
DM - Education

Jan 25th, 2023
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  1. Takanuva shook his head. If this was a dream or an illusion, it was a whopper. But just in case it wasn't, he fired a thin beam of laser-light from his left hand and sliced through Takua's chains. A quick move let him catch the Matoran before he fell to the stone floor.
  3. "That's a neat trick," said Takua. "So what are you in for?"
  5. "I-I don't know," said Takanuva. "I'm not even sure where I am."
  7. "Metru Nui, City of Legends." said Takua. "Of course, these days, all the legends end with, "And the Toa crushed anyone who got in their way." Or, in my case, spent more time wandering than working. When the Vahki treatment didn't take, they put me here."
  9. "I can't believe this." said Takanuva. "Tahu and Kopaka insane, or worse, Matoran jailed, and me sitting here talking to myself. Listen, where's Gali?"
  11. "In Ga-Metru, of course," the Matoran replied. "She and Karzahni run the re-education center."
  13. "Listen, umm..." Takanuva paused, unable to bring himself to say the name 'Takua'. "What happened here? How did things get so crazy?"
  15. "It was about 3,500 years ago now," said Takua, "Toa Tuyet tapped into the power of something called the Nui Stone, which gave her the power of maybe a hundred Toa. When Toa Lhikan tried to stop her, he got killed by her and his traitorous friend, Toa Nidhiki. And that's it. Tuyet took over Metru Nui and convinced the other Toa it was their destiny to smash anyone who posed a threat to the Great Spirit. That meant anyone from the Makuta, to the Dark Hunters, to Toa who didn't seem enthusiastic enough, and Matoran who didn't work quite hard enough."
  18. - Dark Mirror, Chapter 2
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