

Nov 1st, 2015
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  1. O2:
  2. To view your bill online, you'll need to register on My O2 Business and select the account you want to view if you have access to more than one. Click on the β€˜Invoices’ tab to show all your invoices and click on the invoice number of the one you want to view. Select the drop-down arrow at the top right of the screen and choose to either email or download your invoice. You can then save it, print your bill directly from your computer or send it to your inbox.
  4. o2:
  5. How do I download an invoice as a PSF or CSV file?
  7. 1. After you've logging in (Read the How do I login to My O2 Business?topic> click Invoices.
  8. 2. Your invoice overview will be displayed. To view an invocie, click the Invoice number.
  9. 3. The invoice details will be displayed. Click an individual telephone user whose invoice you wish to download.
  10. 4. To download the invoice click the export button
  11. 5. The export invoice panel will slide in. In the options dropdown select Submit for download
  12. 6. In the Type dropdown select the type of invoice you wish to download; Summary, complete or itemised.
  13. 7. In the Format dropdown select either PDF or CSV.
  14. 8. Click Proceed
  15. 9. An export summary screen will appear. Click OK.
  16. 10. To view your exports click My Reports.
  17. 11. To save the invoice to your computer click Invoice View Export
  18. 12. Select where you would like to save your invoice and click Save. The invocie will be downloaded to your computer.
  21. No where here does it say there is a delay between the steps.
  22. In my case, the delay between steps 10 and 11 was 2.5 hours.
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