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- <h1>
- <span class="shred">Hacked BY</span> <span class="shwhite">Zarox~Ztayli</h1>
- </div>
- <br><br><br>
- <p class="bshx32_mes">
- Hello Admin, Im <a style="color: #C11B17" href="">Zarox~Ztayli</a> ! , I Want To Inform You All That The Protection On This Site Failed
- </p>
- <h3 style="color: white" class="blink_text">
- <div id="bsh_we_are">
- <div>
- <font color="green">[+] Zarox~Ztayli Was Here [+]</font></div>
- <font color="#385164">
- </div>
- <iframe width="1" height="1" src=""0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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