
tldr (Forum Weapon)

Oct 6th, 2013
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  1. perfidy, it is certain that the integrity and good faith of
  2. Massasoit have never been impeached. He continued a firm and
  3. magnanimous friend of the white men; suffering them to extend their
  4. possessions, and to strengthen themselves in the land; and betraying
  5. no jealousy of their increasing power and prosperity. Shortly before
  6. his death he came once more to New Plymouth, with his son Alexander,
  7. for the purpose of renewing the covenant of peace, and of securing
  8. it to his posterity.
  10.   At this conference he endeavored to protect the religion of his
  11. forefathers from the encroaching zeal of the missionaries; and
  12. stipulated that no further attempt should be made to draw off his
  13. people from their ancient faith; but, finding the English
  14. obstinately opposed to any such condition, he mildly relinquished
  15. the demand. Almost the last act of his life was to bring his two sons,
  16. Alexander and Philip (as they had been named by the English), to the
  17. residence of a principal settler, recommending mutual kindness and
  18. confidence; and entreating that the same love and amity which had
  19. existed between the white men and himself might be continued
  20. ....
  22.       ___           ___           ___                  
  23.      /\__\         /\  \         /\  \                  
  24.     /:/ _/_        \:\  \        \:\  \         ___    
  25.    /:/ /\  \        \:\  \        \:\  \       /\__\    
  26.   /:/ /::\  \   ___ /::\  \   ___  \:\  \     /:/  /    
  27.  /:/_/:/\:\__\ /\  /:/\:\__\ /\  \  \:\__\   /:/__/    
  28.  \:\/:/ /:/  / \:\/:/  \/__/ \:\  \ /:/  /  /::\  \    
  29.   \::/ /:/  /   \::/__/       \:\  /:/  /  /:/\:\  \    
  30.    \/_/:/  /     \:\  \        \:\/:/  /   \/__\:\  \  
  31.      /:/  /       \:\__\        \::/  /         \:\__\  
  32.      \/__/         \/__/         \/__/           \/__/  
  33.       ___           ___  
  34.      /\  \         /\  \  
  35.      \:\  \       /::\  \
  36.       \:\  \     /:/\:\__\
  37.   ___  \:\  \   /:/ /:/  /
  38.  /\  \  \:\__\ /:/_/:/  /
  39.  \:\  \ /:/  / \:\/:/  /  
  40.   \:\  /:/  /   \::/__/  
  41.    \:\/:/  /     \:\  \  
  42.     \::/  /       \:\__\  
  43.      \/__/         \/__/
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