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- var mango = parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_balance').value);
- var ying = parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_balance').value);
- document.getElementById('pct_chance').value = 49.5;
- document.getElementById('pct_payout').value = 2;
- var mill = (mango*10000000).toPrecision(1);
- var zoll = (mill/mill+mill-mill)/100000000;
- var div = 1000;
- var troll = ((mango/24000).toFixed(8));
- var hertz = troll;
- var real = troll;
- var flank = 6.5;
- var under = 2.5;
- var claim = (troll*10);
- var krux = (troll*6.5);
- var bob = false;
- var joe = 0;
- var nobby = ((utter-mango)/100);
- var gunkybutt = ((Math.floor(mango/claim))*claim);
- var gunk = ((Math.floor(mango/claim))*claim);
- var crazy = ((Math.floor(mango/claim))*claim);
- var utter = mango;
- var torn = mango;
- var wild = mango;
- var min = mango;
- var noddy = real;
- var trash = mango;
- var blet = 0;
- var stupid = noddy;
- var james = false;
- var trick = document.getElementById('me').firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.childNodes[5].textContent
- var duel = document.getElementById('me').firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.childNodes[5].textContent
- function getR(minz, maxz) {
- minz = Math.ceil(minz);
- maxz = Math.floor(maxz);
- return Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxz - minz + 1)) + minz;
- }
- function dobet() {
- console.clear();
- document.getElementById('pct_chance').value = 49.5;
- document.getElementById('pct_payout').value = 2;
- trash = document.getElementById('pct_balance').value;
- trick = document.getElementById('me').firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.childNodes[5].textContent;
- if ((!(trick==duel))&&(document.getElementById('me').firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.className=="result win me ")){
- utter = utter+(parseFloat(hertz));
- blet = blet+1;
- duel = trick;
- }else if (((!(trick==duel))&&(document.getElementById('me').firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.className=="result lose me "))||((!(trick==duel))&&(document.getElementById('me').firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.className=="result lose imp me "))) {
- utter = utter-(parseFloat(hertz));
- blet = blet+1;
- duel = trick;
- }
- if (trash>ying) {
- noddy = (parseFloat(hertz));
- stupid = ((parseFloat(trash-ying)).toPrecision(8));
- ying = parseFloat(trash);
- }
- if (trash<ying) {
- noddy = (parseFloat(hertz));
- stupid = ((parseFloat(ying-trash)).toPrecision(8));
- ying = parseFloat(trash);
- }
- if (!(stupid==noddy)){
- console.log('someone played your balance elsewhere');
- return;
- }
- if (real==null){
- real = parseFloat(hertz);
- }
- if ((utter>(crazy+(hertz*flank)))||(utter<(crazy-(hertz*under)))) {
- real = hertz*2;
- hertz = hertz*2;
- flank = 4.5;
- under = 4.5;
- crazy = parseFloat(utter);
- }
- nobby = (((utter-mango)/(mango/100)).toFixed(2));
- console.log('percentage made already');
- console.log(nobby);
- if ((nobby>=(joe+0.1))&&(utter<(((Math.floor(utter/claim))*claim)+krux))) {
- crazy = ((Math.floor(utter/claim))*claim);
- gunk = ((Math.floor(utter/claim))*claim);
- bob = false;
- joe = joe+0.1;
- flank = 6.5;
- under = 2.5;
- real = troll;
- hertz = troll;
- }
- if ((nobby>=(joe+0.1))&&(utter>(((Math.floor(utter/claim))*claim)+krux))) {
- crazy = ((Math.floor(utter/claim))*claim);
- gunk = ((Math.floor(utter/claim))*claim);
- bob = false;
- joe = joe+0.1;
- flank = 4.5;
- under = 4.5;
- real = troll*2;
- hertz = troll*2;
- }
- if (nobby>=400){
- return;
- }
- parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_bet').value = ((real*1).toFixed(8)));
- parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_profit').value = ((real*1).toFixed(8)));
- if (trick==duel){
- document.getElementById('a_lo').click();
- }
- }
- setInterval(() => dobet(), (getR(11,18)));
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