torako: that's not even a thing
- [11/22/2012 9:24:16 PM] Simon Murdoch: Feminists do this every day, the extreme ones
- [11/22/2012 9:24:44 PM] Laura Torako: ok the idiotic hardcore feminists? they aren't feminists
- [11/22/2012 9:24:51 PM] Laura Torako: they're bigots.
- [11/22/2012 9:24:57 PM] Amras: ok, then, bigots
- [11/22/2012 9:24:57 PM] Simon Murdoch: Well, that's who I'm talking about
- [11/22/2012 9:25:03 PM] Amras: that's a thing, too
- [11/22/2012 9:25:52 PM] Laura Torako: except that those people aren't in power? so they can't oppress you? because that's how oppression works.
- [11/22/2012 9:26:07 PM] Simon Murdoch: The ones who think any slight to them is discrimination and that they are entitled to more than the average joe
- [11/22/2012 9:26:23 PM] Laura Torako: that's not oppression though
- [11/22/2012 9:26:33 PM] Simon Murdoch: They can sure oppress you if say, they are your boss
- [11/22/2012 9:26:36 PM] Amras: alright then
- [11/22/2012 9:26:54 PM] Laura Torako: go read about privilege and get back to me, mmkay?
- [11/22/2012 9:27:55 PM] Simon Murdoch: I'm just saying the small percentage of feminists that we are now coining bigots, are annoying as hell, and trying to back it up a little, sorry
- [11/22/2012 9:28:15 PM] Amras: Scribblenauts looks awesome
- [11/22/2012 9:28:24 PM] Amras: I wish I had the money to buy it
- [11/22/2012 9:29:04 PM] Laura Torako: "a small percentage of feminists are bigots, therefore sexism against women is no longer a problem"? did you seriously just say that unironically?
- [11/22/2012 9:29:08 PM] Simon Murdoch: In general, women have it nearly, if not as good as men in first world nations, and I'm more than content with that, minus the 'nearly' part
- [11/22/2012 9:29:38 PM] Amras: Laura, just a note. You're arguing with someone who's very clearly not a sexist.
- [11/22/2012 9:30:15 PM] Amras: this argument would make much more sense if you were having it with a sexist
- [11/22/2012 9:30:16 PM] Simon Murdoch: But some feminists believe that 'nearly' is a 'majorly', and therein lies the problem
- [11/22/2012 9:31:09 PM] Amras: I should just let you two be, probably
- [11/22/2012 9:31:15 PM] Laura Torako: just because someone isn't actively working against women doesn't mean they can't say or do sexist things.
- [11/22/2012 9:31:22 PM] Simon Murdoch: I'm just attempting to have a debate here, so sorry if I'm offending you by arguing my opinion
- [11/22/2012 9:32:48 PM] Amras: maybe be more considerate, Simon?
- [11/22/2012 9:32:53 PM] Simon Murdoch: But Laura, the same thing can be said about racism too. If I make a racist joke, and my multi-cultured friends all find it funny, including the one I 'offend', there isn't really a problem, yes?
- [11/22/2012 9:33:14 PM] Amras: but Laura wasn't entertained
- [11/22/2012 9:33:17 PM] Amras: and she said that
- [11/22/2012 9:33:41 PM] Simon Murdoch: And it doesn't make me a racist does it?... If I don't hold the values if the joke to heart I mean
- [11/22/2012 9:33:53 PM] Laura Torako: simon- how does that relate to this situation?
- [11/22/2012 9:34:11 PM] Amras: simon was merely holding a debate
- [11/22/2012 9:34:20 PM] Laura Torako: no one thinks they are "a racist" or "a sexist"
- [11/22/2012 9:34:26 PM] Laura Torako: that doesn't mean they aren't.
- [11/22/2012 9:34:42 PM] Laura Torako: you are saying (and clearly believing) sexist things.
- [11/22/2012 9:34:46 PM] Amras: Simon, be more considerate. Laura, be more forgiving.
- [11/22/2012 9:34:57 PM] Amras: and no, he's not believing them, Laura
- [11/22/2012 9:34:58 PM] Simon Murdoch: If someone says something sexist, even a joke for example, they become sexist? Even if all parties find it in good fun
- [11/22/2012 9:35:10 PM] Amras: he's stating them in the form of a debate, wholly impersonal
- [11/22/2012 9:35:18 PM] Laura Torako: amras- he doesn't believe the things he said? then why did he say them?
- [11/22/2012 9:35:25 PM] Amras: for the sake of debate
- [11/22/2012 9:35:27 PM] Simon Murdoch: -debate-
- [11/22/2012 9:35:43 PM] Laura Torako: also, i clearly did NOT find your bullshit amusing
- [11/22/2012 9:35:46 PM] Amras: yes
- [11/22/2012 9:35:52 PM] Amras: hence my request to Simon to be more considerate
- [11/22/2012 9:36:00 PM] Simon Murdoch: I could argue that kicking puppies is fun in a debate
- [11/22/2012 9:36:01 PM] Amras: and to you, Laura, to understand that he meant no harm
- [11/22/2012 9:36:46 PM] Laura Torako: i don't believe that though. considering he still hasn't said that he didn't believe the things he said. you're the one saying that.
- [11/22/2012 9:36:53 PM] Simon Murdoch: Yea, I'm sorry, I guess my mind just goes on auto drive when I debate, I don't mean any personal offender to anyone, which is why I restated that I have nothing against anyone
- [11/22/2012 9:37:39 PM] Laura Torako: there's a difference between essentially saying "no offense, guys!" and "wow the things i said were actually really problematic, i'm sorry for saying them"
- [11/22/2012 9:37:57 PM] Simon Murdoch: I hold the core values true, but most of my arguments I don't believe, I just made them as convincing as I could
- [11/22/2012 9:38:18 PM] Amras: Laura, please try to be a bit more forgiving and lenient
- [11/22/2012 9:38:21 PM] Laura Torako: so you do believe sexist things.
- [11/22/2012 9:38:26 PM] Simon Murdoch: I'd explain exactly what core values means, but basically the same thing,
- [11/22/2012 9:38:31 PM] Amras: you can't expect everyone to fully agree with everything you say
- [11/22/2012 9:38:42 PM] Simon Murdoch: I have nothing against anyone for who they are initially
- [11/22/2012 9:38:46 PM] Amras: and you have just as much capability for hurting others as anyone else
- [11/22/2012 9:38:52 PM] Amras: please remember that
- [11/22/2012 9:38:53 PM] Simon Murdoch: It's their actions that make me hate them
- [11/22/2012 9:39:25 PM] Simon Murdoch: And that will hold true until the day I die
- [11/22/2012 9:39:33 PM] Laura Torako: amras- i can't expect people to fully agree with me, therefore i'm not allowed to disagree with them or not want to associate with bigots?
- [11/22/2012 9:39:58 PM] Amras: uh
- [11/22/2012 9:40:02 PM] Amras: that's also not what I said
- [11/22/2012 9:40:12 PM] Simon Murdoch: Even the drunkard hobo in the ally is just a stranger until I've met him
- [11/22/2012 9:40:18 PM] Amras: just...try to keep some distance from the conversation, don't take it too personally
- [11/22/2012 9:40:49 PM] Simon Murdoch: He could be a nice guy, he could be an ass, he could even be violent, but until I meet him, he's a stranger
- [11/22/2012 9:40:58 PM] Laura Torako: you're putting the pressure on the oppressed person to "forgive" their oppressor, instead of on the oppressor to fucking apologize and maybe try to be a decent person for once
- [11/22/2012 9:41:00 PM] Simon Murdoch: .../hear about things he's done
- [11/22/2012 9:41:21 PM] Simon Murdoch: I'm sorry, but I have apologised, a few times
- [11/22/2012 9:41:45 PM] Simon Murdoch: So I'm not giving an apology for not apologising, since I have.
- [11/22/2012 9:41:51 PM] Amras: I'm sorry, Laura
- [11/22/2012 9:41:53 PM] Amras: but you're not being oppressed
- [11/22/2012 9:42:01 PM] Amras: by no stretch are you being oppressed
- [11/22/2012 9:42:06 PM] Laura Torako: i'm not oppressed? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
- [11/22/2012 9:42:08 PM] Laura Torako: WOOOOW
- [11/22/2012 9:42:11 PM] Amras: not in this context
- [11/22/2012 9:42:17 PM] Laura Torako: HEY GUESS WHAT EVERYONE I'M NOT OPPRESSED
- [11/22/2012 9:42:22 PM] Laura Torako: BRB GETTING MARRIED
- [11/22/2012 9:42:25 PM] Amras: Laura, please stop
- [11/22/2012 9:42:38 PM] Amras: You're not being oppressed by Simon
- [11/22/2012 9:42:42 PM] Simon Murdoch: Huh?
- [11/22/2012 9:42:44 PM] Amras: or by me
- [11/22/2012 9:43:20 PM] Simon Murdoch: Oh right, America is much more anti-gay than Canada
- [11/22/2012 9:43:22 PM] Amras: Laura, please calm down.
- [11/22/2012 9:43:22 PM] Simon Murdoch: :/
- [11/22/2012 9:43:28 PM] Cutiebone: Cutiebone eats cake
- [11/22/2012 9:43:35 PM] Simon Murdoch: Hi CB
- [11/22/2012 9:43:46 PM] Amras: Laura, please calm down.
- [11/22/2012 9:43:51 PM] Amras: You're not being oppressed by Simon, or by myself
- [11/22/2012 9:44:06 PM] Amras: there is a major sixism issue in the US
- [11/22/2012 9:44:12 PM] Laura Torako: technically, i am, since you're part of an oppressive system that you're doing nothing to stop.
- [11/22/2012 9:44:30 PM] Amras: uh
- [11/22/2012 9:44:41 PM] Simon Murdoch: If there was anything directly I could do to influence the US political system from my environment, I would
- [11/22/2012 9:44:55 PM] Amras: Laura, this is a fair warning. If you do not accept that we are not your oppressors, I will kick you from this group.
- [11/22/2012 9:45:13 PM] Simon Murdoch: I don't exactly have the money or resources tho
- [11/22/2012 9:45:14 PM] Amras: Since apparently, that is what you expect of me
- [11/22/2012 9:45:33 PM] Amras: Like Simon, I would do anything to stop sexism in the world
- [11/22/2012 9:45:48 PM] Laura Torako: a big step towards not being oppressive is admitting that oppression exists
- [11/22/2012 9:45:59 PM] Laura Torako: which you refuse to do
- [11/22/2012 9:46:02 PM] Amras: I admit it exists, I don't agree that I'm an oppressor
- [11/22/2012 9:46:07 PM] Amras: you accuse me of the latter
- [11/22/2012 9:46:17 PM] Laura Torako: you've never benefitted from being male?
- [11/22/2012 9:46:19 PM] Simon Murdoch: I have, but I guess in Canada, where I live, it's not as prevalent
- [11/22/2012 9:46:25 PM] Laura Torako: or neurotypical?
- [11/22/2012 9:46:27 PM] Laura Torako: or straight?
- [11/22/2012 9:46:31 PM] Simon Murdoch: So I never notice it
- [11/22/2012 9:46:33 PM] Amras: not really, actually
- [11/22/2012 9:46:47 PM] Amras: I don't have any social contact outside of nerdy online communities
- [11/22/2012 9:47:02 PM] Amras: I've never been part of a sexist, racist community
- [11/22/2012 9:47:04 PM] Amras: or applied for a job
- [11/22/2012 9:47:20 PM] Amras: the schools I've been to had no data on my ethnicity
- [11/22/2012 9:47:34 PM] Simon Murdoch: I've certainly been in contact with the lot, hate most of them
- [11/22/2012 9:47:55 PM] Laura Torako: so you also have the government trying to pass laws about what you can do with your body?
- [11/22/2012 9:48:14 PM] Amras: Laura, we're not oppressors.
- [11/22/2012 9:48:23 PM] Amras: Accept that or leave.
- [11/22/2012 9:48:49 PM] Amras: You're being offensive
- [11/22/2012 9:49:23 PM] Simon Murdoch: I really hate to say it like this, but you are basically saying that anyone under Nazi regime supported it.
- [11/22/2012 9:49:39 PM] Laura Torako: even if you don't intend to be, you are part of an oppressive system. that's just how the world works.
- [11/22/2012 9:49:59 PM] Amras: what Simon said
- [11/22/2012 9:50:02 PM] Simon Murdoch: So we are under our government, therefore we support anti-everything you mention
- [11/22/2012 9:50:16 PM] Amras: I'm not a US Citizen
- [11/22/2012 9:50:25 PM] Amras: and I don't have any influence over its politics
- [11/22/2012 9:50:31 PM] Amras: I'm not of legal age
- [11/22/2012 9:50:44 PM] Simon Murdoch: I can't vote either.. So -same
- [11/22/2012 9:51:18 PM] Laura Torako: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh you guys are missing the point.
- [11/22/2012 9:51:25 PM] Amras: no, you are.
- [11/22/2012 9:51:29 PM] Amras: You're being directly offensive
- [11/22/2012 9:51:41 PM] Cutiebone: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh the point are missing you guys DONUTS!!!
- [11/22/2012 9:51:42 PM] Laura Torako: i'm gonna drop the subject now because i don't feel like educating you about how privilege works.
- [11/22/2012 9:51:45 PM] Amras: and refusing to accept your actions can be hurtful, too
- [11/22/2012 9:52:03 PM] Amras: no, Laura. It's a bit late to drop the subject
- [11/22/2012 9:52:25 PM] Simon Murdoch: Just because we are under the rule of some gov., doesn't mean in the slightest we support it
- [11/22/2012 9:52:37 PM] Amras: At this point, you're using your priivalge you have
- [11/22/2012 9:52:37 PM] Laura Torako: simon- but you don't oppose it
- [11/22/2012 9:52:44 PM] Amras: of being an autistic, bisexual female
- [11/22/2012 9:53:04 PM] Laura Torako: oh wow no those are not privileges
- [11/22/2012 9:53:07 PM] Amras: and therefore knowing that the chat will be supportive of your opposing sexism
- [11/22/2012 9:53:13 PM] Amras: in this chat, they sort of are
- [11/22/2012 9:53:20 PM] Laura Torako: wow no
- [11/22/2012 9:53:26 PM] Amras: you know what? I'm sick of this.
- [11/22/2012 9:53:38 PM] Simon Murdoch: But I do, I just don't have anything I can really do about it unless I take action actively, which personally, I have not been motivated to do
- [11/22/2012 9:53:43 PM | Edited 9:54:14 PM] Amras: Do you or do you not understand that we're not sexist?
- [11/22/2012 9:55:19 PM] Laura Torako: i understand that you are not actively sexist, but there is nuance because you can't avoid being at least somewhat sexist simply because of the environment you live in and it's not your fault.
- [11/22/2012 9:55:35 PM] *** Amras removed Laura Torako from this conversation. ***
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