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- if not _G.require then
- _G.require = require
- end
- --// API References
- local GUIData = (function()
- -- Variables
- _V = 1.11
- local screenGui
- local err,errcode=pcall(function()
- screenGui = (script:FindFirstChild("ScreenGui")) or game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://2718157603")[1]:FindFirstChild("ScreenGui", true)
- end)
- if not err then
- print("ERR:",errcode)
- screenGui = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").CardinalityUI:Clone()
- end
- local Container = screenGui.Frame
- local Opt = Container.OptionsFrame
- local Checkbox = Opt.Checkbox
- local Color = Opt.Color
- local Frame = Opt.Frame
- local Execute = Opt.Execute
- local Mode = Opt.Mode
- local Number = Opt.Number
- local Toggle = Opt.Toggle
- local Mods = screenGui.Mods
- local ModLabel = Mods.Example
- local TextService = game:GetService("TextService")
- local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
- local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
- syn = syn or nil
- if syn then
- syn.protect_gui(screenGui)
- end
- err,errcode=pcall(function()
- screenGui.Parent = game:GetService("CoreGui")
- end)
- if not err then
- print("ERR:",errcode)
- screenGui.Parent = Player.PlayerGui
- end
- Container.Parent = nil
- Checkbox.Parent = nil
- Color.Parent = nil
- Frame.Parent = nil
- Execute.Parent = nil
- Mode.Parent = nil
- Number.Parent = nil
- Toggle.Parent = nil
- ModLabel.Parent = nil
- local settingsArray = {{Object = screenGui},{}}
- local saveData = {Options = {}, Hotkeys = {}}
- local hotkeyFunctions = {}
- local gui = {}
- -- Save Functions
- local writefile = writefile or function() end
- local function Save()
- local JSONData = HttpService:JSONEncode(saveData)
- writefile("OpenGui.txt", JSONData)
- end
- -- Color Functions
- local color = {}
- local colors = {
- TextDisabled = Color3.fromRGB(200, 200, 200),
- TextEnabled = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
- }
- local Colors = {
- Color3.fromRGB(255, 73, 73),
- Color3.fromRGB(255, 161, 66),
- Color3.fromRGB(255, 233, 62),
- Color3.fromRGB(137, 255, 64),
- Color3.fromRGB(64, 255, 140),
- Color3.fromRGB(66, 252, 255),
- Color3.fromRGB(64, 147, 255),
- Color3.fromRGB(255, 93, 253),
- Color3.fromRGB(195, 110, 255),
- Color3.fromRGB(255, 90, 134),
- Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
- Color3.fromRGB(209, 209, 209),
- }
- local function h2rgb(m1, m2, h)
- if h<0 then h = h+1 end
- if h>1 then h = h-1 end
- if h*6<1 then
- return m1+(m2-m1)*h*6
- elseif h*2<1 then
- return m2
- elseif h*3<2 then
- return m1+(m2-m1)*(2/3-h)*6
- else
- return m1
- end
- end
- function color:rgbToHsv(r, g, b)
- local a = 0
- r, g, b, a = r / 255, g / 255, b / 255, a / 255
- local max, min = math.max(r, g, b), math.min(r, g, b)
- local h, s, v
- v = max
- local d = max - min
- if max == 0 then s = 0 else s = d / max end
- if max == min then
- h = 0 -- achromatic
- else
- if max == r then
- h = (g - b) / d
- if g < b then h = h + 6 end
- elseif max == g then h = (b - r) / d + 2
- elseif max == b then h = (r - g) / d + 4
- end
- h = h / 6
- end
- return h, s, v
- end
- function color:hslToRgb(h, s, L)
- h = h / 360
- local m2 = L <= .5 and L*(s+1) or L+s-L*s
- local m1 = L*2-m2
- return
- h2rgb(m1, m2, h+1/3), h2rgb(m1, m2, h), h2rgb(m1, m2, h-1/3)
- end
- function color:rgbToHsl(r, g, b)
- local min = math.min(r, g, b)
- local max = math.max(r, g, b)
- local delta = max - min
- local h, s, l = 0, 0, (min + max) / 2
- if l > 0 and l < 0.5 then s = delta / (max + min) end
- if l >= 0.5 and l < 1 then s = delta / (2 - max - min) end
- if delta > 0 then
- if max == r and max ~= g then h = h + (g-b) / delta end
- if max == g and max ~= b then h = h + 2 + (b-r) / delta end
- if max == b and max ~= r then h = h + 4 + (r-g) / delta end
- h = h / 6
- end
- if h < 0 then h = h + 1 end
- if h > 1 then h = h - 1 end
- return h * 360, s, l
- end
- function color:adjustLightness(color3, amount)
- local h, s, l = self:rgbToHsl(color3.r, color3.g, color3.b)
- return, s, l + amount))
- end
- -- UI Functions
- function gui.tween(object,style,direction,t,goal)
- local tweenservice = game:GetService("TweenService")
- local tweenInfo =,Enum.EasingStyle[style],Enum.EasingDirection[direction])
- local tween = tweenservice:Create(object,tweenInfo,goal)
- tween.Completed:Connect(function()
- tween:Destroy()
- end)
- tween:Play()
- return tween
- end
- function gui:makeDraggable(ui, callback)
- local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local dragging
- local dragInput
- local dragStart
- local startPos
- local function update(input)
- local delta = input.Position - dragStart
- ui.Position =, startPos.X.Offset + delta.X, startPos.Y.Scale, startPos.Y.Offset + delta.Y)
- if callback then
- callback(ui.Position.X.Offset, ui.Position.Y.Offset)
- end
- end
- ui.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
- dragging = true
- dragStart = input.Position
- startPos = ui.Position
- input.Changed:Connect(function()
- if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then
- dragging = false
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- ui.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
- dragInput = input
- end
- end)
- UserInputService.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input == dragInput and dragging then
- update(input)
- end
- end)
- end
- function gui:unpack(data, type)
- if data == nil then return end
- if type == "UDim2" then
- return data and[1], data[2], data[3], data[4])
- elseif type == "boolean" then
- return data == 1 and true or false
- elseif type == "Color3" then
- return[1], data[2], data[3])
- end
- return data
- end
- function gui:pack(data)
- if typeof(data) == "UDim2" then
- return {data.X.Scale, data.X.Offset, data.Y.Scale, data.Y.Offset}
- elseif typeof(data) == "boolean" then
- return data and 1 or 0
- elseif typeof(data) == "Color3" then
- return {data.r, data.g, data.b}
- end
- return data
- end
- function gui:getn(array)
- local n = 0
- for _, v in pairs(array) do
- n = n + 1
- end
- return n
- end
- function gui:setText(textLabel, text)
- text = tostring(text)
- textLabel.Text = text
- if textLabel:FindFirstChild("Opaque") then
- textLabel.Opaque.Text = text
- end
- if textLabel:FindFirstChild("Shadow") then
- textLabel.Shadow.Text = text
- end
- end
- function gui:onDoubleTap(guiObject, callback)
- local lastTap = tick()
- guiObject.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- if tick() - lastTap < 0.25 then
- callback()
- end
- lastTap = tick()
- end
- end)
- end
- local connections = {}
- function gui:connect(func)
- table.insert(connections, func)
- end
- function gui:createList(guiObject, guiData)
- local ListLayout = guiObject.OptionsFrame.UIListLayout
- local Padding = guiObject.OptionsFrame.UIPadding
- guiObject.OptionsFrame.UIListLayout.Changed:Connect(function(Property)
- if Property == "AbsoluteContentSize" then
- guiData.ySize = ListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y + 2 + Padding.PaddingTop.Offset + ListLayout.Padding.Offset * 2
- end
- end)
- gui:connect(function()
- if guiObject:FindFirstChild("Title") then
- local yRes = Mouse.ViewSizeY
- local diff = yRes - (guiData.yPos + guiData.ySize)
- local difference = math.clamp(diff, 0, 5000)
- guiObject.OptionsFrame.CanvasSize =, 0, 1.001, guiData.ySize - 35)
- if guiData.Open then
- guiObject.OptionsFrame.Size = guiObject.OptionsFrame.Size:Lerp(, 0, 0, guiData.ySize + math.clamp(diff, -5000, 0)), 0.3)
- else
- guiObject.OptionsFrame.Size = guiObject.OptionsFrame.Size:Lerp(, 0, 0, 0), 0.3)
- end
- guiObject.Frame.Size = guiObject.OptionsFrame.Size
- else
- if guiData.Open then
- guiObject.Size = guiObject.Size:Lerp(, -8, 0, 35 + guiData.ySize), 0.3)
- else
- guiObject.Size = guiObject.Size:Lerp(, -8, 0, 35), 0.3)
- end
- end
- end)
- if guiObject:FindFirstChild("Dropdown") then
- guiObject.Dropdown.Visible = false
- guiObject.Dropdown.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
- guiData.Open = not guiData.Open
- if guiData.Open then
- guiObject.Dropdown.Image = "rbxassetid://3559638428"
- else
- guiObject.Dropdown.Image = "rbxassetid://3554238678"
- end
- end)
- else
- gui:onDoubleTap(guiObject, function()
- guiData.Open = not guiData.Open
- end)
- end
- end
- function gui:textColorOnHover(guiObject, guiData)
- local hover = guiData.baseColor or guiObject.TextColor3
- local default = color:adjustLightness(hover, -0.075)
- local mdown = color:adjustLightness(hover, -0.15)
- local mouseIn
- local function update()
- if guiData.baseColor then
- hover = guiData.baseColor or guiObject.TextColor3
- default = color:adjustLightness(hover, -0.075)
- mdown = color:adjustLightness(hover, -0.15)
- end
- end
- guiObject.MouseEnter:Connect(function()
- update()
- gui.tween(guiObject, "Sine", "Out", 0.25, {
- TextColor3 = hover;
- })
- mouseIn = true
- end)
- guiObject.MouseLeave:Connect(function()
- mouseIn = false
- update()
- gui.tween(guiObject, "Sine", "Out", 0.25, {
- TextColor3 = default;
- })
- end)
- guiObject.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- update()
- gui.tween(guiObject, "Sine", "Out", 0.25, {
- TextColor3 = mdown;
- })
- end
- end)
- guiObject.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- update()
- gui.tween(guiObject, "Sine", "Out", 0.25, {
- TextColor3 = mouseIn and hover or default;
- })
- end
- end)
- guiObject.TextColor3 = default
- end
- function gui:sliderXY(sliderFrame, inputObjects, callback)
- local inputDown = false
- local function refresh(c1, c2)
- local sliderX = sliderFrame.AbsolutePosition.X + sliderFrame.AbsoluteSize.X
- local sliderY = sliderFrame.AbsolutePosition.Y + sliderFrame.AbsoluteSize.Y
- local distX = sliderX - Mouse.X
- local distY = sliderY - Mouse.Y
- local deltaX = 1-math.clamp(distX / sliderFrame.AbsoluteSize.X, 0, 1)
- local deltaY = 1-math.clamp(distY / sliderFrame.AbsoluteSize.Y, 0, 1)
- if callback then
- callback(c1 or deltaX, c2 or deltaY)
- end
- end
- for _, obj in pairs(inputObjects) do
- obj.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- inputDown = true
- refresh()
- end
- end)
- obj.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- inputDown = false
- refresh()
- end
- end)
- obj.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input == nil or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- if inputDown then
- refresh()
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- return refresh
- end
- function gui:createSlider(sliderFrame, inputObjects, callback)
- local slider = sliderFrame.Value
- local inputDown = false
- local absPos = sliderFrame.AbsolutePosition.X + sliderFrame.AbsoluteSize.X
- local absSize = sliderFrame.AbsoluteSize.X
- local function refresh(custom)
- local mouseX = Mouse.X
- local sliderX = absPos
- local dist = sliderX - mouseX
- local delta = 1 - math.clamp(dist / absSize, 0, 1)
- if custom then
- delta = custom
- end
- slider.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
- if callback then
- callback(delta, custom)
- end
- end
- for _, obj in pairs(inputObjects) do
- obj.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- inputDown = true
- absPos = sliderFrame.AbsolutePosition.X + sliderFrame.AbsoluteSize.X
- absSize = sliderFrame.AbsoluteSize.X
- refresh()
- end
- end)
- obj.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- inputDown = false
- refresh()
- end
- end)
- obj.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input == nil or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- if inputDown then
- refresh()
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- return refresh
- end
- function gui:textSize(txt, vSize)
- return TextService:GetTextSize(txt.Text, txt.TextSize, txt.Font, vSize)
- end
- local currentHint = 0
- function gui:addHint(guiObject, hintText)
- local hintKey = math.random()
- guiObject.MouseEnter:Connect(function()
- hintKey = math.random()
- currentHint = hintKey
- wait(2)
- if currentHint == hintKey then
- gui:setText(screenGui.Hint, " " .. hintText .. " ")
- local textSize = gui:textSize(screenGui.Hint,, 500))
- screenGui.Hint.Position =, Mouse.X, 0, Mouse.Y + 4)
- screenGui.Hint.Size =, textSize.X, 0, textSize.Y)
- screenGui.Hint.Visible = true
- end
- end)
- guiObject.MouseLeave:Connect(function()
- hintKey = math.random()
- end)
- Mouse.Move:Connect(function()
- if currentHint == hintKey then
- screenGui.Hint.Visible = false
- end
- end)
- end
- -- UI Type Library
- local lib = {}
- function lib.Color(data, dataArray)
- local guiObject = Color:Clone()
- local color3Value = gui:unpack(saveData.Options[data.ID].Value, "Color3") or data.Default or, 1, 1)
- local guiData = {}
- local HSV = color3Value
- local H, S, V = color:rgbToHsv(HSV.r * 255, HSV.g * 255, HSV.b * 255)
- local newValue = function()
- HSV = Color3.fromHSV(H, S, V)
- guiObject.SV.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(H, 1, 1)
- guiObject.Indicator.BackgroundColor3 = HSV
- saveData.Options[data.ID].Value = gui:pack(HSV, "Color3")
- guiObject.R.Text = math.floor(HSV.r * 255)
- guiObject.G.Text = math.floor(HSV.g * 255)
- guiObject.B.Text = math.floor(HSV.b * 255)
- if data.Callback then
- data.Callback(HSV)
- end
- end
- local function updateHSV()
- H, S, V = color:rgbToHsv(HSV.r * 255, HSV.g * 255, HSV.b * 255)
- end
- local H_set = gui:sliderXY(guiObject.H, {guiObject.H}, function(X, Y, u)
- if not u then H = 1 - Y end
- guiObject.H.Locator.Position =, 0, Y, 0)
- newValue()
- end)
- local SV_set = gui:sliderXY(guiObject.SV, {guiObject.SV}, function(X, Y, u)
- if not u then S = X; V = 1 - Y; end
- guiObject.SV.Locator.Position =, 0, Y, 0)
- newValue()
- end)
- guiObject.R.FocusLost:Connect(function()
- HSV = / 255, HSV.g, HSV.b)
- updateHSV()
- newValue()
- end)
- guiObject.G.FocusLost:Connect(function()
- HSV =, guiObject.G.Text / 255, HSV.b)
- updateHSV()
- newValue()
- end)
- guiObject.B.FocusLost:Connect(function()
- HSV =, HSV.g, guiObject.B.Text / 255)
- updateHSV()
- newValue()
- end)
- newValue()
- SV_set(S, 1 - V)
- H_set(0, H)
- guiData.ySize = 0
- guiData.Open = false
- guiData.baseColor = colors.TextEnabled
- gui:setText(guiObject.Label, data.Name)
- gui:textColorOnHover(guiObject.Label, guiData)
- return guiObject
- end
- function lib.Number(data, dataArray)
- local guiObject = Number:Clone()
- local Value = gui:unpack(saveData.Options[data.ID].Value, "number") or data.Default or math.floor(data.Min + (data.Max - data.Min) / 2)
- local guiData = {}
- local dMax = data.Max - data.Min
- local dValue = (Value - data.Min) / dMax
- data.Round = data.Round or 1
- local newValue = function(delta)
- local exactValue = data.Min + (data.Max - data.Min) * delta
- Value = math.floor(exactValue / data.Round) * data.Round
- Value = math.clamp(Value, data.Min, data.Max)
- guiObject.Indicator.Value.Text = tostring(Value)
- if data.Callback then
- data.Callback(Value)
- end
- saveData.Options[data.ID].Value = gui:pack(Value, "number")
- end
- local slideSet = gui:createSlider(guiObject.ValueFrame, {guiObject.Label, guiObject.Indicator}, newValue)
- slideSet(math.clamp(dValue, 0, 1))
- guiObject.Indicator.MouseButton1Down:Connect(newValue)
- guiObject.Label.MouseButton1Down:Connect(newValue)
- newValue(math.clamp(dValue, 0, 1))
- guiData.ySize = 0
- guiData.Open = false
- guiData.baseColor = colors.TextEnabled
- gui:createList(guiObject, guiData)
- gui:setText(guiObject.Label, data.Name)
- gui:textColorOnHover(guiObject.Label, guiData)
- return guiObject
- end
- function lib.Execute(data, dataArray)
- local guiObject = Execute:Clone()
- local guiData = {}
- local newValue = function(val)
- if data.Callback then
- data.Callback()
- end
- end
- guiObject.MouseEnter:Connect(function()
- gui.tween(guiObject.Indicator, "Sine", "Out", .25, {Size =, 40, 0, 25)})
- end)
- guiObject.MouseLeave:Connect(function()
- gui.tween(guiObject.Indicator, "Sine", "Out", .25, {Size =, 0, 0, 25)})
- end)
- guiObject.Indicator.MouseButton1Down:Connect(newValue)
- guiObject.Label.MouseButton1Down:Connect(newValue)
- newValue(true)
- guiData.ySize = 0
- guiData.Open = false
- guiData.baseColor = colors.TextEnabled
- gui:createList(guiObject, guiData)
- gui:setText(guiObject.Label, data.Name)
- gui:textColorOnHover(guiObject.Label, guiData)
- return guiObject
- end
- function lib.Mode(data, dataArray)
- local guiObject = Mode:Clone()
- local valueIndex = gui:unpack(saveData.Options[data.ID].Value, "number") or data.Default or 1
- local guiData = {}
- local newValue = function(val)
- if val == true then else
- valueIndex = (valueIndex % #data.Modes) + 1
- end
- local Value = data.Modes[valueIndex]
- gui:setText(guiObject.Mode, Value)
- if data.Callback then
- data.Callback(Value)
- end
- saveData.Options[data.ID].Value = gui:pack(valueIndex)
- end
- guiObject.Mode.MouseButton1Down:Connect(newValue)
- guiObject.Label.MouseButton1Down:Connect(newValue)
- newValue(true)
- guiData.ySize = 0
- guiData.Open = false
- guiData.baseColor = colors.TextEnabled
- gui:createList(guiObject, guiData)
- gui:setText(guiObject.Label, data.Name)
- gui:textColorOnHover(guiObject.Label, guiData)
- return guiObject
- end
- function lib.Hotkey(data, dataArray)
- local guiObject = Mode:Clone()
- local hotkeyInput = gui:unpack(saveData.Hotkeys[data.ID], "string") or data.Hotkey or ""
- local guiData = {}
- local lastInput = hotkeyInput
- local mouseIn = false
- guiObject.Name = "Z"
- local newValue = function(val)
- local input
- gui:setText(guiObject.Mode, "...")
- saveData.Hotkeys[data.ID] = nil
- if not val then
- input = lastInput
- mouseIn = true
- lastInput = nil
- repeat wait() until mouseIn == false or lastInput
- end
- if not lastInput then
- lastInput = hotkeyInput
- end
- saveData.Hotkeys[data.ID] = tostring(lastInput)
- hotkeyFunctions[data.ID] = data.callback
- hotkeyInput = tostring(lastInput)
- saveData.Options[data.ID].Value = hotkeyInput
- gui:setText(guiObject.Mode, hotkeyInput:sub(14))
- end
- UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Unknown then return end
- if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Backspace then lastInput = "" return end
- lastInput = tostring(input.KeyCode)
- end)
- guiObject.Mode.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() newValue() end)
- guiObject.Label.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() newValue() end)
- guiObject.MouseLeave:Connect(function()
- mouseIn = false
- end)
- newValue(true)
- guiData.ySize = 0
- guiData.Open = false
- guiData.baseColor = colors.TextEnabled
- gui:createList(guiObject, guiData)
- gui:setText(guiObject.Label, "Hotkey")
- gui:textColorOnHover(guiObject.Label, guiData)
- guiObject.Parent = dataArray.Object.OptionsFrame
- return guiObject
- end
- function lib.Toggle(data, dataArray)
- local guiObject = Toggle:Clone()
- local Value = gui:unpack(saveData.Options[data.ID].Value, "boolean") or data.Default or false
- local guiData = {}
- local modFrame = ModLabel:Clone()
- modFrame.Parent = Mods
- modFrame.TextColor3 = Colors[math.random(1, #Colors)]
- modFrame.Visible = false
- gui:setText(modFrame, data.Name)
- guiObject.Name = data.Name
- local newValue = function(val, set)
- if val == true then
- else
- if set then
- Value = set
- else
- Value = not Value
- end
- end
- if Value then
- gui.tween(guiObject.Indicator, "Sine", "Out", .25, {BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(60, 222, 60)})
- guiObject.Indicator.Text = "ON"
- guiData.baseColor = colors.TextEnabled
- else
- gui.tween(guiObject.Indicator, "Sine", "Out", .25, {BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(222, 60, 60)})
- guiObject.Indicator.Text = "OFF"
- guiData.baseColor = colors.TextDisabled
- end
- if data.Callback then
- data.Callback(Value)
- end
- saveData.Options[data.ID].Value = gui:pack(Value)
- modFrame.Visible = Value
- end
- guiObject.MouseEnter:Connect(function()
- gui.tween(guiObject.Indicator, "Sine", "Out", .25, {Size =, 40, 0, 25)})
- end)
- guiObject.MouseLeave:Connect(function()
- gui.tween(guiObject.Indicator, "Sine", "Out", .25, {Size =, 0, 0, 25)})
- end)
- gui.tween(guiObject.Indicator, "Sine", "Out", .25, {Size =, 0, 0, 25)})
- guiObject.Indicator.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() newValue() end)
- guiObject.Label.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() newValue() end)
- newValue(true)
- guiData.ySize = 0
- guiData.Open = false
- guiData.baseColor = colors.TextDisabled
- gui:createList(guiObject, guiData)
- gui:setText(guiObject.Label, data.Name)
- gui:textColorOnHover(guiObject.Label, guiData)
- data.callback = newValue
- return guiObject
- end
- function lib.Checkbox(data, dataArray)
- local guiObject = Checkbox:Clone()
- local Value = gui:unpack(saveData.Options[data.ID].Value, "boolean") or data.Default or false
- local guiData = {}
- guiObject.Name = "0"
- local newValue = function(val)
- if val == true then else
- Value = not Value
- end
- if Value then
- gui.tween(guiObject.Indicator, "Sine", "Out", .35, {Size =, 35, 0, 35)})
- guiData.baseColor = colors.TextEnabled
- else
- gui.tween(guiObject.Indicator, "Sine", "Out", .35, {Size =, 0, 0, 35)})
- guiData.baseColor = colors.TextDisabled
- end
- if data.Callback then
- data.Callback(Value)
- end
- saveData.Options[data.ID].Value = gui:pack(Value)
- end
- guiObject.Indicator.MouseButton1Down:Connect(newValue)
- guiObject.Label.MouseButton1Down:Connect(newValue)
- newValue(true)
- guiData.ySize = 0
- guiData.Open = false
- guiData.baseColor = colors.TextDisabled
- gui:createList(guiObject, guiData)
- gui:setText(guiObject.Label, data.Name)
- gui:textColorOnHover(guiObject.Label, guiData)
- return guiObject
- end
- function lib.Frame(data, dataArray)
- local guiObject = Frame:Clone()
- local guiData = {}
- guiData.ySize = 0
- guiData.Open = false
- gui:createList(guiObject, guiData)
- gui:setText(guiObject.Label, data.Name)
- gui:textColorOnHover(guiObject.Label, guiData)
- return guiObject
- end
- function lib.Container(data, dataArray)
- local guiObject = Container:Clone()
- guiObject.Position = gui:unpack(saveData.Options[data.ID].Position, "UDim2") or, 3, 0, 3 + gui:getn(settingsArray[2]) * 38)
- local guiData = {}
- guiData.yPos = 0
- guiData.ySize = 0
- guiData.Open = false
- gui:textColorOnHover(guiObject.Title, guiData)
- gui:createList(guiObject, guiData)
- gui:setText(guiObject.Title, data.Name)
- gui:makeDraggable(guiObject, function(x, y)
- guiData.yPos = y
- saveData.Options[data.ID].Position = gui:pack(guiObject.Position)
- end)
- return guiObject
- end
- -- UI Creation Library
- function gui.create(self, guiType, data)
- if self == gui then
- self = settingsArray
- end
- data.ID = data.Name .. "_" .. (self[1].Name or "TOP")
- if not saveData.Options[data.ID] then
- saveData.Options[data.ID] = {}
- end
- if self[1].Object:FindFirstChild("Dropdown") then
- self[1].Object.Dropdown.Visible = true
- end
- local dataArray = {}
- local objectArray = {}
- local selfArray = {dataArray, objectArray, create = gui.create, callback = data.Callback}
- dataArray.Name = data.Name
- dataArray.Data = data
- dataArray.Object = lib[guiType](data, dataArray)
- dataArray.self = selfArray
- if guiType == "Toggle" then
- lib.Hotkey(data, dataArray)
- end
- if data.Hint then
- local Object = dataArray.Object
- gui:addHint(Object:FindFirstChild("Title") or Object:FindFirstChild("Label"), data.Hint)
- end
- self[1][data.Name] = selfArray
- self[2][data.Name] = dataArray.Object
- dataArray.Object.Parent = self[1].Object:FindFirstChild("OptionsFrame") or self[1].Object
- return dataArray
- end
- -- Connection Stuff
- game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- for _, func in pairs(connections) do
- func()
- end
- end)
- UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, gameProcessed)
- if gameProcessed then return end
- for id, key in pairs(saveData.Hotkeys) do
- if key == tostring(input.KeyCode) then
- hotkeyFunctions[id]()
- end
- end
- end)
- Mods.Text = "OpenGui " .. _V
- game.Close:Connect(function()
- Save()
- end)
- return {gui, saveData, screenGui}
- end)()
- local notify = {Title ="HENTAI", Text ="Got It?", Duration = 120, Button1 = "OK"}
- local sound
- -- modify esp
- local _ESP = (function()
- --// Variables
- local module = {}
- local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
- module.Options = {
- Enabled = false,
- Parent = script.Parent or game.CoreGui,
- Color =, 0, 0),
- LegendaryOrMagicalShow = true,
-, 1, 1),
-, 1, 0),
-, 1, 1),
- MagicalOrLegendary = false,
- Opacity = 1,
- MaxDistance = 25000,
- }
- function module:Enable()
- module.Options.Enabled = true
- end
- function module:Disable()
- module.Options.Enabled = false
- end
- RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- if module.Options.Enabled then
- local shit = workspace.NPCS:GetChildren()
- for i = 1, #shit do
- local sex = shit[i]
- local enemy = sex:FindFirstChildOfClass("Model")
- if enemy and sex:FindFirstChild("Status") and enemy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- --espfunction(sex)
- local s = sex.Status
- local box = enemy:FindFirstChild("EGG")
- if not box then
- box ="BoxHandleAdornment")
- end
- box.Size = enemy.HumanoidRootPart.Size
- box.Name = "EGG"
- box.Adornee = enemy.HumanoidRootPart
- box.AlwaysOnTop = true
- box.ZIndex = 5
- box.Transparency = module.Options.Opacity
- box.Color3 = module.Options.Color
- if sex:FindFirstChild("ChatInfo") then
- box.Color3 = module.Options.Npcs_Color
- end
- if module.Options.MagicalOrLegendary then
- if s:FindFirstChild("Legendary") and s.Legendary.Value then
- box.Color3 = module.Options.Legendary_Color
- if not s.Legendary:FindFirstChild("TAGGED") then
- local"Folder",s.Legendary)
- Tag.Name = "TAGGED"
- notify.Title ="Notification Legendary"
- game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification",notify)
- if not sound then
- sound ="Sound",game:GetService("CoreGui"))
- end
- sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://131072261"
- sound.Volume = 10
- sound:Play()
- end
- elseif s:FindFirstChild("Magical") and s.Magical.Value then
- box.Color3 = module.Options.Magical_Color
- if not s.Magical:FindFirstChild("TAGGED") then
- local"Folder",s.Magical)
- Tag.Name = "TAGGED"
- notify.Title ="Notification Magical"
- game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification",notify)
- if not sound then
- sound ="Sound",game:GetService("CoreGui"))
- end
- sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://130766856"
- sound.Volume = 5
- sound:Play()
- end
- end
- end
- box.Parent = enemy
- box.Name = "EGG"
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- return module
- end)()
- local _ManaFly = (function()
- --// Variables
- local module = {}
- local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
- local MANAFLY = nil
- local leftorright,upordown,backorforward = 0,0,0
- module.Options = {
- Enabled = false,
- Color =, 0, 0),
- speed = 0,
- Opacity = 0,
- PartMaterial = Enum.Material.Air,
- Up="x",
- Down="z",
- }
- function module:Enable()
- module.Options.Enabled = true
- leftorright,upordown,backorforward = 0,0,0
- end
- function module:Disable()
- module.Options.Enabled = false
- leftorright,upordown,backorforward = 0,0,0
- end
- function module:SpeedChange(Speed)
- if leftorright > 0 then
- leftorright = Speed
- elseif leftorright < 0 then
- leftorright = -Speed
- end
- if upordown > 0 then
- upordown = Speed
- elseif upordown < 0 then
- upordown = -Speed
- end
- if backorforward > 0 then
- backorforward = Speed
- elseif backorforward < 0 then
- backorforward = -Speed
- end
- end
- RunService:BindToRenderStep("MANAFLY",1,function()
- if module.Options.Enabled then
- Player.Character:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(Player.Character:GetPrimaryPartCFrame():Lerp(Player.Character:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()*,upordown,backorforward),1))
- if not MANAFLY then
- MANAFLY ="Part")
- end
- MANAFLY.Parent = workspace
- MANAFLY.Size =,1,2)
- MANAFLY.CFrame = Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *,-3.5,0)
- MANAFLY.Transparency = module.Options.Opacity
- MANAFLY.Material = module.Options.PartMaterial
- MANAFLY.Color = module.Options.Color
- MANAFLY.Anchored = true
- end
- end)
- Player:GetMouse().KeyDown:Connect(function(k)
- if k == "w" then
- backorforward = backorforward - module.Options.speed
- elseif k == "s" then
- backorforward = backorforward + module.Options.speed
- elseif k == "a" then
- leftorright = leftorright - module.Options.speed
- elseif k == "d" then
- leftorright = leftorright + module.Options.speed
- elseif k == module.Options.Down then
- upordown = upordown - module.Options.speed
- elseif k == module.Options.Up then
- upordown = upordown + module.Options.speed
- end
- end)
- Player:GetMouse().KeyUp:Connect(function(k)
- if k == "w" then
- backorforward = backorforward + module.Options.speed
- elseif k == "s" then
- backorforward = backorforward - module.Options.speed
- elseif k == "a" then
- leftorright = leftorright + module.Options.speed
- elseif k == "d" then
- leftorright = leftorright - module.Options.speed
- elseif k == module.Options.Down then
- upordown = upordown + module.Options.speed
- elseif k == module.Options.Up then
- upordown = upordown - module.Options.speed
- end
- end)
- return module
- end)()
- local _ManaRun= (function()
- --// Variables
- local module = {}
- local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
- local leftorright,backorforward = 0,0
- module.Options = {
- Enabled = false,
- speed = 0,
- }
- function module:Enable()
- module.Options.Enabled = true
- leftorright,backorforward = 0,0
- end
- function module:Disable()
- module.Options.Enabled = false
- leftorright,backorforward = 0,0
- end
- function module:SpeedChange(Speed)
- if leftorright > 0 then
- leftorright = Speed
- elseif leftorright < 0 then
- leftorright = -Speed
- end
- if backorforward > 0 then
- backorforward = Speed
- elseif backorforward < 0 then
- backorforward = -Speed
- end
- end
- RunService:BindToRenderStep("MANARUN",1,function()
- if module.Options.Enabled then
- Player.Character:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(Player.Character:GetPrimaryPartCFrame():Lerp(Player.Character:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()*,0,backorforward),1))
- end
- end)
- Player:GetMouse().KeyDown:Connect(function(k)
- if k == "w" then
- backorforward = backorforward - module.Options.speed
- elseif k == "s" then
- backorforward = backorforward + module.Options.speed
- elseif k == "a" then
- leftorright = leftorright - module.Options.speed
- elseif k == "d" then
- leftorright = leftorright + module.Options.speed
- end
- end)
- Player:GetMouse().KeyUp:Connect(function(k)
- if k == "w" then
- backorforward = backorforward + module.Options.speed
- elseif k == "s" then
- backorforward = backorforward - module.Options.speed
- elseif k == "a" then
- leftorright = leftorright + module.Options.speed
- elseif k == "d" then
- leftorright = leftorright - module.Options.speed
- end
- end)
- return module
- end)()
- local _FullBright = (function()
- --// Variables
- local module = {}
- module.Options = {
- Enabled = false,
- ExposureCompensation=0,
- Brightness = 2
- }
- local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
- function module:Enable()
- module.Options.Enabled = true
- end
- function module:Disable()
- module.Options.Enabled = false
- end
- game:GetService("RunService"):BindToRenderStep("FULLBRIGHT",1,function()
- if module.Options.Enabled then
- game:GetService("Lighting").Ambient =,1,1)
- game:GetService("Lighting").FogEnd = 100000000000000000000000
- game:GetService("Lighting").FogStart = 100000000000000000000000
- game:GetService("Lighting").Brightness = module.Options.Brightness
- game:GetService("Lighting").ExposureCompensation = module.Options.ExposureCompensation
- game:GetService("Lighting").GeographicLatitude = 41.733
- game:GetService("Lighting").ColorShift_Bottom =,1,1)
- game:GetService("Lighting").ColorShift_Top =,1,1)
- game:GetService("Lighting").FogColor =,1,1)
- game:GetService("Lighting").ClockTime = 12
- end
- end)
- return module
- end)()
- local _nocd = (function()
- --// Variables
- local module = {}
- module.Options = {
- Enabled = false,
- }
- local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
- function module:Enable()
- module.Options.Enabled = true
- end
- function module:Disable()
- module.Options.Enabled = false
- end
- RunService.Stepped:Connect(function()
- if module.Options.Enabled then
- local A_1 = "LL"
- local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.Event1
- Event:InvokeServer(A_1)
- end
- end)
- return module
- end)()
- local _Noclip = (function()
- --// Variables
- local module = {}
- local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
- local MANAFLY = nil
- module.Options = {
- Enabled = false,
- Color =, 0, 0),
- speed = 0,
- Opacity = 0,
- Up="x",
- Down="z",
- }
- function module:Enable()
- module.Options.Enabled = true
- end
- function module:Disable()
- module.Options.Enabled = false
- end
- RunService.Stepped:Connect(function()
- if module.Options.Enabled then
- for _,v in pairs(Player.Character:GetDescendants())do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then
- v.CanCollide = false
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- return module
- end)()
- --// Variables
- local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
- local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
- local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
- local gui = GUIData[1]
- local saveData = GUIData[2]
- local screenGui = GUIData[3]
- local screenscale = 250
- local opacity = 1
- local backcolor =
- --// Saving
- local readfile = readfile or function() end
- pcall(function()
- local JSONData = readfile("OpenGui.txt")
- if JSONData then
- local LUAData = HttpService:JSONDecode(JSONData)
- saveData.Options = LUAData.Options
- saveData.Hotkeys = LUAData.Hotkeys
- print("Save Data found")
- else
- print("Save Data not found")
- end
- end)
- --// UI Creation
- --// Render Frame
- local Render = gui:create("Container", {
- Name = "Render",
- })--|
- local OpenGui = Render.self:create("Toggle", {
- Name = "OpenGui",
- Default = true,
- Hotkey = tostring(Enum.KeyCode.RightControl),
- Hint = "The navigation GUI",
- Callback = function(enabled)
- for _, frame in pairs(screenGui:GetChildren()) do
- if frame:IsA("Frame") then
- frame.Visible = enabled
- end
- end
- screenGui.Modal.Visible = enabled
- screenGui.Hint.Visible = false
- end,
- })--|
- local Opacity = OpenGui.self:create("Number", {
- Name = "Opacity",
- Min = 0,
- Max = 1,
- Round = 0.01,
- Default = 0.75,
- Hint = "Transparency of the navigation GUI",
- Callback = function(alpha)
- opacity = 1 - alpha
- for _, frame in pairs(screenGui:GetChildren()) do
- if frame:IsA("Frame") then
- frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 - alpha
- frame.OptionsFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 - alpha
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- local Width = OpenGui.self:create("Number", {
- Name = "Width",
- Min = 200,
- Max = 400,
- Round = 1,
- Default = 300,
- Hint = "Width of the navigation GUI",
- Callback = function(scale)
- screenscale = scale
- for _, frame in pairs(screenGui:GetChildren()) do
- if frame:IsA("Frame") then
- frame.Size =, scale, 0, frame.Size.Y.Offset)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- local Color = OpenGui.self:create("Color", {
- Name = "Background Color",
- Default = Color3.fromRGB(40, 40, 40),
- Hint = "Background color of the navigation GUI",
- Callback = function(color)
- backcolor = color
- for _, frame in pairs(screenGui:GetChildren()) do
- if frame:IsA("Frame") then
- frame.BackgroundColor3 = color
- frame.OptionsFrame.BackgroundColor3 = color
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- local ESP = Render.self:create("Toggle", {
- Name = "ESP",
- Default = false,
- Hint = "Toggle enemy ESP",
- Callback = function(enabled)
- _ESP.Options.Enabled = enabled
- if enabled then
- _ESP:Enable()
- else
- _ESP:Disable()
- end
- end,
- })
- local ESPColor = ESP.self:create("Color", {
- Name = "ESP Color",
- Default =, 1, 1),
- Hint = "Color of the enemy ESP",
- Callback = function(color)
- _ESP.Options.Color = color
- end,
- })
- local ESPNpcsColor = ESP.self:create("Color", {
- Name = "Npcs Color",
- Default =, 1, 1),
- Hint = "Color of Npcs enemy ESP",
- Callback = function(color)
- _ESP.Options.Npcs_Color = color
- end,
- })
- local ESPShowTeam = ESP.self:create("Checkbox", {
- Name = "Show Magical/Legendary",
- Default = false,
- Hint = "Magical/Legendary are highlighted",
- Callback = function(enabled)
- _ESP.Options.MagicalOrLegendary = enabled
- end,
- })
- local ESPMagicalColor = ESP.self:create("Color", {
- Name = "Magical Color",
- Default =, 1, 1),
- Hint = "Color of Magical enemy ESP",
- Callback = function(color)
- _ESP.Options.Magical_Color = color
- end,
- })
- local ESPLegendaryColor = ESP.self:create("Color", {
- Name = "Legendary Color",
- Default =, 1, 0),
- Hint = "Color of Legendary enemy ESP",
- Callback = function(color)
- _ESP.Options.Legendary_Color = color
- end,
- })
- local ESPOpacity = ESP.self:create("Number", {
- Name = "Opacity",
- Default = 0.5,
- Min = 0,
- Max = 1,
- Round = 0.001,
- Hint = "Visibility of the ESP",
- Callback = function(opacity)
- _ESP.Options.Opacity = opacity
- end,
- })
- local FullBright = Render.self:create("Toggle", {
- Name = "FullBright",
- Default = false,
- Hint = "Toggle FullBright",
- Callback = function(enabled)
- _FullBright.Options.Enabled = enabled
- if enabled then
- _FullBright:Enable()
- else
- _FullBright:Disable()
- end
- end,
- })
- local ExposureCompensation = FullBright.self:create("Number", {
- Name = "ExposureCompensation ",
- Default = 0.5,
- Min = 0,
- Max = 100,
- Round = 0.001,
- Hint = "Change ExposureCompensation",
- Callback = function(exposureCompensation)
- _FullBright.Options.ExposureCompensation = exposureCompensation
- end,
- })
- local Brightness = FullBright.self:create("Number", {
- Name = "Brightness ",
- Default = 2,
- Min = 0,
- Max = 40,
- Round = 0.001,
- Hint = "Change Brightness",
- Callback = function(brightness)
- _FullBright.Options.Brightness = brightness
- end,
- })
- local Mana = gui:create("Container", {
- Name = "Mana",
- })
- local ManaFly = Mana.self:create("Toggle", {
- Name = "ManaFly",
- Default = false,
- Hint = "Toggle ManaFly",
- Hotkey = tostring(Enum.KeyCode.B),
- Callback = function(enabled)
- _ManaFly.Options.Enabled = enabled
- if enabled then
- _ManaFly:Enable()
- else
- _ManaFly:Disable()
- end
- end,
- })
- local ManaFlySpeed = ManaFly.self:create("Number", {
- Name = "FlySpeed",
- Default = 0,
- Min = 0,
- Max = 5,
- Round = 0.001,
- Hint = "Speed Boost",
- Callback = function(Speed)
- _ManaFly:SpeedChange(Speed)
- _ManaFly.Options.speed = tonumber(Speed)
- end,
- })
- local ManaFlyOpacity = ManaFly.self:create("Number", {
- Name = "Opacity",
- Default = 0,
- Min = 0,
- Max = 1,
- Round = 0.001,
- Hint = "Visibility of the Part",
- Callback = function(opacity)
- _ManaFly.Options.Opacity = 1-opacity
- end,
- })
- local ManaPartMaterial = ManaFly.self:create("Mode", {
- Name = "ManaPart Material",
- Hint = "Change ManaPart Material",
- Default = 1,
- Modes = {
- "Air",
- "ForceField"
- },
- Callback = function(value)
- _ManaFly.Options.PartMaterial = value
- end,
- })
- local ManaSoul = Mana.self:create("Toggle", {
- Name = "ManaSoul",
- Default = false,
- Hint = "Toggle Noclip",
- Callback = function(enabled)
- _Noclip.Options.Enabled = enabled
- if enabled then
- _Noclip:Enable()
- else
- _Noclip:Disable()
- end
- end,
- })
- local ManaRun = Mana.self:create("Toggle", {
- Name = "ManaRun",
- Default = false,
- Hint = "Toggle ManaRun",
- Hotkey = tostring(Enum.KeyCode.V),
- Callback = function(enabled)
- _ManaRun.Options.Enabled = enabled
- if enabled then
- _ManaRun:Enable()
- else
- _ManaRun:Disable()
- end
- end,
- })
- local ManaRunSpeed = ManaRun.self:create("Number", {
- Name = "Boost Speed",
- Default = 0,
- Min = 0,
- Max = 5,
- Round = 0.001,
- Hint = "Speed Boost",
- Callback = function(Speed)
- _ManaRun:SpeedChange(Speed)
- _ManaRun.Options.speed = tonumber(Speed)
- end,
- })
- local Attack = gui:create("Container", {
- Name = "Attack",
- })
- local NOCD = Attack.self:create("Toggle", {
- Name = "No Cooldown Attack",
- Default = false,
- Hint = "Toggle No Cooldown Attack",
- Hotkey = tostring(Enum.KeyCode.B),
- Callback = function(enabled)
- _nocd.Options.Enabled = enabled
- if enabled then
- _nocd:Enable()
- else
- _nocd:Disable()
- end
- end,
- })
- RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- for _, frame in pairs(screenGui:GetChildren()) do
- if frame:IsA("Frame") then
- frame.Size =, screenscale, 0, frame.Size.Y.Offset)
- frame.BackgroundTransparency = opacity
- frame.OptionsFrame.BackgroundTransparency = opacity
- frame.BackgroundColor3 = backcolor
- frame.OptionsFrame.BackgroundColor3 = backcolor
- end
- end
- end)
- notify.Text = "Loaded"
- game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification",notify)
- notify.Text = "Got it?"
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