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- return warn("IONIUM Is already injected")
- end
- local Aimbot = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
- local Library = initLibrary()
- local Window = Library:Load({name = "", sizeX = 520, sizeY = 512, color =, 0.039216, 0.321569)})
- --//Seperator\\--
- local Tab = Window:Tab("Legit")
- local Tab2 = Window:Tab("Rage")
- local Tab3 = Window:Tab("Visuals")
- --//Seperator\\--
- local Legitsec1 = Tab:Section{name = "LegitBot", column = 1}
- local Legitsec2 = Tab:Section{name = "Weapon", column = 2}
- local Ragesec1 = Tab2:Section{name = "RageBot", column = 1}
- local Ragesec2 = Tab2:Section{name = "AntiAim", column = 2}
- local Visualssec1 = Tab3:Section{name = "Player", column = 1}
- local Visualssec2 = Tab3:Section{name = "World", column = 2}
- --//Seperator\\--
- Legitsec1:Toggle {
- Name = "Aimbot",
- flag = "Aimbot_1",
- callback = function(bool)
- Aimbot.Settings.Enabled = bool
- end
- }
- Legitsec1:dropdown {
- name = "Hitbox",
- content = {"Head", "Torso", "HumanoidRootPart", "Right Arm", "Left Arm"},
- multichoice = false,
- callback = function(bool)
- Aimbot.Settings.LockPart = bool
- end}
- Legitsec1:Toggle {
- Name = "Team Check",
- flag = "Aimbot_2",
- callback = function(bool)
- Aimbot.Settings.TeamCheck = bool
- end
- }
- Legitsec1:Toggle {
- Name = "Alive Check",
- flag = "Aimbot_3",
- callback = function(bool)
- Aimbot.Settings.AliveCheck = bool
- end
- }
- Legitsec1:Toggle {
- Name = "Wall Check",
- flag = "Aimbot_4",
- callback = function(bool)
- Aimbot.Settings.WallCheck = bool
- end
- }
- Legitsec1:Toggle {
- Name = "Aimbot FOV",
- flag = "Aimbot_4",
- callback = function(bool)
- Aimbot.FOVSettings.Enabled = bool
- end
- }
- Legitsec1:Slider {
- Name = "AimFOV",
- Default = 1,
- Min = 1,
- Max = 360,
- Decimals = 1,
- Flag = "moooooo",
- callback = function(bool)
- Aimbot.FOVSettings.Radius = bool
- end
- }
- Legitsec1:Slider {
- Name = "Smoothing",
- Default = 1,
- Min = 1,
- Max = 20,
- Decimals = 1,
- Flag = "moooooo",
- callback = function(bool)
- Aimbot.Settings.Sensitivity2 = bool
- end
- }
- Visualssec1:Toggle {
- Name = "ESP",
- flag = "ESP_1",
- callback = function(bool)
- -- Toggle ESP on or off
- _G.ESPToggle = bool
- print("ESP Toggle:", bool and "Enabled" or "Disabled")
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
- local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
- -- Highlight Management
- local function addHighlightToCharacter(player, character)
- if player == LocalPlayer then return end -- Skip local player
- local humanoidRootPart = character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- if humanoidRootPart and not humanoidRootPart:FindFirstChild("Highlight") then
- local highlight ="Highlight")
- highlight.Name = "Highlight"
- highlight.Adornee = character
- highlight.Parent = humanoidRootPart
- highlight.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop
- highlight.FillColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0) -- Change this color as needed
- highlight.OutlineColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
- highlight.FillTransparency = 0.5
- end
- end
- local function removeHighlightFromCharacter(character)
- local humanoidRootPart = character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- if humanoidRootPart then
- local highlight = humanoidRootPart:FindFirstChild("Highlight")
- if highlight then
- highlight:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- -- Character Helper
- local function getCharacter(player)
- return player.Character
- end
- -- Update Highlights
- local function updateHighlights()
- for _, player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- local character = getCharacter(player)
- if character then
- if _G.ESPToggle then
- addHighlightToCharacter(player, character)
- else
- removeHighlightFromCharacter(character)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Listen for new players and character changes
- Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player)
- player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(character)
- if _G.ESPToggle then
- addHighlightToCharacter(player, character)
- end
- end)
- end)
- Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player)
- local character = getCharacter(player)
- if character then
- removeHighlightFromCharacter(character)
- end
- end)
- -- Continuously update highlights
- RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(updateHighlights)
- -- Initial update for existing players
- updateHighlights()
- end
- }
- Aimbot.Settings = {
- Enabled = true,
- TeamCheck = false,
- AliveCheck = true,
- WallCheck = false,
- OffsetToMoveDirection = false, -- Prediction
- OffsetIncrement = 15, -- Min: 1; Max: 30 -- Amplitude
- Sensitivity = 0, -- Animation length (in seconds) before fully locking onto target / CFrame Sensitivity
- Sensitivity2 = 3.5, -- mousemoverel Sensitivity
- LockMode = 2, -- 1 = CFrame; 2 = mousemoverel
- LockPart = "Head", -- Body part to lock on
- TriggerKey = Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2,
- Toggle = false
- }
- Aimbot.FOVSettings = {
- Enabled = false,
- Visible = true,
- Radius = 90, -- Field Of View
- NumSides = 60,
- Thickness = 1,
- Transparency = 1,
- Filled = false,
- RainbowColor = false,
- RainbowOutlineColor = false,
- Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
- OutlineColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0),
- LockedColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 150, 150)
- }
- Aimbot.Load()
- getgenv().IONIUM_EXECUTED = true
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