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- --游戏服务获取
- local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
- local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
- local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
- --GUI获取
- local PlayerGui = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Sciptmode.Main.Modifier.Preview
- local ModeStatus = PlayerGui.Preview.Mode.Status
- local Main = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Sciptmode.Main.Modifier
- local Settings = Main.Preview
- local SettingsMode = {Floor = Settings.Preview.Mode.Status.Floor}
- local List = Main.List
- local ModeButton = Main.List.Mode.Mode
- local ThemeButton = Main.List.Theme.Theme
- local ItemButton = Main.List.Item.Item
- local ExtraUI = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Sciptmode.Main.Extra
- local Extra = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Sciptmode.Main.Modifier.List.Extra
- local CreditsButton = Extra.Credits
- local CustEntButton = Extra.CustEnt
- local CreditsUI = ExtraUI.Credits
- local CustEntUI = ExtraUI.CustEnt
- local Close = ExtraUI.Close
- local CustEnt = ExtraUI.CustEnt.Select.Rush
- local GetCode = CustEnt.Button.GetCode
- local Execute = CustEnt.Button.Execute
- local Entity = CustEnt.Entity
- local EntityName = Entity.EntityName.TextBox
- local EntityAsset = Entity.Asset.TextBox
- local EntityHeightOffset = Entity.HeightOffset.TextBox
- local Lights = CustEnt.Lights
- local LightsDuration = Lights.Duration.TextBox
- local CameraShake = CustEnt.CameraShake
- local CameraShakeRange = CameraShake.Range.TextBox
- local Magnitude = CameraShake.Magnitude.TextBox
- local Roughness = CameraShake.Roughness.TextBox
- local FadeIn = CameraShake.FadeIn.TextBox
- local FadeOut = CameraShake.FadeOut.TextBox
- local Movement = CustEnt.Movement
- local MovementDelay = Movement.Delay.TextBox
- local Speed = Movement.Speed.TextBox
- local Rebounding = CustEnt.Rebounding
- local Min = Rebounding.Min.TextBox
- local Max = Rebounding.Max.TextBox
- local ReboundingDelay = Rebounding.Delay.TextBox
- local Damage = CustEnt.Damage
- local DamageRange = Damage.Range.TextBox
- local DamageAmount = Damage.Amount.TextBox
- local Crucifixion = CustEnt.Crucifixion
- local CrucifixionRange = Crucifixion.Range.TextBox
- local Death = CustEnt.Death
- local DeathHints = Death.Hints.Hints.ScrollingFrame
- local D1 = DeathHints.D1
- local D2 = DeathHints.D2
- local D3 = DeathHints.D3
- local D4 = DeathHints.D4
- local Cause = Death.Cause.TextBox
- local ContinueButtons = Main.Preview.Continue
- local Previews = Main.Preview.Preview.Mode
- local Titles = Previews.Title
- local PreviewNoReviveIcon = Previews.Info.NoRevive
- local PreviewSprintIcon = Previews.Info.Sprint
- local PLayInfoDesc = ContinueButtons.Info.Desc
- local PLayInfoModIcon = ContinueButtons.Info.ModIcon
- local Fr = ContinueButtons.Info.Frame
- local NoReviveIcon = ContinueButtons.Info.NoRevive
- local SprintIcon = ContinueButtons.Info.Sprint
- local EnabledRevive = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI.HodlerRevive
- local Revive = EnabledRevive:WaitForChild("Revive")
- local ReviveEmpty = EnabledRevive:WaitForChild("ReviveEmpty")
- local ReasonLabel = ReviveEmpty:WaitForChild("ReasonLabel")
- local buttonUI = { { Parent = List.Mode.Mode, Type = "Mode" }, { Parent = List.Item.Item, Type = "Item" }, { Parent = List.Theme.Theme, Type = "Theme" }}
- --DOORS值
- local floorValue = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameData.Floor.Value
- --定义值
- local defaultState = {
- LightsEnabled = true,
- LightsShatter = true,
- LightRepair = false,
- Earthquake = true,
- CameraShakeEnabled = true,
- MovementReversed = false,
- ReboundingEnabled = true,
- ReboundingType = "Ambush",
- DamageEnabled = true,
- CrucifixionEnabled = true,
- CrucifixionResist = false,
- CrucifixionBreak = true,
- DeathType = "Guiding",
- }
- local state = {
- LightsEnabled = defaultState.LightsEnabled,
- LightsShatter = defaultState.LightsShatter,
- LightRepair = defaultState.LightRepair,
- Earthquake = defaultState.Earthquake,
- CameraShakeEnabled = defaultState.CameraShakeEnabled,
- MovementReversed = defaultState.MovementReversed,
- ReboundingEnabled = defaultState.ReboundingEnabled,
- ReboundingType = defaultState.ReboundingType,
- DamageEnabled = defaultState.DamageEnabled,
- CrucifixionEnabled = defaultState.CrucifixionEnabled,
- CrucifixionResist = defaultState.CrucifixionResist,
- CrucifixionBreak = defaultState.CrucifixionBreak,
- DeathType = defaultState.DeathType
- }
- local ModeNames = {
- "Hardcore", "HardcoreRemake", "Hard", "Birthday", "Cat", "Combined", "Isolation", "Creepy", "Dark", "Devil", "Endless", "Extreme", "ExtremeAV", "Fear", "Forgotten", "Fragmented", "Furry", "Glitch", "Hamor", "Hell", "Hazy", "Immersive", "Impossible", "Interminable", "Mayhem", "Nightmare", "Psychotic", "Sorrowlight", "Troll", "Unpleasant", "Veryhard", "limit", "lnsanity", "HardcoreBad", "Grace", "Terror", "Unfair", "Strange", "Unnamed", "Laver", "ChaosRecall", "Ransom", "MultiverseRooms"
- }
- local Items = {
- "GuidingCandle", "PurpleFlashLight", "Scanner", "GlitchFragment", "StarlightJug"
- }
- local Themes = {
- "Christmas", "Corroded", "Mines", "Theme2017", "HotelPlusPlus", "ThemeRooms"
- }
- local Scripts = {
- Hardcore = "Hardcore", HardcoreRemake = "Hardcore(Remake)", Hard = "Hard", Birthday = "Birthday", Cat = "Cat", Combined = "Combined", Isolation = "Isolation", Creepy = "Creepy", Dark = "Dark", Devil = "Devil", Distorted = "Distorted", Endless = "Endless", Extreme = "Extreme", ExtremeAV = "Extreme(AV)", Fear = "Fear", Forgotten = "Forgotten", Fragmented = "Fragmented", Furry = "Furry", Glitch = "Glitch", Hamor = "Hamor", Hell = "Hell", Hazy = "Hazy", Immersive = "Immersive", Impossible = "Impossible", Interminable = "Interminable", Mayhem = "Mayhem", Nightmare = "Nightmare", Psychotic = "Psychotic", Sorrowlight = "Sorrowlight", Troll = "Troll", Unpleasant = "Unpleasant", Veryhard = "Very-Hard", limit = "limit", lnsanity = "lnsanity", HardcoreBad = "HardcoreBad", Grace = "Grace", Terror = "Terror", Unfair = "Unfair", Strange = "Strange", Unnamed = "Unnamed", Laver = "Laver", ChaosRecall = "Chaos-Recall", MultiverseRooms = "Multiverse-Rooms", Ransom = "Ransom",
- StarlightJug = "Starlight-Jug", GuidingCandle = "GL-Candle", PurpleFlashLight = "Purple-flashlight", Scanner = "Scanner", GlitchFragment = "Glitch-Fragment",
- Christmas = "Christmas", Corroded = "Corroded", Mines = "Mines", Theme2017 = "2017", HotelPlusPlus = "HotelPlusPlus", ThemeRooms = "Rooms"
- }
- local NoRevive = {
- "Hardcore", "HardcoreRemake", "Fear", "Nightmare", "Impossible", "Endless", "Extreme", "Grace"
- }
- local Sprint = {
- "Hardcore", "HardcoreRemake", "Nightmare", "Forgotten"
- }
- local function updateTitleOnHover(button, name)
- button.MouseEnter:Connect(function()
- Titles.Text = button.Text
- Titles.TextColor3 = button.TextColor3
- PreviewNoReviveIcon.Visible = table.find(NoRevive, name) ~= nil
- PreviewSprintIcon.Visible = table.find(Sprint, name) ~= nil
- end)
- end
- local function bindButtonEvents(buttons, type, names)
- for _, name in pairs(names) do
- local button = buttons:FindFirstChild(name)
- if button then
- updateTitleOnHover(button, name)
- end
- end
- end
- bindButtonEvents(Main.List.Mode.Mode, "Mode", ModeNames)
- bindButtonEvents(Main.List.Item.Item, "Item", Items)
- bindButtonEvents(Main.List.Theme.Theme, "Theme", Themes)
- local ModeStates = {}
- local ItemStates = {}
- local ThemeStates = {}
- local NoReviveCount = 0
- local SprintCount = 0
- local ModeCount = 0
- local function updatePLayInfo()
- PLayInfoDesc.Text = tostring(ModeCount)
- if ModeCount > 0 then
- PLayInfoModIcon.Visible = true
- PLayInfoDesc.Visible = true
- else
- PLayInfoModIcon.Visible = false
- PLayInfoDesc.Visible = false
- end
- end
- local function updateNoRevive()
- if NoReviveCount > 0 then
- NoReviveIcon.Visible = true
- else
- NoReviveIcon.Visible = false
- end
- end
- local function updateSprint()
- if SprintCount > 0 then
- SprintIcon.Visible = true
- else
- SprintIcon.Visible = false
- end
- end
- local function toggleButtonState(button, statesTable, name)
- local previousState = statesTable[name]
- statesTable[name] = not statesTable[name]
- local state = statesTable[name]
- local Stroke = button:FindFirstChild("UIStroke")
- if state then
- button.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- Stroke.Transparency = 0
- if table.find(NoRevive, name) then
- NoReviveCount = NoReviveCount + 1
- end
- if table.find(Sprint, name) then
- SprintCount = SprintCount + 1
- end
- if table.find(ModeNames, name) then
- ModeCount = ModeCount + 1
- end
- else
- button.BackgroundTransparency = 0.9
- Stroke.Transparency = 1
- if table.find(NoRevive, name) then
- NoReviveCount = NoReviveCount - 1
- end
- if table.find(Sprint, name) then
- SprintCount = SprintCount - 1
- end
- if table.find(ModeNames, name) then
- ModeCount = ModeCount - 1
- end
- end
- end
- local function bindButtonEventsSimple(buttons, statesTable, names)
- for _, name in pairs(names) do
- local button = buttons:FindFirstChild(name)
- if button then
- button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- toggleButtonState(button, statesTable, name)
- updatePLayInfo()
- updateNoRevive()
- updateSprint()
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- bindButtonEventsSimple(Main.List.Mode.Mode, ModeStates, ModeNames)
- bindButtonEventsSimple(Main.List.Item.Item, ItemStates, Items)
- bindButtonEventsSimple(Main.List.Theme.Theme, ThemeStates, Themes)
- local function resetButtonStates(statesTable, buttons)
- for name, state in pairs(statesTable) do
- statesTable[name] = false
- local button = buttons:FindFirstChild(name)
- if button then
- button.BackgroundTransparency = 0.9
- local Stroke = button:FindFirstChild("UIStroke")
- if Stroke then
- Stroke.Transparency = 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local baseUrl = ""
- local function loadScript(category, scriptName)
- local scriptUrl = baseUrl .. category .. "/" .. scriptName
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(scriptUrl))()
- end
- local function executeScripts()
- local scriptTypes = {
- {states = ModeStates, category = "Mode"},
- {states = ItemStates, category = "Item"},
- {states = ThemeStates, category = "Theme"}
- }
- for _, scriptType in pairs(scriptTypes) do
- for name, state in pairs(scriptType.states) do
- if state then
- loadScript(scriptType.category, Scripts[name])
- end
- end
- end
- if NoReviveCount > 0 then
- if Revive then
- Revive:Destroy()
- end
- ReviveEmpty.Visible = true
- ReasonLabel.Text = "Scripts mode is enabled"
- end
- NoReviveCount = 0
- SprintCount = 0
- ModeCount = 0
- resetButtonStates(ModeStates, Main.List.Mode.Mode)
- resetButtonStates(ItemStates, Main.List.Item.Item)
- resetButtonStates(ThemeStates, Main.List.Theme.Theme)
- updatePLayInfo()
- updateNoRevive()
- updateSprint()
- end
- ContinueButtons.MouseButton1Click:Connect(executeScripts)
- local tweenInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
- local function playTween(uiElement, endSize, callback)
- local tween = TweenService:Create(uiElement, tweenInfo, {Size = endSize})
- tween.Completed:Connect(function()
- if callback then
- callback()
- end
- end)
- tween:Play()
- end
- local function toggleUI(showUI, hideUI)
- hideUI.Visible = false
- showUI.Visible = true
- ExtraUI.Visible = true
- Main.Visible = false
- ExtraUI.Size =, 0, 0, 0)
- playTween(ExtraUI,, 0, 0.97, 0))
- end
- CreditsButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- if not CreditsUI.Visible then
- toggleUI(CreditsUI, CustEntUI)
- end
- end)
- local whitelistUrl = ""
- local function checkWhitelist()
- local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
- local success, result = pcall(function()
- return http:GetAsync(whitelistUrl)
- end)
- if not success then
- print("unpurchased")
- return false
- end
- local whitelist = json.decode(result) or {}
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local playerId = player.UserId
- return whitelist[playerId] == true
- end
- CustEntButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- local isWhitelisted = checkWhitelist()
- if not isWhitelisted then
- game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("You did not purchase custom entity ")
- wait(1)
- game:Shutdown()
- else
- toggleUI(CustEntUI, CreditsUI)
- end
- end)
- Close.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- playTween(ExtraUI,, 0, 0, 0), function()
- CreditsUI.Visible = false
- ExtraUI.Visible = false
- CustEntUI.Visible = false
- end)
- Main.Visible = true
- end)
- GetCode.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- local code = [[
- local spawner = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- local entity = spawner.Create({
- Entity = {
- Name = "]] .. EntityName.Text .. [[",
- Asset = "]] .. EntityAsset.Text .. [[",
- HeightOffset = ]] .. EntityHeightOffset.Text .. [[
- },
- Lights = {
- Flicker = {
- Enabled = ]] .. tostring(state.LightsEnabled) .. [[,
- Duration = ]] .. LightsDuration.Text .. [[,
- },
- Shatter = ]] .. tostring(state.LightsShatter) .. [[,
- Repair = ]] .. tostring(state.LightRepair) .. [[,
- },
- Earthquake = {
- Enabled = ]] .. tostring(state.Earthquake) .. [[,
- },
- CameraShake = {
- Enabled = ]] .. tostring(state.CameraShakeEnabled) .. [[,
- Range = ]] .. CameraShakeRange.Text .. [[,
- Values = {]] .. Magnitude.Text .. [[, ]] .. Roughness.Text .. [[, ]] .. FadeIn.Text .. [[, ]] .. FadeOut.Text .. [[}
- },
- Movement = {
- Speed = ]] .. Speed.Text .. [[,
- Delay = ]] .. MovementDelay.Text .. [[,
- Reversed = ]] .. tostring(state.MovementReversed) .. [[,
- },
- Rebounding = {
- Enabled = ]] .. tostring(state.ReboundingEnabled) .. [[,
- Type = "]] ..tostring(state.ReboundingType) .. [[",
- Min = ]] .. Min.Text .. [[,
- Max = ]] .. Max.Text .. [[,
- Delay = ]] .. ReboundingDelay.Text .. [[,
- },
- Damage = {
- Enabled = ]] .. tostring(state.DamageEnabled) .. [[,
- Range = ]] .. DamageRange.Text .. [[,
- Amount = ]] .. DamageAmount.Text .. [[,
- },
- Crucifixion = {
- Enabled = ]] .. tostring(state.CrucifixionEnabled) .. [[,
- Range = ]] .. CrucifixionRange.Text .. [[,
- Resist = ]] .. tostring(state.CrucifixionResist) .. [[,
- Break = ]] .. tostring(state.CrucifixionBreak) .. [[,
- },
- Death = {
- Type = "]] .. tostring(state.DeathType) .. [[",
- Hints = {"]] .. D1.Text .. [[", "]] .. D2.Text .. [[", "]] .. D3.Text .. [[", "]] .. D4.Text .. [["},
- Cause = "]] .. Cause.Text .. [[",
- }
- })
- ---====== Debug entity ======---
- entity:SetCallback("OnSpawned", function()
- end)
- entity:SetCallback("OnStartMoving", function()
- end)
- entity:SetCallback("OnEnterRoom", function(room, firstTime)
- if firstTime == true then
- else
- end
- end)
- entity:SetCallback("OnLookAt", function(lineOfSight)
- if lineOfSight == true then
- else
- end
- end)
- entity:SetCallback("OnRebounding", function(startOfRebound)
- if startOfRebound == true then
- else
- end
- end)
- entity:SetCallback("OnDespawning", function()
- end)
- entity:SetCallback("OnDespawned", function()
- end)
- entity:SetCallback("OnDamagePlayer", function(newHealth)
- if newHealth == 0 then
- else
- end
- end)
- entity:SetCallback("CrucifixionOverwrite", function()
- end)
- ---====== Run entity ======---
- entity:Run()
- ]]
- setclipboard(code)
- end)
- Execute.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- local spawner = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- local entity = spawner.Create({
- Entity = {
- Name = EntityName.Text,
- Asset = EntityAsset.Text,
- HeightOffset = tonumber(EntityHeightOffset.Text)
- },
- Lights = {
- Flicker = {
- Enabled = state.LightsEnabled,
- Duration = tonumber(LightsDuration.Text)
- },
- Shatter = state.LightsShatter,
- Repair = state.LightRepair
- },
- Earthquake = {
- Enabled = state.Earthquake
- },
- CameraShake = {
- Enabled = state.CameraShakeEnabled,
- Range = tonumber(CameraShakeRange.Text),
- Values = {tonumber(Magnitude.Text), tonumber(Roughness.Text), tonumber(FadeIn.Text), tonumber(FadeOut.Text)}
- },
- Movement = {
- Speed = tonumber(Speed.Text),
- Delay = tonumber(MovementDelay.Text),
- Reversed = state.MovementReversed
- },
- Rebounding = {
- Enabled = state.ReboundingEnabled,
- Type = state.ReboundingType,
- Min = tonumber(Min.Text),
- Max = tonumber(Max.Text),
- Delay = tonumber(ReboundingDelay.Text)
- },
- Damage = {
- Enabled = state.DamageEnabled,
- Range = tonumber(DamageRange.Text),
- Amount = tonumber(DamageAmount.Text)
- },
- Crucifixion = {
- Enabled = state.CrucifixionEnabled,
- Range = tonumber(CrucifixionRange.Text),
- Resist = state.CrucifixionResist,
- Break = state.CrucifixionBreak
- },
- Death = {
- Type = state.DeathType,
- Hints = {D1.Text, D2.Text, D3.Text, D4.Text},
- Cause = Cause.Text
- }
- })
- entity:Run()
- end)
- local function inputFilter(input)
- return input:gsub("[^%d%.]", "")
- end
- local function connectChangedListener(textBox)
- textBox.Changed:Connect(function()
- local cursorPosition = textBox.CursorPosition
- textBox.Text = inputFilter(textBox.Text)
- textBox.CursorPosition = cursorPosition
- end)
- end
- connectChangedListener(EntityHeightOffset)
- connectChangedListener(LightsDuration)
- connectChangedListener(CameraShakeRange)
- connectChangedListener(Magnitude)
- connectChangedListener(Roughness)
- connectChangedListener(FadeIn)
- connectChangedListener(FadeOut)
- connectChangedListener(MovementDelay)
- connectChangedListener(Speed)
- connectChangedListener(ReboundingDelay)
- connectChangedListener(Max)
- connectChangedListener(Min)
- connectChangedListener(DamageRange)
- connectChangedListener(DamageAmount)
- connectChangedListener(CrucifixionRange)
- local function createTweens(enabled, button, switch)
- local properties = {
- transparency = {0.9, 0.35},
- position = {, 0, 0.5, 0),, 0, 0.5, 0)},
- colors = {Color3.fromRGB(121, 86, 74), Color3.fromRGB(255, 222, 189)}
- }
- return {
- TweenService:Create(button, tweenInfo, {BackgroundTransparency = not enabled and properties.transparency[1] or properties.transparency[2]}),
- TweenService:Create(switch, tweenInfo, {Position = not enabled and properties.position[1] or properties.position[2]}),
- TweenService:Create(switch, tweenInfo, {BackgroundColor3 = not enabled and properties.colors[1] or properties.colors[2]})
- }
- end
- local function toggleButtonEntity(stateVar, button, switch)
- local tweens = createTweens(not stateVar, button, switch)
- for _, tween in ipairs(tweens) do
- tween:Play()
- end
- return not stateVar
- end
- local function toggleReboundingType()
- local types = {"Ambush", "Blitz"}
- local currentIndex = table.find(types, state.ReboundingType) or 1
- state.ReboundingType = types[(currentIndex % #types) + 1]
- Rebounding.Type.Button.TextLabel.Text = state.ReboundingType
- end
- local function toggleDeathType()
- local types = {"Guiding", "Curious"}
- local currentIndex = table.find(types, state.DeathType) or 1
- state.DeathType = types[(currentIndex % #types) + 1]
- Death.Type.Button.TextLabel.Text = state.DeathType
- end
- local buttons = {
- {Button = Lights.Enabled.Button, StateVariable = "LightsEnabled"},
- {Button = Lights.Shatter.Button, StateVariable = "LightsShatter"},
- {Button = Lights.Repair.Button, StateVariable = "LightRepair"},
- {Button = Lights.Earthquake.Button, StateVariable = "Earthquake"},
- {Button = CameraShake.Enabled.Button, StateVariable = "CameraShakeEnabled"},
- {Button = Movement.Reversed.Button, StateVariable = "MovementReversed"},
- {Button = Rebounding.Enabled.Button, StateVariable = "ReboundingEnabled"},
- {Button = Rebounding.Type.Button, StateVariable = "ReboundingType", ToggleFunction = toggleReboundingType},
- {Button = Damage.Enabled.Button, StateVariable = "DamageEnabled"},
- {Button = Crucifixion.Enabled.Button, StateVariable = "CrucifixionEnabled"},
- {Button = Crucifixion.Resist.Button, StateVariable = "CrucifixionResist"},
- {Button = Crucifixion.Break.Button, StateVariable = "CrucifixionBreak"},
- {Button = Death.Type.Button, StateVariable = "DeathType", ToggleFunction = toggleDeathType}
- }
- for _, buttonData in pairs(buttons) do
- buttonData.Button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- if buttonData.ToggleFunction then
- buttonData.ToggleFunction()
- else
- state[buttonData.StateVariable] = toggleButtonEntity(
- state[buttonData.StateVariable],
- buttonData.Button,
- buttonData.Button.Switch
- )
- end
- end)
- end
- ModeStatus.Executor.Text = "Executor: " --.. identifyexecutor()
- if game.PlaceId == 6839171747 then
- if floorValue == "Hotel" then
- SettingsMode.Floor.Text = "Floor: The Hotel"
- elseif floorValue == "Mines" then
- SettingsMode.Floor.Text = "Floor: The Mines"
- elseif floorValue == "Backdoor" then
- SettingsMode.Floor.Text = "Floor: The Backdoor"
- elseif floorValue == "Rooms" then
- SettingsMode.Floor.Text = "Floor: The Rooms"
- elseif floorValue == "Garden" then
- SettingsMode.Floor.Text = "Floor: The Garden"
- elseif floorValue == "Castle" then
- SettingsMode.Floor.Text = "Floor: The Castle"
- end
- elseif game.PlaceId == 10549820578 then
- SettingsMode.Floor.Text = "Floor: The Hotel (Super hard mode)"
- elseif game.PlaceId == 110258689672367 then
- SettingsMode.Floor.Text = "Floor: Hotel-"
- else
- SettingsMode.Floor.Text = "Unknown Game"
- end
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