
Pololu VNH3SP30 Motor Driver Carrier MD01B

Apr 15th, 2023
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  1. /*
  2. The Pololu VNH3SP30 Motor Driver Carrier MD01B is a compact motor driver that can handle high currents and is typically used for driving DC motors. Here's a simple example of how to use the MD01B with an Arduino to control the speed and direction of a motor:
  4. This example code sets up three pins on the Arduino to control the motor driver: motorInA and motorInB for direction control, and motorPWM for speed control. The setMotorSpeed function takes an integer value for speed (-255 to 255) and sets the appropriate pins to control the motor speed and direction. The loop function demonstrates how to use the setMotorSpeed function to cycle through different motor speeds and directions.
  6. Note: This example assumes you have already connected the motor driver and motor to your Arduino according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Be sure to consult the Pololu VNH3SP30 Motor Driver Carrier MD01B datasheet and user guide for proper wiring and usage instructions.
  7. */
  9. // Arduino code for Pololu VNH3SP30 Motor Driver Carrier MD01B
  11. // Motor control pins
  12. const int motorInA = 7;  // Input A (Direction control)
  13. const int motorInB = 8;  // Input B (Direction control)
  14. const int motorPWM = 9;  // PWM (Speed control)
  16. // Function to set the motor direction and speed
  17. void setMotorSpeed(int speed) {
  18.   if (speed > 0) {
  19.     digitalWrite(motorInA, HIGH);
  20.     digitalWrite(motorInB, LOW);
  21.   } else if (speed < 0) {
  22.     digitalWrite(motorInA, LOW);
  23.     digitalWrite(motorInB, HIGH);
  24.     speed = -speed;
  25.   } else {
  26.     digitalWrite(motorInA, LOW);
  27.     digitalWrite(motorInB, LOW);
  28.   }
  30.   analogWrite(motorPWM, speed);
  31. }
  33. void setup() {
  34.   // Set motor control pins as outputs
  35.   pinMode(motorInA, OUTPUT);
  36.   pinMode(motorInB, OUTPUT);
  37.   pinMode(motorPWM, OUTPUT);
  38. }
  40. void loop() {
  41.   // Example: Cycle through different motor speeds and directions
  42.   setMotorSpeed(100);  // Motor spins forward at 100/255 speed
  43.   delay(2000);         // Wait for 2 seconds
  44.   setMotorSpeed(-100); // Motor spins backward at 100/255 speed
  45.   delay(2000);         // Wait for 2 seconds
  46.   setMotorSpeed(0);    // Motor stops
  47.   delay(2000);         // Wait for 2 seconds
  48. }
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