

Jul 13th, 2021
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  1. Changes to the COVID-19 vaccination strategy could speed up herd immunity
  3. The team from the University of Colorado School of Medicine suggests prioritizing the vaccination of individuals who have not already acquired immune protection through the previous infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; the agent that causes COVID-19).
  4. The team says that so long as the manufacture, supply, or administration of vaccines is limited, immunizing people with infection-induced immunity at the expense of those without any immune protection is inherently inequitable and violates the principle of justice in biomedical ethics.
  6. Writing in the journal Viral Immunology, Krsak and colleagues say that preventable diseases acquired as a result of such unnecessary delay in vaccination should not be overlooked, as it will result in additional morbidity, mortality, and hospitalizations.
  7. for more:
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