
Pokemon TCG Steelix/Gyarados ROCKET ON(Gen 2)Nostalgia Deck

Jul 25th, 2018
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  1. Put Aerodactyl onto the bench by using a fossil egg and attack with either Gyarados or Onix. Aerodactyl's pokemon power allows your attacker to use their preevolution attacks for more options. Igglybuff is their to stop Dark Vileplume trainer locks. Cleffa, 4 bill, and 4 oak are the trainer engine and there are multiple berries/healing stadiums for healing. There are two nightly garbage runs and 2 trash exchanges to prevent decking out. The main attackers have different weakness to improve my match up against various meta decks like Donphan babies or Magcargo/Entei.
  3. 1 Aerodactyl (N3 15)
  4. 3 Onix (N1 69)
  5. 2 Magikarp (BS 35)
  6. 3 Steelix (N1 15)
  7. 2 Gyarados (LC 12)
  8. 2 Cleffa (N1 20)
  9. 2 Igglybuff (N2 40)
  10. 2 Fighting Energy (G2 127)
  11. 3 Water Energy (G2 132)
  12. 4 Rainbow Energy (TR 80)
  13. 4 Metal Energy (N1 19)
  14. 4 Professor Elm (N1 96)
  15. 4 Fossil Egg (N2 72)
  16. 3 Gold Berry (N1 93)
  17. 4 Double Gust (N1 100)
  18. 4 Bill (LC 108)
  19. 2 Nightly Garbage Run (TR 77)
  20. 2 Healing Field (N3 61)
  21. 3 Berry (N1 99)
  22. 4 Balloon Berry (N3 60)
  23. 2 Trash Exchange (G1 126)
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