

Feb 19th, 2025 (edited)
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  1. --游戏服务获取
  2. local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
  3. local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
  4. local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
  5. --GUI获取
  6. local PlayerGui = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Sciptmode.Main.Modifier.Preview
  7. local ModeStatus = PlayerGui.Preview.Mode.Status
  8. local Main = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Sciptmode.Main.Modifier
  9. local Settings = Main.Preview
  10. local SettingsMode = {Floor = Settings.Preview.Mode.Status.Floor}
  11. local List = Main.List
  12. local ModeButton = Main.List.Mode.Mode
  13. local ThemeButton = Main.List.Theme.Theme
  14. local ItemButton = Main.List.Item.Item
  15. local ExtraUI = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Sciptmode.Main.Extra
  16. local Extra = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Sciptmode.Main.Modifier.List.Extra
  17. local CreditsButton = Extra.Credits
  18. local CustEntButton = Extra.CustEnt
  19. local CreditsUI = ExtraUI.Credits
  20. local CustEntUI = ExtraUI.CustEnt
  21. local Close = ExtraUI.Close
  22. local CustEnt = ExtraUI.CustEnt.Select.Rush
  23. local GetCode = CustEnt.Button.GetCode
  24. local Execute = CustEnt.Button.Execute
  25. local Entity = CustEnt.Entity
  26. local EntityName = Entity.EntityName.TextBox
  27. local EntityAsset = Entity.Asset.TextBox
  28. local EntityHeightOffset = Entity.HeightOffset.TextBox
  29. local Lights = CustEnt.Lights
  30. local LightsDuration = Lights.Duration.TextBox
  31. local CameraShake = CustEnt.CameraShake
  32. local CameraShakeRange = CameraShake.Range.TextBox
  33. local Magnitude = CameraShake.Magnitude.TextBox
  34. local Roughness = CameraShake.Roughness.TextBox
  35. local FadeIn = CameraShake.FadeIn.TextBox
  36. local FadeOut = CameraShake.FadeOut.TextBox
  37. local Movement = CustEnt.Movement
  38. local MovementDelay = Movement.Delay.TextBox
  39. local Speed = Movement.Speed.TextBox
  40. local Rebounding = CustEnt.Rebounding
  41. local Min = Rebounding.Min.TextBox
  42. local Max = Rebounding.Max.TextBox
  43. local ReboundingDelay = Rebounding.Delay.TextBox
  44. local Damage = CustEnt.Damage
  45. local DamageRange = Damage.Range.TextBox
  46. local DamageAmount = Damage.Amount.TextBox
  47. local Crucifixion = CustEnt.Crucifixion
  48. local CrucifixionRange = Crucifixion.Range.TextBox
  49. local Death = CustEnt.Death
  50. local DeathHints = Death.Hints.Hints.ScrollingFrame
  51. local D1 = DeathHints.D1
  52. local D2 = DeathHints.D2
  53. local D3 = DeathHints.D3
  54. local D4 = DeathHints.D4
  55. local Cause = Death.Cause.TextBox
  56. local ContinueButtons = Main.Preview.Continue
  57. local Previews = Main.Preview.Preview.Mode
  58. local Titles = Previews.Title
  59. local PreviewNoReviveIcon = Previews.Info.NoRevive
  60. local PreviewSprintIcon = Previews.Info.Sprint
  61. local PLayInfoDesc = ContinueButtons.Info.Desc
  62. local PLayInfoModIcon = ContinueButtons.Info.ModIcon
  63. local Fr = ContinueButtons.Info.Frame
  64. local NoReviveIcon = ContinueButtons.Info.NoRevive
  65. local SprintIcon = ContinueButtons.Info.Sprint
  66. local EnabledRevive = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI.HodlerRevive
  67. local Revive = EnabledRevive:WaitForChild("Revive")
  68. local ReviveEmpty = EnabledRevive:WaitForChild("ReviveEmpty")
  69. local ReasonLabel = ReviveEmpty:WaitForChild("ReasonLabel")
  70. local buttonUI = { { Parent = List.Mode.Mode, Type = "Mode" }, { Parent = List.Item.Item, Type = "Item" }, { Parent = List.Theme.Theme, Type = "Theme" }}
  71. --DOORS值
  72. local floorValue = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameData.Floor.Value
  73. --定义值
  74. local defaultState = {
  75. LightsEnabled = true,
  76. LightsShatter = true,
  77. LightRepair = false,
  78. Earthquake = true,
  79. CameraShakeEnabled = true,
  80. MovementReversed = false,
  81. ReboundingEnabled = true,
  82. ReboundingType = "Ambush",
  83. DamageEnabled = true,
  84. CrucifixionEnabled = true,
  85. CrucifixionResist = false,
  86. CrucifixionBreak = true,
  87. DeathType = "Guiding",
  88. }
  89. local state = {
  90. LightsEnabled = defaultState.LightsEnabled,
  91. LightsShatter = defaultState.LightsShatter,
  92. LightRepair = defaultState.LightRepair,
  93. Earthquake = defaultState.Earthquake,
  94. CameraShakeEnabled = defaultState.CameraShakeEnabled,
  95. MovementReversed = defaultState.MovementReversed,
  96. ReboundingEnabled = defaultState.ReboundingEnabled,
  97. ReboundingType = defaultState.ReboundingType,
  98. DamageEnabled = defaultState.DamageEnabled,
  99. CrucifixionEnabled = defaultState.CrucifixionEnabled,
  100. CrucifixionResist = defaultState.CrucifixionResist,
  101. CrucifixionBreak = defaultState.CrucifixionBreak,
  102. DeathType = defaultState.DeathType
  103. }
  104. local ModeNames = {
  105. "Hardcore", "HardcoreRemake", "Hard", "Birthday", "Cat", "Combined", "Isolation", "Creepy", "Dark", "Devil", "Endless", "Extreme", "ExtremeAV", "Fear", "Forgotten", "Fragmented", "Furry", "Glitch", "Hamor", "Hell", "Hazy", "Immersive", "Impossible", "Interminable", "Mayhem", "Nightmare", "Psychotic", "Sorrowlight", "Troll", "Unpleasant", "Veryhard", "limit", "lnsanity", "HardcoreBad", "Grace", "Terror", "Unfair", "Strange", "Unnamed", "Laver", "ChaosRecall", "Ransom", "MultiverseRooms"
  106. }
  107. local Items = {
  108. "GuidingCandle", "PurpleFlashLight", "Scanner", "GlitchFragment", "StarlightJug"
  109. }
  110. local Themes = {
  111. "Christmas", "Corroded", "Mines", "Theme2017", "HotelPlusPlus", "ThemeRooms"
  112. }
  113. local Scripts = {
  114. Hardcore = "Hardcore", HardcoreRemake = "Hardcore(Remake)", Hard = "Hard", Birthday = "Birthday", Cat = "Cat", Combined = "Combined", Isolation = "Isolation", Creepy = "Creepy", Dark = "Dark", Devil = "Devil", Distorted = "Distorted", Endless = "Endless", Extreme = "Extreme", ExtremeAV = "Extreme(AV)", Fear = "Fear", Forgotten = "Forgotten", Fragmented = "Fragmented", Furry = "Furry", Glitch = "Glitch", Hamor = "Hamor", Hell = "Hell", Hazy = "Hazy", Immersive = "Immersive", Impossible = "Impossible", Interminable = "Interminable", Mayhem = "Mayhem", Nightmare = "Nightmare", Psychotic = "Psychotic", Sorrowlight = "Sorrowlight", Troll = "Troll", Unpleasant = "Unpleasant", Veryhard = "Very-Hard", limit = "limit", lnsanity = "lnsanity", HardcoreBad = "HardcoreBad", Grace = "Grace", Terror = "Terror", Unfair = "Unfair", Strange = "Strange", Unnamed = "Unnamed", Laver = "Laver", ChaosRecall = "Chaos-Recall", MultiverseRooms = "Multiverse-Rooms", Ransom = "Ransom",
  115. StarlightJug = "Starlight-Jug", GuidingCandle = "GL-Candle", PurpleFlashLight = "Purple-flashlight", Scanner = "Scanner", GlitchFragment = "Glitch-Fragment",
  116. Christmas = "Christmas", Corroded = "Corroded", Mines = "Mines", Theme2017 = "2017", HotelPlusPlus = "HotelPlusPlus", ThemeRooms = "Rooms"
  117. }
  118. local NoRevive = {
  119. "Hardcore", "HardcoreRemake", "Fear", "Nightmare", "Impossible", "Endless", "Extreme", "Grace"
  120. }
  121. local Sprint = {
  122. "Hardcore", "HardcoreRemake", "Nightmare", "Forgotten"
  123. }
  124. local function updateTitleOnHover(button, name)
  125. button.MouseEnter:Connect(function()
  126. Titles.Text = button.Text
  127. Titles.TextColor3 = button.TextColor3
  128. PreviewNoReviveIcon.Visible = table.find(NoRevive, name) ~= nil
  129. PreviewSprintIcon.Visible = table.find(Sprint, name) ~= nil
  130. end)
  131. end
  133. local function bindButtonEvents(buttons, type, names)
  134. for _, name in pairs(names) do
  135. local button = buttons:FindFirstChild(name)
  136. if button then
  137. updateTitleOnHover(button, name)
  138. end
  139. end
  140. end
  142. bindButtonEvents(Main.List.Mode.Mode, "Mode", ModeNames)
  143. bindButtonEvents(Main.List.Item.Item, "Item", Items)
  144. bindButtonEvents(Main.List.Theme.Theme, "Theme", Themes)
  146. local ModeStates = {}
  147. local ItemStates = {}
  148. local ThemeStates = {}
  150. local NoReviveCount = 0
  151. local SprintCount = 0
  152. local ModeCount = 0
  154. local function updatePLayInfo()
  155. PLayInfoDesc.Text = tostring(ModeCount)
  156. if ModeCount > 0 then
  157. PLayInfoModIcon.Visible = true
  158. PLayInfoDesc.Visible = true
  159. else
  160. PLayInfoModIcon.Visible = false
  161. PLayInfoDesc.Visible = false
  162. end
  163. end
  164. local function updateNoRevive()
  165. if NoReviveCount > 0 then
  166. NoReviveIcon.Visible = true
  167. else
  168. NoReviveIcon.Visible = false
  169. end
  170. end
  171. local function updateSprint()
  172. if SprintCount > 0 then
  173. SprintIcon.Visible = true
  174. else
  175. SprintIcon.Visible = false
  176. end
  177. end
  179. local function toggleButtonState(button, statesTable, name)
  180. local previousState = statesTable[name]
  181. statesTable[name] = not statesTable[name]
  182. local state = statesTable[name]
  183. local Stroke = button:FindFirstChild("UIStroke")
  184. if state then
  185. button.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
  186. Stroke.Transparency = 0
  187. if table.find(NoRevive, name) then
  188. NoReviveCount = NoReviveCount + 1
  189. end
  190. if table.find(Sprint, name) then
  191. SprintCount = SprintCount + 1
  192. end
  193. if table.find(ModeNames, name) then
  194. ModeCount = ModeCount + 1
  195. end
  196. else
  197. button.BackgroundTransparency = 0.9
  198. Stroke.Transparency = 1
  199. if table.find(NoRevive, name) then
  200. NoReviveCount = NoReviveCount - 1
  201. end
  202. if table.find(Sprint, name) then
  203. SprintCount = SprintCount - 1
  204. end
  205. if table.find(ModeNames, name) then
  206. ModeCount = ModeCount - 1
  207. end
  208. end
  209. end
  211. local function bindButtonEventsSimple(buttons, statesTable, names)
  212. for _, name in pairs(names) do
  213. local button = buttons:FindFirstChild(name)
  214. if button then
  215. button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  216. toggleButtonState(button, statesTable, name)
  217. updatePLayInfo()
  218. updateNoRevive()
  219. updateSprint()
  220. end)
  221. end
  222. end
  223. end
  224. bindButtonEventsSimple(Main.List.Mode.Mode, ModeStates, ModeNames)
  225. bindButtonEventsSimple(Main.List.Item.Item, ItemStates, Items)
  226. bindButtonEventsSimple(Main.List.Theme.Theme, ThemeStates, Themes)
  228. local function resetButtonStates(statesTable, buttons)
  229. for name, state in pairs(statesTable) do
  230. statesTable[name] = false
  231. local button = buttons:FindFirstChild(name)
  232. if button then
  233. button.BackgroundTransparency = 0.9
  234. local Stroke = button:FindFirstChild("UIStroke")
  235. if Stroke then
  236. Stroke.Transparency = 1
  237. end
  238. end
  239. end
  240. end
  242. local baseUrl = ""
  243. local function loadScript(category, scriptName)
  244. local scriptUrl = baseUrl .. category .. "/" .. scriptName
  245. loadstring(game:HttpGet(scriptUrl))()
  246. end
  248. local function executeScripts()
  249. local scriptTypes = {
  250. {states = ModeStates, category = "Mode"},
  251. {states = ItemStates, category = "Item"},
  252. {states = ThemeStates, category = "Theme"}
  253. }
  255. for _, scriptType in pairs(scriptTypes) do
  256. for name, state in pairs(scriptType.states) do
  257. if state then
  258. loadScript(scriptType.category, Scripts[name])
  259. end
  260. end
  261. end
  262. if NoReviveCount > 0 then
  263. if Revive then
  264. Revive:Destroy()
  265. end
  266. ReviveEmpty.Visible = true
  267. ReasonLabel.Text = "Scripts mode is enabled"
  268. end
  270. NoReviveCount = 0
  271. SprintCount = 0
  272. ModeCount = 0
  273. resetButtonStates(ModeStates, Main.List.Mode.Mode)
  274. resetButtonStates(ItemStates, Main.List.Item.Item)
  275. resetButtonStates(ThemeStates, Main.List.Theme.Theme)
  276. updatePLayInfo()
  277. updateNoRevive()
  278. updateSprint()
  279. end
  281. ContinueButtons.MouseButton1Click:Connect(executeScripts)
  283. local tweenInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
  284. local function playTween(uiElement, endSize, callback)
  285. local tween = TweenService:Create(uiElement, tweenInfo, {Size = endSize})
  286. tween.Completed:Connect(function()
  287. if callback then
  288. callback()
  289. end
  290. end)
  291. tween:Play()
  292. end
  294. local function toggleUI(showUI, hideUI)
  295. hideUI.Visible = false
  296. showUI.Visible = true
  297. ExtraUI.Visible = true
  298. Main.Visible = false
  299. ExtraUI.Size =, 0, 0, 0)
  300. playTween(ExtraUI,, 0, 0.97, 0))
  301. end
  303. CreditsButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  304. if not CreditsUI.Visible then
  305. toggleUI(CreditsUI, CustEntUI)
  306. end
  307. end)
  309. local whitelistUrl = ""
  310. local function checkWhitelist()
  311. local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
  312. local success, result = pcall(function()
  313. return http:GetAsync(whitelistUrl)
  314. end)
  315. if not success then
  316. print("unpurchased")
  317. return false
  318. end
  319. local whitelist = json.decode(result) or {}
  320. local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  321. local playerId = player.UserId
  322. return whitelist[playerId] == true
  323. end
  324. CustEntButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  325. local isWhitelisted = checkWhitelist()
  326. if not isWhitelisted then
  327. game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("You did not purchase custom entity ")
  328. wait(1)
  329. game:Shutdown()
  330. else
  331. toggleUI(CustEntUI, CreditsUI)
  332. end
  333. end)
  335. Close.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  336. playTween(ExtraUI,, 0, 0, 0), function()
  337. CreditsUI.Visible = false
  338. ExtraUI.Visible = false
  339. CustEntUI.Visible = false
  340. end)
  341. Main.Visible = true
  342. end)
  344. GetCode.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  345. local code = [[
  346. local spawner = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
  347. local entity = spawner.Create({
  348. Entity = {
  349. Name = "]] .. EntityName.Text .. [[",
  350. Asset = "]] .. EntityAsset.Text .. [[",
  351. HeightOffset = ]] .. EntityHeightOffset.Text .. [[
  352. },
  353. Lights = {
  354. Flicker = {
  355. Enabled = ]] .. tostring(state.LightsEnabled) .. [[,
  356. Duration = ]] .. LightsDuration.Text .. [[,
  357. },
  358. Shatter = ]] .. tostring(state.LightsShatter) .. [[,
  359. Repair = ]] .. tostring(state.LightRepair) .. [[,
  360. },
  361. Earthquake = {
  362. Enabled = ]] .. tostring(state.Earthquake) .. [[,
  363. },
  364. CameraShake = {
  365. Enabled = ]] .. tostring(state.CameraShakeEnabled) .. [[,
  366. Range = ]] .. CameraShakeRange.Text .. [[,
  367. Values = {]] .. Magnitude.Text .. [[, ]] .. Roughness.Text .. [[, ]] .. FadeIn.Text .. [[, ]] .. FadeOut.Text .. [[}
  368. },
  369. Movement = {
  370. Speed = ]] .. Speed.Text .. [[,
  371. Delay = ]] .. MovementDelay.Text .. [[,
  372. Reversed = ]] .. tostring(state.MovementReversed) .. [[,
  373. },
  374. Rebounding = {
  375. Enabled = ]] .. tostring(state.ReboundingEnabled) .. [[,
  376. Type = "]] ..tostring(state.ReboundingType) .. [[",
  377. Min = ]] .. Min.Text .. [[,
  378. Max = ]] .. Max.Text .. [[,
  379. Delay = ]] .. ReboundingDelay.Text .. [[,
  380. },
  381. Damage = {
  382. Enabled = ]] .. tostring(state.DamageEnabled) .. [[,
  383. Range = ]] .. DamageRange.Text .. [[,
  384. Amount = ]] .. DamageAmount.Text .. [[,
  385. },
  386. Crucifixion = {
  387. Enabled = ]] .. tostring(state.CrucifixionEnabled) .. [[,
  388. Range = ]] .. CrucifixionRange.Text .. [[,
  389. Resist = ]] .. tostring(state.CrucifixionResist) .. [[,
  390. Break = ]] .. tostring(state.CrucifixionBreak) .. [[,
  391. },
  392. Death = {
  393. Type = "]] .. tostring(state.DeathType) .. [[",
  394. Hints = {"]] .. D1.Text .. [[", "]] .. D2.Text .. [[", "]] .. D3.Text .. [[", "]] .. D4.Text .. [["},
  395. Cause = "]] .. Cause.Text .. [[",
  396. }
  397. })
  399. ---====== Debug entity ======---
  400. entity:SetCallback("OnSpawned", function()
  402. end)
  404. entity:SetCallback("OnStartMoving", function()
  406. end)
  408. entity:SetCallback("OnEnterRoom", function(room, firstTime)
  409. if firstTime == true then
  411. else
  413. end
  414. end)
  416. entity:SetCallback("OnLookAt", function(lineOfSight)
  417. if lineOfSight == true then
  419. else
  421. end
  422. end)
  424. entity:SetCallback("OnRebounding", function(startOfRebound)
  425. if startOfRebound == true then
  427. else
  429. end
  430. end)
  432. entity:SetCallback("OnDespawning", function()
  434. end)
  436. entity:SetCallback("OnDespawned", function()
  438. end)
  440. entity:SetCallback("OnDamagePlayer", function(newHealth)
  441. if newHealth == 0 then
  443. else
  445. end
  446. end)
  447. entity:SetCallback("CrucifixionOverwrite", function()
  449. end)
  451. ---====== Run entity ======---
  453. entity:Run()
  454. ]]
  455. setclipboard(code)
  456. end)
  458. Execute.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  459. local spawner = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
  460. local entity = spawner.Create({
  461. Entity = {
  462. Name = EntityName.Text,
  463. Asset = EntityAsset.Text,
  464. HeightOffset = tonumber(EntityHeightOffset.Text)
  465. },
  466. Lights = {
  467. Flicker = {
  468. Enabled = state.LightsEnabled,
  469. Duration = tonumber(LightsDuration.Text)
  470. },
  471. Shatter = state.LightsShatter,
  472. Repair = state.LightRepair
  473. },
  474. Earthquake = {
  475. Enabled = state.Earthquake
  476. },
  477. CameraShake = {
  478. Enabled = state.CameraShakeEnabled,
  479. Range = tonumber(CameraShakeRange.Text),
  480. Values = {tonumber(Magnitude.Text), tonumber(Roughness.Text), tonumber(FadeIn.Text), tonumber(FadeOut.Text)}
  481. },
  482. Movement = {
  483. Speed = tonumber(Speed.Text),
  484. Delay = tonumber(MovementDelay.Text),
  485. Reversed = state.MovementReversed
  486. },
  487. Rebounding = {
  488. Enabled = state.ReboundingEnabled,
  489. Type = state.ReboundingType,
  490. Min = tonumber(Min.Text),
  491. Max = tonumber(Max.Text),
  492. Delay = tonumber(ReboundingDelay.Text)
  493. },
  494. Damage = {
  495. Enabled = state.DamageEnabled,
  496. Range = tonumber(DamageRange.Text),
  497. Amount = tonumber(DamageAmount.Text)
  498. },
  499. Crucifixion = {
  500. Enabled = state.CrucifixionEnabled,
  501. Range = tonumber(CrucifixionRange.Text),
  502. Resist = state.CrucifixionResist,
  503. Break = state.CrucifixionBreak
  504. },
  505. Death = {
  506. Type = state.DeathType,
  507. Hints = {D1.Text, D2.Text, D3.Text, D4.Text},
  508. Cause = Cause.Text
  509. }
  510. })
  512. entity:Run()
  513. end)
  515. local function inputFilter(input)
  516. return input:gsub("[^%d%.]", "")
  517. end
  519. local function connectChangedListener(textBox)
  520. textBox.Changed:Connect(function()
  521. local cursorPosition = textBox.CursorPosition
  522. textBox.Text = inputFilter(textBox.Text)
  523. textBox.CursorPosition = cursorPosition
  524. end)
  525. end
  527. connectChangedListener(EntityHeightOffset)
  528. connectChangedListener(LightsDuration)
  529. connectChangedListener(CameraShakeRange)
  530. connectChangedListener(Magnitude)
  531. connectChangedListener(Roughness)
  532. connectChangedListener(FadeIn)
  533. connectChangedListener(FadeOut)
  534. connectChangedListener(MovementDelay)
  535. connectChangedListener(Speed)
  536. connectChangedListener(ReboundingDelay)
  537. connectChangedListener(Max)
  538. connectChangedListener(Min)
  539. connectChangedListener(DamageRange)
  540. connectChangedListener(DamageAmount)
  541. connectChangedListener(CrucifixionRange)
  543. local function createTweens(enabled, button, switch)
  544. local properties = {
  545. transparency = {0.9, 0.35},
  546. position = {, 0, 0.5, 0),, 0, 0.5, 0)},
  547. colors = {Color3.fromRGB(121, 86, 74), Color3.fromRGB(255, 222, 189)}
  548. }
  549. return {
  550. TweenService:Create(button, tweenInfo, {BackgroundTransparency = not enabled and properties.transparency[1] or properties.transparency[2]}),
  551. TweenService:Create(switch, tweenInfo, {Position = not enabled and properties.position[1] or properties.position[2]}),
  552. TweenService:Create(switch, tweenInfo, {BackgroundColor3 = not enabled and properties.colors[1] or properties.colors[2]})
  553. }
  554. end
  556. local function toggleButtonEntity(stateVar, button, switch)
  557. local tweens = createTweens(not stateVar, button, switch)
  558. for _, tween in ipairs(tweens) do
  559. tween:Play()
  560. end
  561. return not stateVar
  562. end
  564. local function toggleReboundingType()
  565. local types = {"Ambush", "Blitz"}
  566. local currentIndex = table.find(types, state.ReboundingType) or 1
  567. state.ReboundingType = types[(currentIndex % #types) + 1]
  568. Rebounding.Type.Button.TextLabel.Text = state.ReboundingType
  569. end
  571. local function toggleDeathType()
  572. local types = {"Guiding", "Curious"}
  573. local currentIndex = table.find(types, state.DeathType) or 1
  574. state.DeathType = types[(currentIndex % #types) + 1]
  575. Death.Type.Button.TextLabel.Text = state.DeathType
  576. end
  578. local buttons = {
  579. {Button = Lights.Enabled.Button, StateVariable = "LightsEnabled"},
  580. {Button = Lights.Shatter.Button, StateVariable = "LightsShatter"},
  581. {Button = Lights.Repair.Button, StateVariable = "LightRepair"},
  582. {Button = Lights.Earthquake.Button, StateVariable = "Earthquake"},
  583. {Button = CameraShake.Enabled.Button, StateVariable = "CameraShakeEnabled"},
  584. {Button = Movement.Reversed.Button, StateVariable = "MovementReversed"},
  585. {Button = Rebounding.Enabled.Button, StateVariable = "ReboundingEnabled"},
  586. {Button = Rebounding.Type.Button, StateVariable = "ReboundingType", ToggleFunction = toggleReboundingType},
  587. {Button = Damage.Enabled.Button, StateVariable = "DamageEnabled"},
  588. {Button = Crucifixion.Enabled.Button, StateVariable = "CrucifixionEnabled"},
  589. {Button = Crucifixion.Resist.Button, StateVariable = "CrucifixionResist"},
  590. {Button = Crucifixion.Break.Button, StateVariable = "CrucifixionBreak"},
  591. {Button = Death.Type.Button, StateVariable = "DeathType", ToggleFunction = toggleDeathType}
  592. }
  594. for _, buttonData in pairs(buttons) do
  595. buttonData.Button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  596. if buttonData.ToggleFunction then
  597. buttonData.ToggleFunction()
  598. else
  599. state[buttonData.StateVariable] = toggleButtonEntity(
  600. state[buttonData.StateVariable],
  601. buttonData.Button,
  602. buttonData.Button.Switch
  603. )
  604. end
  605. end)
  606. end
  607. ModeStatus.Executor.Text = "Executor: " --.. identifyexecutor()
  608. if game.PlaceId == 6839171747 then
  609. if floorValue == "Hotel" then
  610. SettingsMode.Floor.Text = "Floor: The Hotel"
  611. elseif floorValue == "Mines" then
  612. SettingsMode.Floor.Text = "Floor: The Mines"
  613. elseif floorValue == "Backdoor" then
  614. SettingsMode.Floor.Text = "Floor: The Backdoor"
  615. elseif floorValue == "Rooms" then
  616. SettingsMode.Floor.Text = "Floor: The Rooms"
  617. elseif floorValue == "Garden" then
  618. SettingsMode.Floor.Text = "Floor: The Garden"
  619. elseif floorValue == "Castle" then
  620. SettingsMode.Floor.Text = "Floor: The Castle"
  621. end
  622. elseif game.PlaceId == 10549820578 then
  623. SettingsMode.Floor.Text = "Floor: The Hotel (Super hard mode)"
  624. elseif game.PlaceId == 110258689672367 then
  625. SettingsMode.Floor.Text = "Floor: Hotel-"
  626. else
  627. SettingsMode.Floor.Text = "Unknown Game"
  628. end
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