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- $ openocd -f interface/stlink-dap.cfg -c 'transport select dapdirect_swd' -f target/stm32f7x.cfg -c 'init; dap info 0' 2>stm32f7-dap-info.log
- Open On-Chip Debugger 0.12.0-01005-gabeba723 (2023-03-28-19:25)
- Licensed under GNU GPL v2
- For bug reports, read
- dapdirect_swd
- Info : STLINK V2J38M27 (API v2) VID:PID 0483:374B
- Info : Target voltage: 3.226230
- Info : Unable to match requested speed 2000 kHz, using 1800 kHz
- Info : Unable to match requested speed 2000 kHz, using 1800 kHz
- Info : clock speed 1800 kHz
- Info : stlink_dap_op_connect(connect)
- Info : SWD DPIDR 0x5ba02477
- Info : [stm32f7x.cpu] Cortex-M7 r1p1 processor detected
- Info : [stm32f7x.cpu] target has 8 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints
- Info : starting gdb server for stm32f7x.cpu on 3333
- Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections
- AP # 0x0
- AP ID register 0x74770001
- Type is MEM-AP AHB3
- MEM-AP BASE 0xe00fd003
- Valid ROM table present
- Component base address 0xe00fd000
- Peripheral ID 0x00001a0452
- Designer is 0x020, STMicroelectronics
- Part is 0x452, Unrecognized
- Component class is 0x1, ROM table
- MEMTYPE system memory present on bus
- ROMTABLE[0x0] = 0x00001003
- Component base address 0xe00fe000
- Peripheral ID 0x04000bb4c8
- Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x4c8, Cortex-M7 ROM (ROM Table)
- Component class is 0x1, ROM table
- MEMTYPE system memory present on bus
- [L01] ROMTABLE[0x0] = 0x00001003
- Component base address 0xe00ff000
- Peripheral ID 0x04000bb4c7
- Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x4c7, Cortex-M7 PPB ROM (Private Peripheral Bus ROM Table)
- Component class is 0x1, ROM table
- MEMTYPE system memory present on bus
- [L02] ROMTABLE[0x0] = 0xfff0f003
- Component base address 0xe000e000
- Peripheral ID 0x04000bb00c
- Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x00c, Cortex-M4 SCS (System Control Space)
- Component class is 0xe, Generic IP component
- [L02] ROMTABLE[0x4] = 0xfff02003
- Component base address 0xe0001000
- Peripheral ID 0x04000bb002
- Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x002, Cortex-M3 DWT (Data Watchpoint and Trace)
- Component class is 0xe, Generic IP component
- [L02] ROMTABLE[0x8] = 0xfff03003
- Component base address 0xe0002000
- Peripheral ID 0x04000bb00e
- Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x00e, Cortex-M7 FPB (Flash Patch and Breakpoint)
- Component class is 0xe, Generic IP component
- [L02] ROMTABLE[0xc] = 0xfff01003
- Component base address 0xe0000000
- Peripheral ID 0x04000bb001
- Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x001, Cortex-M3 ITM (Instrumentation Trace Module)
- Component class is 0xe, Generic IP component
- [L02] ROMTABLE[0x10] = 0xfff41002
- Component not present
- [L02] ROMTABLE[0x14] = 0xfff42002
- Component not present
- [L02] ROMTABLE[0x18] = 0x00000000
- [L02] End of ROM table
- [L01] ROMTABLE[0x4] = 0xfff43003
- Component base address 0xe0041000
- Peripheral ID 0x04001bb975
- Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x975, Cortex-M7 ETM (Embedded Trace)
- Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
- Type is 0x13, Trace Source, Processor
- Dev Arch is 0x47704a13, ARM Ltd "Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM) architecture" rev.0
- [L01] ROMTABLE[0x8] = 0xfff45002
- Component not present
- [L01] ROMTABLE[0xc] = 0x1ff02002
- Component not present
- [L01] ROMTABLE[0x10] = 0x00000000
- [L01] End of ROM table
- ROMTABLE[0x4] = 0xfff43003
- Component base address 0xe0040000
- Peripheral ID 0x04000bb9a9
- Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x9a9, Cortex-M7 TPIU (Trace Port Interface Unit)
- Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
- Type is 0x11, Trace Sink, Port
- ROMTABLE[0x8] = 0x1ff03002
- Component not present
- ROMTABLE[0xc] = 0x1ff03002
- Component not present
- ROMTABLE[0x10] = 0x00000000
- End of ROM table
- Info : Listening on port 6666 for tcl connections
- Info : Listening on port 4444 for telnet connections
- shutdown command invoked
- $ ./build/blackmagic -tv 5
- Black Magic Debug App v1.10.0-1311-geb0058a8
- for Black Magic Probe, ST-Link v2 and v3, CMSIS-DAP, J-Link and FTDI (MPSSE)
- Using 0483:374b 0674FF495150807567022545 STMicroelectronics
- STM32 STLink ---
- ST-Link firmware version: V2J38M27
- Leaving MASS Mode
- Running in Test Mode
- Target voltage: 3.23V
- Divisor for 4.000MHz is 0
- Speed set to 3.600MHz for SWD
- Leaving MASS Mode
- DP DPIDR 0x5ba02477 (v2 rev5) designer 0x43b partno 0xba
- TARGETID 0x14520041 designer 0x20 partno 0x4520
- adiv5: power-down failed
- AP 0: IDR=74770001 CFG=00000000 BASE=e00fd000 CSW=a3800040 (AHB3-AP var0 rev7)
- Halt via DHCSR(00030003): success after 4ms
- ROM Table: BASE=0xe00fd000 SYSMEM=1, Manufacturer 020 Partno 452 (PIDR = 0x00001a0452)
- ROM Table: BASE=0xe00fe000 SYSMEM=1, Manufacturer 43b Partno 4c8 (PIDR = 0x04000bb4c8)
- ROM Table: BASE=0xe00ff000 SYSMEM=1, Manufacturer 43b Partno 4c7 (PIDR = 0x04000bb4c7)
- 0 0x0e000e000: Generic IP component - Cortex-M4 SCS (System Control Space) (PIDR = 0x04000bb00c DEVTYPE = 0x00 ARCHID = 0x0000)
- -> cortexm_probe
- CPUID 0x411fc271 (M7 var 1 rev 1)
- cortexm_probe: Examining Part ID 0x4520, AP Part ID: 0x0452
- Calling stm32f1_probe
- Calling stm32f4_probe
- 1 0x0e0001000: Generic IP component - Cortex-M3 DWT (Data Watchpoint and Trace) (PIDR = 0x04000bb002 DEVTYPE = 0x00 ARCHID = 0x0000)
- 2 0x0e0002000: Generic IP component - Cortex-M7 FBP (Flash Patch and Breakpoint) (PIDR = 0x04000bb00e DEVTYPE = 0x00 ARCHID = 0x0000)
- 3 0x0e0000000: Generic IP component - Cortex-M3 ITM (Instrumentation Trace Module) (PIDR = 0x04000bb001 DEVTYPE = 0x00 ARCHID = 0x0000)
- 4 Entry 0xfff41002 -> Not present
- 5 Entry 0xfff42002 -> Not present
- ROM Table: END
- 1 0x0e0041000: Debug component - Cortex-M7 ETM (Embedded Trace) (PIDR = 0x04001bb975 DEVTYPE = 0x13 ARCHID = 0x4a13)
- 2 Entry 0xfff45002 -> Not present
- 3 Entry 0x1ff02002 -> Not present
- ROM Table: END
- 1 0x0e0040000: Debug component - Cortex-M7 TPIU (Trace Port Interface Unit) (PIDR = 0x04000bb9a9 DEVTYPE = 0x11 ARCHID = 0x0000)
- 2 Entry 0x1ff03002 -> Not present
- 3 Entry 0x1ff03002 -> Not present
- ROM Table: END
- *** 1 STM32F72x M7
- ST-Link v2/v3 adaptors cannot handle multi-drop correctly, pretending everything's fine
- RAM Start: 0x00000000 length = 0x4000
- RAM Start: 0x20000000 length = 0x20000
- RAM Start: 0x20020000 length = 0x60000
- Flash Start: 0x00200000 length = 0x10000 blocksize 0x4000
- Flash Start: 0x08000000 length = 0x10000 blocksize 0x4000
- Flash Start: 0x08010000 length = 0x10000 blocksize 0x10000
- Flash Start: 0x08020000 length = 0x60000 blocksize 0x20000
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