
CMCC-V1 camera

Jul 10th, 2019
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  1. System startup
  4. svn_ver:38258 (Aug 04 2018 - 15:30:52)
  6. DRAM:  64 MiB
  7. Check Flash Memory Controller v100 ... Found
  8. SPI Nor(cs 0) ID: 0xc8 0x40 0x18
  9. Block:64KB Chip:16MB Name:"GD25Q128"
  10. SPI Nor total size: 16MB
  11. MMC:  
  12. EMMC/MMC/SD controller initialization.
  13. Card did not respond to voltage select!
  14. No EMMC/MMC/SD device found !
  15. In:    serial
  16. Out:   serial
  17. Err:   serial
  18. *No SD card found!
  19. No mmc storage device found!
  20. load_update_file fail
  21. Net:   No ethernet found.
  22. (Re)start USB...
  23. USB:   scanning bus for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found
  24.        scanning usb for ethernet devices... 0 Ethernet Device(s) found
  25. Hit Ctrl+u to stop autoboot:  2  1  0
  26. load kernel to 0x80007fc0 ...
  27. check backup upgrade flag
  28. Done!
  29. ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 80007fc0 ...
  30.    Image Name:   Linux-3.4.35
  31.    Image Type:   ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
  32.    Data Size:    2693088 Bytes = 2.6 MiB
  33.    Load Address: 80008000
  34.    Entry Point:  80008000
  35.    XIP Kernel Image ... OK
  36. OK
  38. Starting kernel ...
  40. Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
  41. я
  42. init started: BusyBox v1.22.1 (2018-12-25 15:22:44 CST)
  43. ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
  44. ASC16 ASC32.bin HZK16 bcmdhd.ko ca.crt certs.tar.gz da_info davinci default.script execSystemCmd flash_eraseall fw_bcm40181a2.bin gpio_test hedgw.pem hi_cipher.ko ipchelper iperf iwpriv mav_cal.conf mlan.ko mlanutl nvram_ap6181.txt r2_modules.tgz sd8801.ko sd8801_uapsta.bin t1 voice.tar.gz wpa_cli wpa_supplicant
  45. mmz_start: 0x82600000, mmz_size: 26M
  46. 0x200f0040: 0x00000001 --> 0x00000002
  47. 0x200f0044: 0x00000001 --> 0x00000002
  48. 0x200f007c: 0x00000000 --> 0x00000001
  49. 0x200f0080: 0x00000000 --> 0x00000001
  50. 0x200f0084: 0x00000000 --> 0x00000001
  51. 0x200f0088: 0x00000000 --> 0x00000001
  52. 0x200f008c: 0x00000000 --> 0x00000002
  53. 0x200f0090: 0x00000000 --> 0x00000002
  54. 0x200f0094: 0x00000000 --> 0x00000001
  55. 0x2003002c: 0x000C4003 --> 0x000C4001
  56. ==== Your input Sensor type is ov9732 ====
  57. 0x9139
  58. Marvell wifi
  59. ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
  60. LIBSYS Utils : ipchelper
  61. BusyBox v1.2.1 Protect Shell (psh)
  62. Enter 'help' for a list of davinci system commands.
  64. MAC ioctl error!
  65. # autoApp = 2
  66. LIBSYS Utils : Auto to start program
  67. LIBSYS Utils :
  68. == DEVICE INFO ==
  69. LIBSYS Utils : device : flash size = 16 MB, ram size = 64 MB
  70. LIBSYS Utils : kernel : version 3.4.35, build number = 20120425
  71. dbg <sysInit>:bootParms.videoinType=25
  72. LIBSYS ERROR: FILE->Src/Misc/wifi.c, LINE->96:open usb file[/sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1/idProduct] failed [No such file or directory]
  73. LIBSYS Utils : make_serial_no: CS-C2C-31WFR-B-BJYD0120190524CCCHD22128590
  74. powerLineFrequencyMode = 0
  75. db version old: 1135, cur: 1135
  76. [11 02:09:08][OTHER][ERROR]Direct reading of the database
  77. [device status]idx: 1, enable: 1
  78. [device status]idx: 2, enable: 0
  79. [device status]idx: 10, enable: 1
  80. [device status]idx: 21, enable: 0
  81. [device status]idx: 22, enable: 0
  82. [device status]idx: 29, enable: 0
  83. [device status]idx: 2201, enable: 2
  84. create bcm config file zone = 1
  85. [11 02:09:08][OTHER][ERROR]init Mac:[68:6d:bc:88:8d:60]
  86. adjust time: adjusttimebyrtc stime ret=0, adjustTime=1562810948, currtime:1562810948
  87. [11 02:09:08][DSP][ERROR]g_pdsp->viResolution = 0x1013
  88. [11 02:09:08][DSP][ERROR]g_pdsp->VideoInitParam.max_viW = 1280
  89. [11 02:09:08][DSP][ERROR]g_pdsp->VideoInitParam.max_viH = 720
  90. [11 02:09:08][DSP][ERROR]g_pdsp->VideoInitParam.original_viW = 1280
  91. [11 02:09:08][DSP][ERROR]g_pdsp->VideoInitParam.original_viH = 720
  92. [11 02:09:08][DSP][ERROR]g_pdsp->VideoInitParam.image_viW = 1280
  93. [11 02:09:08][DSP][ERROR]g_pdsp->VideoInitParam.image_viH = 720
  94. [11 02:09:08][OTHER][ERROR]Cannot get current device settings
  95. [11 02:09:08][SDKCMD][ERROR]start [eth0] dhcp task
  96. [11 02:09:08][DSP][ERROR]now code is not support
  97. [11 02:09:08][DSP][ERROR]net pool info is NULL!
  98. [11 02:09:08][DSP][ERROR]now code is not support
  99. [11 02:09:08][DSP][ERROR]net pool info is NULL!
  100. [11 02:09:08][OTHER][ERROR]set_mtu ioctl error and errno=19
  101. [11 02:09:08][SDKCMD][ERROR]initNetIf: set_mtu failed.
  102. [11 02:09:08][DSP][ERROR]hwif_dsp_init start_dsp before
  103. <lib> dspTaskCreat ok!
  104. [dsp_dbg] control dsp_dbg = (null)
  105. enDspDebug is 0
  106. ************************************
  107. **************ezdsp SVN*************
  108. ********SVN VERSION IS 38299********
  109. ************************************
  110. ********Dsp Dev Ability*********
  111. YsDevType: 0
  112. u32AuADCVal: 5
  113. u32AuDACVal: 9
  114. u32IvsStartThr: 120
  115. IvsSensity: 100
  116. u32QrWidth: 768
  117. u32QrHeight: 432
  118. start_udhcpc read interface eth0 ret=-1
  119. =============SAMPLE_COMM_VI_SetMipiAttr ViType: 98
  120. <ISP> isp start
  121. <ISP> img size 0 x 0
  122. <ISP>is outdoor 0
  123. <ISP>isp ae cfg reg : 0
  124. linear mode
  125. sensor init success!
  126. <ISP> ISP_Run_Task ok.....
  127. <ISP> Start <INNER_AE_TSK> ok
  128. <ISP> Start <INNER_ISP_TSK> ok
  129. <ISP> Start <INNER_ICR_TSK> ok
  130. #############################
  131. platform:h2
  132. version:2.9.27
  133. build: 2018.07.24 20:50:07
  134. code:576398584 release
  135. #############################
  136. start_udhcpc read interface eth0 ret=-1
  137. ***encChanCnt :4*******
  138. To OPEN Audio Module LibName:(
  139. start_udhcpc read interface eth0 ret=-1
  140. [11 02:09:11][OTHER][ERROR]>>>get wifi type value 10.
  141. [11 02:09:11][8021X][ERROR]/dav/wpa_supplicant -Dnl80211 -iwlan0 -C /var/run/wpa_supplicant -B
  142. create_audio_encoder_g711A step1
  143. create_audio_encoder_g711A step2
  144. create_audio_encoder_g711A  success
  145.  create_audio_encoder success
  146. voice_check memsize : 36
  147. create_audio_decoder success,enc_type = 1
  148. create_audio_decoder_g711A step1
  149. create_audio_decoder_g711A step2
  150. create_audio_decoder_g711A success
  151. create_audio_decoder success
  152. TSK_Zbar_Process
  153. Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
  154. rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
  155. nl80211: Could not re-add multicast membership for vendor events: -2 (No such file or directory)
  156. start_udhcpc read interface eth0 ret=-1
  157. [11 02:09:12][DSP][ERROR]hwif_dsp_init start_dsp after
  158. alloc_share_memory size=4034KB
  159. start_udhcpc read interface eth0 ret=-1
  160. [11 02:09:13][DSP][ERROR]hwif_dsp_crtl_logo_display, no data to display
  161. [11 02:09:13][UNI_IF][ERROR]in pDevCfgParam max packetlen = 1460
  162. [11 02:09:13][UNI_IF][ERROR]packetlen = 1460
  163. [11 02:09:13][UNI_IF][ERROR]g_metadata_mem.base = 44725984
  164. [11 02:09:13][UNI_IF][ERROR]g_metadata_mem.totalsize = 93440
  165. [11 02:09:13][UNI_IF][ERROR]g_metadata_mem.ridx = 0
  166. [11 02:09:13][UNI_IF][ERROR]g_metadata_mem.widx = 0
  167. [11 02:09:13][UNI_IF][ERROR]g_metadata_mem.packetlen = 1460
  168. [11 02:09:13][UNI_IF][ERROR]g_metadata_mem.peer_packetlen = 1460
  169. setRtpMuxInfo audioType 1 videoStreamType 27 audioStreamType = 90
  170. setRtpMuxInfo setRtpMuxInfo: video payload = 97, audio payload = 8
  171. [11 02:09:13][SYSLOG][ERROR]no main log. system log will not work.
  172. [11 02:09:13][8021X][ERROR]simple_config_start
  173. FAIL
  174. [11 02:09:13][8021X][ERROR]scan begin:1562810953, Thu Jul 11 02:09:13 2019
  175. value = 40000 slow_shutter_mod = 0
  176. [11 02:09:13][ALARM_EXP][ERROR]hwif_setalarmout err.
  177. setRtpMuxInfo audioType 1 videoStreamType 27 audioStreamType = 90
  178. setRtpMuxInfo setRtpMuxInfo: video payload = 97, audio payload = 8
  179. start_udhcpc read interface eth0 ret=-1
  180. OK
  181. start_udhcpc read interface eth0 ret=-1
  182. start_udhcpc read interface eth0 ret=-1
  183. start_udhcpc read interface eth0 ret=-1
  184. [11 02:09:17][HEDGW][ERROR]hedgw_osd_enabledate_set pVideoIn->osdPara.enable_date = 0
  185. [11 02:09:18][HEDGW][ERROR]rec upload: hedgw_netbroken_upload_task_start task success.
  186. [11 02:09:18][HEDGW][ERROR]begin creat alarm_netbroken_task
  187. [LWM2M_SDK_INIT:784] init sucess
  189. [11 02:09:18][HEDGW][ERROR]hedgw_alarm_netbroken_running:1
  190. start_udhcpc read interface eth0 ret=-1
  191. start_udhcpc read interface eth0 ret=-1
  192. start_udhcpc read interface eth0 ret=-1
  193. [11 02:09:21][SENSOR][ERROR]icr to night
  194. <ISP>  Reload isp params when icr change
  195. start_udhcpc read interface eth0 ret=-1
  196. wpa_cli_parse_bss_info ret=0
  197. [11 02:09:22][8021X][ERROR]get_access_point_list num = 9
  198. [11 02:09:22][8021X][ERROR]No 5 bssid:48:5b:39:2f:d0:49 ssid:PhantomNet security:2 signal_strength:70
  199. [11 02:09:22][8021X][ERROR]No 6 bssid:d4:21:22:e3:43:0c ssid:Smart_box-E3430C security:4 signal_strength:64
  200. [11 02:09:22][8021X][ERROR]No 7 bssid:00:03:7f:fe:00:00 ssid:HOMENET security:4 signal_strength:78
  201. [11 02:09:22][8021X][ERROR]No 8 bssid:bc:ee:7b:81:ec:3c ssid:Prosto Inet security:4 signal_strength:62
  202. [11 02:09:22][8021X][ERROR]No 11 bssid:a0:f3:c1:4e:cc:48 ssid:RadioPort security:4 signal_strength:36
  203. [11 02:09:22][8021X][ERROR]No 16 bssid:80:38:bc:c8:b8:e0 ssid:WolfNet security:4 signal_strength:24
  204. [11 02:09:22][8021X][ERROR]No 18 bssid:38:4c:4f:0e:51:7c ssid:WirelessNet security:4 signal_strength:24
  205. [11 02:09:22][8021X][ERROR]No 23 bssid:28:28:5d:b3:9b:30 ssid:Keenetic-7930 security:4 signal_strength:16
  206. [11 02:09:22][8021X][ERROR]No 24 bssid:14:cc:20:3a:e5:f0 ssid:TP-LINK_3AE5F0 security:4 signal_strength:14
  207. [11 02:09:22][8021X][ERROR]No 25 bssid:88:d7:f6:44:c0:80 ssid:Alpha 1 security:4 signal_strength:12
  208. [11 02:09:22][SDKCMD][ERROR]stop [eth0] dhcp task begin
  209. [11 02:09:22][SDKCMD][ERROR]stop [eth0] dhcp task end
  210. [11 02:09:22][8021X][ERROR]scan end:1562810962, Thu Jul 11 02:09:22 2019
  211. start_udhcpc read interface eth0 ret=-1
  212. [dsp] ###### QR Set Status Key: 1 ######
  213.  [11 02:09:23][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  214. [11 02:09:23][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  215. start_udhcpc read interface eth0 ret=-1
  216. [11 02:09:24][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  217. [11 02:09:24][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  218. [11 02:09:24][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  219. [11 02:09:24][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  220. [11 02:09:24][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  221. start_udhcpc read interface eth0 ret=-1
  222. [11 02:09:25][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  223. [11 02:09:25][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  224. [11 02:09:25][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  225. [11 02:09:25][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  226. [11 02:09:25][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  227. start_udhcpc read interface eth0 ret=-1
  228. [11 02:09:26][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  229. [11 02:09:26][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  230. [11 02:09:26][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  231. [11 02:09:26][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  232. [11 02:09:26][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  233. [11 02:09:26][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  234. [11 02:09:27][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  235. start_udhcpc read interface eth0 ret=-1
  236. [11 02:09:27][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  237. [11 02:09:27][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  238. [11 02:09:27][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  239. [11 02:09:27][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  240. [11 02:09:27][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  241. [11 02:09:28][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  242. [11 02:09:28][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  243. start_udhcpc read interface eth0 ret=-1
  244. [11 02:09:28][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  245. [11 02:09:28][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  246. [11 02:09:28][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  247. [11 02:09:28][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  248. [11 02:09:29][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
  249. [11 02:09:29][HEDGW][ERROR]QR parse no data
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