
Grognard Poem

Jun 14th, 2012
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  1. And lo, I traveled across the plains
  2. Carrying with me assorted goods
  3. But fate, it seems, felt there should be pains
  4. And soon I was lost in darkened woods.
  6. Lost, I continued on my way
  7. Looking for a hint, some hidden trail
  8. But, believe me when I say
  9. That strangeness would soon enter this tale
  11. They appeared from amongst the trees
  12. Their shapes deformed and crude
  13. And in their eyes I saw no peace
  14. Their behavior, sordid and rude
  16. I said to them "Who are you,
  17. you who live in such a dark place?"
  18. "We are the grog, the inheritors true
  19. it is you who has fallen from grace!"
  21. "But sirs you are living in the past,
  22. let me tell of how things have changed!"
  23. But at that word soon stones were cast
  24. as they all fell into a rage.
  26. "Change!?" They screamed loudly at me
  27. "How dare you say such an awful thing!
  28. Things were perfect previously
  29. it is to this idea that we cling!"
  31. "But sirs the modern world is great
  32. everyone is treated fairly and kind"
  33. "The idea of fairness fills us with hate!
  34. We should reward those with the better mind!"
  36. "But everyone helps one another
  37. nobody feels left out of the group,
  38. the fighter and wizard can be as brothers
  39. no more jumping through narrative hoops"
  41. "That way is for babies and the infirm
  42. not for us, the system masters
  43. Compared to the wizard the fighters a worm
  44. fit only to carry things faster"
  46. "Where did you get such strange notions
  47. how did you come to feel such hate?"
  48. They seemed to wrestle with their emotions
  49. before they left, asking me to wait
  51. And from the forest they brought a body
  52. Carried on an ornate altar
  53. Festooned with jewels it seemed quite gaudy
  54. and soon they spoke, without falter
  56. "Here is the one who taught us all
  57. the right way to live our lives,
  58. although dead we still heed his call,
  59. and because of this we thrive"
  61. I looked around at their houses
  62. saw the muck in which they walked
  63. saw the way they beat their spouses
  64. heard the broken way they talked.
  66. "I think he would want all of you
  67. to live a more pleasant life,
  68. please come with me, I speak the truth
  69. I'll deliver you from this forest of strife."
  71. They stared at me, their faces blank
  72. I felt that something was amiss
  73. I saw myself becoming flanked
  74. and heard a rising hiss.
  76. They screamed and yelled and I ran away
  77. I no longer cared about where I went
  78. I walked alone all night and day
  79. until I collapsed, spent.
  81. But the next day I met some strangers
  82. Who came from the city close by
  83. They warned me of the forests dangers
  84. and when I asked of the grogs, told me why
  86. "They do not see things as they are
  87. nostalgia directs their every action
  88. they want their memories unmarred
  89. from "blasphemous" things like abstraction"
  91. I thanked the strangers for their advice
  92. And soon found the path back home
  93. Where things are fair, balanced and nice
  94. And you never have to adventure alone.
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