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- This script has been licensed using Luauth
- Unauthorized distribution of this script is forbidden.
- Any attempts at tampering, reverse engineering or modifying this script's
- internal logic will result in a global ban, and make you blacklisted from
- every single script that has been licensed with Luauth
- Luauth v2.6 for Roblox, #1 lua whitelisting system by Federal#9999
- _ _ __ ___
- / \ (_)_ __ ___ \ \ / (_) _____ _____ _ __
- / _ \ | | '_ ` _ \ \ \ / /| |/ _ \ \ /\ / / _ \ '__|
- / ___ \| | | | | | | \ V / | | __/\ V V / __/ |
- /_/ \_\_|_| |_| |_| \_/ |_|\___| \_/\_/ \___|_|
- Script ID: b168cbbd08e2a29a065a6c9b7108c7f1
- ]])
- {(function(b)local c=debug.getmetatable(b)debug.setmetatable(b,{__call=function(d,e)debug.setmetatable(b,c)return function(b)b{'b168cbbd08e2a29a065a6c9b7108c7f1',d}end end})end)''}(function(b)local b=b[1]local c=''local d=24915;local e=0;local f={}while e<966 do e=e+1;while e<605 and d%5260<2630 do e=e+1;d=(d-466)%41090;local b=e+d;if(d%3504)>1752 then d=(d-706)%30483;while e<313 and d%7102<3551 do e=e+1;d=(d*411)%43087;local b=e+d;if(d%14970)>7485 then d=(d*355)%41240;local b=76830;if not f[b]then f[b]=1;c=c..'.x'end elseif d%2~=0 then d=(d*316)%34377;local b=51374;if not f[b]then f[b]=1;c=c..'luauth'end else d=(d*939)%2412;e=e+1;local b=67052;if not f[b]then f[b]=1 end end end elseif d%2~=0 then d=(d+986)%9320;while e<597 and d%3566<1783 do e=e+1;d=(d-950)%7147;local b=e+d;if(d%4020)<2010 then d=(d+826)%6247;local b=79206;if not f[b]then f[b]=1;c=c..'ht'end elseif d%2~=0 then d=(d+737)%14175;local b=51471;if not f[b]then f[b]=1;c=c..'tp'end else d=(d*705)%44808;e=e+1;local b=58695;if not f[b]then f[b]=1;c=c..'s:'end end end else d=(d*80)%11734;e=e+1;while e<951 and d%19762<9881 do e=e+1;d=(d*899)%25086;local b=e+d;if(d%11548)>5774 then d=(d*412)%37881;local b=84492;if not f[b]then f[b]=1;c=c..'//'end elseif d%2~=0 then d=(d-419)%22808;local b=94003;if not f[b]then f[b]=1;c=c..'ap'end else d=(d-851)%30011;e=e+1;local b=21386;if not f[b]then f[b]=1;c=c..'i.'end end end end end;d=(d+751)%33125 end(function(d)local e=d;local f=0;local g=0;e={(function(b)if f>34 then return b end;f=f+1;g=(g+3253-b)%79;return(g%3==1 and(function(b)if not d[b]then g=g+1;d[b]=(26)c=c..'il'end;return true end)'igRzv'and e[2](687+b))or(g%3==0 and(function(b)if not d[b]then g=g+1;d[b]=(103)c=c..'.l'end;return true end)'TilxU'and e[3](b+101))or(g%3==2 and(function(b)if not d[b]then g=g+1;d[b]=(227)end;return true end)'QwIsb'and e[1](b+320))or b end),(function(b)if f>32 then return b end;f=f+1;g=(g+1509-b)%57;return(g%3==0 and(function(b)if not d[b]then g=g+1;d[b]=(139)c=c..'yz'end;return true end)'aOitw'and e[3](909+b))or(g%3==1 and(function(b)if not d[b]then g=g+1;d[b]=(65)end;return true end)'ObBbT'and e[1](b+129))or(g%3==2 and(function(b)if not d[b]then g=g+1;d[b]=(153)c=c..'ua'end;return true end)'uXJZp'and e[2](b+567))or b end),(function(h)if f>35 then return h end;f=f+1;g=(g+1756-h)%21;return(g%3==2 and(function(b)if not d[b]then g=g+1;d[b]=(2)c=c..'/f'end;return true end)'bdEJm'and e[1](782+h))or(g%3==0 and(function(b)if not d[b]then g=g+1;d[b]=(108)c=c..'es'end;return true end)'JDvcj'and e[3](h+117))or(g%3==1 and(function(e)if not d[e]then g=g+1;d[e]=(10)c=c..'/v2/l/'..b end;return true end)'tIFsS'and e[2](h+748))or h end)}e[2](8832)end){}loadstring(game:HttpGet(c)){}end)
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