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- /*
- ESP8266 Pingcheck Wifi Module
- Pings three IP Addresses. If one of them responses, the light is on.
- 2016
- */
- #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
- #include <WiFiClient.h>
- #include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
- #include <EEPROM.h>
- extern "C" {
- #include "user_interface.h"
- #include "ping.h"
- }
- ESP8266WebServer server(80);
- /*
- * To set the new Wifi, enter credentials in the two variables and set RESET_EEPROM to true.
- * During the next start it will save it into the EEPROM.
- * Then set RESET_EEPROM to false and flash it again.
- * When wifi changes, remember to first change the name over the webinterface.
- */
- #define RESET_EEPROM false
- #define WIFI_SSID "Freifunk"
- #define WIFI_PASSWORD ""
- // Settings
- const int PING_INTERVAL = 5000;
- const int PIN_LED = 2;
- const int count_hosts = 3;
- int connection_try = 15;
- char host1[15];
- char host2[15];
- char host3[15];
- boolean host_is_online[] = {false, false, false};
- // EEPROM Addresses
- const int ADDRESS_IP1 = 0;
- const int ADDRESS_IP2 = 15;
- const int ADDRESS_IP3 = 30;
- const int ADDRESS_INIT = 105; // - 99
- const int ADDRESS_PASSWORD = 45; // - 75
- const int ADDRESS_SSID = 75; // - 105
- const int EEPROM_SIZE = 106;
- // Variables
- IPAddress network_ip;
- char network_ssid[30];
- char network_password[30];
- struct ping_option pingopt;
- unsigned long last_ping = 0;
- unsigned long last_seen_online = 0;
- unsigned long currentMillis = 0;
- int currentHost = 0;
- int state_LED = LOW;
- boolean got_new_hosts;
- boolean save_wifi;
- // Save the current config
- void writeIPtoEEPROM() {
- for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
- EEPROM.write(ADDRESS_IP1 + i, host1[i]);
- EEPROM.write(ADDRESS_IP2 + i, host2[i]);
- EEPROM.write(ADDRESS_IP3 + i, host3[i]);
- }
- EEPROM.commit();
- }
- void writeSSIDtoEEPROM(String new_ssid) {
- for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
- if (i < new_ssid.length())
- EEPROM.write(ADDRESS_SSID + i, new_ssid[i]);
- else
- EEPROM.write(ADDRESS_SSID + i, '\0');
- }
- EEPROM.commit();
- }
- void writePASSWORDtoEEPROM(String new_password) {
- for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
- if (i < new_password.length())
- EEPROM.write(ADDRESS_PASSWORD + i, new_password[i]);
- else
- EEPROM.write(ADDRESS_PASSWORD + i, '\0');
- }
- EEPROM.commit();
- }
- // Reply is called, when response arrives
- static void callback_reply (void* arg, void *pdata) {
- struct ping_resp *pingresp = (struct ping_resp *)pdata;
- if (pingresp->resp_time > 0) {
- Serial.println(" Response");
- last_seen_online = currentMillis;
- host_is_online[currentHost] = true;
- }
- else {
- Serial.println(" Timeout");
- host_is_online[currentHost] = false;
- }
- }
- // Sends an echo request to an IP-Address
- void ping(uint32 ip)
- {
- pingopt.ip = ip;
- pingopt.count = 1;
- pingopt.coarse_time = 200;
- pingopt.recv_function = &callback_reply;
- // pingopt.sent_function = NULL;
- ping_start(&pingopt);
- }
- boolean checkIPsyntax(String ip) {
- // Only 0-9 and dots
- for (int i = 0; i <= 33; i++)
- if (ip.indexOf(i) != -1)
- return false;
- if (ip.indexOf(0x2F) != -1)
- return false;
- for (int i = 0x3A; i <= 0x7F; i++)
- if (ip.indexOf(i) != -1)
- return false;
- // Count the amount of dots
- int dots = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < ip.length(); i++)
- if (ip[i] == '.')
- dots++;
- if (dots != 3)
- return false;
- // Check the range of the oktets
- int dot_1 = ip.indexOf('.');
- int dot_2 = ip.indexOf('.', dot_1 + 1);
- int dot_3 = ip.indexOf('.', dot_2 + 1);
- int oktet_1 = ip.substring(0, dot_1).toInt();
- int oktet_2 = ip.substring(dot_1 + 1, dot_2).toInt();
- int oktet_3 = ip.substring(dot_2 + 1, dot_3).toInt();
- int oktet_4 = ip.substring(dot_3 + 1).toInt();
- if (oktet_1 >= 0 && oktet_1 <= 255 &&
- oktet_2 >= 0 && oktet_2 <= 255 &&
- oktet_3 >= 0 && oktet_3 <= 255 &&
- oktet_4 >= 0 && oktet_4 <= 255 )
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- void handleRoot() {
- Serial.print(currentMillis);
- Serial.print(": HTTP-Request with ");
- got_new_hosts = false;
- save_wifi = false;
- String temp_ssid;
- String temp_password;
- if (server.args() > 0) {
- Serial.print(server.args());
- Serial.print(" args: ");
- for (int a = 0; a < server.args(); a++) {
- Serial.print("[");
- Serial.print(server.argName(a));
- Serial.print("=");
- Serial.print(server.arg(a));
- Serial.print("]");
- if (server.arg(a) == "Restart") // Restart ESP8266
- system_restart();
- else if (server.arg(a) == "Save-Wifi") {
- Serial.println("OK, Save-Wifi");
- save_wifi = true;
- } else if (server.argName(a) == "ssid") {
- for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
- if (i < server.arg(a).length())
- network_ssid[i] = server.arg(a)[i];
- else
- network_ssid[i] = '\0';
- }
- } else if (server.argName(a) == "password") {
- for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
- if (i < server.arg(a).length())
- network_password[i] = server.arg(a)[i];
- else
- network_password[i] = '\0';
- }
- } else if (server.argName(a) == "ip1" && checkIPsyntax(server.arg(a))) {
- memset(host1, 0, sizeof(host1));
- for (int i = 0; i < server.arg(a).length(); i++)
- host1[i] = server.arg(a)[i];
- got_new_hosts = true;
- Serial.print(" OK1 ");
- } else if (server.argName(a) == "ip2" && checkIPsyntax(server.arg(a))) {
- memset(host2, 0, sizeof(host2));
- for (int i = 0; i < server.arg(a).length(); i++)
- host2[i] = server.arg(a)[i];
- got_new_hosts = true;
- Serial.print(" OK2 ");
- } else if (server.argName(a) == "ip3" && checkIPsyntax(server.arg(a))) {
- memset(host3, 0, sizeof(host3));
- for (int i = 0; i < server.arg(a).length(); i++)
- host3[i] = server.arg(a)[i];
- got_new_hosts = true;
- Serial.print(" OK3 ");
- } else
- Serial.print(" NACK; ");
- }
- } else Serial.print("no args");
- Serial.println(".");
- // Save it
- if (got_new_hosts)
- writeIPtoEEPROM();
- if (save_wifi) {
- writeSSIDtoEEPROM(network_ssid);
- if (temp_password != "notchanged")
- writePASSWORDtoEEPROM(network_password);
- }
- // Print the HTML-Page
- String result = "<html><head><title>PingCheck</title></head>\r\n<body>\r\n";
- result += "PingCheck 2.0 (2015 Marcel Imig <a href=\"\"></a>)<br><br>\r\n\r\n";
- result += "<fieldset name=\"wifistatus\"><legend>Wifi status</legend><form action=\"\" method=\"post\">";
- result += "<table>\r\n";
- result += "<tr><td><b>Network SSID:</b></td>\r\n";
- result += "<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"ssid\" value=\"";
- result += network_ssid;
- result += "\" maxlength=\"30\"></td>\r\n</tr>\r\n";
- result += "<tr><td><b>Network Password:</b></td>\r\n";
- result += "<td><input type=\"password\" name=\"password\" value=\"notchanged\" maxlength=\"30\"></td>\r\n</tr>\r\n";
- result += "</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</table>\r\n";
- result += "<input type=\"Submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"Save-Wifi\" >\r\n";
- result += "<input type=\"Submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"Restart\" ></form></fieldset>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
- result += "<fieldset name=\"hosts\"><legend>Hosts</legend>\r\n<b>Monitoring IPs:</b><br><br>\r\n\r\n";
- result += "<form action=\"\" method=\"post\">";
- result += "IP1: <input type=\"text\" name=\"ip1\" value=\"";
- result += host1;
- result += "\" ";
- if (host_is_online[0])
- result += "style=\"background-color:green\"";
- else
- result += "style=\"background-color:red\"";
- result += " maxlength=\"15\"><br>\r\n";
- result += "IP2: <input type=\"text\" name=\"ip2\" value=\"";
- result += host2;
- result += "\" ";
- if (host_is_online[1])
- result += "style=\"background-color:green\"";
- else
- result += "style=\"background-color:red\"";
- result += " maxlength=\"15\"><br>\r\n";
- result += "IP3: <input type=\"text\" name=\"ip3\" value=\"";
- result += host3;
- result += "\" ";
- if (host_is_online[2])
- result += "style=\"background-color:green\"";
- else
- result += "style=\"background-color:red\"";
- result += " maxlength=\"15\"><br>\r\n";
- result += "<input type=\"Submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"Save\"> \r\n";
- result += "<input type=\"Submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"Refresh\">\r\n\r\n</form>\r\n";
- result += "</body>\r\n</html>";
- server.send(200, "text / html", result);
- }
- void handleDump() {
- Serial.println("EEPROM:");
- for (int i = 0; i < EEPROM_SIZE; i++) {
- Serial.print(i);
- Serial.print(": ");
- Serial.println((char);
- }
- Serial.println("END");
- server.send(200, "text / html", "DUMPED ON SERIAL OUTPUT");
- }
- void setup() {
- // Initialize Serial and LEDs
- Serial.begin(115200);
- delay(20);
- Serial.println("\r\n Ready ");
- pinMode(PIN_LED, OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(PIN_LED, HIGH);
- // Read IPs and Wifi-credentials from EEPROM
- if (RESET_EEPROM) { // First start, initialize EEPROM
- strncpy(host1, "", 13);
- strncpy(host2, "", 7);
- strncpy(host3, "", 7);
- writeIPtoEEPROM();
- Serial.println("EEPROM initialized");
- while (true)
- {
- digitalWrite(PIN_LED, HIGH);
- delay(100);
- digitalWrite(PIN_LED, LOW);
- delay(100);
- }
- } else {
- // Read from EEPROM
- for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
- host1[i] = + i);
- host2[i] = + i);
- host3[i] = + i);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) // SSID
- network_ssid[i] = + i);
- for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) // Password
- network_password[i] = + i);
- }
- // Print hosts
- Serial.println("Hosts from EEPROM:");
- Serial.print("[1]: ");
- Serial.println(host1);
- Serial.print("[2]: ");
- Serial.println(host2);
- Serial.print("[3]: ");
- Serial.println(host3);
- Serial.print("Wifi from EEPROM: \"");
- Serial.print(network_ssid);
- Serial.print("\" \"");
- Serial.print(network_password);
- Serial.println("\"\r\n");
- // Connect to AP
- WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // Set to client
- WiFi.begin(network_ssid, network_password);
- while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
- delay(500);
- Serial.println(".");
- if (state_LED == HIGH)
- state_LED = LOW;
- else
- state_LED = HIGH;
- digitalWrite(PIN_LED, state_LED);
- }
- Serial.print("Connected to ");
- Serial.println(network_ssid);
- Serial.print("IP address: ");
- network_ip = WiFi.localIP();
- Serial.println(network_ip);
- // Start the server
- server.on("/", handleRoot);
- server.on("/dump/", handleDump);
- server.begin();
- digitalWrite(PIN_LED, HIGH);
- delay(250);
- digitalWrite(PIN_LED, LOW);
- }
- void loop() {
- server.handleClient();
- currentMillis = millis(); // Read current runtime
- if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
- Serial.println("Not connected anymore, restarting");
- system_restart();
- }
- if (last_ping + PING_INTERVAL < currentMillis) {
- Serial.print(currentMillis);
- const char* host;
- currentHost = (currentHost + 1) % count_hosts;
- if (currentHost == 0)
- host = host1;
- else if (currentHost == 1)
- host = host2;
- else
- host = host3;
- uint32 address = ipaddr_addr(host);
- if (host[0] == '0' && host[2] == '0' && host[4] == '0' && host[6] == '0')
- Serial.println(": Skipping");
- else {
- Serial.print(": Pinging \"");
- Serial.print(host);
- Serial.print("\" - ");
- ping(address);
- last_ping = currentMillis;
- }
- }
- if (last_seen_online + (count_hosts * PING_INTERVAL) > currentMillis)
- state_LED = HIGH;
- else
- state_LED = LOW;
- digitalWrite(PIN_LED, state_LED);
- }
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