

Jul 7th, 2015
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  1. options:
  2. #Tu ustaw itemy które mają być w gui
  3. item1 = *
  4. item2 = *
  5. item3 = *
  6. item4 = *
  7. item5 = *
  8. item6 = *
  9. #Nazwa itemu powyżej np (n1 = &bDiament)
  10. n1 = *
  11. n2 = *
  12. n3 = *
  13. n4 = *
  14. n5 = *
  15. n6 = *
  16. #P = Procent dropu itemu (powyżej)
  17. p1 = *
  18. p2 = *
  19. p3 = *
  20. p4 = *
  21. p5 = *
  22. p6 = *
  23. #Lore = Opis itemku
  24. lore1 = *
  25. lore2 = *
  26. lore3 = *
  27. lore4 = *
  28. lore5 = *
  29. lore6 = *
  30. command /drop:
  31. trigger:
  32. open chest with 6 rows named "&bDrop &7by Kacperski1337" to player
  33. wait 1 tick
  34. format slot 0 of player with 1 of {@item1} item named "&6&l{@n1}" with lore "{@lore1}"
  35. format slot 1 of player with 1 of {@item2} item named "&6&l{@n2}" with lore "{@lore2}"
  36. format slot 2 of player with 1 of {@item3} item named "&6&l{@n3}" with lore "{@lore3}"
  37. format slot 3 of player with 1 of {@item4} item named "&6&l{@n4}" with lore "{@lore4}"
  38. format slot 4 of player with 1 of {@item5} item named "&6&l{@n5}" with lore "{@lore5}"
  39. format slot 5 of player with 1 of {@item6} item named "&6&l{@n6}" with lore "{@lore6}"
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