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- /* Copyright © 2009, ConnorMcLeod
- C4 Sprites Timer is free software;
- you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
- GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with C4 Sprites Timer; if not, write to the
- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- #include <amxmodx>
- #include <engine>
- #include <fakemeta>
- #include <hamsandwich>
- #define PLUGIN "C4 Sprites Timer"
- #define AUTHOR "ConnorMcLeod"
- #define VERSION "0.1.0"
- #define SPRITE_DIST 36 // min = ~32
- new const SPRITE_NAME[] = "sprites/c4_sprites/clock_digits.spr"
- const OFFSET_C4_EXPLODE_TIME = 100
- new g_iC4
- new g_iSprite
- new g_iSprite2
- new HamHook:g_HhGrenadeThink
- new g_iUnits = -1
- new g_iDozen = -1
- new Float:g_flExplodeTime
- new g_pCvarSpriteScale, g_pCvarEnable
- public plugin_precache()
- {
- precache_model(SPRITE_NAME)
- }
- public plugin_init()
- {
- register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
- g_pCvarEnable = register_cvar("c4_sprite_timer", "1")
- g_pCvarSpriteScale = register_cvar("c4_sprite_scale", "0.6")
- if( find_ent_by_class(FM_NULLENT, "func_bomb_target") || find_ent_by_class(FM_NULLENT, "info_bomb_target") )
- {
- g_HhGrenadeThink = RegisterHam(Ham_Think, "grenade", "C4_Think", 1)
- register_event("HLTV", "StopHook", "a", "1=0", "2=0")
- register_logevent("StopHook", 2, "1=Round_End")
- register_logevent("StartHook", 3, "2=Planted_The_Bomb")
- StopHook()
- }
- }
- public StopHook()
- {
- g_iC4 = 0
- g_iUnits = -1
- g_iDozen = -1
- DisableHamForward( g_HhGrenadeThink )
- if( g_iSprite )
- {
- entity_set_int(g_iSprite, EV_INT_flags, FL_KILLME)
- g_iSprite = 0
- }
- if( g_iSprite2 )
- {
- entity_set_int(g_iSprite2, EV_INT_flags, FL_KILLME)
- g_iSprite2 = 0
- }
- }
- public StartHook()
- {
- if( !get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnable) )
- {
- return
- }
- new iC4 = FM_NULLENT
- new const grenade[] = "grenade"
- new const env_sprite[] = "env_sprite"
- while( (iC4 = find_ent_by_class(iC4, grenade)) )
- {
- if( get_pdata_int(iC4, 96, 5) & (1<<8) )
- {
- g_iC4 = iC4
- g_flExplodeTime = get_pdata_float(g_iC4, OFFSET_C4_EXPLODE_TIME, 5)
- EnableHamForward( g_HhGrenadeThink )
- new Float:flOrigin[3], Float:flGround[3]
- entity_get_vector(iC4, EV_VEC_origin, flOrigin)
- flGround[0] = flOrigin[0]
- flGround[1] = flOrigin[1]
- flGround[2] = flOrigin[2] - 9999.9
- trace_line(FM_NULLENT, flOrigin, flGround, flGround)
- new Float:flScale = get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarSpriteScale)
- if( ( g_iSprite = create_entity(env_sprite) ) )
- {
- entity_set_string(g_iSprite, EV_SZ_model, SPRITE_NAME)
- flGround[2] += max( floatround( SPRITE_DIST * flScale ) , 20 )
- entity_set_vector(g_iSprite, EV_VEC_origin, flGround)
- entity_set_float(g_iSprite, EV_FL_scale, flScale)
- DispatchSpawn(g_iSprite)
- }
- if( ( g_iSprite2 = create_entity(env_sprite) ) )
- {
- entity_set_string(g_iSprite2, EV_SZ_model, SPRITE_NAME)
- flGround[2] += floatround( SPRITE_DIST * flScale )
- entity_set_vector(g_iSprite2, EV_VEC_origin, flGround)
- entity_set_float(g_iSprite2, EV_FL_scale, flScale)
- DispatchSpawn(g_iSprite2)
- }
- return
- }
- }
- }
- public C4_Think( iC4 )
- {
- if( g_iC4 != iC4 )
- {
- return
- }
- static Float:flTime, iTime, iUnits, iDozen
- flTime = g_flExplodeTime - get_gametime()
- iTime = floatround(flTime, floatround_ceil)
- iUnits = iTime % 10
- iDozen = (iTime - iUnits) / 10
- if( g_iSprite && g_iUnits != iUnits )
- {
- g_iUnits = iUnits
- entity_set_float(g_iSprite, EV_FL_frame, 0.0 + iUnits)
- }
- if( g_iSprite2 && g_iDozen != iDozen)
- {
- g_iDozen = iDozen
- if( !iDozen )
- {
- entity_set_int(g_iSprite2, EV_INT_flags, FL_KILLME)
- g_iSprite2 = 0
- }
- else
- {
- entity_set_float(g_iSprite2, EV_FL_frame, 0.0 + iDozen)
- }
- }
- }
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