
TFCE English

Feb 19th, 2017
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  1. {
  2.     "langCode": "en",
  3.     "langName": "English",
  4.     "translatedBy": "Translated by deseven.",
  5.     "options": {
  6.         "langSelect": "Select your language:",
  7.         "tpfPath": "Transport Fever path:",
  8.         "settingsPath": "settings.lua path:",
  9.         "apply": "Apply"
  10.     },
  11.     "interface": {
  12.         "toolbarSave": "Save",
  13.         "toolbarRevert": "Revert all parameters",
  14.         "toolbarAbout": "About",
  15.         "construction": "Construction",
  16.         "towns": "Towns",
  17.         "world": "World",
  18.         "game": "Game",
  19.         "enable": "Enable",
  20.         "thanksTo": "Thanks to:"
  21.     },
  22.     "messages": {
  23.         "wrongPath": "Selected path is wrong. There is no base_config.lua file or it cannot be opened.",
  24.         "saveError": "Failed to save config. File base_config.lua cannot be found or opened for writing.",
  25.         "saveErrorSettings": "Failed to save config. File settings.lua cannot be found or opened for writing.",
  26.         "missingValues": "There are some missing values in your TF config file, please restore original base_config.lua by reinstalling the game or by running integrity check in Steam.",
  27.         "missingSettings": "There are some missing values in your settings.lua, please try to remove it and launch the game at least once.",
  28.         "revertToDefaults": "Do you really want to revert everything to defaults?",
  29.         "settingsAlert": "You haven't selected your settings.lua or its contents are wrong, some options won't be available."
  30.     },
  31.     "world": {
  32.         "captions": {
  33.             "millisPerDay": "Game day length (ms): ",
  34.             "areaPerTown": "Area per town (km²): ",
  35.             "areaPerIndustry": "Area per industry (km²): ",
  36.             "enforceMainConnections": "Enforce main connections: ",
  37.             "forestLevel": "Forest frequency: ",
  38.             "forestDensity": "Forest density: ",
  39.             "singleDensity": "Single tree frequency: ",
  40.             "treeLine": "Maximum forest growth height (m): "
  41.         },
  42.         "help": {
  43.             "millisPerDay": "Make it lower or higher if you want to alter game speed, however keep in mind that economics system will adapt to this",
  44.             "areaPerTown": "Lower values creates more towns, bigger values create less towns",
  45.             "areaPerIndustry": "Lower values creates more industries, bigger values create less industries",
  46.             "enforceMainConnections": "This forces you to have roads between towns/industries",
  47.             "forestLevel": "How many forests will be generated on a map, be careful as it may slow down your game",
  48.             "forestDensity": "Tree density in generated forests, be careful as it may slow down your game",
  49.             "singleDensity": "Basically a number of single trees on a map, be careful as it may slow down your game",
  50.             "treeLine": "Trees won't grow at places which are located higher than this value"
  51.         }
  52.     },
  53.     "towns": {
  54.         "captions": {
  55.             "townSizeFactor": "Town size: ",
  56.             "townGrowthFactor": "Town growth factor: ",
  57.             "townGrowthExponent": "Town growth exponent: ",
  58.             "maxTownSize": "Maximum town population (citizens): ",
  59.             "makeInitialStreets": "Generate roads between towns: ",
  60.             "townMajorStreetAngleRange": "Streets angle randomization (deg): "
  61.         },
  62.         "help": {
  63.             "townSizeFactor": "Starting town size",
  64.             "townGrowthFactor": "That literally determines a town growth rate :)",
  65.             "townGrowthExponent": "This value determines how town growth changes over time, use 100% to disable",
  66.             "maxTownSize": "Max population in a town, use 0 for unlimited (which is the default value anyway)",
  67.             "makeInitialStreets": "This should disable the creation of roads between towns (and industries), but it works somehow strange, be careful",
  68.             "townMajorStreetAngleRange": "This adds some kind of randomization in city generation and development, by altering major town streets angle to the random value between 0 and defined amount of degrees"
  69.         }
  70.     },
  71.     "construction": {
  72.         "captions": {
  73.             "industryButton": "Allow to build industries: ",
  74.             "tramCatenaryYearFrom": "Tram catenary available from: ",
  75.             "trackCatenaryYearFrom": "Track catenary available from: ",
  76.             "busLaneYearFrom": "Bus lane available from: "
  77.         },
  78.         "help": {
  79.             "industryButton": "If enabled you can build industries in-game, like stations or depots",
  80.             "tramCatenaryYearFrom": "This setting determines at which year you can start to use catenaries for tram tracks",
  81.             "trackCatenaryYearFrom": "This setting determines at which year you can start to use catenaries for railroad tracks",
  82.             "busLaneYearFrom": "This setting determines at which year you can start to use dedicated bus lanes"
  83.         }
  84.     },
  85.     "game": {
  86.         "captions": {
  87.             "debugMode": "Debug mode: ",
  88.             "experimentalMapSizes": "Experimental map sizes: ",
  89.             "useTextureCompression": "Use texture compression: ",
  90.             "useTextureScaleDown": "Use texture downscaling: "
  91.         },
  92.         "help": {
  93.             "debugMode": "Enable debug mode if you're developing mods to get more info when your game is crashing",
  94.             "experimentalMapSizes": "Enable this to be able to generate very big maps",
  95.             "useTextureCompression": "Enable or disable texture compression, compressed textures are going to texture_cache folder",
  96.             "useTextureScaleDown": "Enable or disable texture downscaling, downscaled textures use less amount of video memory"
  97.         }
  98.     }
  99. }
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